Note on sisu markup 2006-11-27, Ralph Amissah

Contains the following books:
  * "Free Culture", Lawrence Lessig
  * "The Wealth of Networks", Yochai Benkler
  * "Free For All", Peter Wayner

The main sisu archive contains:
  * "Free as in Freedom", Sam Williams (about Richard Stallman)

These Documents provided as markup samples were published under various
Creative Commons licenses, check the rights section of each document for the
copyright and license.


SiSU >= 0.38 ships with document markup samples prepared with a new notation
for document structure.

This note is to point out that sisu-0.38 should be able to process both the new
and older markup, and a conversion options are in sisu to make conversion
between 0.36 and 0.38 markup versions fairly simple. For help the man pages, or
type 'sisu --help convert'

SiSU markup sample Notes:
SiSU <>
SiSU markup for 0.16 and later:
  0.20.4 header 0~links 
  0.22 may drop image dimensions (rmagick)
  0.23 utf-8 ß
  0.38 or later, may use alternative notation for headers, e.g. @title: (instead of 0~title)
  0.38 document structure alternative markup, experimental (rad) A,B,C,1,2,3 maps to 1,2,3,4,5,6