.\" Name: SiSU - Simple information Structuring Universe .\" Author: Ralph Amissah .\" Description: sisu-examples manpage .\" arch-tag: sisu-examples manpage .\" License: GPL 2 or later .\" Notes: Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii sisu.1 .\" nroff -man sisu.1 | most .\" |sisu.1|@|^|<url:sisu.1> .TH sisu_examples 1 "February 2, 2010" "version 1.0" "SiSU markup samples and configuration related offerings (optional package)" .SH NAME .B SiSU \- Structured information, Serialized Units \- a document publishing system .SH SYNOPSIS .B sisu_examples .PP This is an optional package of sisu examples, mainly sample markup files, that can be generated in multiple output document formats and made searchable using the package sisu. They are installed installed under .I /usr/share/doc/sisu-markup-samples/v1/samples and a summary this content may be found in .I /usr/share/doc/sisu-markup-samples/v1/README or the equivalent directory (change this path as appropriate for the information provided below). .SH Document Markup .PP Sample markup documents are located in .I /usr/share/doc/sisu/v1/sisu_markup_samples/samples and these document samples in .I /usr/share/doc/sisu-markup-samples/v1/samples (or the equivalent shared directory) .PP A few more sample documents are available at .I <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/examples.html> .SH Cgi database frontend .PP A simple example of a cgi frontend to query a sisu created postgresql database is to be found under: .I /usr/share/sisu/v1/conf/cgi\-bin .SH Configuration samples .PP Some configuration files are located at: .I /usr/share/sisu/v1/conf .\"%% Vim .SH Vim support files .PP Vim support is provided by way of an ftplugin/sisu file, installed automatically in Debian, else located under .I /usr/share/sisu/v1/conf/editor\-syntax\-etc/vim .PP This provides, vim folds, syntax higlighting a color file and some default settings. .PP if not installed place filetype and ftplugin under .I ~/.vim .PP Other syntax highlighters .I /usr/share/sisu/v1/conf/editor\-syntax\-etc .\"%% Further Information .SH FURTHER INFORMATION .PP For more information on .I SiSU see: .I <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> .PP or .I man sisu .SH AUTHOR Ralph Amissah .I ralph@amissah.com or .I ralph.amissah@gmail.com .SH SEE ALSO .BR sisu(1), .BR sisu(8), .BR sisu_webrick(1), .BR sisu_termsheet(1),