# Name: SiSU
# Author: ralph@amissah.com
# Description: site or directory wide environment defaults set here
# system environment info / resource configuration file, for sisu
# License: GPL v3 or later
#   this file should be configured and live in
#      /etc/sisu     #per environment settings, overridden by:
#      ~/.sisu       #per user settings, overridden by:
#     ./_sisu/config #per local directory settings
#% presentation/web directory, main path and subdirectories (most subdirectories are created automatically based on markup directory name)
#  url_root:     'http://www.sisudoc.org' #without dir stub, e.g. this dir would map to http://www.sisudoc.org/samples
#  path:         '~/sisu_www' # /srv/www #either (i) / [full path from root] or (ii) ~/ [home] or (iii) ./ [pwd] or (iv) will be made from home
#  #path:         './tested' #either (i) / [full path from root] or (ii) ~/ [home] or (iii) ./ [pwd] or (iv) will be made from home
#  #images:       'sisu/image'
#  #man:          'man'
#  #cgi:          '/usr/local/lib/sisu-cgi'
##show_output_on: 'filesystem' #for -v and -u url information, alternatives: 'filesystem','webserver','remote_webserver','local:8111','localhost','localhost:8080','webrick','path'
#  host:         localhost
#  base_path:    ~
#  port:         '8081'
#  user:         ~
#  file_links:   www.sisudoc.org
#show_output_on: 'filesystem_url'
#% processing directories, main path and subdirectories
# path:         '~'
#  dir:         '_sisu_processing~'
##  metaverse:    'metaverse'
##  tune:         'tune'
##  latex:        'tex'
##  texinfo:      'texinfo'
##  concord_max:  400000
#% flag - set (non-default) processing flag shortcuts -1, -2 etc. (here adding colour and verbosity as default)
  color:        true                        # making colour default -c is toggle, and will now toggle colour off
#  act0:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --sqlite --manifest --verbose'
#  act1:      '--digest --text --html --manifest'
#  act2:      '--digest --text --html --epub --pdf --manifest'
#  act3:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --manifest'
#  act4:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --manifest'
#  act5:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --sqlite --manifest'
#  act6:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --sqlite --manifest'
#  act7:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --sqlite --source --sisupod --manifest'
#  act8:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --pg --update --manifest'
#  act9:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --pg --update --source --sisupod --manifest'
##  default:  '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --sqlite --manifest --verbose'
##  i:        '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --manifest'
##  ii:       '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --manifest'
##  iii:      '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --sqlite --manifest'
##  iv:       '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --pg --update --manifest'
##  v:        '--digest --qrcode --text --html --epub --concordance --pdf --odf --docbook --xhtml --xml-sax --xml-dom --sqlite --source --sisupod --manifest'

#% papersize, (LaTeX/pdf) available values: A4, US_letter, book_b5, book_a5, US_legal
  papersize:    'a4,letter' #'a4,letter,b5,a5,legal'
#  #texpdf_font:       'Liberation Sans'
#  #texpdf_font_sans:  'Liberation Sans'
#  #texpdf_font_serif: 'Liberation Serif'
#  #texpdf_font_mono:  'Liberation Mono' #'Inconsolata'
#  #text_wrap:    78
#  #emphasis:     'bold' #make *{emphasis}* 'bold', 'italics' or 'underscore', default if not configured is 'bold'
#  #language:      'fr'
#  #language:      'en'
#  digest:       'sha' #sha is sha256, default is md5
#% settings used by ssh scp
#  user:         'ralph'
#  host:         'www.sisudoc.org'
#  path:         '/srv/www' # '/srv/sisudoc/web' # '.' #no trailing slash eg 'sisu/www'
#% webrick information
#% sql database info, postgresql
#  engine:
#    default:    'postgresql'
## share_source:  true
#  postgresql:
#    port:       '5432' # '5432'
#    user:       'ralph' # '[provide username]'
#    #host:       'sisudoc.org'
#% output_dir_structure_by: language (language_and_filetype); filetype; or filename (original v1 & v2)
##output_dir_structure_by: filename
##output_dir_structure_by: filetype
#output_dir_structure_by: language
#% possible values ~, true, false, or command instruction e.g. editor: 'gvim -c :R -c :S'.
##will only ignore if value set to false, absence or nil will not remove program as should operate without rc file
##ie in case of ~ will ignore and use hard coded defaults within program), true, false, or command instruction e.g. editor: 'gvim -c :R -c :S'
##on value true system defaults used, to change, e.g. editor specify
#  zap:                 true
#  css_modify:          true
#  remote_base_site:    true
#  rmagick:             true
#  wc:                  true
#  editor:              true
#  postgresql:          true
#  sqlite:              true
#  tidy:                true
#  rexml:               true
#  pdflatex:            true
#  editor:              'vim' #'gvim -c :R'
#  pdf_viewer:          'evince'
#  web_browser:         'iceweasel'
#  console_web_browser: 'w3m' #'links2' #'elinks' #'w3m' #'lynx' #'links'
#  odf_viewer:          'lowriter' #'oowriter' #'abiword'
#  xml_viewer:          'xml-viewer'
#  epub_viewer:         'ebook-viewer' #'calibre' #'fbreader' #'okular'
#  sisu:
#    flag:              true
#    action:            http://www.sisudoc.org/cgi-bin/sisu_lng_pgsql.cgi
#   #action:            http://www.sisudoc.org/cgi-bin/sisu_pgsql.cgi
#   #action:            http://search.sisudoc.org
#    db:                current
#    title:             'SiSU search form (sample)'
#  minitoc:             true
#  minitoc:             true