#!/usr/bin/env ruby raise 'Please, use ruby1.9.3 or later.' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3' =begin Common Rakefile, Rantfile to place sisu markup translation under po4a management softlink Rakefile and Rantfile to this file * Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU> <http://sisudoc.org> * Download: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/download> Copyright (C) 2013 Ralph Amissah * License: LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License [same license as Rant provided within the Rant package] * Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Ralph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com> Rake is a Ruby build program by Jim Weirich * Rake may be downloaded and installed from: <http://rake.rubyforge.org/> Rant is a Ruby build program by Stefan Lang * Rant may be downloaded and installed from: <http://make.rubyforge.org/> Notes on use: rake -T [if rant is preferred and installed] rant -T =end require 'find' require 'fileutils' #require 'ftools' require 'rbconfig.rb' #include RbConfig require 'yaml' include FileUtils def project_details def name 'SiSU translations under po4a management' end def name_warning <<-WOK #{name} WARNING all sisu markup files (.ssm, .sst, .ssi) in languages other than #{language.source} are managed by po4a, through translations of the source language to other languages. #{language.info_on_selection} WOK end def rake_project "Rakefile for placing #{name}" end self end def query def answer?(ask) resp='redo' print ask + %{ ['yes', 'no' or 'quit']: } resp=File.new('/dev/tty').gets.strip if resp == 'yes'; true elsif resp == 'no'; false elsif resp =~/^quit|exit$/; exit else puts %{[please type: 'yes', 'no' or 'quit']} answer?(ask) end end self end def notice def warn_and_proceed? %{WARNING: This Software is used entirely at your own risk. PROCEED?} end def default(selection=nil) ans= if selection case selection when selection.is_a?(String) <<-WOK #{project_details.rake_project} Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T" Default action selected - "#{selection} #{project_details.name}" #{warn_and_proceed?} WOK when :make <<-WOK #{project_details.rake_project} Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T" #{selection.upcase} selected - #{selection} #{project_details.name} WARNING: this action assumes (and places) this project is under po4a (translation) management. It will create the sub-directories: #{language.translations_available_str} & file: #{filename.po4a_cfg} in the current directory: #{Dir.pwd} It will populate the sub-directories with translation files created from the pot and po files found under the corresponding language sub-directories, (under #{dir.pot}/ & #{dir.po}/). (OVERWRITING any existing translated .ssm .sst .ssi files in language subdirectories that are not under po4a management). #{warn_and_proceed?} WOK when :clean <<-WOK #{project_details.rake_project} Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T" #{selection.upcase} selected - #{selection} #{project_details.name} #{warn_and_proceed?} WOK when :distclean <<-WOK #{project_details.rake_project} Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T" #{selection.upcase} selected - #{selection} #{project_details.name} WARNING: this action assumes (and places) this project is under po4a (translation) management. It will remove the sub-directories: #{language.translations_available_str} & file: #{filename.po4a_cfg} in the current directory: #{Dir.pwd} Note: these sub-directories & the config file #{filename.po4a_cfg} should be auto-generated from pot and po files if this project translation is under po4a management. This query is to give you the chance to make sure you know what you are doing. #{warn_and_proceed?} WOK when :rebuild <<-WOK #{project_details.rake_project} Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T" #{selection.upcase} selected - #{selection} #{project_details.name} WARNING: this action assumes (and places) this project is under po4a (translation) management. It will destroy/clobber and then create again the sub-directories: #{language.translations_available_str} populating them with translation files created from the pot and po files found under the corresponding language sub-directories in (#{dir.pot}/ & #{dir.po}/). It will also generate the file: #{filename.po4a_cfg} These actions will be taken in the current directory: #{Dir.pwd} This query is to give you the chance to make sure you know what you are doing. #{warn_and_proceed?} WOK else <<-WOK #{project_details.rake_project} Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T" Default action selected - "#{selection} #{project_details.name}" #{warn_and_proceed?} WOK end else <<-WOK #{project_details.rake_project} Information on alternative actions is available using: "rake help" or "rake -T" Default action selected - "install and to setup #{project_details.name}" #{warn_and_proceed?} WOK end resp=query.answer?(ans) exit unless resp end def project_help puts <<-WOK #{project_details.name} #{project_details.rake_project} This rake file is to assist with having sisu markup files under po4a translation management. It assumes that the source language files are placed under the sub-directory identifying the source language set, which is currently #{language.source} The files there are used to make the source translation file in the directory #{dir.pot}/ Which is then used to create files for translation under the directory #{dir.po}/ in sub-directories bearing the translation languages ISO code. The current language translation selection is: #{translations_selected_str} The languages selected are located in the file: #{filename.languages} sisu available language list: #{sisu_available_str} For a more detailed and up to date task list use: rake -T WOK end self end def tasks system('rake -T') end def filename def languages 'translation_languages' end def po4a_cfg 'po4a.cfg' end self end def dir def pwd Dir.pwd end def po4a_ 'po4a/' # '' end def pot po4a_ + 'pot' end def po po4a_ + 'po' end self end def dir_mk(dir) FileUtils::mkdir_p(dir) unless FileTest.directory?(dir) end def po4a_flags def debug '-d -v' end def normal '' end def quiet '-q' end self end def language def source #source_language 'en' end def translations_selected #translation_languages IO.read(filename.languages, mode: 'r:utf-8').split(/\s+/) end def translations_available translations_selected & sisu_available end def info_on_selection if translations_selected != translations_available <<-WOK WARNING: language selections mismatch The current language translation selection appears to be: #{translations_selected_str} Of which the following are valid (available) selections: #{translations_available_str} sisu available language list: #{sisu_available_str} the following will be used: #{translations_available_str} The languages selected are located in the file: #{filename.languages} WOK else <<-WOK The current language translation selection is: #{translations_selected_str} The languages selected are located in the file: #{filename.languages} sisu available language list: #{sisu_available_str} WOK end end def sisu_available %w[am bg bn br ca cs cy da de el en eo es et eu fi fr ga gl he hi hr hy ia is it ja ko la lo lt lv ml mr nl nn no oc pl pt pt_BR ro ru sa se sk sl sq sr sv ta te th tk tr uk ur us vi zh] end def translations_selected_str language.translations_selected.join(' ') end def translations_available_str language.translations_available.join(' ') end def sisu_available_str language.sisu_available.join(' ') end self end def files_src def ssm Dir.glob("#{language.source}/*.ssm").sort end def sst Dir.glob("#{language.source}/*.sst").sort end def ssi Dir.glob("#{language.source}/*.ssi").sort end def all Dir.glob("#{language.source}/*{.ssm,.sst,.ssi}").sort end self end def po4a_cfg_file File.open("#{Dir.pwd}/#{filename.po4a_cfg}",'w') end def po4a def configure #po4a_cfg po4a_cfg_arr=[] po4a_cfg_arr << "[po4a_langs] #{language.translations_available_str}" po4a_cfg_arr << "[po4a_paths] #{dir.pot}/$master.pot $lang:#{dir.po}/$lang/$master.po" files_src.ssm.each do |file_src| file_src_fn=file_src.gsub(/#{language.source}\//,'') po4a_cfg_arr << "[type: text] #{file_src} $lang:$lang/#{file_src_fn}" end files_src.sst.each do |file_src| file_src_fn=file_src.gsub(/#{language.source}\//,'') po4a_cfg_arr << "[type: text] #{file_src} $lang:$lang/#{file_src_fn}" end files_src.ssi.each do |file_src| file_src_fn=file_src.gsub(/#{language.source}\//,'') po4a_cfg_arr << "[type: text] #{file_src} $lang:$lang/#{file_src_fn}" end file=po4a_cfg_file po4a_cfg_arr.each do |txt| puts txt file << txt << "\n" end file.close system("po4a --keep 0 --no-backups --package-name sisu-manual #{po4a_flags.normal} #{filename.po4a_cfg}") end self end def project dir_mk(dir.pot) language.translations_available.each do |lang_dir| dir_lang="#{Dir.pwd}/#{dir.po}/#{lang_dir}" dir_mk(dir_lang) end po4a.configure end def clean #rm -rf ../build FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob("#{dir.po}/*/*.po~") end def distclean FileUtils::rm_f(filename.po4a_cfg) FileUtils::rm_r(language.translations_available,:force => true) end #% task lists desc "runs make (see its description below)" task :default => [:make] desc "assist with having sisu markup files managed by po4a create configuration files, and language directories and populate them with po4a pot & po files for translation and from those (as translated) create translated sisu markup .ssm .sst & .ssi files in corresponding language sub-directories" task :make => [:notice_make_,:build_] desc "help" task :help => [:project_help_,:tasks_] desc "clean temporary files" task :clean => [:notice_clean_,:clean_] desc "removes auto-generated files under po4a management including translated .ssm .sst & .ssi files, that are created from po4a pot and po files" task :distclean => [:notice_distclean_,:distclean_] desc "runs 'distclean' and 'make' (see their descriptions above)" task :rebuild => [:notice_rebuild_,:distclean_,:build_] if File.directory?(dir.pot) \ and File.directory?(dir.po) #desc "" task :clean! => [:clean_] task :distclean! => [:distclean_] task :rebuild! => [:distclean_,:build_] task :make! => [:build_] else task :make! => [:build_] end #% task actions task :project_help_ do notice.project_help end task :tasks_ do tasks end task :build_ do project end task :clean_ do clean end task :distclean_ do distclean end task :notice_default_ do notice.default end task :notice_make_ do notice.default(:make) end task :notice_clean_ do notice.default(:clean) end task :notice_distclean_ do notice.default(:distclean) end task :notice_rebuild_ do notice.default(:rebuild) end __END__