diff options
25 files changed, 6379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/bin/sisu b/debian/bin/sisu
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..184c4f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/bin/sisu
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#! /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1
+# encoding: utf-8
+#SiSU: copyright (C) 1997 - 2013 Ralph Amissah; License GPL, see appended program information
+ def ruby_version_ok?(base_version)
+ @v ||=RUBY_VERSION.scan(/\d+/)
+ vb=base_version.scan(/\d+/)
+ if @v[0].to_i < vb[0].to_i \
+ or @v[0].to_i == vb[0].to_i \
+ && @v[1].to_i < vb[1].to_i \
+ or @v[0].to_i == vb[0].to_i \
+ && @v[1].to_i == vb[1].to_i \
+ && @v[1].to_i < vb[2].to_i
+ raise "Please, use Ruby#{vb} or later, current Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}"
+ else check_incompatible_ruby_build?
+ end
+ end
+ def check_incompatible_ruby_build?
+ require 'rbconfig'
+ e=Config::CONFIG
+ if RUBY_VERSION == '1.9.2' \
+ && e['PATCHLEVEL'].to_i < 180
+ raise <<WOK
+There are known issues with early versions of ruby1.9.2.
+Please, use Ruby 1.9.2p180 or later,
+current version #{e['RUBY_PROGRAM_VERSION']}p#{e['PATCHLEVEL']}
+#{%x{ruby -v}.strip.to_s}
+ end
+ end
+ def check_sisu_legacy_ruby_version?
+ rbv_sisu_legacy='1.9.2' #'1.8.7'
+ ruby_version_ok?(rbv_sisu_legacy)
+ end
+ def check_sisu_stable_ruby_version?
+ rbv_sisu_stable='1.9.2'
+ ruby_version_ok?(rbv_sisu_stable)
+ end
+ def check_sisu_dev_ruby_version?
+ rbv_sisu_dev='1.9.2'
+ ruby_version_ok?(rbv_sisu_dev)
+ end
+ def require_hub_path(sisu_path_specified_lib_)
+ sisu_path_lib=if sisu_path_specified_lib_ \
+ && FileTest.file?("#{sisu_path_specified_lib_}/#{SiSU_lib}/hub.rb")
+ "#{sisu_path_specified_lib_}/#{SiSU_lib}"
+ else
+ SiSU_lib
+ end
+ end
+#% sisu branch
+ $VERBOSE=nil
+ $KCODE='u' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+ argv=$*
+ SiSU_called_from_directory=Dir.pwd
+ if $0 !~/\bsisu[45]$/
+ SiSU_version_dir=case argv.inspect
+ when /"(?:--v4)"/
+ check_sisu_stable_ruby_version?
+ 'v4'
+ when /"(?:--v5)"/
+ check_sisu_stable_ruby_version?
+ 'v5'
+ when /"(?:--dev)"/
+ check_sisu_dev_ruby_version?
+ 'v5'
+ else
+ check_sisu_stable_ruby_version?
+ 'v4'
+ end
+ else
+ SiSU_version_dir=case $0
+ when /\bsisu4$/
+ check_sisu_stable_ruby_version?
+ 'v4'
+ when /\bsisu5$/
+ check_sisu_stable_ruby_version?
+ 'v5'
+ else
+ check_sisu_stable_ruby_version?
+ 'v4'
+ end
+ end
+#% $0 File.expand_path($0)
+ e=Config::CONFIG
+ SiSU_path_base=if $0 =~ /^#{e['bindir']}\/sisu[45]?$/
+ nil
+ elsif $0 !~ /^#{e['bindir']}\/sisu[45]?$/ \
+ && File.expand_path($0) =~/bin\/sisu[45]?$/ \
+ && FileTest.file?($0)
+ File.expand_path($0).sub(/\/bin\/sisu[45]?$/,'')
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ SiSU_lib="sisu/#{SiSU_version_dir}"
+ sisu_path_specified_lib_=SiSU_path_base \
+ ? File.expand_path($0).sub(/bin\/sisu[45]?$/,'lib')
+ : nil
+ SiSU_path_specified_Version_=SiSU_path_base \
+ ? "#{SiSU_path_base}/data/sisu/#{SiSU_version_dir}/v/version.yml"
+ : nil
+ SiSU_path_lib="#{require_hub_path(sisu_path_specified_lib_)}"
+#% $*
+ require "#{SiSU_path_lib}/hub"
+ lng_lst = %w[am bg bn br ca cs cy da de el en eo es et eu fi fr ga gl he hi hr hy ia is it la lo lt lv ml mr nl nn no oc pl pt pt_BR ro ru sa se sk sl sq sr sv ta te th tk tr uk ur us vi]
+ lng_lst_rgx=lng_lst.join('|')
+ argv_sub_files={}
+ argv_sub_mods=[]
+ argv.each do |x|
+ if x =~/^-+/
+ argv_sub_mods << x
+ elsif x =~/\.ss[tm]/
+ if x =~/\//
+ markup_path,markup_file =(/(\S+\/)((?:#{lng_lst_rgx})?[^\/]+)/).match(x)[1,2]
+ if not argv_sub_files[markup_path]
+ argv_sub_files[markup_path]=[]
+ end
+ argv_sub_files[markup_path] << markup_file
+ else
+ if not argv_sub_files['./']
+ argv_sub_files['./']=[]
+ end
+ argv_sub_files['./'] << x
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if argv_sub_files.length > 0
+ argv_sub_files.each_pair do |markup_dir,markup_file|
+ $sisu_document_markup_directory=markup_dir.gsub(/\/$/,'')
+ argv_sub=argv_sub_mods + markup_file
+ if FileTest.directory?(markup_dir)
+ system("cd #{markup_dir}")
+ Dir.chdir(markup_dir)
+ $sisu_document_markup_directory_base_fixed_path=Dir.pwd.gsub(/\/(?:#{lng_lst_rgx})$/,'')
+ SiSU::HubMaster.new(argv_sub)
+ Dir.chdir(SiSU_called_from_directory)
+ system("cd #{SiSU_called_from_directory}")
+ elsif markup_dir =~/https?:/
+ markup_file.each do |mf|
+ (FileTest.file?(mf)) \
+ ? (puts 'requested remote file already exists in current directory ' + Dir.pwd + ' using ' + mf)
+ : (system("wget #{markup_dir}/#{mf}"))
+ end
+ $sisu_document_markup_directory_base_fixed_path=Dir.pwd.gsub(/\/(?:#{lng_lst_rgx})$/,'')
+ argv_sub=argv_sub_mods + markup_file
+ SiSU::HubMaster.new(argv_sub)
+ else p "Error directory specified #{markup_dir} not found"
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ $sisu_document_markup_directory=Dir.pwd.gsub(/\/$/,'')
+ $sisu_document_markup_directory_base_fixed_path=Dir.pwd.gsub(/(^|\/)(?:#{lng_lst_rgx})$/,'')
+ SiSU::HubMaster.new(argv)
+ end
+ STDERR.puts $!
+ STDERR.puts $@
+ require 'rbconfig'
+ e=Config::CONFIG
+ puts %{
+ #{%x{ruby -v}.strip.to_s}
+ ruby version: #{e['RUBY_PROGRAM_VERSION']}p#{e['PATCHLEVEL']}
+ ruby named: #{e['ruby_version']}
+ rubylib: #{e['rubylibdir']}
+ rubylib local: #{e['sitelibdir']}
+ }
+ system(%{echo "
+ system RUBYLIB: ${RUBYLIB}
+ "})
+ * Name: SiSU
+ * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
+ * Author: Ralph Amissah
+ * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
+ 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
+ * License: GPL 3 or later:
+ SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
+ Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
+ available at these locations:
+ <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html>
+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
+ <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/manifest/gpl.fsf.html>
+ * SiSU uses:
+ * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
+ * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
+ * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
+ * Hompages:
+ <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
+ <http://www.sisudoc.org>
+ * Download:
+ <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/SiSU/download.html>
+ * Git
+ <http://sources.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary>
+ <http://sources.sisudoc.org/?p=code/sisu.git;a=blob;f=bin/sisu;hb=HEAD>
+ <http://sources.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=blob_plain;f=debian/bin/sisu;hb=refs/heads/debian/sid>
+ * Ralph Amissah
+ <ralph@amissah.com>
+ <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..017e1b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5627 @@
+sisu (4.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [f0a14b7] v4 v5: version & changelog
+ * [462a53a] v4 v5: sysenv, pgsql db connect fix
+ * [9f4d9a3] v4 v5: cgi_pgsql, cgi helper script sample search form generator,
+ detail
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 30 May 2013 23:12:02 -0400
+sisu (4.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [6ebe681] v4 v5: version & changelog
+ * [9ac9918] v4 v5: help, interactive help, out of date, removed
+ * sysenv, version info moved here from interactive help
+ * [25e9f4f] v4 v5: document version check, disable
+ * automatic check disabled
+ * check and correction of pre 0.38 markup removed
+ * [d8369e7] v4 v5: cgi helper script, sample search form generator,
+ adjust/improve
+ * adds settings
+ * db type --db-pq or db-sqlite
+ * webserver for cgi script & db --webserv-search=''
+ * webserver for sisu ouptut files --webserv-output=''
+ * cgi search form link name --cgi-search-form-name=''
+ * db user (pg) --db-user=''
+ * [4adb525] v4 v5: help, documentation update, concentrate on man pages
+ * documentation, manpage update
+ * interactive help, out of date, removed
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 29 May 2013 21:27:16 -0400
+sisu (4.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [e6100eb] v4 v5: version & changelog
+ * [1becc7c] CHANGELOG version minor cleaning, redundant
+ * [e101d59] vim, ftplugin, sisu.vim, statusline
+ * [4460d0b] v4 v5: cgi script for sample search form generator, sqlite, minor
+ fixes
+ * affects 'sisu -F' (repairs breakage)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 19 May 2013 00:37:35 -0400
+sisu (4.1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [3c05864] debian/control, Priority optional, revert, seek to have ruby db
+ drivers optional
+ * Priority optional unchanged:
+ * sisu
+ * sisu-pdf, extra depends on: ttf-liberation, resolve issue later,
+ if necessary use another font
+ * sisu-postgresql, extra depends on libdbi-ruby1.9.1 & libdbd-pg-ruby1.9.1
+ * sisu-sqlite, extra depends on libdbi-ruby1.9.1, libsqlite3-ruby1.9.1 &
+ libdbd-sqlite3-ruby1.9.1
+ * sisu-complete, extra depends on: sisu-postgresql & sisu-sqlite
+ * seek to persuade that ruby db drivers should be optional to match ruby and
+ the databases (postgresql & sqlite); else developers using priority
+ optional database and priority optional ruby by the use of ruby drivers to
+ access database are obliged to develop for priority extra, seek a fix (so
+ as to remove this suboptimal default predicament).
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 12 May 2013 22:10:05 -0400
+sisu (4.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [076c95c] v4: version & changelog
+ * [2b38802] v4: defaults, sysenv, simplify default home page (not used by
+ default)
+ * [ffe139e] v4: cgi script for sample search form, minor fixes
+ * [879a4e6] v5 dev branch opened (starts as copy of v4 stable branch);
+ v3 branch closed
+ * 5.0.0 dev opened
+ * 4.1.0 stable
+ * 3.* branch gone
+ * [53bda2c] debian/bin/sisu, follow bin/sisu (changes)
+ * [3912020] debian/sisu.install, debian/sisu.manpages, follow branch & dir
+ changes
+ * [0a47d48] debian/control, Priority changes, dependency issues some packages
+ moved to extra
+ * Priority extra for now as have dependencies on other extra packages
+ * sisu-postgresql, extra depends on libdbi-ruby1.9.1 & libdbd-pg-ruby1.9.1
+ * sisu-sqlite, extra depends on libdbi-ruby1.9.1, libsqlite3-ruby1.9.1 &
+ libdbd-sqlite3-ruby1.9.1
+ * sisu-complete, extra depends on: sisu-postgresql & sisu-sqlite
+ move back to optional should these issues ever be resolved
+ * Priority optional unchanged for:
+ * sisu
+ * sisu-pdf, extra depends on: ttf-liberation
+ kept as optional, resolve issue later, if necessary use another font
+ * NOTE: ideally all parts should be Priority optional; ruby db drivers
+ should almost certainly be optional to match ruby and the databases
+ (postgresql & sqlite); seek a fix (so as to remove this suboptimal default
+ predicament).
+ * [38806a2] debian/sisu.lintian-overrides, take account of branch & dir
+ changes
+ * [b6263df] debian/sisu.NEWS.Debian news on opening of v5 & closing of v3
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 11 May 2013 21:58:01 -0400
+sisu (4.0.21-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * congratulations Debian on Wheezy
+ * [4c53032] v4: version & changelog
+ * [4b97aba] v4: minor sysenv, cgi_sql_common
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 06 May 2013 19:37:19 -0400
+sisu (4.0.20-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [00566b3] v4: version & changelog
+ * [954c48d] v4: sisurc.yml, reorganize configuration files
+ * [e626600] v4: cgi sample search form, minor
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 11 Apr 2013 21:12:10 -0400
+sisu (4.0.19-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [4542c1f] v4: version & changelog
+ * [73f6919] v4 v3: CHANGELOGs note on future closing of v3 & addendum to
+ [71e8f19] in 4.0.18
+ * CHANGELOG_v3, v3 branch to be closed on opening of 4.1.* branch, imminent
+ * CHANGELOG_v4, re-characterize/correct commit [71e8f19] in 4.0.18 as it
+ also fixes a persistent bug with manifest and should be:
+ * v4: dal, reading/processing of composite markup files (.ssm)
+ * dbi, import composite files correctly
+ * manifest, mini-table of contents, for multi-lingual composite files
+ was/is: v4: dbi, import composite files (.ssm) correctly
+ * [48ef624] v4: sysenv, yamlrc cosmetic
+ * [4b1d0dd] v4: options, exclude manifest links if no manifest (--no-manifest)
+ selected
+ * [d2a0dcb] v4: zap, delete output files, based on given (existing) source
+ file name
+ * [769e79c] v4: version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 08 Apr 2013 20:06:30 -0400
+sisu (4.0.18-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [301cf2c] v4: version & changelog
+ * [ec23cce] v4: dal, screen_text_color, distinguish doc abstraction, as start
+ of processing
+ * [71e8f19] v4: dbi, import composite files (.ssm) correctly
+ * [1a21bfd] v4: cgi, auto-generated sample search form
+ * for various sisu output directory structures
+ * fixes
+ * [5d08743] v4: version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:48:40 -0400
+sisu (4.0.17-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [e470286] v4: version & changelog
+ * [b2a1d9c] v4: manifest & harvest, links to default site home page index.html
+ * [e6855a2] v4: sysenv, copy or create homepages, one of the actions taken on
+ --config
+ * provide info as to where manually created homepages may be stored
+ * do not make default sisu homepage (previously did)
+ * [745ce4e] v4: param, guard against situation where no document
+ creator/author given
+ * [9729a8c] v4: hub, non-verbose terminal info reduced, minor
+ * [15eb564] v4: version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 25 Mar 2013 23:08:15 -0400
+sisu (4.0.16-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [dc85281] v4: version & changelog
+ * [3156fe4] v4: hub, processing flow, sequence, fix
+ * re-run manifests at end of general processing run:
+ * where document source shared and more than one markup file processed;
+ * where translations of same document exist (determined by filename)
+ * [9c67621] v4: sysenv, epub images where processing multilingual doc in lang
+ code sub-dir
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 18 Mar 2013 21:41:32 -0400
+sisu (4.0.15-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [79b7540] v4: version & changelog
+ * [c4a842f] v4: share document source, markup text file &/or sisupod
+ * processing flow, correct sequence
+ * terminal reporting
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 18 Mar 2013 00:14:58 -0400
+sisu (4.0.14-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [787674e] v4: version & changelog
+ * [e5d6209] v4: harvest, authors, topics, terminal info
+ * [13143b5] v4: harvest, links for output_by? filename
+ * [f8820c2] v4: manifest, links for output_by? alternatives, harvest & qrcode
+ related
+ * [6d1eeba] v4: sysenv, rsync remote placement, output_by? alternatives,
+ tuning
+ * site harvest
+ * pdf fix
+ * backround rsync only for processing of single sisu markup files
+ * [f70ecf5] v4: version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 16 Mar 2013 20:30:26 -0400
+sisu (4.0.13-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [05cf1f8] v4: version & changelog
+ * [280d46e] v4: html_format, manifest red arrow, next (segment), (broken) link
+ fix, to toc
+ * [79ebe46] v4: terminal reporting, cosmetic
+ * [f88fb6e] v4: manifest, link to harvest authors & topics if available, else
+ cosmeitc
+ * [0f85875] v4: hub, sysenv, remote, work on rsync of document/site build
+ * [0e87ea1] v4: hub, sql db, fix for actions not requiring files, create,
+ drop, etc.
+ * [f9cb4b0] v4: version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 13 Mar 2013 22:13:55 -0400
+sisu (4.0.12-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [d172907] v4: version & changelog
+ * [c6d43f0] v4: share_src, sisu source, permissions, make world readable when
+ shared
+ * [5ca9a5a] v4: manifest, sysenv, manifests sisupod relative link for
+ output_by language
+ * [2f0fb40] v4: bin/sisu, process remote sisu markup file or sisupod, where
+ url provided
+ * [5d7e44a] v4: hub, operations, report on absent markup file, if needed by
+ requested action
+ * [7c083c2] v4: sysenv, cosmetic, minor
+ * [5fc0b66] v4: version & changelog, dates touched
+ * [fc45279] debian/bin/sisu, follow bin/sisu (changes)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 08 Mar 2013 20:57:11 -0500
+sisu (4.0.11-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [8c50389] v4: version & changelog
+ * [0b047c0] v4: bin/sisu, expand given path for sisu executable
+ * where system sisu not called directly
+ * [f949d5f] v4: sysenv, base images path determined from given path for sisu
+ executable
+ * where system sisu not called directly
+ * [8b8f2e9] v4: options, sisupod, name determination, fix
+ * needed for creation of multiple sisupods
+ * [7725af7] v4: html_format, html segment navigation to toc, fix
+ * [f647bdc] v4: emacs, sisu-mode.el, version touch
+ * [29a35ec] debian/bin/sisu, follow bin/sisu (changes)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 06 Mar 2013 18:33:13 -0500
+sisu (4.0.10-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [f288e2f] v4: version & changelog
+ * [27bd56a] v4: texpdf, report to STDERR when pdf not generated
+ (Closes: #617359)
+ * note: .tex file is almost certainly produced by sisu, this will be a sisu
+ packaging, texlive dependency issue, preventing its conversion to pdf
+ * [4dd30e8] v4: sysenv, set default output (directory layout) type where none
+ configured
+ * (also turned off reporting where imagemagick & graphicsmagick not
+ installed)
+ * [839f037] v4: html, epub, minor "cleaning" of output
+ * [4e9f3f2] debian/control, sisu-pdf needs texlive-generic-recommended
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 05 Mar 2013 21:52:42 -0500
+sisu (4.0.9-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [b097acb] v4: version & changelog
+ * [9916bc2] v4: dal, markup: line across page divider -..- introduced
+ * an alternative to page breaks -\\- & =\\=, significantly affects pdf & odf
+ * output formats modified to include (pdf, odf, epub, html, plaintext)
+ * [5d116fe] v4: vim syntax, sisu.vim
+ * [90ab101] v4: emacs, sisu-mode.el
+ * [f6f8918] v4: documentation, sisu markup (sisu_markup.sst, man page sisu.1,
+ sisu.1.html)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 22 Feb 2013 21:49:45 -0500
+sisu (4.0.8-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [a48ee87] v4 (v3): version & changelog
+ * [d2fa6da] v4 (v3): cosmetic, minor code shuffle, & remove trailing
+ white-spaces
+ * [c312b7d] v4 (v3): vim, ftplugin & colorschemes housekeeping, scheme "def*"
+ added
+ * :colorscheme def256* defined from 256 colors (primarily 16 of them),
+ terminal & gui (identical) (terminal scheme based on frugal & extended to
+ cover gui)
+ * :colorscheme def* cterm defined primarily using 16 colors (a few from 256)
+ (to be usable tweak .Xdefaults) gui provided along with Xdefault settings
+ to make cterm match this gui or def256*
+ * sisu.vim ftplugin pruning
+ * [92a292a] v4: emacs, sisu-mode.el, sisu headers update, & cosmetic code
+ reshuffle
+ * [3910ef3] b_epub.png, epub icon (for manifest) updated to use official image
+ * [9b67ec9] v4 (v3): epub, tinkering with headers & cleaning of angle brackets
+ '<' & '>'
+ * [32a0e39] v4 (v3): html, modification to markup of angle brackets [<>] &
+ ampersand [&]
+ * [ca69bdd] v4 (v3): version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 20 Feb 2013 22:31:05 -0500
+sisu (4.0.7-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [ed08c2b] v4 (v3): version & changelog
+ * [2f8254f] v4 (v3): dbi_discrete, discreet should have been discrete, renames
+ accordingly
+ * [c87da88] v4 (v3): vim, minimal color schemes, minor edits
+ * [70570e9] v4 (v3): lib, bin/sisu, misc, code headers provide url to online
+ git file source
+ * e.g. bin/sisu header * Git
+ <http://sources.sisudoc.org/gitweb/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary>
+ <http://sources.sisudoc.org/?p=code/sisu.git;a=blob;f=bin/sisu;hb=HEAD>
+ * [2b962c9] debian/bin/sisu, code header, added url to online git file source
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:08:47 -0500
+sisu (4.0.6-2) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [c199fab] debian/bin/sisu to match bin/sisu, only ruby shebang should
+ differ, fix
+ * [this should fix errant behavior of code spotted and reported by chals to
+ sisu@lists.sisudoc.org
+ <http://lists.sisudoc.org/pipermail/sisu/2013-February/000569.html>]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 08 Feb 2013 21:54:28 -0500
+sisu (4.0.6-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [6896a4a] v4 (v3): version & changelog
+ * [5b0d2c1] v4: html, screen reporting for --html-scroll, correctly identify
+ output file
+ * [cd01cd7] v4 (v3): utils (debug renamed), SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker
+ (from Debug::Mark)
+ * [9729605] v4: utils, SiSU_Utils::Path.new.base_markup provides base markup
+ directory
+ * base markup directory contains sisu markup files, any language
+ sub-directories (with sisu markup files) and sisu resource configuration
+ sub-directory, if any (./_sisu) (identifies when needed in runtime)
+ * [83a88c7] v4: sysenv, webserv dir (output dir), ensure is determined from
+ base markup dir
+ * where relative path provided (remove possibility of path expansion being
+ done
+ from a language sub-directory), fix
+ * [1803ceb] v4: texpdf, cosmetic code
+ * [3d16556] v4: pdf (texpdf, options, hub, urls) orientation discrete,
+ individually callable
+ * [bf57f03] v4: options, param, pdf papersize, command-line options to
+ override sisurc
+ * [75dc380] v4: options, for pdf, concentrate & simplify matching of
+ orientation & papersize
+ * [e68a2c0] v4: documentation, sisu_manual/sisu_commands, manpage & html
+ * [ad6bcd2] v4: version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 07 Feb 2013 19:12:55 -0500
+sisu (4.0.5-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [7231c90] v4 (v3): version & changelog
+ * [3c26df4] v4 (v3): sysenv, on --redirect, stop creation of redundant dir
+ * [7d29da1] v4 (v3): html, includes book index fix, rest cosmetic
+ * [f18b892] v4 (v3): css (html & epub) line spacing reduced, paragraph spacing
+ increased
+ * may need to tune spacing further to distinguish lines from new paragraphs
+ (especially where ocn is not used as the distinction may be less
+ clear/obvious)
+ * [9f27865] v4: html (urls), scroll & seg optionally discrete, individually
+ callable
+ * --html (both), --html-scroll, --html-seg
+ * [possibly of interest where only one form of html of interest for use &/or
+ to cut generation time (roughly to 63% for --html-scroll only)]
+ * [0506d0a] v4: documentation, include --html-scroll and --html-seg options
+ * sisu_manual/sisu_commands
+ * manpage & html
+ * [6b1f7a0] debian/watch ignore .orig
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 04 Feb 2013 00:32:54 -0500
+sisu (4.0.4-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [02393c1] v4 (v3): version & changelog
+ * [c0f656c] v4: param_make, :cover_image: regex, less finicky match of image &
+ details
+ * [bug reported by Mikael Böök]
+ * [d335e11] v4 v3: dal, on ocn excluded paragraphs (~# -#), hang/indent
+ bullet, fix
+ * [bug reported indirectly by Cory Doctorow (discovered in work with
+ markup)]
+ * [8fe3657] v4: epub, constants, debug alternative for various readers ...
+ work on
+ * [fb6abb0] v4 v3: dal (obj), html, br_page* behavior in html depending on
+ origin of break
+ * markup specified v auto
+ * [1976c5e] v4 (v3): version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 31 Jan 2013 21:42:16 -0500
+sisu (4.0.3-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [d39c54c] v4 (v3): 4.0.3 (3.3.6) version & changelog
+ * [2e17db8] v4 v3: remove markup-sample, first edition of FaiF
+ * redundant here as 2nd edition (which is a similar type of text) is
+ available
+ * Bug#698664 leads me to think about it
+ free_as_in_freedom.richard_stallman_crusade_for_free_software.sam_williams.sst
+ & associated files (images & v3 "skin"), removed
+ * [46b067a] v4 v3: epub, toc.ncx fix, navpoint_close
+ * [11907e1] v4: check xml representation of characters (& < > in particular)
+ * [65b6e76] v4 (v3): version & changelog, dates touched
+ * [26f82ed] debian/copyright, removed reference to removed markup-sample,
+ FaiF 1st ed.
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 27 Jan 2013 16:49:35 -0500
+sisu (4.0.2-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [74e8462] v4 (v3): 4.0.2 (3.3.5) version & changelog
+ * [ad3483a] v4 v3: texpdf_format, list of .sty files (& their texlive source
+ within Debian)
+ * not part of code (relevant for packaging)
+ * [7363e25] v4 v3: param, match possible sisu versions, detail
+ * [6bc96aa] v4: sysenv, debug tag, triggered where output type not set
+ * [edbb402] v4 v3: dal_doc_objects, cosmetic, code arrangement, minor
+ * [dc62435] v4 v3: epub_tune html_tune, remove unnecessary conversion of some
+ utf-8 chars
+ * epub, fix, messed up table of contents, toc.ncx
+ [bug reported by Mikael Böök]
+ * [6270144] v4 v3: epub_format, cosmetic arrangement of code <<-WOK
+ * [7cc6d87] v4 v3: xhtml structure error, fix missing </div>
+ * [bug reported by Mikael Böök]
+ * fix of additional detail
+ * [ff824c5] v4 v3: epub, epub_format, provide full depth epub table of
+ contents
+ * [request Mikael Böök]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 24 Jan 2013 20:50:22 -0500
+sisu (4.0.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [607db61] v4 (v3): 4.0.1 (3.3.4) new branch & version & changelog "opened"
+ * [6998914] v4 v3: debug (internal code use), color markers for line number &
+ file name
+ * colored location markers to show when line passed within running code
+ * [a4e463e] v4: sisu: --color flag, which toggles color on/off
+ (Closes: #622171)
+ * the fix here is specific to color on/off for reporting of sisu version
+ * sisu --version --color-off || sisu -v -k || sisu -kv
+ * there are various ways to control color output to screen
+ * --color-off or -k switches color off
+ * --color or --color-on switches color on, which is usually the default
+ * --color-toggle or -c toggles the default setting (in most cases)
+ * sisurc.yml can set default color state which affects most screen output
+ * [e791dbb] v4 v3: largely cosmetic
+ * [3d4f38a] v4: bin/sisu sysenv, rc_path_options, provide fixed path to rc
+ files
+ * added $sisu_document_markup_directory_base_fixed_path
+ * needed to read right sisurc.yml & sisu_document_make
+ * [577f1ef] v4 v3: html_segments (by_filename by_filetype) broken internal doc
+ links fixed
+ * filenames need to include lang code
+ * [chals on irc, re live-manual, debian-live]
+ * [e92c862] v4 v3: param, minor change any legacy <br> line break in metadata
+ markup to \\
+ * [0788fab] v4: options, sysenv, check (existing) inclusions & exclusions,
+ fixes
+ * command line, document header, sisurc
+ * [c9898a0] v4 v3: plaintext, in code blocks retain a blank empty line, a fix
+ * [known old bug, affects sisu_manual, fix request from SynrG on irc, re
+ live-manual]
+ * [a757467] v4 v3: manpage, attempt to improve output (line-spacing)
+ * [780c527] v4: documentation, sisu.1 manpage & minor
+ * [7f0d827] date 2013: version & changelog; headers bin/sisu & lib/; code
+ constants.rb
+ * [0d069e1] debian/control update standards-version; remove obsolete
+ dm-upload-allowed
+ * updated: "Standards Version: 3.9.4"
+ * removed: obsolete "XS-Dm-Upload-Allowed: yes"
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 05 Jan 2013 22:05:10 -0500
+sisu (4.0.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * uploaded to experimental due to Debian freeze for Wheezy
+ * [804a103] v4: 4.0.0 new branch & version & changelog "opened"
+ * [ac4a6aa] v4: bin/sisu $0, make possible to run sisu command on/within
+ project dir tree
+ * (previously sisu needed to be correctly installed with system paths
+ honored)
+ * NOTE: loading of skins turned off
+ * [f6bc7d8] v4: bin/sisu $*, hub, make possible to specify dir path for markup
+ files
+ * bin/sisu4 & bin/sisu3 now syslinks to bin/sisu
+ * [bb3101d] v4: defaults, some cleaning
+ * [2099cce] v4: skins, remove
+ * remove skins
+ * defaults, rename class Defaults (was InfoSkin)
+ * sisupod, remove skin
+ * db
+ * no skin info to store, omitted from structure
+ * change prefix name (structure changed)
+ * [e51589f] v4 (&v3): markup samples, for v4 remove skins, separate (v3 & v4)
+ directories
+ * [7456ed5] v4: param (header make), epub, pdf, book cover images
+ * [6503337] v4: param (header make), html, home button: text button;
+ image/icon button
+ * [c041ea2] v4: param (header make), pdf, footer
+ * [f38a645] v4: param, common independent document @make: header file
+ * ./_sisu/v4/sisu_document_make
+ * contains @make: header
+ * can contain @links: header
+ * @links:+ append links
+ * @links: default, overwritten if document contains links
+ * [60149df] v4: sisupod, use common make instruction header for documents
+ * sisupod make instruction header file, write & read
+ * sisu config file names placed in constants
+ * [b147bcd] v4: document headers, metadata rearranged, wide-ranging effect
+ * [7500ecc] v4: vim syntax, sisu.vim, make, new headers
+ * [eae9bb9] v4: documentation; markup samples & help
+ * [a75d469] v4: 4.0.0 version & changelog, dates touched
+ * [40d792e] debian/bin/sisu update sisu & clean/remove extra files
+ * [f338966] debian/data markup-samples removed, usable but better off looking
+ at live-manual
+ * [fec02c8] debian/sisu.install & debian/sisu.manpages update for v4
+ * [41893a7] debian/sisu.lintian-overrides update for v4 (remove v2 references)
+ * ---
+ * [5d591dd] sisu (3.3.3-1)
+ * [cbe9698] sha256 (3.3.2)
+ * [c2f44d3] v3: 3.3.3 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [1d40176] v3: constants, year static (current): YEAR=2012
+ * [8f9076f] v3: sisu -v, provide version information, fix
+ * [b469460] v3: bin/sisu, hub, reorganize call
+ * [662cd26] v3: some pre-unicode meddling sorted
+ * covers bug reported as middle dot changed to asterisk by chals
+ * [dd13f63] v3: dbi, pgsql, report need for instructions when none given
+ * [2ea56a4] v3: sisupod source, paths fix
+ * [7856672] v3: options, opt_act, limit calls
+ * ruby profiler indicates much time spent here, reduce
+ * [f90e9b2] v3: pdflatex, landscape cover page was botched, came out as
+ portrait, fix
+ * [d96753b] v3: texpdf fixes
+ * group text, bullet
+ * group text, hardspaces at start of line (indent)
+ * group text, pass through special characters safe
+ * poem, bold etc.
+ * [e5fe055] v3: html, epub, group text, bullet, fix
+ * [ef4da2e] v3: dal_syntax, new syntax: =\\= page new & -\\- page break
+ * alias for <:pn> and <:pb> respectively
+ * [b553ca8] v3: vim syntax, sisu.vim, =\\= page new & -\\- page break
+ * [58c13f4] v3: odf, internal links/bookmarks, toc, book index
+ * [ad6cf3c] v3: vim, ftplugin/sisu.vim
+ * linenumbering: on; relative; off, <leader>nn
+ * cursor line & column: on; off, <leader>cu (existing cu+ & cu-)
+ * [7d4665f] v3: cosmetic code, true ? x : y
+ * [02cc96f] v3: cosmetic code, if, else, remove some semicolons (;) replace
+ with newlines
+ * [32d32bf] v3: cosmetic code, if true ; x, remove semicolons replace with
+ "then"
+ * [6b2c447] v3: cosmetic code, .is_a?(X) replaces .class==X (& some defined? &
+ nil? tests)
+ * [5e1bcfb] v3: cosmetic code, remove javascript holders js_ (not used)
+ * [d98f270] v3: some fixes, cleaning, removing
+ * [52e870e] v3: dal, sysenv, file processing, split objects; remove ref to old
+ ruby
+ * markup file processing, change to sourcefile readlines & split of
+ sourcefile array
+ * removal of RUBY_VERSION references to older versions of ruby
+ * [d6ef30b] v3: header @classify: :topic_register: provide greater
+ classification "depth"
+ * param, manifest
+ * harvest_topics
+ * [8e40c8f] v3: db, book_idx field & minor re-arrangement
+ * [610573c] v3: cgi search script, minor
+ * [78b7033] v3: markup samples, and help, minor updates
+ * [f08ab38] v3: 3.3.3 version & changelog, dates touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 12 Dec 2012 15:54:43 -0500
+sisu (3.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [22a2200] sha256 (3.3.1)
+ * [6c8cd33] v3: 3.3.2 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [a1a1c16] v3: texpdf, xetex screen reporting of warnings off unless
+ sisu -pV used
+ * [6158b22] debian/rules debian/source/options use xz compression instead of
+ gzip
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 30 Jun 2012 00:47:28 -0400
+sisu (3.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [7e27b55] sha256 (3.3.0)
+ * [1de02aa] v3: 3.3.1 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [ffb9960] v3: hub, some re-arrangement
+ * [55e1f9c] v3: texpdf_format, urls in headings break pdf documents, fix
+ * e.g. output generation of document sample gpl.fsf.sst pdf fixed
+ * [990bafc] v3: sysenv, rsync put (post to remote site), fix, needs
+ comprehensive check
+ * broken since version 3 (did not cope with alternative output structures,
+ initial fix
+ * still broken:
+ * rsync get (sisu source);
+ * scp put & scp get)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 23 Jun 2012 02:15:47 -0400
+sisu (3.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [0cda363] sha256 (3.2.12)
+ * [12adefb] v3: 3.3.0 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [fed01af] v3: shared_sisupod_source, common build for sisu (markup) source
+ representations
+ * to be used by sisupod.txz, git, (and src)
+ * sisupod_make (--sisupod)
+ * share_source (--source)
+ NOTE not used git at present
+ * changed representation of shared sisu source, include related files in
+ directory rather than just markup file [reason for version bump]
+ NOTE there are no changes to sisu markup (only the sharing of source
+ files)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 17 Jun 2012 22:55:34 -0400
+sisu (3.2.12-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [64bd821] sha256 (3.2.11)
+ * [0919395] v3: 3.2.12 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [b5323c8] Rake, Rant sisu installer require ruby >= 1.9.3
+ * [dd790c7] v3: dbi_discreet, screen reporting db location, fix
+ * [6715da8] v3: shared_images, fix
+ * [3c8feda] v3: screen reporting, ansi colors, cosmetic
+ * [1e089ff] v3: html, excludes (options) --exc-html-top-band, touch
+ * html (toc & scroll), (html_segments, concordance,) exclude top band
+ sisu --exc-top-band --html --concordance filename.sst
+ * [7b13cb9] v3: html_segments, @make.build.html_navigation?, fix, (excludes
+ --exc-html-)
+ * [3ca890e] v3: sysenv, check @md.make.respond_to?(:skin)
+ * [c8d6617] v3: hub, post bundles, sisupod_make, file selection selection for
+ tar.xz, fix
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 06 Jun 2012 23:55:46 -0400
+sisu (3.2.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [e48ecd9] sha256 (3.2.10)
+ * [c3a4d65] v3: 3.2.11 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [2cd635d] v3: error & warning messages touched, revisit
+ * [33417c5] v3: warn when files to be copied not found, add
+ * [9c234e6] v3: urls, sisupod, fix
+ * [a887643] v3: manifest, paths, (for command line selection of output type)
+ fix
+ * [26e5e47] v3: images, regular & sisupod
+ * [35e3bca] v3: images, copy (system link removed)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 03 Jun 2012 22:33:49 -0400
+sisu (3.2.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [220350d] sha256 (3.2.9)
+ * [8cc2ed9] v3: 3.2.10 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [965fe1f] v3: code headers mainly copyright
+ * [308733d] debian/bin: code headers mainly copyright
+ * [23a9053] v3: hub, "requires", fix
+ * [6e6602f] v3: options, --init-site, --configure, fix
+ * [ba278b9] v3: options, command line control of output directory structure
+ * --output-by-language; --output-by-filetype; --output-by-filename, or
+ --by-language; --by-filetype; --by-filename
+ * [3faa85c] v3: documentation update, command line control of output dir
+ structure
+ * --output-by-language; --output-by-filetype; --output-by-filename, or
+ --by-language; --by-filetype; --by-filename
+ * sisu_commands.ssi, manpage sisu.1, man2html
+ * [a8493b2] v3: css, ensure css available for generated content
+ * checks whether exists if not copies (for --init-site / --configure just
+ copies, takes as a re-copy request)
+ * [38e85cc] v3: hub, manifest re-run where related multilingual documents, fix
+ * BUG breaks mini table of contents (minitoc) manifest for multilingual
+ files,
+ better run without manifest minitoc, use --exc-manifest-minitoc
+ * [45a35b7] v3: sisupod.txz processing
+ * BUG image copying/processing for sisupod
+ * [fae668e] v3: hub, share markup source (--source) not available for
+ composite files
+ * suggest creating a sisupod instead
+ * [e8b29c3] v3: html_format, minor cleaning
+ * [ef7a5f3] debian/control program "tree" moved to Recommends from Suggests
+ * if available and verbose set, used to pre-view sisupod content during its
+ creation (--sisupod --verbose)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 28 May 2012 05:45:27 -0400
+sisu (3.2.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [784eb3f] sha256 (3.2.8)
+ * [bd9d05b] v3: 3.2.9 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [b26ce9d] v3: harvest, fix some details
+ * harvest by filename output paths
+ * harvest_topics, add level
+ * harvest_topics, alternative headings, fix
+ * [8754d67] v3: options, create manifest touched
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 19 May 2012 23:27:58 -0400
+sisu (3.2.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [d13ffd5] sha256 (3.2.7)
+ * [0832d42] v3: 3.2.8 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [99965a5] v3: rescue & error warnings, more touched
+ * [5dace95] v3: reporting, composite file names touched
+ * [782e36f] v3: sst_identify_markup, document header SiSU 3.0
+ * pretty much as SiSU 2.0, some header additions
+ * identification not fully implemented
+ * [5fffe95] v3: a few misc fixes
+ * options, omissions and typo fix
+ * particulars, fix, check
+ * shared_metadata, fix
+ * [64c7305] v3: hub, fixes, still a construction zone
+ * [35825d2] v3: po4a, runs, needs checking
+ * [2dee3ab] v3: sisupod make, re-fixed, check again
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 12 May 2012 19:30:27 -0400
+sisu (3.2.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [67b15a4] sha256 (3.2.6)
+ * [d52bc28] v3: 3.2.7 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [5af7a5e] v3: rescue & error warnings, some touched
+ * [da82e36] v3: qrcode, fixes
+ * ensure manifest is run
+ * urls fix
+ * [6c38bed] v3: hub, options, fixes: dbi: pgsql, sqlite
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 06 May 2012 23:58:16 -0400
+sisu (3.2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [93e1767] sha256 (3.2.5)
+ * [712054c] v3: 3.2.6 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [aae35fa] v3: harvest (metadata, site/document summary) fixes
+ * harvest_topics, sort fix
+ * harvest_authors, minor fix
+ * sst content parsing lang dir
+ * output file location, currently works for (by?) :language & :filetype
+ * [714a14f] v3: misc, minor
+ * [f297b90] v3: hub (seek finer grained control over what happens when;
+ causes breakage)
+ * (primarily) cycle files then options (instead of options then files)
+ * manifest re-run on (currently generated) translated files if any
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 01 May 2012 23:40:04 -0400
+sisu (3.2.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [554b061] sha256 (3.2.4)
+ * [f95eb55] v3: 3.2.5 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [173a8be] v3: shared_html_lite, codeblock fix, affecting sql
+ * SELECT ocn,body FROM doc_objects WHERE t_is='code';
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 22 Apr 2012 13:52:47 -0400
+sisu (3.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [93f30fc] sha256 (3.2.3)
+ * [a8b8640] v3: 3.2.4 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [06520be] v3: db bugfix in maintenance mode (variable name reused)
+ * [5ae11e0] v3: sysenv, default processing dir name change
+ * distinguish sisu branch, add sisu branch to processing directory name
+ * if constants, 'DEVELOPER[:maintenance] == :true' then additionally add
+ sisu version number to processing directory name
+ * [d810b3f] v3: rescue reporting
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 21 Apr 2012 01:56:49 -0400
+sisu (3.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [9de3fc4] sha256 (3.2.2)
+ * [0e9a8b0] v3: 3.2.3 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [0013ec9] v3: param, dal_syntax, document header (simple regex)
+ substitution list
+ * $ and curly braces are escaped (within sisu) to allow the following:
+ @make:\n :substitute: /${linux-distro}/,'Debian' /${stable}/,'Squeeze' \
+ /${testing}/,'Wheezy'
+ * changes are not made within text object types: code-blocks, tables or
+ metadata (document headers). Marked up document remains self-referential.
+ * Note: the substitution list must be written on a single line, without
+ line-breaks.
+ * [Substitutions possibility requested by Debian-live, live-manual (Ben
+ Armstrong & Daniel Baumann)]
+ * [8fefa22] v3: vim syntax highlighting, document header added (@make:)
+ :substitute:
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 15 Apr 2012 00:40:00 -0400
+sisu (3.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [db578f6] sha256 (3.2.1)
+ * [b9d03b2] v3: 3.2.2 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [19c9608] v3: sysenv, path.style (a quick fix, review)
+ * [6a6c011] v3: urls, reporting, some cleaning
+ * [683ca12] v3: sql creation -v reporting reduced
+ * [717bc0a] debian/control: sisu-pdf, add texlive-math-extra for
+ realscripts.sty
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 05 Apr 2012 14:56:17 -0400
+sisu (3.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [9b91ce6] sha256 (3.2.0)
+ * [d8beb2f] v3: 3.2.1 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [a5873a4] COPYRIGHT add markup samples "Free as in Freedom"
+ * [582f1bb] v3: documentation sisu_commands, manpage, html (man2html)
+ * [c3393c9] debian/copyright, add markup samples "Free as in Freedom"
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 21 Mar 2012 20:01:17 -0400
+sisu (3.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [553f6ba] sha256 (3.1.15)
+ * [356854c] sha256 (3.1.15-2)
+ * [349975b] v3: 3.2.0 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [6811ac9] v3: 3.2 branch is main (v3dv --> v3); dev (v3dv) branch
+ directories removed
+ * v3dv (3.2) "merged" into v3 (previously 3.1) (& removed)
+ * conf/sisu/v3dv --> conf/sisu/v3
+ * data/sisu/v3dv --> data/sisu/v3
+ * lib/sisu/v3dv --> lib/sisu/v3
+ * bin/sisu* (v3dv references changed to v3)
+ * (--dev modifier (superfluous for the time being) runs main v3 branch)
+ * [6528dc8] COPYRIGHT, name change using uppercase, format changed
+ * content format influenced by Machine-readable debian/copyright file
+ <http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/>
+ * [8eaab90] debian/bin/sisu* (change v3dv references to v3)
+ * [488d0b7] debian/sisu.lintian-overrides remove v3dv
+ * [563106f] debian/sisu.install vim related installs, use v3 (rather than v2)
+ * [84644d4] debian/copyright format changed
+ * content format influenced by Machine-readable debian/copyright file
+ <http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/>
+ * [32979c6] debian/control debhelper Standards Version: 3.9.3
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 19 Mar 2012 22:30:12 -0400
+sisu (3.1.15-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [7fd1f26] debian/bin/sisu* enable (commands on) --dev (v3dv branch)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 13 Mar 2012 22:03:32 -0400
+sisu (3.1.15-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [8f91f70] sha256 (3.1.14)
+ * [dc4c672] v3 v3dv: 3.1.15 & 3.2.0~pre version & changelog "opened"
+ * [2e1d003] v3dv: lib, clean trailing whitespace
+ * [231c64e] v3dv: texinfo, fix (break holding back 3.2 merge)
+ * proposed next version starts 3.2, (merge dev branch after 3.1.15)
+ * [4cdfa55] v3dv: sysenv, param, options, output control hooks code modified
+ * for config file, document headers, & command line
+ * requiring downstream code changes (in commit that follows)
+ * [756caa5] v3dv: start using output control hooks
+ * for config file, document headers, & command line
+ * v3dv: sysenv, ProcessingSettings, start to use hooks to make it possible
+ to control (via: the command line; the document markup header, or; the
+ configuration file) the likes of: ocn, toc, segsubtoc, minitoc,
+ links-to-manifest, search-form, html-navigation, html-navigation-bar,
+ html-right-pane, html-top-band; these are switched on by default and may
+ be switched off in omit lists within configuration file, the document
+ markup header, or command line. The command line takes precedence & may
+ switch on or off overriding settings within the document markup header or
+ the sisu configuration file.
+ * --inc- on by default, but if switched off in doc header or
+ configuration, the command line --inc- has precedence; for each possible
+ exclude configuration the --inc- switch that overrides configuration
+ settings
+ * --exc- == --no-; exclude/switch off feature (but --inc- include has
+ precedence)
+ * document header @build: :omit: [list output features to be omitted]
+ * configuration (sisurc.yml) omit:
+ exclude output feature, overrides configuration settings (omit --dev
+ development branch modifier once merged back to main)
+ --exc-ocn, html (seg, scroll), epub, xml, pdf
+ sisu --dev --exc-ocn --html --epub --xml-sax --xml-dom --xhtml -v \
+ filename.sst
+ --exc-toc, html (scroll), epub, pdf
+ sisu --dev --exc-toc --html --epub --pdf -v filename.sst
+ --exc-segsubtoc html (seg), epub
+ sisu --dev --exc-segsubtoc --html --epub -v filename.sst
+ --exc-minitoc, html (seg), concordance, manifest
+ sisu --dev --exc-minitoc --html --concordance -v filename.sst
+ --exc-manifest-minitoc, manifest
+ sisu --dev --exc-manifest-minitoc --html -v filename.sst
+ --exc-links_to_manifest, --exc-manifest-links,
+ html (seg, scroll)
+ sisu --dev --exc-manifest-links --html -v filename.sst
+ --exc-search-form, html (seg, scroll), manifest
+ sisu --dev --exc-search-form --html -v filename.sst
+ --exc-html-minitoc, html (seg), concordance
+ sisu --dev --exc-html-minitoc --html --concordance -v filename.sst
+ --exc-html-navigation, html (seg, scroll)?
+ sisu --dev --exc-html-navigation --html -v filename.sst
+ --exc-html-navigation-bar, html (seg)
+ sisu --dev --exc-html-navigation-bar --html -v filename.sst
+ --exc-html-search-form, html (seg, scroll)
+ sisu --dev --exc-html-search-form --html -v filename.sst
+ --exc-html-right-pane, html (seg, scroll)
+ sisu --dev --exc-html-right-pane --html -v filename.sst
+ --exc-html-top-band, html (seg, scroll), concordance (minitoc is
+ forced on to provide seg navigation)
+ sisu --dev --exc-html-top-band --html --concordance -v filename.sst
+ * [c79ce1e] v3dv: vim syntax highlighting, document header added :omit: (under
+ @make)
+ * [b53d63a] v3dv: documentation sisu_commands, rearranged & update with regard
+ to excludes
+ * sisurc.yml omit list, commented out omit line with single example added
+ * [86b767b] v3dv: sqlite3 discreet .sql.db file for each document (possibility
+ added)
+ * in addition to existing possibility of a shared db in sqlite3 or
+ postgresql
+ * [58bc2e5] v3dv: documentation sisu_commands, add sqlite3 discreet
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 12 Mar 2012 18:55:10 -0400
+sisu (3.1.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [87f1037] sha256 (3.1.13)
+ * [7fbe341] v2 v3 v3dv: 3.1.14 & 3.2.0~pre (& 2.9.12) version & changelog
+ "opened"
+ * [525b4f1] v2: vim syntax highlighting, patch from Thilo Six
+ <T.Six@gmx.de> applied
+ * Re: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.editors.vim.devel/32151> &
+ <http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#cpo-l>
+ [for v3, see sisu_3.1.13 changelog]
+ * [8138e23] v3dv: sysenv, output_dir_structure, rewritten, affected code
+ modified
+ * [2b884fb] v3dv: --redirect (--redirect=dir_path) & --dump (--dump=dir_path)
+ + consequences
+ * --dump places output in directory specified, if none specified in the
+ current directory (pwd).
+ * --redirect places output in subdirectory under specified directory,
+ subdirectory uses the filename (without the suffix). If no output
+ directory is specified places the subdirectory under the current directory
+ (pwd).
+ * html, css incorporated into each file (concordance & manifest included)
+ * html, xhtml & xmls, css copied into css subdirectory (not used by html as
+ embedded)
+ * html xmls, images copied to output directory
+ * no links to manifest
+ * manifest with relative links only
+ * longer html filenames given to avoid names clashing (e.g. for toc,
+ manifest, concordance)
+ * html, epub, remove manifest toc links
+ * -j copy images associated with file (images used by html & xmls)
+ * automatically invoked by --dump & redirect
+ * v3 v3dv: document --redirect, --dump, -j update sisu_commands.sst
+ [documents not generated until v3.2.0 (when v3dv branch is merged into
+ v3)]
+ * [f653df1] v3dv: dal, remove sisu_manifest from document structure & toc
+ * html & epub coding affected
+ * [6d898f1] v3dv: control hooks
+ * hooks to make it possible to control (via: the command line; the document
+ markup header, or; the command line) the likes of: toc, manifest,
+ manifest-links, metadata, html-minitoc, html-navigation,
+ html-navigation-bar; these are switched on by default and control takes
+ the form of making it possible to switch them off.
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 14 Feb 2012 21:45:12 -0500
+sisu (3.1.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [527f905] sha256 (3.1.12)
+ * [071c6db] v3 v3dv: 3.1.13 & 3.2.0~pre version & changelog "opened"
+ * [6dd8de8] v3 v3dv: vim syntax highlighting, patch from Thilo Six
+ <T.Six@gmx.de> applied
+ * Re: <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.editors.vim.devel/32151> &
+ <http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/options.html#cpo-l>
+ * [145f309] v3 v3dv: path & url links, updates for multiple output directory
+ structures
+ * [7e3cee5] v3dv, dal +, use symbols to identify document objects type (is)
+ and group (of)
+ * (dal & code affected as a result)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 03 Feb 2012 20:46:07 -0500
+sisu (3.1.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [aa8f0ce] sha256 (3.1.11)
+ * [89bbbb5] v3 v3dv: 3.1.12 & 3.2.0~pre version & changelog "opened"
+ * [0b38bae] v3 v3dv: urls, odt maintenance path fix
+ * [7e9a59c] v3 v3dv: texpdf, tampering with "safe" special character
+ transformations, a fix
+ * could introduce new issues, watch
+ * [reported by Timothy Hume, pdf title bug "&" not represented]
+ * [45a3eb9] v3dv: sysenv, use "which" instead of "whereis" to locate programs,
+ test
+ * [suggested by, Timothy Hume, used to get sisu texpdf to work on MacOS]
+ * [3d6deb1] v3dv: call most methods by full name (include associated module &
+ class names)
+ * messing with code, merge back now likely to become v3.2
+ * [21f5e22] v3dv: replace use of most ruby exclamation (!) method actions
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:53:09 -0500
+sisu (3.1.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [c977c09] sha256 (3.1.10)
+ * [aef3a25] v2 v3: 3.1.11 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [9d687db] v2: modify, sisu markup version script (take from v3)
+ * [a0c2826] v3: modify.rb, prep script for year update, & changing module &
+ class names
+ * [1677a58] v3: date, year 2012, update
+ * [75e3bf8] v3dv, add dev branch (use to make some changes to module & class
+ names & test)
+ * (intended as) short term branch, merge back into v3 once tested
+ * sisu --dev (to invoke)
+ * [51ba2d7] v3dv: module names, use more CamelCase
+ * [732dca2] v3dv: class names, remove "SiSU_" (reserve for module names for
+ consistency)
+ * [df67ee1] v3dv: class names, use more CamelCase
+ * [19e69de] v3dv: make further changes to module names & test
+ * [16db2c6] v3dv: SiSU_DAL_ for module names in dal, & module Metadata is
+ SiSU_Metadata
+ * v3dv: modify.rb script (& its artifact) removed (after use) from lib/sisu
+ modify.rb script remains available (in generic form) under:
+ data/sisu/v3/conf/convert/modify.rb
+ data/sisu/v3dv/conf/convert/modify.rb
+ * [c2d14cc] debian/sisu.lintian-overrides, repeat for v3dv
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 10 Jan 2012 23:22:59 -0500
+sisu (3.1.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [5712c0b] sha256 (3.1.9)
+ * [7c9212e] v3: 3.1.10 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [66d8155] v3: html, epub, (& xml) codeblocks, treatment of '<<' & '>>', fix
+ * (remove legacy codeblock match rule, watch)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 31 Dec 2011 08:39:12 -0500
+sisu (3.1.9-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [cfaad12] sha256 (3.1.8)
+ * [a39fede] v3: 3.1.9 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [598c4fe] v3: options, --find & --glob, use for general search in base
+ directory
+ * cannot be limited by sub-directory, error message provided
+ * [9ef4a60] v3: sysenv, html files in _sisu/home (*.html) copied as home pages
+ * [d71c116] v3: html, seg output, index.html fixes
+ * place in correct directory and use language code as appropriate
+ * remove broken index.html from output [note the existing erroneous file is
+ not removed by a program run, it has to be removed manually]
+ * [issue reported by chals (debian live-manual) on irc oftc #sisu]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 19 Dec 2011 22:55:13 -0500
+sisu (3.1.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [a6aadc4] sha256 (3.1.7)
+ * [59a52e3] v3: 3.1.8 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [0607a1b] v3: odf:odt, codeblocks, a match fix, affects e.g. "<<"
+ * [b77338f] v3: texpdf, output_by: filetype, fix, language code part of
+ filename, fix
+ * files previously given same name and written over
+ * [reported by chals (live-manual) on irc oftc #sisu]
+ * [output_by language and filename ok]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 13 Dec 2011 22:11:38 -0500
+sisu (3.1.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [5989174] sha256 (3.1.6)
+ * [858fc0b] v3: 3.1.7 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [9cdd523] v3: dal, codeblocks, removed identifier tags, changed markup of
+ "<" & ">"
+ * [9ea7b7f] v3: epub, css, codeblock, grey box
+ * [595970f] v3: texpdf, codeblocks, use listings package (for grey box)
+ * (internally retain possibility to use boites package)
+ * [4c67b33] v3: sysenv, only copy external images directory if it exists
+ * [cda92b5] v3: documentation, add --configure, use ascii chars for dir tree,
+ correct typos
+ * [0260753] v3: documentation, manpage & html (man2html)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 08 Dec 2011 21:32:49 -0500
+sisu (3.1.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [a4295e2] sha256 (3.1.5)
+ * [fc90866] v3: 3.1.6 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [83f669a] v3, require iconv (removed), should use String#encode instead,
+ watch
+ * removed iconv, required a number of places without being used, watch
+ * [acd2e81] v3: dal, codeblocks, start flush left (no buffer spaces at start
+ of line)
+ * allows cut & paste of codeblocks (from some output formats)
+ [requested by chals irc.oftc]
+ * [d513733] v3: texpdf, use boites for box round codeblocks
+ * use and adapt 'boitecoloriee' (found in boites_examples.sty)
+ * in boitebox as setup normal tex hardspaces at start of line are removed,
+ hack required to fix
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 02 Dec 2011 04:08:40 -0500
+sisu (3.1.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [4a239cf] sha256 (3.1.4)
+ * [b80f7be] v3: 3.1.5 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [b5c036a] v3: dal_expand_insertions, link shortcut for sisu documents,
+ omit codeblocks
+ * [ecd91fe] v3: sisu manual, sisu markup, e.g. of link shortcut for multiple
+ sisu documents
+ * [b19886a] v3: param, sisupod_make, sisu markup embedded symbol images regex,
+ case added
+ * [2d9e5ec] v3: odf:odt v1.2
+ * includes previously unimplemented hanging indents
+ * done: dal, plaintext, html, epub, xhtml, xml (sax & dom), odt, pdf, sql;
+ not done: man, info
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 21 Nov 2011 00:16:22 -0500
+sisu (3.1.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [ed249df] sha256 (3.1.3)
+ * [d480a1d] v3: 3.1.4 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [d17e724] v3: FileUtils, make explicit calls (more verbose, easier to find)
+ * [b59529b] v3: FileUtils, replace system calls
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 11 Nov 2011 00:10:12 -0500
+sisu (3.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [daa1082] sha256 (3.1.2)
+ * [6404e3e] v3: 3.1.3 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [f301599] v3: fix necessary, Re: (3.1.2) [da4acc7] header, bold & italic
+ pattern matching
+ * header, bold & italic pattern matching, ignore case (possibility
+ reinstated) @make: :bold: :italic: /[regex]/i
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 05 Nov 2011 19:48:05 -0400
+sisu (3.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [97df42b] sha256 (3.1.1)
+ * [9c52c3c] v3: 3.1.2 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [12ffabd] v3: markup-samples, Free as in Freedom 2.0
+ * [c148cfd] v3: markup-samples, Free as in Freedom 2.0, made use of old book
+ index
+ * (made use of old book index) better than none
+ * [3ba9db6] v3: concordance, information to terminal, minor
+ * [df67ba2] v3: conf/convert/modify.rb minor fixes
+ * [87608df] v3: sysenv, skins, a fix
+ * [da4acc7] v3: header, bold & italic pattern matching, ignore case
+ (possibility reinstated)
+ * (bold & italic pattern matching) @make: :bold: :italic: /[regex]/i
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 31 Oct 2011 22:08:02 -0400
+sisu (3.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [0dad10b] sha256 (3.1.0)
+ * [a29324f] v2 v3: 3.1.1 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [fadbc35] v3: manifest, odt url lnk, fix
+ * [6d46257] v2 v3: odf:odt v1.0: make odt header easier to track; remove
+ binary blob
+ * make odt header changes easier to track
+ (this commit maintains rough equivalence to sisu-3.1.0 headers)
+ * sysenv, builds odf:odt directory structure instead of binary blob
+ * get rid of odf:odt (binary changeset) blob zipfile (containing odf:odt
+ directory structure)
+ * [aa06692] v3: odf:odt, make odt style names more easily recognizable
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 15 Oct 2011 14:01:14 -0400
+sisu (3.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [0254006] sha256 (3.0.19)
+ * [e8daf99] v2 v3: 3.1.0 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [366895d] v2 v3: bin/sisu, default sisu version 3
+ * Version 3 is now the default (on running sisu)
+ * [a8472db] v3: sysenv, rc_path adds ./.sisu/
+ (to existing ./_sisu/ & ~/.sisu/)
+ * [8925b88] v3: defaults, (sisu) home page, link to git repo, minor fixes
+ * [7fb6acc] v3: texpdf, fonts, Liberation series default
+ (main: Sans, mono: Mono)
+ * (mono) improved with selection of Liberation Mono as default
+ * font (main font, mono) configurable in sisurc.yml under
+ default: (texpdf_font:|texpdf_font_mono:)
+ or within document under @make: (:texpdf_font:|:texpdf_font_mono:)
+ * [53e6d1a] v3: sisrc.yml, texpdf_font (main, mono) Liberation series
+ (main default Sans)
+ * [c6f5cd1] v3: vim syntax, :texpdf_font_mono: added to @make:; proposed
+ header changes
+ * sisu_next.vim, track proposed syntax (header) changes
+ * [2547d72] v3: sysenv, output_structure_by: filename, fix to output
+ directories created
+ * [7997984] v2 v3: documentation, small update
+ * [e9c80fc] v2 v3: documentation, manpage
+ * [5e53466] v2 v3: documentation, html, minor (removal of trailing
+ whitespaces)
+ * [85bd723] v2 v3: documenation, html, man2html (sisu.1)
+ * [9660639] debian/bin/sisu, default sisu version 3
+ * [d1b4eb4] debian/sisu.manpages, manpage for sisu2
+ * [f28109e] debian/sisu.NEWS.Debian sisu v3 is default
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 03 Oct 2011 21:27:42 -0400
+sisu (3.0.19-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [5ade3b6] sha256 (3.0.18)
+ * [035c656] v2 v3: 3.0.19 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [1846773] v2: remote, image source url fix
+ * [8edbb13] v2 v3: param, matching of date, years 1400 - 21\d\d
+ * [5048519] v3: cosmetic, minor
+ * [794c20f] v3: hub, processing options, remove cruft
+ * [344270f] v3: info files, fix output; remote, include info file & manpage
+ (when selected)
+ * [b1d08ce] v3: qrcode, sisu generated manifest output, treat as such
+ * place qrcode images in directory under manifest (manifest/qrcode)
+ * fix remote placement of qrcode images when requested
+ * [0081730] v3: remote, src & sisupod processing, and rsync placement
+ * [9d759c2] debian/bin/* update checks, sisu2 added
+ * [9b5edd8] debian/sisu.install: install sisu2 added; no longer install for
+ ruby 1.8
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 24 Sep 2011 09:07:35 -0400
+sisu (3.0.18-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [0d5cc01] sha256 (3.0.17)
+ * [0fdc7c9] v3: 3.0.18 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [ab8d19c] v3: CHANGELOG_v3, correct .orig.tar.xz name (>=3.0.15)
+ * [2ec7a07] v3: correct sisupod references and path to .txz (replace .zip)
+ * [65e4c06] v3: options, match fix for --glob / --find
+ * [af7543c] v3: options, (hub), action (opt.act) modified to increase use
+ possibilities
+ * [705ccf7] v3: hub (affecting options +others) sisupod processing
+ (v2 enabled)
+ * [403a52d] v3: dal_images, disabled imagemagick configuration permission
+ check
+ * until sisupod reads local sisurc.yml (configuration file)
+ * [c2163c5] v3: image (relative) paths for different sisu output structures
+ * (re: by_language, by_filetype, by_filename)
+ * sysenv, set path
+ * html seg, scroll, manifest (qrcodes), xmls
+ * [e70f634] v3: epub
+ * fix for different output structures, language codes not used
+ internally (within epub)
+ * adjustment to image paths for image copy
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 13 Sep 2011 19:30:08 -0400
+sisu (3.0.17-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [0bf06f6] sha256 (3.0.16)
+ * [a035400] v3: 3.0.17 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [7bc559f] v3: unix conditional tests (? :) remove line break markers before
+ : cosmetic
+ * [b5712bc] v3: Dir.chdir, remove "system cd" (change directory) use
+ Dir.chdir
+ * [22f6ac0] v3: sisupod_v3 make (build); place (rsync); process (generate
+ sisu output from)
+ * sisupod v3
+ * modify pod dir structure, place sisu source in dir/[lang_code]/
+ e.g. dir/en/
+ * use tar.xz (.txz)
+ * bundle all language version in pod
+ * bundle .ssm and all included files for each selected language (rather
+ than composited .ssm.sst file)
+ (filename pattern) or named in files to be processed string
+ * remote placement
+ * sisu processing from sisupod v3
+ * rsync sisupod v3
+ * sysenv, check that tree is available and use as desired when available
+ * [a19f7c8] debian/control +Suggests: tree (for option to show file structure)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 05 Sep 2011 11:20:24 -0400
+sisu (3.0.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [9c24ffc] sha256 (3.0.15)
+ * [5041a3d] v3: 3.0.16 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [3ff0378] v3: html_format, texinfo_format, minor, html seg presentation fix
+ * [084e7d2] v3: sysenv, cosmetic, code arrangement touch
+ * [90ad666] v3: epub, param, (defaults) epub tuning
+ * include levels A - C as individual sections
+ (xhtml file with consistent opf & ncx)
+ * sync ncx with sisu internal structural logic
+ (correct depth, include level A, place sisu toc)
+ * [6bd77e1] v3: concordance, i18n, start adding alternative language alphabets
+ * Danish, Norwegian, Swedish
+ * [cacb056] v3: dal, sisu document links (multiple output versions) shortcut
+ * links to multiple versions internal documents based on shortcut notation,
+ e.g.
+ { "Viral Spiral", David Bollier [3sS]}viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst
+ resulting in all versions of the document that would be generated by
+ running the command sisu3 -3sS viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst
+ * added possibility to specify language where language directory structure
+ is used for source documents
+ { "Viral Spiral", David Bollier [3sS]}en/viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst
+ * [4d066c1] debian/watch watchfile for .tar.xz (instead of .tar.gz)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 18 Aug 2011 23:25:44 -0400
+sisu (3.0.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [439b8be] sha256 (3.0.14)
+ * [07065d9] v3: 3.0.15 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [f0da30b] v2 v3: removed objects.txt, cleaning
+ * [bd2ba36] v3: options, default action on running "sisu3 [filename.sst]", fix
+ * [eb47453] v3: options, sysenv, sisurc.yml, set/config default language
+ (code)
+ * in absence of setting 'en' assumed
+ * 'en' previously fixed
+ * [c610cd6] v3: po4a, make use of base directory (default) language setting
+ * set original language, (instead of assuming English)
+ (per directory or wider)
+ * [a588b8f] v3: prog_text_translation, add contents, remove some repetition
+ * [7c0a734] v3: texpdf, possibility to translate "Contents" for table of
+ contents
+ * [04d3390] v3: constants, re-arranged
+ * [532c030] v3: epub, constants, experiment with presentation
+ * disable some internal "features"
+ * make file and directory naming more flexible, now using
+ 'OEBPS', 'toc.ncx', 'content.opf',
+ * adjustment of some headers and general tuning
+ * add opf guide
+ * clean processing directory between each build
+ * constants, added constants Ep (for epub)
+ * constants, added DISABLE (used here with epub)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 09 Aug 2011 20:25:53 -0400
+sisu (3.0.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [45a05d0] sha256 (3.0.13)
+ * [9056c5a] v3: 3.0.14 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [2008439] v3: urls, --concordance (hyphen added, descriptive)
+ * [b739f3f] v3: sysenv, avoid creation of spurious directories in output tree
+ * an image copy section removed (re-implement correctly later)
+ * [9c518b4] v3: sysenv, cosmetic
+ * [5eb77a9] v3: param, cleanup setting of auto endotes
+ * [bdc8fb1] v3: xmls (sax, dom, xhtml) use of tidy, correct output location
+ * [427c8b2] v3: texpdf, XeTeX language settings
+ (setmainlanguage setotherlanguage)
+ * get from directory or filename if header @make: :language: not set
+ * [a44bbf2] v3: epub, opf fixes
+ * [f965e59] v3: qrcode, manifest, (++), QR code (metadata) images for manifest
+ * generate images using qrencode
+ * [2e6af20] v3: param, manifest, qrcode, epub, added creator.editor field
+ * [399e6ea] v3: sql db, constants, cgi-sql, structure changed, creator.editor
+ field added
+ * [c77953f] v3: vim sisu syntax highlighting
+ * markers for hanging indent added
+ * added header for @creator: :editor:
+ * minor comments added
+ * deletion of an unused tag
+ * [afa7647] v3: emacs syntax highlighting sisu-mode.el
+ * markers for hanging indent added
+ * line-break
+ * [5e29210] v3: dal, indent, control of first line of indent & rest of
+ paragraph
+ * implements hanging indent, and possibility to set first line step indent
+ * __[1-9] hanging indent (initial indent 0); paragraph text indent [1-9]
+ * _[0-9]?_[1-9] initial indent; paragraph text indent
+ * __[1-9]! bold words \\ part of hanging indent paragraph text
+ * [051b321] v3: plaintext, indent ...
+ * [476ee85] v3: css, indent ...
+ * [1abd2f9] v3: xhtml, xml sax & dom, indent (partially implemented) ...
+ * [392f8d5] v3: html, indent ...
+ * [727db14] v3: epub, indent ...
+ * [dba6d8b] v3: texpdf, indent ...
+ * [e3330f1] v3: sql (pg, sqlite), indent ...
+ * [d9dcd89] v3: odf, manpage, "new" indent not implemented
+ * [d613c97] v3: po4a, indent (check for breakage)
+ * [bd65e8a] v2 v3: sisu_manual
+ * sisu_commands: --qrcode -Q; update shortcut options; line-breaks use \\
+ * sisu_markup.sst: indent update; publisher
+ * [520128d] v2 v3: manpage
+ * commands: --qrcode -Q; update shortcut options
+ * markup.sst: indent update; publisher
+ * [3c0b56d] v2 v3: manpage html (man2html)
+ * commands: --qrcode -Q; update shortcut options
+ * markup.sst: indent update; publisher
+ * [b616560] debian/control sisu recommends qrencode
+ * used in sisu v3 to place metadata images in manifest
+ * [a027696] debian/sisu.install sisu v3 ruby libraries only in 1.9.1 (not 1.8)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 26 Jul 2011 21:00:18 -0400
+sisu (3.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [cd0c1c8] sha256 (3.0.12)
+ * [3ef6432] v2 v3: 2.9.7 & 3.0.13 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [533909b] v2 v3: vim colors, added cursor line & cursor column
+ * [8335580] v2 v3: dal_syntax, linebreak in regular text object: ' \\ '
+ ('<br>' depreciated)
+ * thanks to Jonas Stein for making me look at this
+ (see bug: #617298 & comments in upstream CHANGELOG_v3)
+ * testing required, downstream outputs affected
+ * [8294a1d] v2 v3: vim, sisu syntax highlighting, linebreak \\ added
+ (<br> kept)
+ * [60bd031] v3: ansi screen reporting include document language code
+ * [7ef0302] v2 v3: texpdf, define hardspace & provide backslash
+ * define \hardspace to simplify placing a hardspace
+ * provide backslash character in code block
+ * [d95f857] v3: define latex \newcommands for some special characters
+ (for sisu code)
+ * \newcommands for some special characters to simplify dealing with them
+ in sisu code \hardspace \caret \pipe \curlyopen \curlyclose \lt \gt
+ \slash \backslash \underscore \exclaim
+ * [3dafcae] v3: constants, a sisupod & an xml related addition
+ * [561b3d6] v3: plaintext, codeblock keep backslashes
+ * [b975bd0] v3: html_tune, reduce loops; deal with angle-brackets
+ * deal with angle brackets in markup (test, could cause breakage)
+ * reduce loops in code
+ * [def544b] v3: manpage (sysenv), move output; line-breaks within object
+ * start to honor line-breaks within objects (revisit)
+ * show double escape \\ (backslashes) in code blocks
+ * place under web server directory
+ * sysenv, accommodate manpage changes
+ * [408bf6b] v3: info (texinfo) (sysenv), move output; line-breaks within
+ object
+ * backslashes & line-breaks
+ * place under web server directory
+ * info tool setting prompt
+ * sysenv, accommodate info page changes
+ * [f6f89c9] v3: sysenv, fix some output paths (markup source); accommodate
+ manpage
+ * shared source markup (.sst .ssm & sisupod.zip) fix some paths
+ * placement of markup source, output_path.src.dir, fix
+ * output_path.src.url, fix
+ * manifest info
+ * (epub viewer cosmetic rearrangement)
+ * [b232545] v3: manifest, manifest enable additional output & source
+ (if shared)
+ * manpage (in fututure have config setting with default false/off)
+ * info (texinfo) (in fututure have config setting with default false/off)
+ * hash digests
+ * locate markup source (if shared)
+ * sisupod (if shared)
+ * [ae914fd] v3: urls (ansi screen reporting), add document language code
+ * [c552333] v2 v3: sisurc.yml, config settings
+ * [1d239f2] v3: documentation, on additional breaks in document,
+ (remove some old info)
+ * linebreak \\ (previously undocumented <br> kept but depreciated)
+ [it is intended that this should close #617298 (post mail)]
+ * page break (breaks column if column, else breaks page)
+ * page new (new page, breaks page)
+ * sisurc.yml set output directory structure by language
+ * removed section on hyperestraier, too specialised for general manpage
+ (also section not checked recently)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 26 Jun 2011 22:42:28 -0400
+sisu (3.0.12-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [21117c4] sha256 (3.0.11)
+ * [93d6609] v2 v3: 2.9.6 & 3.0.12 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [5f4c703] v2 v3: help, s/Bul garian/Bulgarian/ (Closes: #619068)
+ * [7bf74c7] v3: options, restrict glob rule checks to glob & find; carry lang
+ info
+ * restrict glob rule checks to when --glob (-G) or --find (-f) requested
+ * carry information on document language (from filename and or directory)
+ * (additional test)
+ * [6a7c87d] v3: --help language, provides list of available languages
+ * language (ISO 639-1 code (as varied by po4a) & name)
+ * [36c4c6a] v3: manifest, fix a full name
+ * [a011db3] v3: html, texpdf, syslink to default, adjusted & made similar
+ * [2aba456] v3: param, remove unused class variable '@@symlnk'
+ * [d0fd14a] v3: sysenv, limit/prevent the creation of spurious language output
+ directories
+ * [a6651ef] v3: harvest, work for alt output structures; for each language
+ * paths to document manifests etc. for the possible output dir structures
+ * author and topic lists for available documents, by availability in each
+ language
+ * [74c346f] v3: cgi, sample search form reverted to '#!/usr/bin/env ruby'
+ * appears to be a fix in libdbi-ruby1.9.1, see comments in sisu-3.0.8
+ changelog
+ * [5a1e3ba] v3: cgi, sample search form, force utf-8 character encoding to
+ avoid issues
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 09 Jun 2011 23:16:23 -0400
+sisu (3.0.11-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [f4bb6f7] sha256 (3.0.10)
+ * [5794055] v3: 3.0.11 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [0df2126] v3: sysenv, url webserver link (manifest) fix
+ * [4d50928] v3: cgi search form, fixes related to language code
+ * filename with language code being required as unique document
+ identifier
+ * [b1648ad] v3: i18n, constants, some language info moved to i18n
+ (from constants)
+ * [93cc261] v3: options --find & --glob (-f -G) added, parses language
+ sub-dirs
+ * options
+ * filter out files not matching .ss[tm]
+ * with -f -G (--find|--glob) flag glob all .ss[tm] files in dir
+ including language sub-directories
+ sisu3 -3G live-manual
+ * with -f (--find|--glob) flag and find .ss[tm] files that match given
+ string in dir including language subdirectories
+ sisu3 -3GR
+ * [0e921ad] v3: documentation, minor update, includes --find / --glob
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 29 May 2011 20:49:17 -0400
+sisu (3.0.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [e42cb23] sha256 (3.0.9)
+ * [3ce63d5] v2 v3: 2.9.5 & 3.0.10 version & changelog "opened"; copyright
+ touch
+ * copyright, dates for setup.rb
+ * [f7bad42] v3: sysenv, rsync, get rid of annoying nag to terminal
+ (-v reporting Dir.pwd)
+ * prevent attempt to change directory unless different directory requested
+ * [c11ed8c] v3: i18n, added language translation table column to hash/table
+ * changelog, version dates touched as well
+ * [92fb4ac] v3: prog_text_translation, language class name fix; languge name
+ matching
+ * Portuguese language class name (missed 't')
+ * language name matching ('Portuguese Brazil')
+ * indentation
+ * [a11485b] v3: param, html, epub, xml, simplify file-naming with language
+ code
+ * language code occurs in fixed location within file-name (could previously
+ do so in 1 of 3 configured locations)
+ * [eebc0d4] v3: manifest, sysenv, "available outputs" relative paths;
+ available languages
+ * relative paths to "available outputs" (for each dir structure), fix
+ * show language versions published
+ (needs 2 runs for manifest, polls output as to whether manifest exists)
+ * [b5b64d1] v3: texpdf, filenames
+ * [154fd68] v3: html, close files; syslink index.html to toc.html
+ * syslink will need revisit (will only "work" properly with by_language dir
+ structure)
+ * [3a07ef3] v3: options, include markup source "base" path
+ * used to parse alternative markup source dir structures
+ * [d6f18ae] v3: sysenv, rsync, embedded: rsync to remote host alt output
+ structures, fix
+ * [f18dfa7] v3: defaults, fix path to homepage image (more fixes remain...)
+ * [1ccbc25] debian/copyright, sync with package
+ * url update, date touched
+ * sisu-mode.el assignment to FSF (GNU EMACS)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 23 May 2011 22:52:20 -0400
+sisu (3.0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [015d5f0] sha256 (3.0.8)
+ * [6148816] v2 v3: 2.9.4 & 3.0.9 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [91ada8a] v2 v3: copyright file, softlink, make more visible in tarball
+ * [dbd7dce] v2 v3: copyright file update, sisu-mode.el assigned to FSF
+ * [5a3b602] v2 v3: bin/sisu2 introduced (complement bin/sisu3), currently
+ same as bin/sisu
+ * later switch bin/sisu to bin/sisu3
+ * consider using update-alternatives
+ * [62a6bc0] v2 v3: vim cterm colorschemes, touch search color
+ * [29fcf4a] v3: sysenv, output directory structure check, fix (start testing
+ alternatives)
+ * [cfa267b] v3: sysenv, options, output_dir_structure.by?
+ (language|filetype|filename)
+ * [b1b2fe8] v3: sysenv, output_path & place_file, modified
+ (affects many libraries)
+ * paths for dir, url, relative and rcp that vary with output dir structure
+ * cope with alterative dir structures
+ * manifest url paths, fix
+ * dal_expand_insertions, fix
+ * rsync, review
+ * scp disabled
+ * [a09e2e6] v3: cgi sample search form, differ depending on output directory
+ structure
+ * [ea971b8] v3: version & changelog date
+ * [f464a77] v3: embedded, source path
+ * [d87f4ff] v3: options, expand name of source file for selected language
+ directories
+ * only use for single file(name) available in multiple languages e.g.
+ sisu3 -hv en/free_culture.lawrence_lessig.sst es fr
+ * english assumed as default language, make default configurable later
+ * particularly useful for po4a
+ * [bdd62ab] v3: po4a re-enabled, related fixes (issues persist)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 17 May 2011 18:12:54 -0400
+sisu (3.0.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [e1e81c7] sha256 (3.0.7)
+ * [89e5a25] v2 v3: 2.9.3 & 3.0.8 version & changelogs "opened"
+ * [5102422] v2 v3: bin/ improved ruby version check
+ * [624f72b] v2 v3: sysenv, refer to lowriter, update
+ * v2 lowriter instead of oowriter
+ * v3 lowriter instead of libreoffice
+ * [1e84a4d] v2 v3: vim, sisu syntax change of a couple of color groups
+ * [e208972] v2 v3: vim (8 color cterm) colorschemes, 8, frugal, sparse
+ * sparse series uses dark grey on black, on which reverse cursors may
+ disappear, usually looks better
+ * frugal series avoids dark grey
+ * slate for cterm now incorporates frugal-cterm-sisu
+ * [03073b7] v2 v3: bin/ type fix for ruby version check
+ * [416d0ec] v2 v3: manpage, reinstate escaping of hyphens
+ * [6b0a64f] v*: manpages escaped hyphens reinstated
+ * [5fa19b6] v2 v3: note (CHANGELOG) on ruby DBI bug affecting sisu cgi sample
+ search forms
+ * see <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=596103> however, it
+ affects sqlite3 in the same way as pgsql (the driver against which it is
+ reported)
+ * includes possible workarounds (for sisu sample search forms)
+ * [6a20d40] v2 v3: bin/ cosmetic
+ * [75e80f2] v2 v3: vim colorschemes minor review
+ * [9a9c366] v3: concordance, output path, screen info correction
+ * [46eebe8] v3: options, language setting, based on directory structure or
+ filename
+ * affects multiple libraries
+ * [8ece506] v3: i18n, sysenv, options, language setting changes
+ * must be able to set language at options stage from filename or directory
+ * affects many files
+ * old i18n more appropriately renamed prog_text_translation
+ * [5f0bc4a] v3: urls, sqlite, a fix
+ * [2d79257] v3: db, review, directory structure changed, database prefix
+ renamed
+ * language_document_char field made larger [consider renaming]
+ * title, src_filename and language_document_char fields mandatory
+ (title, title_main, src_filename, language_document_char)
+ * review of unique key setting, now based on combination of filename
+ and language (filename no longer sufficient with intro of language
+ subdirectories)
+ * [retest sqlite3]
+ * [c7c3ab1] v3: sample search form, revert to generating ruby 1.8.7 sample
+ * sisu3 using ruby >=1.9.2p180 generates search form for ruby 1.8.7, so:
+ generate sample form using sisu3 -F (options), then; start webrick using
+ ruby 1.8.7 & sisu -W (not sisu3)
+ * take account of alternative output directory structures [work on, test]
+ * [e54612b] v3: date, version, changelog
+ * [8b7a793] v3: i18n, sysenv, class variable to prevent unnecessary
+ re-construction of hash
+ * prevent program from becoming as slow as treacle, a fix
+ * [b08d064] debian/control, Standards-Version 3.9.2
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 05 May 2011 22:15:02 -0400
+sisu (3.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [54b31e1] sha256 (3.0.6)
+ * [2dec156] v3: 3.0.7 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [cc1c683] v3: urls, reuse/share code, fix -U
+ * share code between show selected urls and show all urls
+ * fix -U which has not been properly updated for v3
+ * [1f36048] v3: dates - version, changelog; v2: 2.9.2 opened - version,
+ changelog
+ * [a7413a2] v2 v3: vim slate colorscheme, conflicting group colors reviewed
+ * [ccc3355] v2 v3: vim cterm colorschemes "8" and "frugal" added
+ * [2dcb16c] v3: screen_text_color (ansi colors) touched, consider reviewing
+ later
+ * [5b647bd] v2 v3: cgi, sample-search-form
+ * results still not right, (ruby1.9.2 libraries? double check script)
+ * not yet done variable directory path fixing for result links
+ * [ba81996] v2 v3: options, -M / --maintenance, new alias
+ --keep-processing-files
+ * new alias --keep-processing-files (see Bug#622902)
+ * document "--keep-processing-files" alias for "-M" ("--maintenance")
+ * minor rearrangement of regex
+ * (Closes: #622902)
+ * [f330953] v3: odf:odt processing in separate subdirectories
+ * processing in separate subdirectories that can be kept for maintenance
+ * odt.zip (bin) directory renamed odt from odf
+ * sysenv, odf:odt paths adjusted for changes in maintenance & odt.zip
+ * [dcfbef6] v3: urls, minor fixes
+ * fix maintenance urls -M (where processing files are kept for examination)
+ * odf maintenance added
+ * [17d1555] v3: options, hub, introduce opt.act booleans, more setting in
+ options
+ * opt.act booleans more flexible than opt.cmd
+ (start to favor use of opt.act over opt.cmd)
+ * move option setting from hub to options where possible
+ * separate out a few methods
+ * [44464e2] v3: param, md remove md.cmd and md.mod shortcut methods, use use
+ md.opt
+ * affects many files that now use @md.opt.cmd & @md.opt.mod
+ (instead of @md.cmd & @md.mod)
+ * [cc7bc6d] v3: harvest, sysenv, place with document manifests, variable
+ directory path
+ * sysenv, variable directory path fixing (language, filetype, filname),
+ making the stub for at least manifest and html available early for
+ processing that do not or should not need to process individual markup
+ files completely, such as the cgi search form and harvest
+ * harvest
+ * place with document manifests
+ * variable directory path fixing (language, filetype, filname)
+ * [4bc8b76] v2 v3: vim colorschemes, headers touched, url to git repo provided
+ * [0797659] v2 v3: sisu-mode.el, header notes copyright assignment to FSF
+ * assignment to FSF
+ * header includes url to git repo (when possible track GNU EMACS location)
+ * [c1fe197] debian/sisu.lintian-overrides update for current lintian
+ (v2.5.0~rc2)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 20 Apr 2011 21:45:15 -0400
+sisu (3.0.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [2d6d497] sha256 (3.0.5-3)
+ * [b0955dc] v2, v3: 3.0.6 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [350efc6] v2: param, nested regex match fix (backport from v3)
+ * [9542185] v2, v3: sysenv, remove repeated method
+ * [d5d39d4] v2, v3: cgi, sample-search-form, string output
+ * ruby1.9.2 transition related
+ * (+ clean unused help text)
+ * [709e806] v2, v3: dal_images, image path setting
+ * ruby1.9.2 transition related
+ * [b06c1e8] v2, v3: dal_doc_str, empty line not paragraph object
+ * ruby1.9.2 transition related
+ * [af4d521] v2, v3: dal_doc_str.rb, table structure issue
+ * ruby1.9.2 transition related
+ * double spaced empty line creates spurious newline
+ * [6324d3d] vim colorscheme slate, review console colors
+ * [ebd803a] vim colorscheme slate, rearrange
+ * [9556ce0] debian/control, depends, graphicsmagick if not imagemagick
+ * [ef757f1] debian/bin/sisu* force use of 1.9.2, guarantee dependencies
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:52:16 -0400
+sisu (3.0.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * build -3 with source .orig.tar.gz for upload to debian
+ (displace -1 & -2 that were not uploaded, debian/changelog merged)
+ * [663832e] sha256 (3.0.5-2) - not uploaded
+ * [90bf54d] sha256 (3.0.5-1) - not uploaded
+ * [43cd90d] debian/control correct new ruby depends
+ * [778bcb6] modify sisu shebang for debian
+ * debian/bin modify shebang #! /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 for current ruby 1.9.2
+ * debian/sisu.install use debian/bin
+ * [f577abb] sha256 (3.0.4)
+ * [21cadb8] v3: changelog & version 3.0.5
+ * [18eefb2] v2, v3: vim syntax highlighting, fix typo
+ * [9e82cce] v3, v2: bin/sisu*: v3 development ruby >=1.9.2p180;
+ v2 maintenance ruby >=1.8.7
+ * bin/sisu* version checks
+ * [e5d3440] v2, v3: texpdf bugfix, where map_nametags not found, drop tag,
+ rather than crash
+ * Debian-live, live-manual (Ben Armstrong, chals?, reported new bug in a
+ number of translations (that crashed the pdf generator). It turns out
+ where map_nametags is not found the document crashes. Fix.
+ * [98a76bd] debian/control depends ruby (>= debian ruby 1.9.1 libs;
+ current sisu
+ * Depends: ruby (>=
+ * Depends: debian ruby 1.9.1 libraries
+ * Depends: current version of sisu for (sisu-pdf sisu-postresql sisu-sqlite)
+ (= ${source:Version}) [sisu-complete already does so]
+ [sisu (v2 especially) requires extensive testing, to see that it behaves as
+ it should with ruby 1.9.2 and associated required libraries]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 27 Mar 2011 20:21:13 -0400
+sisu (3.0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * not uploaded to debian, merged into 3.0.5-3
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 26 Mar 2011 14:09:33 -0400
+sisu (3.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * not uploaded to debian, merged into 3.0.5-3
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 24 Mar 2011 20:37:26 -0400
+sisu (3.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [32f83cb] sha256 (3.0.3)
+ * [e19720c] v3: changelog & version 3.0.4
+ * [1c052f5] sisu_manual, sisu_download, remove references to versions of sisu
+ * [0129345] debian/control depends ruby (>=1.8.7)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 11 Mar 2011 17:07:44 -0500
+sisu (3.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [589d36b] sha256 (3.0.2)
+ * [9dea2a8] v2, v3: 3.0.3 version & changelog "opened"
+ * [7817075] v2, v3: texpdf, url (regex) pattern match fix
+ * [755acef] v2, v3: dal_syntax + downstream output, email regex revised
+ * revised pattern match for email address, (removes occasional interference
+ with urls having embedded email addresses) (dal_syntax and affected
+ downstream output modules)
+ * [259351d] v2, v3: dal_syntax: (internal document) link matching, a fix.
+ [Debian-live, live-manual (Jose Luis Zabalza, Ben Armstrong], reported bug
+ in Spanish translation markup (that crashed the pdf generator). Bug in
+ markup subsequently identified as "versátil,#{iso-hybrid}#, se" which the
+ interpreter identified as an internal document link to a comma (instead
+ of as being monospace markup), markup should have been "versátil,
+ #{iso-hybrid}#, se" this fix prevents that incorrect match, (but the
+ markup remains faulty and the monospace markup is not identified as such
+ without the corrected spacing). Unfortunate "grave" results for what is
+ a pretty insignificant data entry typo (there are no doubt other such
+ situations).]
+ * [63251bd] v2, v3: dal_substitutions_and_insertions: sisu header matching in
+ codeblock, fix
+ * [cbcf26c] v2, v3: dal_doc_str: fix, looks like typo in regex
+ * [93308a6] v3 (v2): manpage, param, urls: manpage output presentation fixes
+ * manpage: lowercase .br; correct newlines before .nf and after .fi; no
+ escape of hyphens; remove redundant links; endnotes array requires
+ flatten; screen info on output path)
+ * param: manpage header .br and no escape of hyphens
+ * urls: correct output path for manpage
+ * [e4ca6d0] v2, v3: help (markup): correct path to markup-samples
+ * [a6042b0] documentation more link fixes (remove redundant), remove repeated
+ skin
+ * [57ad1a1] manpage: sisu.1 and html regenerated
+ * [d3a0924] param: tidy, remove redundant document header tags
+ * [61c7438] syntax highlighting updates, emacs, vim
+ * emacs sisu headers updated (subheaders omitted for now) sisu-mode.el
+ * vim cleaning sisu.vim
+ * [bfa2a01] v2, v3: changelog git.sisudoc.org tag-points [3.0.3-1]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 11 Mar 2011 08:22:59 -0500
+sisu (3.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * [a6673bc] sha256 (3.0.1)
+ * [494b0b5] v2: changelog fix
+ * [a800c2b] v3: urls, param, two unrelated regex fixes, check
+ * [abaab64] v3: hub, minor rearrangement
+ * [baa7f20] v3: changelog, open 3.0.2, target ruby1.9.2
+ * [af2ffd7] v3: sisu version 3.0.2-beta-rb1.9.2p180
+ * [0aff055] make sisu: v2 require >=ruby1.8.7; v3 require >=ruby1.9.2
+ * bin/sisu bin/sisu3 modified accordingly
+ note: there are issues with sisu and early versions of ruby1.9.2
+ ruby1.9.2p0 is known to segfault on a number of operations
+ ruby1.9.2p180 does not have these issues
+ * v3 includes changelog updates
+ * v2 includes changelog updates and version update 2.8.1
+ * [d4c0675] v3: use "encoding: utf-8" (instead of coding)
+ * [f09f45a] v3: use rb1.9.2 "require_relative" syntax
+ * [05a3fd2] v3: ruby 1.9 hash symbol syntax adopted
+ * [f2ab439] v3: space between each and opening curly brace
+ e.g. "x.each {|y| p y}"
+ * [5abc572] v3: sysenv, separate out processing_path method plus consequences
+ * [59b7f84] v2, v3: consolidate manual & markup samples
+ * reinstate lang dir structure for manual when v3 becomes default
+ * [572064e] CHANGELOG_v{1,2,3}, syslink, avoid duplication
+ * CHANGELOG_v3 updated
+ * CHANGELOG & README locations pruned
+ * [6cc4670] debian related sisu markup samples, reorganise
+ * [ceb35ac] conf/skin prune skins
+ * remove less important skins
+ * use syslink to share doc/skin_sisu.rb
+ * [73c312d] v3: version & changelog, touch date
+ * [278c945] v2, v3: defaults, default homepage tidy & update links
+ * [a512dfe] v2, v3: manpage, adjust output (backslash ('\') escapes reduced)
+ * [b972304] doc/sisu user_txt, minor update & pruning
+ * [c9440e3] markup samples, manual, headers: links and other details
+ * [cce96b7] manpages: sisu.1 update; sisu_vim.7 cleaning
+ * [f3aefad] sisu.8 manpage & html deleted, needs rewrite, unhelpful
+ * [0c872f4] html manpages, re-run man2html
+ * [1ffd1da] documentation, remove some files
+ * [5b12491] manpage + html: sylink sisu.1 to sisu3.1
+ * [02c1669] documentation, minor tidy
+ * [6991d5a] v2, v3: changelog updates
+ * [8050926] debian/sisu.manpages, remove sisu.8
+ * [8fc0343] debian/control linebreaks, cosmetic
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 05 Mar 2011 22:28:21 -0500
+sisu (3.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * debian/control sisu-complete, pull current version of sisu
+ * debian/{compat,control} update debhelper to version 8
+ * sysenv, sisurc.yml and elsewhere as affected, output_dir_structure:
+ by_language_code; by_filetype; by_filename
+ * css, fix css paths for xhtml, xml dom & xml sax
+ * console feedback on selected files being processed, updates & fixes
+ * sysenv & sisurc.yml: libreoffice, default odf reader
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:32:25 -0500
+sisu (3.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - post squeeze
+ * opening of version 3 unstable/development branch, (which provides
+ alternative output directory structures and file naming, and starts attempt
+ at 'po' output) see upstream v3 changelog. Processing defaults to v2, v3 is
+ accessible using 'sisu3' or 'sisu --v3' (followed by usual instructions)
+ [note: once v3 is ready v2 branches will be retired]
+ * closing of v1 legacy branch
+ * sisu2 & sisu3 added to /usr/bin, along with sisu-git and sisu-po; all added
+ to sisu.install
+ * new manpages provided, sisu2 sisu3 sisu-po
+ * debian/sisu.install includes new
+ * lintian overrides extended to cover v3
+ * use debian source format 3.0, debian/source/format 3.0 (quilt)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 07 Feb 2011 10:53:18 -0500
+sisu (2.7.9-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes
+ (most of them requested for debian live-manual)
+ * dal, fix missing multi-line regex matches for line-wrap text
+ (live-manual, to work better with po4a)
+ * dal_doc_str, bulleted text (and headings), multi-line match, to permit
+ line-wrapped paragraphs
+ (requested fix, Ben Armstrong (live-manual))
+ * dal_syntax, multi-line match for fontface markup (emphasis, bold,
+ italics, underscore etc.)
+ * texpdf, use of monospace in headings causes table of contents breakage, fix
+ (requested fix, Ben Armstrong (live-manual))
+ * texpdf, toc now contains level 3~ consistent with other output formats
+ (requested fix, Ben Armstrong (live-manual))
+ * html & css, ocn (object numbers) now link to themselves, clicking on one
+ places that object at the top of the browser and provides its url
+ (requested, Ben Armstrong (live-manual))
+ * epub, ocn (object numbers) now link to themselves, clicking on one
+ places that object at the top of the viewer
+ * document manifest links
+ * html, link to "document manifest" remains (links to individual output
+ types removed)
+ * plaintext, link to "document manifest" fix (links to individual output
+ types removed)
+ * odf, manifest link fix
+ * html search form, configuration check
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 09 Dec 2010 12:59:51 -0500
+sisu (2.7.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes
+ * i18n, introduce header @make: :language: internationalization using codes
+ from http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po/ at this time for texpdf,
+ (able to satify needs of polyglossia for the likes of Brazilian Portugues)
+ and in future for po files, where iso:639 for this purpose appears to have
+ use limitations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes
+ * param, extract @make: :language: information if provided, default
+ "english"
+ * i18n, add code list and associated language (as listed by polyglossia)
+ * texpdf_format, use param (@make: :language: (default english)), to set
+ tex document language header (previously used file naming convention)
+ * sisu.vim recognize @make: :language:
+ (also elsewhere shortened :lang_code: from :language_code:)
+ * internal links
+ * dal, exclude parentheses and square brackets from matching
+ (requested fix, Ben Armstrong)
+ * html, remove space between link & following punctuation, parentheses &/or
+ square brackets
+ (requested fix, Ben Armstrong)
+ * epub, remove space between link & following punctuation, parentheses &/or
+ square brackets
+ * html
+ * remove "copy @" mark
+ (requested, Daniel Baumann)
+ * segments, title banner (including "copy @" mark) configurable, boolean,
+ true/false (default false)
+ (requested off option, Daniel Baumann)
+ * quick ref links_guide configurable, boolean, true/false (default false)
+ (requested off option, Daniel Baumann)
+ * config.yml
+ * html, seg title banner, boolean true/false setting (commented out,
+ default false)
+ * html, quick_ref, boolean true/false setting (commented out, default
+ false)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 30 Oct 2010 23:49:39 -0400
+sisu (2.7.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes
+ * codeblocks, numbered markup option, fix
+ (requested fix needed by debian-live:live-manual, Ben Armstrong, Mark
+ Schneider, Daniel Baumann)
+ * texpdf, codeblocks do not permit empty lines, fix
+ * texpdf, bullet text, hanging indent, (regular (not grouped) text), fix
+ (requested fix, Ben Armstrong)
+ * texpdf, first space following a bullet should be fixed width, fix
+ (requested fix and suggested solution, Ben Armstrong)
+ * documentation related minor updates and fixes
+ * changelog & version updates
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 17 Oct 2010 13:37:55 -0400
+sisu (2.7.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes
+ * texpdf, codeblocks, code-line continuation backslash dropped, fix
+ (requested fix, Ben Armstrong)
+ * shared_metadata, odf, url characters to not match
+ * sisu_convert, basic conversion script, preliminary fix
+ * CHANGELOG v2, recount where some requests came from
+ * changelog & version updates
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 11 Oct 2010 22:43:27 -0400
+sisu (2.7.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes
+ * odt fix cornercase breakage matching and representing "&nbsp", "&" and urls
+ * odf, "&nbsp" and "&"
+ (prior to this fix, odt for viral_spiral is broken in sisu-markup-samples)
+ * shared_metadata, "&nbsp", "&" and urls in metadata
+ more consistent open document text results
+ * param, metadata rights, keep colon separator from interfering with urls
+ * changelog & version updates
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 09 Oct 2010 23:18:59 -0400
+sisu (2.7.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes
+ (requested fixes related to image scaling; behaviour testing & request by
+ Mark Schneider)
+ * epub (epub_tune) scaling of images, fix
+ * html (html_tune) scaling of images, fix
+ * odf:odt, incorporation and scaling of images, fix
+ * texpdf, scaling of images (below the set max size), fix
+ * changelog & version updates
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 08 Oct 2010 19:38:12 -0400
+sisu (2.7.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes (& minor documentation fix)
+ * dal_images, where image dimensions are set in an object, use those
+ (requested fix, behaviour testing & request by Mark Schneider)
+ * hub, fix sisu breakage when -y (manifest) is run without the explicit or
+ implicit calling of -m (creation of document abstraction for processing),
+ (e.g. when --source or --sisupod is called on its own).
+ * urls, cleaning
+ * a few aliases added (long options)
+ * sisu_markup.sst, document a fix (v1 & 2)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 07 Oct 2010 10:04:02 -0400
+sisu (2.7.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes
+ * hub, test whether user name set
+ (requested fix, provided by Ben Armstrong)
+ * epub, fix breakage where angle brackets used in used metadata header
+ * texpdf_format, remove a few commented out lines
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 01 Oct 2010 23:45:58 -0400
+sisu (2.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fixes
+ * shared_metadata, odt fix breakage where angle brackets used in metadata
+ headers; & a typo fix
+ (requested fix)
+ * manifest, typo fix
+ * param, a few fixes (checks, aliases, typo)
+ * hub, removed commented out option (git), (already enabled elsewhere)
+ * share_src, remove repetition, redundancy
+ * texpdf, a5, increase headheight (fix issues where header wrapped)
+ * texpdf, provide line-break-points for long directory names
+ (requested fix)
+ * texinfo, urls cleaned & with angle bracket decoration
+ * texinfo ocn decoration a hash (instead of angle braces)
+ * texinfo_format, texinfo output broken, fix (Closes: #598063)
+ (requested fix)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 01 Oct 2010 09:40:57 -0400
+sisu (2.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, 2.7.0-1 moves 2.6.3-6 upstream
+ * CHANGELOGs updated and reported version changed (else as in 2.6.3-6)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 24 Sep 2010 20:31:06 -0400
+sisu (2.6.3-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fix, (documentation, minor fixes)
+ * html, v2 update (including --long-options) (manpage sync adds files)
+ * manpage, v2 update (including --long-options)
+ * sisu_commands.sst v2 update (including --long-options)
+ * help, minor update, revisit (includes minor fixes)
+ * identify markup, update ... revisit
+ * urls, sysenv, set manpage viewer to "man"
+ * options, bullet proof matches for --long-options (effects minor fix)
+ fixes issue noted with --sample-search-form (-F) (in the selection of
+ webrick (--webserv-webrick))
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 20 Sep 2010 18:18:00 -0400
+sisu (2.6.3-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code fix, (boilerplate code addition)
+ * epub, fix xhtml line-break in rights metadata, results in unreadable epub
+ (Closes: #596736) epub output not readable by all epub-reader software (else
+ epub output can be viewed in calibre, but not in fbreader or okular)
+ * options, add expressive options "--[name]" as alternative to flags "-[x]"
+ (boilerplate addition)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 13 Sep 2010 15:27:11 -0400
+sisu (2.6.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, code and documentation fixes
+ * html_format, xml_format, reduce visibility of sisu in output
+ * yml metadata, add subheading for a title
+ * html headers do not include the "title" field, fix (Closes: #594949)
+ (param, variable not set (presumably since change from v1 to v2))
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 31 Aug 2010 09:57:21 -0400
+sisu (2.6.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ] - debian freeze, documentation related changes only
+ * minor cleaning of headers (& a fix in book index) in document markup sample
+ free_as_in_freedom...
+ * update of some links in free_as_in_freedom... list.yml promo.yml
+ * debian document markup samples, add copyright and license information
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 23 Aug 2010 09:54:33 -0400
+sisu (2.6.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * debian/control, sisu-pdf, Depends on texlive-xetex added (Closes: #590766),
+ replacing Recommends
+ * debian/control, sisu-pdf, Depends on lmodern added (Closes: #590767)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 29 Jul 2010 01:00:11 -0400
+sisu (2.6.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * debian/control, Standards-Version 3.9.1
+ * debian/control, Maintainers, Uploaders and Homepage fields updated
+ * odf, footnotes, asterisk series (**) fix
+ * html_format, epub_format: subtoc, footnote content bug (fix)
+ * odf: lt (<), gt (>) fix for codeblocks; &amp fix, messy
+ * epub_format, removed some title & author info, check
+ * epub_tune, <br /> (from <br>)
+ * epub_format, within head, title & author
+ * epub, toc copyat link removed
+ * manifest, defaults, minimal sisu footer
+ * hub, add metaverse run for git (composite files)
+ * git, param, refine filename regex for composite files
+ * git sisu directory structure, lang dir beneath txt
+ * html, links to output formats, remove icons
+ * minitoc sisurc configurable (true/false)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 28 Jul 2010 14:51:56 -0400
+sisu (2.6.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * debian/control update ruby1.9 related depends to ruby1.9.1 (affects
+ libfcgi-ruby)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 17 Jul 2010 08:34:14 -0400
+sisu (2.6.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * param, make header reading more robust (against comments)
+ * texpdf, make easier to change or remove left footer
+ * texpdf, do not raise copymark (no superscript)
+ * texpdf, monospace, decide whether small size font is acceptable
+ * vim syntax, match bold in bulleted and indented text
+ * texpdf, remove copy @ when no such info provided
+ * param, lines breaks in rights all
+ * texpdf, asterisk
+ * sisu-harvest, sisu --harvest (with man page, & updated manpage references)
+ * texpdf, codeblocks, left margin flush
+ * html_segments, line space between end of text & bottom navigation bar
+ * debian/sisu.install & sisu.manpages include sisu-harvest
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 15 Jul 2010 07:41:41 -0400
+sisu (2.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * texpdf, monospace fix
+ * dal_syntax, monospace (avoid url match false positive)
+ * sysenv default output path fix
+ * html_scroll, deals with index & endnotes
+ * dal, manifest & metadata headings, non-substantive, ocn removed
+ * sisu_manual, minor cleaning
+ * debian additional markup samples (move directory)
+ * Merge branch 'upstream' into debian/sid
+ * markup-samples, remove content, non-modifiable etc.
+ * moved markup samples
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 09 Jul 2010 15:12:46 -0400
+sisu (2.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Ralph Amissah ]
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog
+ * version.yml moved to /usr/share/sisu/v2/v (from /etc/sisu)
+ * alternative sisu command names for producing single output types
+ sisu-pdf, sisu-html, sisu-odf, sisu-epub, sisu-txt, sisu-pg, sisu-sqlite
+ * manpages added for command names
+ [ Daniel Baumann ]
+ * manpages added & update
+ * added year in copyright file for setup.rb
+ * update year in copyright file
+ * wrap depends in control to 80 chars per line
+ * use standards version to 3.9.0
+ * use Debhelper 7 minimized rules file
+ * prefix NEWS.Debian with package name
+ * removal of whitespace at eol
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 08 Jul 2010 08:02:18 -0400
+sisu (2.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, a fix (xetex set program default font if none configured),
+ see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 12 Jun 2010 00:50:24 -0400
+sisu (2.5.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, texpdf select font, default requires Liberation fonts be
+ installed, some other small fixes, see upstream changelog
+ * depends ttf-liberation
+ * suggests calibre
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 11 Jun 2010 22:08:47 -0400
+sisu (2.4.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, makes vim ftplugin a bit less intrusive, see upstream
+ changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 05 Jun 2010 20:25:50 -0400
+sisu (2.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, small adjustments, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 01 Jun 2010 22:57:22 -0400
+sisu (2.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, small fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 26 May 2010 19:19:29 -0400
+sisu (2.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, internal document linking, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 26 May 2010 15:40:43 -0400
+sisu (2.3.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, small fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 18 May 2010 22:50:23 -0400
+sisu (2.3.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, small adjustments and fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 13 May 2010 09:54:48 -0400
+sisu (2.3.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, small adjustments and fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 05 May 2010 18:35:48 -0400
+sisu (2.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, small adjustments and fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 03 May 2010 19:18:35 -0400
+sisu (2.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, one line fix, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 28 Apr 2010 00:20:35 -0400
+sisu (2.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream including sql db structure change, addition of oclc number
+ (v2c), disruptive where sisu search is used it is necessary to recreate db
+ and tables and populate; search forms must be redone to take account of db
+ changes; release includes many small fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:51:23 -0400
+sisu (2.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, sql db structure changes (v2b), disruptive where sisu search
+ is used it is necessary to recreate db and tables and populate; search
+ forms must be redone to take account of db changes; release includes many
+ fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 20 Apr 2010 19:33:31 -0400
+sisu (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, sql db structure changes, disruptive must recreate db and
+ tables and populate; search forms must be redone to take account of db
+ changes; release includes fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 16 Apr 2010 11:31:54 -0400
+sisu (2.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor fix release, see upstream changelog
+ [inter alia: harvest topics; manifest search form for db; sql search form;
+ db_create issue for sqlite]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 31 Mar 2010 19:46:01 -0400
+sisu (2.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor fix release, see upstream changelog
+ [inter alia re: use of param title.full, [fix occasional sql load
+ breakage]]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 23 Mar 2010 19:46:41 -0400
+sisu (2.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor fix release, see upstream changelog
+ [inter alia fix to occasional odf:odt breakage]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 22 Mar 2010 20:11:15 -0400
+sisu (2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor fix release, see upstream changelog
+ [inter alia fix to occasional sql load breakage]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 21 Mar 2010 11:27:21 -0400
+sisu (2.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor fix release, (most significant related to html tables)
+ see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 17 Mar 2010 15:44:23 -0400
+sisu (2.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, introducing v2 with new middle layer and downstream
+ libraries; includes epub output
+ * sisu v2 installed by default as sisu
+ * debian/sisu.install now installs version 1 and version 2 libraries
+ * debian/control package description adds mention of Epub output introduced
+ with this version
+ * same lintian overrides added to version 2 as were in version 1, some sample
+ scripts are provided as text, and not intended to be executable
+ * debian News provided for this version, warning of incompatibility with
+ version 1 markup, brought about by change to document header
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 06 Mar 2010 06:50:00 -0500
+sisu (1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream, plaintext footnote / endnote fix, and in sample skins
+ specification of utf-8 (in some cases needed by ruby 1.9.1)
+ * move ruby 1.9 branch to 1.9.1 from 1.9.0 (this should address #569888, if
+ not reopen) (Closes: #569888)
+ * update standards version to 3.8.4 (from 3.8.3)
+ * medium urgency retained (previous upload transition to testing prevented by
+ #569888)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 17 Feb 2010 11:06:01 -0500
+sisu (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream, sample markup document, markup modified, affects document
+ numbering
+ * medium urgency retained, as impedes progress of previous upload,
+ (modification needed for future consistency)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 10 Feb 2010 16:51:20 -0500
+sisu (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream contains an odf fix
+ * markup samples directory structure, minor adjustments, (and no longer
+ shared by package sisu_markup_samples, about which, see that package)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 08 Feb 2010 21:45:17 -0500
+sisu (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * version 1 declared and directory structure modified to allow parallel
+ development of version 2, through introduction v1 directories where
+ needed (the moving of sample markup files helps account for large
+ diffs)
+ * sisu markup, old style header support dropped to simplify and make cleaner
+ introduction of version 2 headers, (i.e./e.g. old style headers like
+ '0~title' are no longer supported, use '@title:')
+ * debian/sisu.install explicit mention of a number of files to make debian
+ switch to version 2 trivial
+ * debian/control "conflicts" and "replaces" versions of sisu-markup-samples
+ (non-free, due to copyright restrictions on modifying original text) 1.0.11
+ and older due to package directory structure changes
+ * debian/control "recommends" removed for hyperestraier; "suggests" removed
+ for kdissert
+ * debian/sisu.lintian-overrides, maintained with changed directory structure
+ * documentation, modified description of command flags -m and -n (in line
+ with communication on bug report) (Closes: #555496)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 20 Dec 2009 19:05:08 -0500
+sisu (0.71.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, sql fix, population of databases see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 29 Aug 2009 23:46:52 -0400
+sisu (0.71.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream with fix to use imagemagick directly (when imagemagick is
+ available and rmagick declares versions not in sync)
+ * switch to latest Standards-Version 3.8.3
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 28 Aug 2009 16:02:11 -0400
+sisu (0.71.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream with a couple of fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 02 Aug 2009 12:01:28 -0400
+sisu (0.71.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream with relatively minor adjustments that are nonetheless worth
+ including, see upstream changelog
+ * debian/control added imagemagick as ruby 1.9.* rmagick package not yet
+ available program will system call imagemagick identify where needed
+ directly in absence of rmagick
+ * debian/sisu.install make libraries available to ruby 1.9 currently 1.9.0
+ (commencement of further testing awaits imminent upload ruby 1.9.1 and
+ subsequent build)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:33:56 -0400
+sisu (0.71.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * upstream lib/sisu version directory moved from v0 to v1
+ * upstream housekeeping, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 09 Jul 2009 10:45:01 -0400
+sisu (0.70.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * fixes to sql interface
+ * fix to generated sample search form
+ * debian/control sisu-pdf Suggests: evince | pdf-viewer (Closes: #516714)
+ * switch to latest version of Debian Policy
+ (Standards-Version 3.8.2 instead of 3.8.0)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 01 Jul 2009 10:58:47 -0400
+sisu (0.70.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new minor upstream release, see upstream changelog
+ * debian/ new year cleaning:
+ * debian/copyright use parse-able format;
+ * debian/rules cleanup;
+ * debian/control fcgi-ruby made a dependency for sisu-postgresql and
+ sisu-sqlite as sample script needs it, git repo move noted, package
+ description touched;
+ * removed sisu.postrm, forced removal on purge /etc/sisu draconian if
+ it contains admin edits
+ * minor sorting
+ * note git repo moved:
+ <http://git.sisudoc.org/?p=code/sisu.git;a=summary>
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 18 Jan 2009 00:38:58 -0400
+sisu (0.70.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog, sisu-pdf, workaround necessitated by
+ texlive behaving differently with tilde characters, similar to recent issue
+ with tetex behavior with "bullet" mark
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 31 Dec 2008 00:35:29 -0400
+sisu (0.70.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog, fixes to sqlite3 component and minor
+ fix and cosmetic modification to some html
+ * new dependency on libsqlite3-ruby, now used to populate sqlite3 db
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 24 Dec 2008 00:08:39 -0400
+sisu (0.70.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog, includes a fix and a minor
+ manpage/help update
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:45:19 -0400
+sisu (0.70.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog, includes fixes, better integration of
+ harvest, and additional metadata fields
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 14 Dec 2008 00:31:23 -0400
+sisu (0.70.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog, includes a sisu site metadata harvest
+ module, version bump for minor syntax alteration, introduction of a
+ formatting rule for header author / creator field
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 02 Dec 2008 23:58:12 -0400
+sisu (0.69.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, notably includes emacs highlighting for sisu sisu-mode.el
+ see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 04 Nov 2008 18:38:01 -0400
+sisu (0.69.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog, contains minor fix in manifest
+ reporting of markup source files (sisupod (.zip) where provided)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 10 Oct 2008 22:28:11 -0400
+sisu (0.69.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog
+ (sample sisu markup "Free as in Freedom": book index markers included)
+ * [debian/changelog corrected previous entry for 0.69.1 (which was a
+ repetition of 0.69.0)]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 19 Sep 2008 19:08:16 -0400
+sisu (0.69.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, contains fix, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 17 Sep 2008 00:08:08 -0400
+sisu (0.69.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog, many changes
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 16 Sep 2008 00:38:28 -0400
+sisu (0.68.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, should be easier to maintain, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 22 Jul 2008 20:03:58 -0400
+sisu (0.67.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * texpdf fixes (xetex xelatex processing instruction and for A5 landscape),
+ see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 12 Jul 2008 14:49:02 -0400
+sisu (0.67.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * fixes (remote source files, default processing directory), see upstream
+ changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 12 Jul 2008 01:09:52 -0400
+sisu (0.67.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * fixes, (help env and fix of pdf papersize), see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 03 Jul 2008 23:04:30 -0400
+sisu (0.67.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream fix for xetex landscape pdfs
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 02 Jul 2008 22:13:02 -0400
+sisu (0.67.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * package updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy
+ (Standards-Version 3.8.0 instead of 3.7.3)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 22 Jun 2008 23:53:28 -0400
+sisu (0.67.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * minor upstream update
+ * vim-addon policy compliance (Closes: #464824)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 27 May 2008 19:34:22 -0400
+sisu (0.67.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor modification/simplification of markup syntax for files
+ imported to a composite/master document results in automatic version bump,
+ see upstream changelog and man pages
+ * vim syntax modified to reflect change in markup syntax
+ * debian / vim-addon-manager, investigate use of
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 22 May 2008 22:01:19 -0400
+sisu (0.66.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog
+ * debhelper 7
+ * debian/control vcs info added
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 11 May 2008 14:29:34 -0400
+sisu (0.66.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see upstream changelog
+ * ruby-dbi dependencies in sisu-postgresql ruby and sisu-sqlite refer to
+ ruby version 1.8
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:44:31 +0100
+sisu (0.66.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see changelog
+ * debhelper (>= 6)
+ * sisu-pdf recommends texlive-xetex
+ * [this changelog, cleaned trailing whitespaces]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:02:54 +0100
+sisu (0.66.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, (version bump markup tag related) see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 24 Feb 2008 22:44:20 +0000
+sisu (0.65.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, (version bump markup tag related) see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 16 Feb 2008 02:56:00 +0000
+sisu (0.64.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor, see changelog, (markup tag related)
+ * debian control description db names PostgreSQL and SQLite the former
+ requested by lintian
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 14 Feb 2008 06:11:58 +0000
+sisu (0.64.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream minor, see changelog, (related to open source ecosystem
+ upgrade transition: ruby 1.9; postgresql 8.3 [interim])
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 06 Feb 2008 00:21:00 +0000
+sisu (0.64.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor, see changelog
+ * debian/control permit use with ruby 1.8 upgrade
+ (however limit retained on use with ruby 1.9)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 19 Jan 2008 03:37:11 +0000
+sisu (0.64.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream with odf bugfix, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 09 Jan 2008 06:16:44 +0000
+sisu (0.64.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, see changelog, includes modifications to:
+ * processing files moved to user owned directory under
+ /tmp/_sisu_processing~
+ * newly created databases primary keys;
+ * postgresql populating affecting use of tcp/ip sockets;
+ * debian/sisu.postrm should fix #454372
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 02 Jan 2008 23:16:22 +0000
+sisu (0.63.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, latex for pdf (landscape & portrait etc.) generated in single
+ pass [accounts for version bump], and contains rsync bugfix for sisupod
+ (remote placement, and for download and processing) [accounts for medium
+ urgency], see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 20 Dec 2007 00:25:51 +0000
+sisu (0.62.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream with fix, and adjustment to gpl3 links
+ * debian build update
+ * debian/watch file
+ * DM upload
+ * gpg/pgp signature used changed (now B98F62B1 before BD76E77F)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 14 Dec 2007 21:41:13 +0000
+sisu (0.62.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Dm-Upload-Allowed field needs XS- prefex
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 30 Nov 2007 22:14:47 +0000
+sisu (0.62.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * debian/changelog (take more care with git reset)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 29 Nov 2007 01:42:04 +0000
+sisu (0.62.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream with minor fixes, see changelog
+ * debian/control Dm-Upload-Allowed: yes
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 27 Nov 2007 02:43:18 +0000
+sisu (0.62.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor, but contains a bugfix to do with remote markup source
+ that contains images, see changelog
+ * debian/control 'Homepage:' field (and accompanying lintian override)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 03 Nov 2007 01:48:41 +0000
+sisu (0.62.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream with minor regex match fix, replaces previous as debian
+ upload
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 22 Oct 2007 19:42:07 +0100
+sisu (0.62.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, several things, see upstream changelog
+ * some output directories moved that will require manual fixing for existing
+ sites, [outputpath]/_sisu/image_local becomes [outputpath]/_sisu/image;
+ [outputpath]/_sisu/image for system images becomes
+ [outputpath]/_sisu/image_sys; shared source if any now is placed in separate
+ directories, [outputpath]/src for shared markup text, [outputpath]/pod for
+ shared (zipped) sisupods [accounts for version bump]
+ * debian/control added 'Depends' on rsync (previously 'Recommends') as used
+ even more extensively
+ * debian/control, 'Replaces' and 'Conflicts' placed on sisu-doc sub-package
+ which was introduced for the duration of the 0.59 release series only,
+ (and never uploaded to Debian), [unlikely to exist, remove if it does]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 20 Oct 2007 15:04:38 +0100
+sisu (0.61.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, consolidates changes introduced in 0.59 and 0.60 series,
+ version bump due to change in treatment of available text outputs markup
+ shortcut, results now presented as a single object (changes the resulting
+ object numbering for document where used), includes some fixes
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 12 Oct 2007 20:59:45 +0100
+sisu (0.60.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream with minor fixes
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 07 Oct 2007 14:22:08 +0100
+sisu (0.60.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/changelog, removed references to sisu-doc sub-package, (introduced
+ in 0.59 and removed again in 0.60)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 04 Oct 2007 19:31:32 +0100
+sisu (0.60.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, contains a number of additions/fixes (see changelog) and
+ source tarball back to sane size (after 0.59 inflation, not in debian
+ archive), this includes sisu documentation as sisu source, but no generated
+ output, other than a few man pages, rationale for change provided in
+ upstream changelog
+ * [Note: previous 0.59 builds were not for debian upload]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 03 Oct 2007 04:53:48 +0100
+sisu (0.59.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor fixes, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 25 Sep 2007 03:14:21 +0100
+sisu (0.59.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, primarily documentation, new sub-package sisu-doc, increases
+ size of package considerably, many other changes, see changelog
+ * debian/control restrict ruby use: 1.8.4 < ruby < 1.9
+ * debian package specific manpages moved to main package
+ * debian note: lintian warnings on some sisu generated man-pages - certain
+ characters and line-breaks
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 23 Sep 2007 19:32:17 +0100
+sisu (0.58.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor detail, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 06 Sep 2007 18:35:51 +0100
+sisu (0.58.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, detail, composite documents, code-block exception
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:00:16 +0100
+sisu (0.58.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream with minor fixes for grouped text (primarily code-blocks),
+ see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 04 Sep 2007 22:23:59 +0100
+sisu (0.58.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, mostly to do with escaping code-blocks from being marked up,
+ see changelog
+ * debian/changelog kdissert and trang moved to Suggests, minor reordering
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 03 Sep 2007 23:14:43 +0100
+sisu (0.57.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, cleaning up output (as opposed to code), a minor syntax
+ addition, and change to sisurc.yml for search forms, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:30:10 +0100
+sisu (0.56.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor fixes, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:47:40 +0100
+sisu (0.56.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, odf fix, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 31 Jul 2007 21:16:20 +0100
+sisu (0.56.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor refinement in a regex match, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 31 Jul 2007 19:04:59 +0100
+sisu (0.56.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * same as 0.55.7, more significant version number used to flag (minor)
+ change to search db structure, (which may necessitate rebuild if used),
+ see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 31 Jul 2007 01:54:22 +0100
+sisu (0.55.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor adjustments, some such as increase of auto-generated
+ identifier db field size verge on fixes, also addition of semi-colon as
+ possible url terminator, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 31 Jul 2007 00:04:10 +0100
+sisu (0.55.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, see changelog, includes url match fix and refinements
+ * vim syntax and ftplugin files moved back to /usr/share/vim/addons
+ * debian/control added recommends vim-addon-manager
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 28 Jul 2007 14:20:12 +0100
+sisu (0.55.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * initialize output directory, fix (Closes: #434168)
+ * vim syntax and ftplugin files install moved to /usr/share/vim-scripts
+ * minor upstream changes see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 22 Jul 2007 11:17:32 +0100
+sisu (0.55.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, minor fix, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 20 Jul 2007 07:44:03 +0100
+sisu (0.55.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, polishing, see changelog
+ * debian, renamed editor syntax file directory
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:31:07 +0100
+sisu (0.55.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream, various small fixes and improvements, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 07 Jul 2007 09:32:37 +0100
+sisu (0.55.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, reviewed and reposted, includes fixes to dal and odf, see
+ changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 02 Jul 2007 18:14:01 +0100
+sisu (0.55.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * License change - GPL v3 or later
+ * make lib available to ruby 1.9
+ * New upstream including some fixes, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 01 Jul 2007 11:41:09 +0100
+sisu (0.54.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, with fix in cgi-search related to match highlighting, see
+ upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:59:25 +0100
+sisu (0.54.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor additions to syntax, extended indent levels, see
+ upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:49:58 +0100
+sisu (0.53.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, housekeeping, see upstream changelog
+ * [OT, note] scm switched to git
+ * lib placed in v0 (instead of 0.53)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 02 Jun 2007 11:29:59 +0100
+sisu (0.52.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, texpdf minor fix
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 17 May 2007 20:39:29 +0100
+sisu (0.52.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor fix
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 14 May 2007 00:14:33 +0100
+sisu (0.52.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * dependencies updated (Closes: #419294) [thanks for report Martin Pitt]
+ * new upstream, minor changes related to setting of TCP/IP port to permit
+ the change of postgresql database version. (you may need to check the
+ postgresql port used and set it appropriately for your system, by setting
+ PGPORT or making sure sisurc.yml has the right value if the postgresql
+ default 5432 is not used). Postgresql database upgrades in debian that are
+ used by sisu should occur independently of sisu version.
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 10 May 2007 01:50:08 +0100
+sisu (0.52.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see changelog
+ * debhelper >= 5
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 05 May 2007 10:51:18 +0100
+sisu (0.52.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * texpdf (LaTeX:pdf) utf-8 headers adjusted to work with new file magic
+ information (utf-8 markup file is assumed)
+ * debian/control, reverted postgresql dependencies to 0.52.1 until update of
+ ruby drivers to comply with suggestions in #419294
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 26 Apr 2007 02:42:55 +0100
+sisu (0.52.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control, postgresql dependency update, (was intended to close
+ 419294) [thank you for report Martin Pitt]
+ * minor upstream adjustment todo with links to generated output in html, see
+ changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 21 Apr 2007 15:21:37 +0100
+sisu (0.52.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor, see changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 14 Apr 2007 17:56:19 +0100
+sisu (0.52.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, introduces:
+ * declared filetype identifier,
+ * a default action for 'sisu [recognised filename]'
+ * gpl3 draft 3 as document markup sample
+ and includes minor fixes, see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:44:03 +0100
+sisu (0.51.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, mostly refactoring, but include changes to skins (their
+ simplification) which results in the need to modify existing skins
+ accordingly.
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 31 Mar 2007 10:56:14 +0100
+sisu (0.50.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, fixes to sample generated search form (cgi)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 24 Mar 2007 09:32:49 +0000
+sisu (0.50.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor fixes
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 17 Mar 2007 16:05:32 +0000
+sisu (0.50.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, many small changes, most significant to do with integration
+ of access to search features. Minor help updates. See upstream changelog
+ * debian control, minor update to package description
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 17 Mar 2007 01:28:01 +0000
+sisu (0.50.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, several minor adjustments, most notably indexes not built
+ (automatically) on postgresql text/content and endnote fields, (rely on
+ tsearch, suggest manual building of Gin index), see upstream changelog
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 10 Mar 2007 00:56:59 +0000
+sisu (0.50.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, several modest changes, see upstream changelog
+ * yaml files renamed with .yml extension including sisurc.yml
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 6 Mar 2007 02:23:56 +0000
+sisu (0.49.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor adjustments, see version manifest
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 24 Feb 2007 10:44:54 +0000
+sisu (0.49.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, see version manifest
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:36:45 +0000
+sisu (0.49.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * 0.49 opened [see 0.48.8-10] merged 0.48.8-10 upstream
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 26 Jan 2007 00:38:04 +0000
+sisu (0.48.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [see 0.48.8-8] merged 0.48.8-8 upstream (Etch freeze is at 0.48.8)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 24 Jan 2007 22:47:02 +0000
+sisu (0.48.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [see 0.48.8-7] merged 0.48.8-7 upstream (Etch freeze is at 0.48.8)
+ originally built on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 23:23:07 +0000
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 24 Jan 2007 22:37:06 +0000
+sisu (0.48.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [see 0.48.8-6] merged 0.48.8-6 upstream (Etch freeze is at 0.48.8)
+ originally built on Mon, 8 Jan 2007 22:25:23 +0000
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 24 Jan 2007 22:28:07 +0000
+sisu (0.48.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * [see 0.48.8-2] merged 0.48.8-2 upstream (Etch freeze is at 0.48.8)
+ originally built on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 15:02:13 +0000
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 24 Jan 2007 21:09:40 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-11) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * build "stable"
+ (based on stable upstream release = = = 0.49.1-1)
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 16 Feb 2007 00:36:09 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-10) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * xml and xhtml adjustment of regex match of urls for xlink
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:34:20 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-9) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * use ISO 639-2 for language codes (Closes: #407937)
+ and related changes to help and man pages
+ * removed Danish sample markup files, (which need to be renamed da instead of
+ dk following iso 639-2) to reduce the size of the inter-diff against the
+ package in testing
+ * sisupod fixes:
+ * safeguard against accidental zipping (making sisupod) of entire
+ document markup directory, requests confirmation of action
+ (Closes: #407932)
+ * sisupod initialisation (and generation) in new work directory,
+ issue fixed (Closes: #407943)
+ * xml and xhtml several adjustments with related css changes
+ (Closes: #407938)
+ * vim syntax highlighting, minor fix to catch an existing markup shortcut
+ (Closes: #407941)
+ * cosmetic fixes:
+ * html toc author line
+ * debian document samples, tex pdf page break instruction
+ adjusted/corrected
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 22 Jan 2007 17:33:43 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-8) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * use ISO 639-2 for language codes, [best implement now]
+ (also results in renaming of some document samples)
+ * sisupod fixes:
+ * added safeguard against accidental zipping (making sisupod) of entire
+ document markup directory, requests confirmation
+ * sisupod initialisation (and generation) in new work directory, fixed
+ * xml and xhtml several adjustments with related css changes
+ * cosmetic fixes:
+ * html toc author line
+ * debian document samples, tex pdf page break instruction
+ adjusted/corrected
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 21 Jan 2007 04:35:06 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * modifications to sample search form introduced in -4 break it, reverted
+ (to use of static path for cgi-bin)
+ (Closes: #406281, Closes: #406280) [same bug]
+ * debian/control removed suggests in sisu-sqlite and sisu-postgresql on
+ libdbd-sqlite and libdbd-pgsql respectively, as they are not present in
+ testing/Etch
+ (Closes: #406282, Closes: #406284)
+ * sisu html man page updated/regenerated (from man page)
+ * Debian Etch related fix (cleared by Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt), uploaded by
+ Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 10 Jan 2007 04:58:09 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * sisu-pdf texlive dependency adjusted on feedback from Norbert Preining
+ (Closes: #402807)
+ <http://lists.debian.org/debian-tex-maint/2007/01/msg00034.html>
+ <http://lists.debian.org/debian-tex-maint/2007/01/msg00033.html>
+ * Debian Etch related fix (cleared by Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt), uploaded by
+ Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 3 Jan 2007 17:21:27 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * sisu-pdf texlive dependencies shortened and free from use of metapackages
+ [this should close #402807]
+ * year rollover 2006 has become 2007, Happy New Year.
+ * Debian Etch related fixes uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 2 Jan 2007 16:00:25 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * cgi sample form related modifications (relatively minor but nice to have
+ sorted):
+ * cgi_pgsql and cgi_sqlite, dynamic path used instead (fixed path will
+ result in errors where the default path is not used).
+ * cgi_pgsql and cgi_sqlite, "documentation" tip for copying generated cgi
+ sample to cgi-bin directory, prevent accidental copying to a directory
+ instead of file. Dynamic path used.
+ * debian/control Recommends libfcgi-ruby1.8 moved to sisu-postgresql and
+ sisu-sqlite (only used in this context)
+ * Debian Etch related fixes uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ [depends for sisu-pdf introduced in -3 questioned/challenged by 'HE'
+ rightly as it turns out]
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 31 Dec 2006 03:06:45 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * sisu latex generated, usepackage url (improved placement of urls)
+ * debian control, sisu-pdf now depends on texlive alone, (alternative tetex
+ depends removed - reason: problem keeping both working!), take on board
+ suggestion by to rely on texlive Frank Küster if tetex is problematic (this
+ addresses, but does not close #402807 without further discussion, dropping
+ alternative tetex depends simplifies sisu-pdf (tex) related depends, and
+ makes it much more reliable (also see in changelog earlier feedback on
+ sisu-pdf depends from Norbert Preining url at 0.47.7-3) depends here drop
+ reliance on metapackages, (extra checks required as to determine whether
+ texlive depends list may be shortened, playing safe))
+ * debian/control sisu recommends libfcgi-ruby1.8
+ (previously 'suggested'', needed for sample search form)
+ * documentation/help minor addition on initially creating postgresql
+ database for use if necessary
+ * Debian Etch related fixes uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ (followed in quick succession by minor build additions in -4)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 30 Dec 2006 12:52:05 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * LaTeX, bugfix - restores missing left column object/paragraph numbers
+ (missing curly (close) brace) [important, though marked as normal]
+ [bug introduced somewhere between 0.47 and 0.48] (closes: #403037)
+ * LaTeX use mathptmx.sty instead of "obsolete" times.sty (as suggested by
+ Frank Küster in Bug#402807)
+ * cgi-sample form, an arbitrary limit set for sql query results
+ (1000 better than none) Closes: #403042)
+ * defaults, update sisu default homepage to current, (mainly urls)
+ [documentation]
+ * css, addition to correspond with change to homepage
+ * debian control, adds mention of editors other than vim for which there is
+ some kind of syntax support, kate, kwrite, gedit, diakonos [documentation]
+ * [note] alternative install script (ruby) is automatically updated during
+ this build (using rant-0.5.8 instead of rant-0.5.6)
+ * [note] version.yaml date changes, automatically updated during build
+ * Debian Etch fixes (cleared by HE), uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 14 Dec 2006 16:50:57 +0000
+sisu (0.48.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * new upstream,
+ * fix to visual tables, permitting inclusion of column information
+ (required for concurrently released sisu-markup-samples (1.0.4))
+ * document samples update to include Debian constitution v1.3
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 27 Nov 2006 15:48:35 +0000
+sisu (0.48.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream fixes, related to:
+ - cgi html search form, multilingual documents, url mapping of results
+ - dcc, document content digest, multilingual, fixes related to translation
+ and metadata extraction
+ - other more minor detail, see version manifest
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 19 Nov 2006 00:36:32 +0000
+sisu (0.48.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream fixes related to:
+ - html, doc (single text, scroll version) tables
+ - texpdf, bugfix for (asterisk marker type) footnotes in headings
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 11 Nov 2006 21:43:21 +0000
+sisu (0.48.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream fixes, including sisupod create - file selection refinement
+ * man pages minor update
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Thu, 9 Nov 2006 19:04:27 +0000
+sisu (0.48.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * upstream fixes (texpdf:tables, plaintext, conversion:footnotes)
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 7 Nov 2006 00:52:52 +0000
+sisu (0.48.3-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * one file omitted in sisu 0.48.2 fix, see comments there
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 31 Oct 2006 18:09:38 +0000
+sisu (0.48.2-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * ruby-1.8.5-3 uploaded yesterday, detects and breaks on cyclic include
+ errors which were found at a basic level of operation, rendering program
+ effectively broken. New ruby build affects all previous versions of sisu.
+ [Further code review is necessary to ascertain that this does not occur
+ anywhere else within sisu code base] (necessary fixes should not affect
+ previous versions of ruby)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Tue, 31 Oct 2006 14:26:44 +0000
+sisu (0.48.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * debian/control recommends hyperestraier put back (sisu and sisu-complete)
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 30 Oct 2006 01:16:50 +0000
+sisu (0.48.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * debian/control removed recommends/suggests on hyperestraier, rename and
+ pgaccess as cause issues
+ * processing path, _sisu_processing, defaults to home or /tmp
+ * issue dealt with, when requested image not found
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 29 Oct 2006 17:06:05 +0000
+sisu (0.48.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * etch release candidate, extra testing, numerous small fixes, (several
+ related to method renaming in sisu-0.47.7, also checks against both ruby
+ 1.8.5 and current 1.9, and as specified in upstream version manifest)
+ * new upstream introduces sisupod that sisu processing instructions can be
+ run against directly
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 28 Oct 2006 17:17:03 +0100
+sisu (0.47.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * upstream contains minor fix, see version manifest
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 20 Oct 2006 00:12:52 +0100
+sisu (0.47.7-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control sisu-pdf depends for tetex | texlive sorted,
+ feedback from Norbert Preining
+ http://lists.debian.org/debian-tex-maint/2006/10/msg00620.html
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 16 Oct 2006 19:26:28 +0100
+sisu (0.47.7-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * sisu-pdf meta-package repackaged to work only with tetex,
+ alternative use of texlive meta-package dependency removed,
+ in its place a note that sisu will produce pdfs with the
+ texlive meta-package installed.
+ (May at later stage break package up into sisu-pdf-tetex
+ and sisu-pdf-texlive).
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Daniel Baumann
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 15 Oct 2006 17:38:20 +0100
+sisu (0.47.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * sisu-pdf tetex|texlive installation depends
+ * new upstream, see version manifest
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 14 Oct 2006 12:50:20 +0100
+sisu (0.47.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, fixes to latex/pdf output, and a syntax extension
+ see version manifest
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Wookey
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 7 Oct 2006 15:43:41 +0100
+sisu (0.47.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix a break caused by change of library name in 0.47.4
+ (that was not propagated into vc), related to creation of sisupod
+ (zipped markup with images etc.)
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Wookey
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 1 Oct 2006 17:16:24 +0100
+sisu (0.47.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * minor upstream change (syntax highlighting), see version manifest
+ * debian policy violating firefox logo/image removed
+ (along with other browser related images) (Closes: #389500)
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 29 Sep 2006 01:31:04 +0100
+sisu (0.47.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor code review
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Wookey
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 23 Sep 2006 10:21:55 +0100
+sisu (0.47.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor fix required for ruby-1.8.5
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Wookey
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Fri, 22 Sep 2006 01:45:17 +0100
+sisu (0.47.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, fixes, see version manifest
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Wookey
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Mon, 18 Sep 2006 23:18:41 +0100
+sisu (0.47.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, some fixes see version manifest changelog
+ * debian/control depends zip and unzip added
+ used for sisupod.zip and ODF output
+ * odt.zip file replaces odt.tgz for ODF base file
+ found in data/sisu/odf i.e. /usr/share/sisu/odf
+ easy way to keep keep directory structure
+ (version control issue, hg drops empty directories)
+ odf uses zip compression anyway
+ * sisupod, (prepared sisu markup document) now uses zip compression and
+ file extension .zip (interoperability)
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Wookey
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sun, 17 Sep 2006 16:43:15 +0100
+sisu (0.46.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor, update to documentation
+ * debian/control Priority at "optional"
+ * Debian release snapshot, uploaded by Wookey
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Sat, 9 Sep 2006 21:58:28 +0100
+sisu (0.46.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream, minor
+ -- Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com> Wed, 6 Sep 2006 03:03:39 +0100
+sisu (0.46.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control moved from extra to optional -