path: root/data
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data')
2 files changed, 1987 insertions, 839 deletions
diff --git a/data/doc/sisu/sisu-done.org b/data/doc/sisu/sisu-done.org
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f39fcee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/doc/sisu/sisu-done.org
@@ -0,0 +1,1987 @@
+(emacs:evil mode gifts a "vim" of "alternative" powers! ;)
+* General
+** Finding
+*** source
+sisu git repo:
+sisu-markup-samples git repo:
+*** mailing list
+sisu at lists.sisudoc.org
+** irc oftc sisu
+** home pages
+ * <http://www.sisudoc.org/>
+ * <http://search.sisudoc.org/>
+ * <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
+** Installing sisu
+*** where you take responsibility for having the correct dependencies
+Provided you have *Ruby*, *SiSU* can be run.
+SiSU should be run from the directory containing your sisu marked up document
+This works fine so long as you already have sisu external dependencies in
+place. For many operations such as html, epub, odt this is likely to be fine.
+Note however, that additional external package dependencies, such as texlive
+(for pdfs), sqlite3 or postgresql (for search) should you desire to use them
+are not taken care of for you.
+**** run off the source tarball without installation
+***** 1. Obtain the latest sisu source
+using git:
+ git clone git://git.sisudoc.org/git/code/sisu.git
+or, identify latest available source:
+and download the:
+ sisu_5.4.5.orig.tar.xz
+using debian tool dget:
+The dget tool is included within the devscripts package
+to install dget install devscripts:
+ apt-get install devscripts
+and then you can get it from Debian:
+ dget -xu http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/sisu/sisu_5.4.5-1.dsc
+or off sisu repos
+ dget -x http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive/pool/main/s/sisu/sisu_5.4.5-1.dsc
+ dget -x http://sisudoc.org/sisu/archive/pool/main/s/sisu/sisu_5.4.5-1.dsc
+***** 2. Unpack the source
+Provided you have *Ruby*, *SiSU* can be run without installation straight from
+the source package directory tree.
+Run ruby against the full path to bin/sisu (in the unzipped source package
+directory tree). SiSU should be run from the directory containing your sisu
+marked up document set.
+ ruby ~/sisu-5.4.5/bin/sisu --html -v document_name.sst
+This works fine so long as you already have sisu external dependencies in
+place. For many operations such as html, epub, odt this is likely to be fine.
+Note however, that additional external package dependencies, such as texlive
+(for pdfs), sqlite3 or postgresql (for search) should you desire to use them
+are not taken care of for you.
+**** gem install (with rake)
+(i) create the gemspec; (ii) build the gem (from the gemspec); (iii) install
+the gem
+Provided you have ruby & rake, this can be done with the single command:
+ rake gem_create_build_install
+to build and install sisu v5 & sisu v6, alias gemcbi
+separate gems are made/installed for sisu v5 & sisu v6 contained in source.
+to build and install sisu v5, alias gem5cbi:
+ rake gem_create_build_install_stable
+to build and install sisu v6, alias gem6cbi:
+ rake gem_create_build_install_unstable
+for individual steps (create, build, install) see rake options, rake -T to
+specify sisu version for sisu installed via gem
+ gem search sisu
+ sisu _5.4.5_ --version
+ sisu _6.0.11_ --version
+to uninstall sisu installed via gem
+ sudo gem uninstall --verbose sisu
+For a list of alternative actions you may type:
+ rake help
+ rake -T
+Rake: <http://rake.rubyforge.org/> <http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=50>
+**** installation with setup.rb
+this is a three step process, in the root directory of the unpacked *SiSU* as
+root type:
+ruby setup.rb config
+ruby setup.rb setup
+#[as root:]
+ruby setup.rb install
+further information:
+ ruby setup.rb config && ruby setup.rb setup && sudo ruby setup.rb install
+*** Debian install
+*SiSU* is available off the *Debian* archives. It should necessary only to run
+as root, Using apt-get:
+ apt-get update
+ apt get install sisu-complete
+(all sisu dependencies should be taken care of)
+If there are newer versions of *SiSU* upstream, they will be available by
+adding the following to your sources list /etc/apt/sources.list
+deb http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free
+deb-src http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free
+The non-free section is for sisu markup samples provided, which contain
+authored works the substantive text of which cannot be changed, and which as a
+result do not meet the debian free software guidelines.
+*SiSU* is developed on *Debian*, and packages are available for *Debian* that
+take care of the dependencies encountered on installation.
+The package is divided into the following components:
+ *sisu*, the base code, (the main package on which the others depend), without
+ any dependencies other than ruby (and for convenience the ruby webrick web
+ server), this generates a number of types of output on its own, other
+ packages provide additional functionality, and have their dependencies
+ *sisu-complete*, a dummy package that installs the whole of greater sisu as
+ described below, apart from sisu -examples
+ *sisu-pdf*, dependencies used by sisu to produce pdf from /LaTeX/ generated
+ *sisu-postgresql*, dependencies used by sisu to populate postgresql database
+ (further configuration is necessary)
+ *sisu-sqlite*, dependencies used by sisu to populate sqlite database
+ *sisu-markup-samples*, sisu markup samples and other miscellany (under
+ *Debian* Free Software Guidelines non-free)
+ *SiSU* is available off Debian Unstable and Testing [link:
+ <http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all&keywords=sisu>]
+ [^1] install it using apt-get, aptitude or alternative *Debian* install tools.
+* Markup :sisu:markup:
+** sisu
+#% structure - headings, levels
+ * headings (A-D, 1-3)
+ * inline
+ 'A~ ' NOTE title level
+ 'B~ ' NOTE optional
+ 'C~ ' NOTE optional
+ 'D~ ' NOTE optional
+ '1~ ' NOTE chapter level
+ '2~ ' NOTE optional
+ '3~ ' NOTE optional
+ '4~ ' NOTE optional :consider:
+ * node
+ * parent
+ * children
+#% font face NOTE open & close marks, inline within paragraph
+ * emphasize '*{ ... }*' NOTE configure whether bold italics or underscore, default bold
+ * bold '!{ ... }!'
+ * italics '/{ ... }/'
+ * underscore '_{ ... }_'
+ * superscript '^{ ... }^'
+ * subscript ',{ ... },'
+ * strike '-{ ... }-'
+ * add '+{ ... }+'
+ * monospace '#{ ... }#'
+#% para NOTE paragraph controls are at the start of a paragraph
+ * a para is a block of text separated from others by an empty line
+ * indent
+ * default, all '_1 ' up to '_9 '
+ * first line hang '_1_0 '
+ * first line indent further '_0_1 '
+ * bullet
+ [levels 1-6]
+ '_* '
+ '_1* '
+ '_2* '
+ * numbered list
+ [levels 1-3]
+ '# '
+#% blocks NOTE text blocks that are not to be treated in the way that ordinary paragraphs would be
+ * code
+ * [type of markup if any]
+ * poem
+ * group
+ * alt
+ * tables
+#% boxes
+ NOTE grouped text with code block type color & possibly default image, warning, tip, red, blue etc. decide [NB N/A not implemented]
+#% notes NOTE inline within paragraph at the location where the note reference is to occur
+ * footnotes '~{ ... }~'
+ * [bibliography] [NB N/A not implemented]
+#% links, linking
+ * links - external, web, url
+ * links - internal
+#% images [multimedia?]
+ * images
+ * [base64 inline] [N/A not implemented]
+#% object numbers
+ * ocn (object numbers)
+ automatically attributed to substantive objects, paragraphs, tables, blocks, verse (unless exclude marker provided)
+#% contents
+ * toc (table of contents)
+ autogenerated from structure/headings information
+ * index (book index)
+ built from hints in newline text following a paragraph and starting with ={} has identifying rules for main and subsidiary text
+#% breaks
+ * line break ' \\ ' inline
+ * page break, column break ' -\\- ' start of line, breaks a column, starts a new column, if using columns, else breaks the page, starts a new page.
+ * page break, page new ' =\\= ' start of line, breaks the page, starts a new page.
+ * horizontal '-..-' start of line, rule page (break) line across page (dividing paragraphs)
+#% book type index
+#% comment
+ * comment
+#% misc
+ * term & definition
+** proposals/additions
+*** TODO [#B] markup syntax code block, indicate syntax of code :feature:
+ ``` code:ruby
+*** TODO [#C] colored boxes round text :feature:ponder:
+ ``` box:red (select color of box)
+ ``` box:warn ``` box:tip (some default boxes? decide)
+ ``` box:red:"Warn" (select color and lead text of box, else instead
+ select color box & use regular single line bold markup ^!_ Warn$)
+*** TODO [#D] blockquotes implement? :feature:ponder:
+ ``` quote
+ not sure how best to represent
+*** TODO [#D] bibliography :feature:ponder:
+*** TODO speaker, as e.g. play (irc?) :feature:ponder:
+ ``` Ophelia:
+ ::Ophelia
+*** TODO [#F] time stamp (e.g. for irc, video text?):feature:ponder:
+ ``` 04:03
+ ``` 04:03 ... 07:12
+ ``` 04:03 + 03:09
+ ``` 12:04:03
+ ``` 12:04:03 ... 12:07:12
+ ``` 12:04:03 + 03:09
+ probably not worth the effort, as time stamp is an alternative
+ identifying number (to ocn, and ∴ sisu objects not ideal)
+*** TODO book index, alternative based on search within text
+** syntax hilighting
+*** vim
+*** emacs
+* Document Abstraction :sisu:doc_abstr:
+** TODO [#D] XML middle layer?
+*** XMLda sisu
+ consder alternative sisu layer in XML
+*** TODO [#D] RelaxNG sisu
+* Output :sisu:output:
+** New outputs to consider
+*** XML :xml:
+%% xml, docbook.txt fictionbook.txt xldl.txt lml.txt tei.txt emacs.txt
+xml editor vim emacs
+nXML plugin
+emacs.txt evil.txt
+To validate a book.xml file using xmllint, run the following command:
+$ xmllint --postvalid --xinclude --noout book.xml
+The default location where xmllint will look for the catalog file is
+/etc/xml/catalog. Alternatively, you can set the environment variable
+XML_CATALOG_FILES to define another default location for catalog
+files. Once you’ve got the DTD and catalog set up locally, you can
+validate as before:
+$ xmllint --postvalid --xinclude --noout book.xml
+%% Docbook
+%% Fictionbook
+%% XLDL
+%% Literature Markup Language
+%% Text Encoding Initiative
+**** TODO [#B] docbook :feature:
+***** urls
+#% docbook book xml.txt
+***** rb file
+***** transformations :transform:markup_docbook:
+#% structure - headings, levels
+ [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
+ [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
+ [] node (child, parent ...)
+#% font face
+ [] bold
+ [] italics
+ [] underscore
+ [] superscript
+ [] subscript
+ [] strike
+ [] add
+#% para
+ [] default
+ [] indent
+ [] default, all
+ [] first line hang or indent further
+ [] bullet
+#% blocks
+ <http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/literallayout.html>
+ [] code
+ [] [type of markup if any]
+ [] poem
+ [] group
+ [] alt
+ [] tables
+#% notes
+ [] footnotes
+ [] [bibliography?]
+#% links, linking
+ [] links - external, web, url
+ [] links - internal
+#% images [multimedia?]
+ [] images
+ [] [base 64]
+#% object numbers
+ [] ocn (object numbers)
+#% contents
+ [] toc (table of contents)
+ <http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/toc.html>
+ [] index (book index)
+#% misc
+**** TODO [#D] fictionbook :feature:
+***** urls
+#% fictionbook xml.txt
+***** rb file
+***** transformations :transformations:markup_fictionbok: #%
+#% structure - headings, levels
+ [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
+ [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
+ [] node (child, parent ...)
+#% font face
+ [] bold
+ [] italics
+ [] underscore
+ [] superscript
+ [] subscript
+ [] strike
+ [] add
+ [] monospace
+#% para
+ [] default
+ [] indent
+ [] default, all
+ [] first line hang or indent further
+ [] bullet
+#% blocks
+ [] code
+ [] [type of markup if any]
+ [] poem
+ [] group
+ [] alt
+ [] tables
+#% notes
+ [] footnotes
+ [] [bibliography?]
+#% links, linking
+ [] links - external, web, url
+ [] links - internal
+#% images [multimedia?]
+ [] images
+ [] [base 64]
+#% object numbers
+ [] ocn (object numbers)
+#% contents
+ [] toc (table of contents)
+ [] index (book index)
+#% breaks
+ [] line break
+ [] horizontal rule
+ [] column break
+ [] page break
+#% comment
+ [] comment
+#% misc
+**** TODO [#D] XLDL :feature:
+***** urls
+%% xml.txt xldl - novels, stories, poems
+Name: XLDL - an XML doctype for novels, stories, poems, playsName: XLDL - an XML doctype for novels, stories, poems, plays
+<line> <stanza>
+**** TODO [#E] Literature Markup Language - <LML /> :feature:
+***** urls
+%% Literature Markup Language - <LML />
+"It is assumed, that there are three quite different techniques to provide text,
+respectively three types of text, this is prose and poetry and code (for
+example source code of computer programs or from markup languages)."
+Suggestions and Ideas for Literature Markup Language - <LML /> 1.1
+**** TODO [#E] TEI Lite (Text Encoding Initiative) :feature:
+***** urls
+%% TEI Lite (Text Encoding Initiative)
+*** Text :txt:
+sisu_markup.txt asciidoc.txt markdown.txt textile.txt rst.txt
+**** TODO [#D] asciidoc :feature:
+***** urls
+#% asciidoc
+***** rb file
+***** transformations :transformations:markup_asciidoc: #%
+#% structure - headings, levels
+ [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
+ [] collapsed (1-4) (decoration)
+ [] inline
+ '== '
+ '=== '
+ '==== '
+ '===== '
+ ''
+ ''
+ [] underscore
+ '-'
+ '~'
+ '^'
+ '+'
+ '' ['.' proposed]
+ '' ['.' proposed]
+ [] node (child, parent ...)
+#% font face
+ [open & close marks]
+ [] bold
+ '*'
+ [] italics
+ '_'
+ [] underscore
+ ''
+ [] superscript
+ '^'
+ [] subscript
+ '~'
+ [] strike
+ '-'
+ [] add
+ [] monospace
+ '+'
+ '`' pass markup through unchanged, monospace code
+#% para
+ [] default
+ [] indent
+ [] default, all
+ [] first line hang or indent further
+ [] bullet
+ [levels 1-6]
+ '*'
+ '**'
+ '***'
+ '****'
+ '*****'
+ '*******'
+ [] numbered list
+ [levels 1-3]
+ '. ' number
+ '.. ' lower alpha
+ '... ' lower roman
+ '.... ' upper alpha
+ '..... ' upper roman
+#% blocks
+ [] code
+ [source,perl]
+ ----
+ code here
+ ----
+ [] [type of markup if any]
+ [] poem
+ [] group
+ ----
+ grouped text here, actually a listing block
+ ----
+ [] alt
+ [] tables
+#% notes
+ [] footnotes
+ [] [bibliography?]
+#% links, linking
+ [] links - external, web, url
+ http://google.com[Google Search]
+ [] links - internal
+#% images [multimedia?]
+ [] images
+ [] [base 64]
+#% object numbers
+ [] ocn (object numbers)
+#% contents
+ [] toc (table of contents)
+ [] index (book index)
+#% breaks
+ [] line break
+ "+\n"
+ forced +
+ line break
+ [] horizontal rule
+ [] column break
+ [] page break
+#% comment
+ [] comment
+ //
+#% misc
+ [] term & definition
+Term 1:: Definition 1
+Term 2:: Definition 2
+ Term 2.1;;
+ Definition 2.1
+ Term 2.2;;
+ Definition 2.2
+**** TODO [#E] markdown :feature:
+***** urls
+#% markdown
+Markdown supports two styles of headers, Setext and atx
+#% pandoc markdown
+#% multimarkdown
+#% markdown pandoc v multimarkdown
+#% rST v markdown
+***** rb file
+***** transformations :transformations:markup_markdown: #%
+#% structure - headings, levels
+ [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
+ [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
+ [inline 1-5]
+ '#'
+ '##'
+ '###'
+ '####'
+ '#####'
+ '######'
+ [underscore 1-5]
+ '='
+ '-'
+ #'~'
+ #'^'
+ #'+'
+ [] node (child, parent ...)
+#% font face
+ [open & close marks]
+ [] bold
+ '**'
+ [] italics
+ '*'
+ [] underscore
+ ''
+ [] superscript
+ ''
+ [] subscript
+ ''
+ [] strike
+ ''
+ [] add
+ [] monospace
+ '`'
+#% para
+ [] default
+ [] indent
+ [] default, all
+ [] first line hang or indent further
+ [] bullet
+ '*'
+ [] numbered list
+ '0.'
+#% blocks
+ [] code
+ ' ' #indent at least 4 spaces
+ [] [type of markup if any]
+ [] poem
+ [] group
+ [] alt
+ [] tables
+#% notes
+ [] footnotes
+ [] [bibliography?]
+#% links, linking
+ [] links - external, web, url
+ [] links - internal
+#% images [multimedia?]
+ [] images
+ [] [base 64]
+#% object numbers
+ [] ocn (object numbers)
+#% contents
+ [] toc (table of contents)
+ [] index (book index)
+#% breaks
+ [] line break
+ [] horizontal rule
+ (three or more asterisks hypens or underscores)
+ * * *
+ ***
+ *****
+ - - -
+ ___
+ [] column break
+ [] page break
+#% misc
+**** TODO [#F] rst :feature:
+***** urls
+#% rST
+#% rST v markdown
+***** rb file
+***** transformations :transformations:markup_rst: #%
+#% structure - headings, levels
+ [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
+ [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
+ [inline]
+ N/A
+ [underscore]
+ Titles are underlined (or over- and underlined) with a printing
+ nonalphanumeric 7-bit ASCII character. Recommended choices are
+ "= - ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >". The underline/overline must be at
+ least as long as the title text.
+ '='
+ '-'
+ '`'
+ ':'
+ "'"
+ '"'
+ [] node (child, parent ...)
+#% font face
+ [] bold
+ '**'
+ [] italics
+ '*'
+ [] underscore
+ '+'
+ [] superscript
+ '^'
+ [] subscript
+ [] strike
+ '-'
+ [] add
+ [] monospace
+ '``'
+#% para
+ [] default
+ [] indent
+ [] default, all
+ [] first line hang or indent further
+ [] bullet
+ "-", "*" or "+"
+ '-'
+ [] numbered list
+ '#.'
+#% blocks
+ [] code
+ [] [type of markup if any]
+ [] poem
+ [] group
+ [] alt
+ [] tables
+#% notes
+ [] footnotes
+ [binary]
+ Footnote references, like [5]_.
+ Note that footnotes may get
+ rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of
+ the "page".
+ .. [5] A numerical footnote.
+ --
+ Autonumbered footnotes are
+ possible, like using [#]_ and [#]_.
+ .. [#] This is the first one.
+ .. [#] This is the second one.
+ [] [bibliography?]
+#% links, linking
+ [] links - external, web, url
+ Typical result
+ External hyperlinks, like Python_.
+ .. _Python: <http://www.python.org/>
+ or
+ External hyperlinks, like `Python
+ <http://www.python.org/>`_.
+ [] links - internal
+ Internal crossreferences, like example_.
+ .. _example:
+ This is an example crossreference target.
+ --
+ Titles are targets, too
+ =======================
+ Implict references, like `Titles are
+ targets, too`_.
+#% images [multimedia?]
+ [] images
+ [] [base 64]
+#% object numbers
+ [] ocn (object numbers)
+#% contents
+ [] toc (table of contents)
+ [] index (book index)
+#% breaks
+ [] line break
+ [] horizontal rule
+ [] column break
+ [] page break
+#% misc
+**** TODO [#F] textile :feature:
+***** urls
+#% textile
+***** rb file
+***** transformations :transformations:markup_textile: #%
+#% structure - headings, levels
+ [] sisu (A-C, 1-3)
+ [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration)
+ [inline]
+ h1(#id). An HTML first-level heading
+ h2. An HTML second-level heading
+ h3. An HTML third-level heading
+ h4. An HTML fourth-level heading
+ h5. An HTML fifth-level heading
+ h6. An HTML sixth-level heading
+ [underscore]
+ N/A
+ [] node (child, parent ...)
+#% font face
+ [] bold
+ *bold text*
+ [] italics
+ _italic text_
+ [] underscore
+ +underlined text+
+ [] superscript
+ ^TM^
+ [] subscript
+ ~subscript~
+ [] strike
+ -strikethrough text-
+ [] add
+#% para
+ [] default
+ [] indent
+ [] default, all
+ [] first line hang or indent further
+ [] bullet
+ * bulleted list
+ ** 2-level
+#% blocks
+ [] code
+ [] [type of markup if any]
+ [] poem
+ [] group
+ [] alt
+ [] tables
+ |Table | with two columns |
+ |and two | rows |
+#% notes
+ [] footnotes
+ Text with a link to some reference[1]
+ fn1. Footnote explanation
+ [] [bibliography?]
+#% links, linking
+ [] links - external, web, url
+ "(classname)link text(title tooltip)":link_address
+ "Link to Wikipedia":http://www.wikipedia.org
+ [] links - internal
+#% images [multimedia?]
+ [] images
+ !http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Filepath/Wikipedia-logo-en.png!
+ !imageurl(alt text)!
+ [] [base 64]
+#% object numbers
+ [] ocn (object numbers)
+#% contents
+ [] toc (table of contents)
+ [] index (book index)
+#% breaks
+ [] line break
+ [] horizontal rule
+ [] column break
+ [] page break
+#% misc
+ [] *_bold italic text_*
+ [] *-bold strikethrough text-*
+ [] *_-bold italic strikethrough text-_*
+ [] *+bold underlined text+*
+ [] *_+italic underlined text+_
+ [] *_+bold italic underlined text+_
+ [] *_-+bold italic strikethrough underlined text+-_*
+ %{font-size:18pt}font size%
+ %{color:red}text in red%
+ # Chapter 1
+#% notes
+heading inline only
+footnotes uses marker and endnote, check
+** Improvements
+*** HTML
+*** XML
+*** --strict mode (html w3c compliant ocn etc.)
+* Code (ruby) :sisu:code:
+** code enhancements :enhance:
+*** TODO [#D] directory & path, use ruby directory tools
+*** TODO [#D] document url shortcut, allow addition of alternative dir stub
+(e.g. viral Spiral)
+** code refactoring :refactor:
+*** ruby 2.1
+**** DONE make sure sisu works
+** bugs :bug:
+*** misc, unclassified
+**** DONE (6.0.5) [#B] sisu should give warning when part of minimal essential structure is missing :processing:fix:
+work through testing for as many of these as possible
+minimal content/structure requirement:
+ @title:
+ @creator:
+ A~ (level A [title])
+ 1~ (at least one level 1 [segment/(chapter)])
+test what happens in the absence of each
+structure rules (document heirarchy, heading levels):
+ there are two sets of heading levels ABCD (title & parts if any) and 123 (segment & subsegments if any)
+ sisu has the fllowing levels:
+ A~ [title] . required (== 1) followed by B~ or 1~
+ B~ [part] * followed by C~ or 1~
+ C~ [subpart] * followed by D~ or 1~
+ D~ [subsubpart] * followed by 1~
+ 1~ [segment (chapter)] + required (>= 1) followed by text or 2~
+ text * followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or relevant part *(B~ if none other used; if C~ is last used: C~ or B~; if D~ is used: D~, C~ or B~)
+ 2~ [subsegment] * followed by text or 3~
+ text * followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or 3~ or relevant part, see *()
+ 3~ [subsubsegment] * followed by text
+ text * followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or 3~ or relevant part, see *()
+ * level A~ is the tile and is mandatory
+ * there can only be one level A~
+ * heading levels BCD, are optional and there may be several of each
+ (where all three are used corresponding to e.g. Book Part Section)
+ * sublevels that are used must follow each other sequentially (alphabetically),
+ * heading levels A~ B~ C~ D~ are followed by other heading levels rather than substantive text
+ which may be the subsequent sequential (alphabetic) heading part level
+ or a heading (segment) level 1~
+ * there must be at least one heading (segment) level 1~
+ (the level on which the text is segmented, in a book would correspond to the Chapter level)
+ * additional heading levels 1~ 2~ 3~ are optional and there may be several of each
+ * heading levels 1~ 2~ 3~ are followed by text (which may be followed by the same heading level)
+ and/or the next lower numeric heading level (followed by text)
+ or indeed return to the relevant part level
+ (as a corollary to the rules above substantive text/ content
+ must be preceded by a level 1~ (2~ or 3~) heading)
+there must be a title, level A
+creator field absent: crash, no warnings given
+title missing:
+level A missing:
+no level 1:
+ * check logic, add to if possible
+ * tidy, inelegant solution
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] victory chals discussed parsing problem caused by use of open-close markers around url
+*** DBT Outstanding bugs -- sisu caught by removal of ruby-dbi
+**** DONE (pending acceptance) [#B] sisu 5.3.4-1 marked for autoremoval from debian testing on 2014-06-10, for depending on ruby-dbi
+sisu 5.3.4-1 is marked for autoremoval from testing on 2014-06-10
+It (build-)depends on packages with these RC bugs:
+746081: ruby-dbi: FTBFS: ERROR: Test "ruby2.1" failed: wrong number
+of arguments (3 for 1..2)
+The current status of use of ruby-dbi in sisu.
+***** sisu
+ SiSU does not depend on an sql database to be useful and most users do
+ not use the database (population and resulting search) possibilities.
+***** DONE [#B] sisu-sqlite
+ 5.3.4 uses ruby-sqlite3 directly. There has been a
+ dependency within debian/control on ruby-dbi for sisu-sqlite, this can
+ safely be removed, without affecting its operation.
+ (it is used rather by the sample sqlite3 search form)
+ >Solution Proposed: remove debian/control dependency on ruby-dbi
+ Solution Implemented:
+ * sisu-sqlite uses 'sqlite3' ruby-sqlite3 (any superflous dbi loading dropped)
+ * code tests passed (create tables, populate db etc. work fine)
+ (closes)
+***** DONE [#B] sisu-postgresql
+ sisu-postgresql 5.3.4 uses ruby-pg through ruby-dbi.
+ >Solution Proposed:
+ >* attempt now to fix by migrating to use ruby-pg directly
+ > * remove dependency on ruby-dbi in debian/control
+ > * rewrite code within sisu to work directly with ruby-pg
+ Solution Implemented:
+ * sisu-postgresql uses 'pg' ruby-pg (ruby-dbi dropped)
+ * code tests passed (create tables, populate db etc. work fine)
+ (closes)
+***** DONE [#B] sample cgi search forms
+ there is a sample cgi search form facility within sisu that uses
+ ruby-dbi to query sqlite3 or pg databases.
+ >Solution Proposed:
+ >* file a wishlist bug against sisu. No action needed immediately
+ > (other perhaps than to remove references to ruby-dbi). This offering
+ > in sisu would be classified as "wishlist" as these are samples only
+ > and need not be provided at all as populating the database (at an
+ > object level) in this case is the challenge (so you could say these
+ > documents meet your search criteria at these locations within them
+ > (relevant to almost all output formats html, epub, pdf etc.) (and
+ > may be looked up in these languages if they are available)) and is
+ > independent from search, once you have an sql database you can query
+ > it as you wish. (the cgi sample forms will be provided again
+ > eventually using ruby-sqlite3 and ruby-pg directly).
+ Solution Implemented:
+ * sample cgi search froms (cgi database query forms) fixed :)
+ * pg sample uses 'pg' (dbi dropped)
+ generate sample form using: sisu --sample-search-form --db-pg
+ * sqlite sample uses 'sqlite3' (dbi dropped)
+ generate sample form using: sisu --sample-search-form --db-sqlite
+ (closes)
+debian/control, remove dependency on ruby-dbi, contained in sisu-postgresql and sisu-sqlite
+Current status
+ * sisu-sqlite ok, uses 'sqlite3' (superflous dbi loading dropped)
+ * sisu-postgresql ok, uses 'pg' (dbi dropped)
+ * sample cgi search froms (cgi database query forms) ok :)
+ * pg sample uses 'pg' (dbi dropped)
+ * sqlite sample uses 'sqlite3' (dbi dropped)
+*** DBT Outstanding bugs -- Normal bugs; Unclassified (2 bugs) :debian:dbt:normal:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=sisu>
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744360 [n|u] sisu: includes do not work properly :processing:fix:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744360>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: includes do not work properly
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:38:59 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+using this in foo.ssm:
+ :A~ foo
+ :B~ bar
+ << bar/baz.ssi
+and this in baz.ssi:
+ 1~ foo bar baz
+then everything works.
+using the more natural foo.ssm:
+ :A~ foo
+ << bar/baz.ssi
+and baz.ssi:
+ :B~ bar
+ 1~ foo bar baz
+makes ':B~ bar' being ignored in the output (pdf) entirely.
+it appears both give faulty text, though in different ways
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744378 [n|u] sisu: --no-manifest not working anymore :check:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744378>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: --no-manifest not working anymore
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:12:13 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+when running sisu-pdf with --no-manifest, the output (pdf) still
+contains the sisu manifest at the end of the document.
+fix, metadata page in pdf should not contain link to manifest where --no-manifest flag is used
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#D] #744353 [w|u] sisu output: please do not use typewriter for urls :output:consider:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744353>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: please do not use typewriter for urls
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:27 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+when using urls in sisu like this:
+ http://example.org
+sisu then creates in the output (pdf) links like this:
+ <http://example.org>
+where as '<http://example.org>' is written in typewriter font
+(monospace). please don't do that automagically since it's desturbing
+the visual flow when reading. If the users wants that, he should be able
+to configure it.
+monospace for url outputs in pdf
+this is default behavior of the latex url package (it uses tt typewriter font)
+it is possible to modify the font to sf class or tm/rm class, & I now default to sf
+this means when the sisu default sf is used there will be no difference in typeface,
+but when times roman or other is used, urls will be in sf instead of that font,
+(instead of the latex default typewriter)
+it provides a visual cue even when output is monochrome, without color
+(and is in some way related to #744391 sisu output: no color on a4 portrait)
+however, it is worth noting here that urls are printed in a smaller font so as
+to fit more on a line of text
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744355 [w|u] vim syntaxhighlighting: includes and directories :syntaxhi:fix:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744355>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: vim syntaxhighlighting: includes and directories
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:46 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+When using includes like this:
+ << foo.ssi
+then vim correctly displays the line in blue.
+However, when using includes in a subdirectory like this:
+ << bar/foo.ssi
+then vim doesn't use any colors at all.
+**** DONE PASS [#C] #744356 [w|u] vim syntaxhighlighting: urls and tags :discuss:close:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744356>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: vim syntaxhighlighting: urls and tags
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:56 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+When using an URL at the end of a sentence like this:
+ Foo bar baz http://example.org.
+then vim properly highlights the url in blue.
+this also works properly when a second sentence after it, like:
+ Foo bar baz http://example.org. Foo bar baz http://example.org.
+it works with html tag as well, like this:
+ Foo bar baz http://example.org. <br />Foo bar baz http://example.org.
+but it doesn't work if there's no space:
+ Foo bar baz http://example.org.<br />Foo bar baz http://example.org.
+then, the string 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.<' is shown red.
+this is meant to be flagged as an error,
+(red indicates error, and is an error will not parse correctly)
+even if the sisu parser works in the flagged case there is no promise that it will in future
+use of angle bracket markers (html markers) in sisu markup is depreciated.
+for line-break use \\ instead,
+for which there should be surrounding spaces or a preceding space and end of line;
+if <br /> is still used there should be a space after the url - which sisu should remove in output.
+would like to close without further action
+re-open if necessary
+**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744357 [w|u] sisu output: please create mailto links automatically
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744357>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: please create mailto links automatically
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:29:12 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+When using urls like:
+ http://example.org
+in sisu, the output (pdf) contains a hyperlink to http://example.org
+automatically, which is nice.
+please also create mailto links when using email adresses like:
+ john.doe@example.org
+for pdf fix/implement mailto links
+done but requires further testing & possibly refinement
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744358 [w|u] sisu output: please do not add ';' after \:copyright: :output:fix:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744358>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: please do not add ';' after :copyright:
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:29:20 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+When using:
+ :copyright: foo bar baz.
+sisu generates the following in the output format (pdf):
+ foo bar baz.;
+Please do not automagically add a semicolon (;). If the user wants a
+semicolon, he would add one.
+fix copyright, remove trailing semi-colon
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744379 [w|u] sisu: missing includes doesn't give an error :processing:fix:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744379>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: missing includes doesn't give an error
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:14:46 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+When using includes (*.ssi) in a sisu master document (*.ssm) like:
+ << foo.ssi
+and that to be included file foo.ssi (for whatever reason) doesn't
+exist, sisu doesn't error out but include '<< foo.ssi' literally as a
+string in the output (pdf).
+5.3.4-1 writes the following to the screen:
+"ERROR test.ssm.sst requires invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi"
+and unsatisfactorily within the text output it writes no error message but the include instruction:
+"<< foo.ssi"
+5.3.5, the current "fix"/ solution, is to add an error message within the text rather than to stop processing with an error.
+In addition to (i) slightly modified (you could say corrected) to the following:
+"ERROR test.ssm requires an invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi"
+the following is written within the text output:
+"<< foo.ssi [ERROR test.ssm requires an invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi]"
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#D] #744381 [w|u] sisu syntax: inconsistency \:copyright: and \:license: :metadata:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744381https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744381>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: inconsistency between :copyright: and :license:
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:26:55 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+when using ':copyright: foo', then the output contains 'foo'.
+when using ':license: foo', then the output contains 'License: foo'.
+this is inconsistent. either both should have a 'prefix' in the output,
+or neither should have one (i'd prefere the latter).
+Under rights there are a series of sub-categories starting with copyright, that
+need to be distinguished. Until now started distinguishing after after
+Copyright. For consistency have add the prefix 'Copyright' to the output.
+Preference to omit noted, but this solution is consistent with options
+provided. Bug closed, re-open if necessary.
+**** DONE (6.0.5) [#B] #744383 [w|u] sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting :output:fix: (partial solution)
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744383>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:32:07 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+when using :A, :B, and :C in sisu, in the output (pdf) both :B and :C
+are formatted identically.
+imho :C should be 'smaller' than :B.
+or, as an analogy with html: i would expect that :A equals <h1>, :B
+equals <h2>, and :C equals <h3>. currently, (in that analogy), :B and :C
+both equal <h2>.
+this is in part an artifact of LaTeX not having as many document heading levels
+and trying to take advantage of the behavior of existing levels rather than
+customizing further
+look for a solution, possibly overriding the default font sizes for each
+The current settings were chosen because, there are not enough levels and I
+find too many different font sizes disconcerting, especially running sisu over
+a wide variety of document types
+the following levels are available in LaTeX
+the levels in sisu are
+A [title]
+B [part]
+C [subpart]
+D [subsubpart]
+1 [segment (chapter)]
+2 [subsegment]
+3 [subsubsegment]
+sisu current mapping:
+level A [title]
+level B C D \part (it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable e.g. Book Part Section)
+[skipped \chapter]
+[skipped \section]
+level 1 \subsection
+level 2 \subsubsection
+level 3 \subsubsection
+the reason for skipping section was the default configuration and resulting
+fact that it made for a table of contents that takes more space
+sisu new mapping:
+level A [title]
+level B C D \part (it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable e.g. Book Part Section)
+[skipped \chapter]
+level 1 \section
+level 2 \subsection
+level 3 \subsubsection
+levels B C & D are the same size,
+ it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable
+ e.g. Book Part Section
+levels 1 2 & 3 are now distinguished
+(Closes #744386) sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting
+(under consideration & yet to be done #744383) sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting
+(touches )
+override part font size settings for different levels (B C D)
+**** DONE CLOSED [#C] #744384 [w|u] sisu syntax: relies on empty lines
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744384>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu syntax: relies on empty lines
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:34:46 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+the following snipped:
+ :C~ foo bar
+ << foo-bar.ssi
+means that the include is ignored entirely. apparently sisu relies on
+having an empty line in between like this:
+ :C~ foo bar
+ << foo-bar.ssi
+(i) as a general observation, sisu relies on emptly lines to identify separate objects
+ such as headings, paragraphs (and indeed insertions)
+(ii) a heading need not be on a single line (so << would be part of that heading)
+this means sisu should be able to work identifying headings in wrapped texts
+(e.g. where the text is wrapped at 80 and the heading is longer than that)
+there has been no rule to the contrary (i.e. that headings should be on a single text line)
+consider, should there be such a rule?
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744386 [w|u] sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting :output:pdf:fix: (see #744383)
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744386>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:43:51 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+similar as with #744383, the same also applies for 1~ and 2~ - they
+should be different in the output format (pdf here).
+1~ 2~ 3~ are now differentiated
+deal with under #744383
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744391 [w|u] sisu output: no color on a4 portrait :output:pdf:contemplate:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744391>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu output: please use (blue) color for links
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:23:37 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+Tags: upstream
+it would be nice if links (urls and emails) would be colored blue to
+mark them visually as links. this behaviour is somewhat the lowest
+common denominator in browsers (if you use html without any css that is).
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: 744391@bugs.debian.org
+Subject: Re: sisu output: please use (blue) color for links
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:35:33 +0200
+retitle 744391 sisu output: no color on a4 portrait
+now this is strange.. turns out that (yes, i have colors enabled in
+sisurc) the portrait a4 pdf has no colors at all, while the landscape a4
+pdf does indeed have colors (red for toc, blue for links).
+portrait was provided for print/paper copy and is great for that in monochrome
+(without grays for colored links),
+landscape better matching a screen for visual presentations, color affecting the landscape only
+make configurable by cli & rc file
+make both (portrait & landscape colors) configurable
+either as hyperlinks monochrome or colored
+overriding existing default which remains as described
+--pdf-hyperlinks-no-color or --pdf-hyperlinks-mono
+ pdf_hyperlinks: *[possible values]
+ pdf_hyperlinks_portrait: *[possible values]
+ pdf_hyperlinks_landscape: *[possible values]
+ * 'color' or ('mono' or 'no-color' or 'color-off')
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744399 [w|u] sisu syntax: :A smaller formatted than :B :output:fix: (see #744383) (partial solution)
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744399>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu syntax: :A smaller formatted than :B
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:49:26 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+Tags: upstream
+in a document like this:
+:A~ foo
+:B~ bar
+the :A~ 'title' is formated 'smaller' (not bold, smaller font size) than
+the :B~ 'title' on the first page of the actual document (means, first
+page after TOC).
+for pdf
+now is same size see #744383
+\part (level A B C D)
+\chapter (skipped)
+\section (level 1)
+\subsection (level 2)
+\subsubsection (level 3)
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744402 [w|u] sisu: support sha512 :implement:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744402>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu: support sha512
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:06:56 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+Tags: upstream
+sisu uses sha256 when using sha as digest, please support sha512.
+it would be even nicer if you could specify the actual digest like
+'sha512', 'sha256', etc. rather than just 'sha'.
+document command line option --sha512
+**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744405 [w|u] sisu: set default font size :configuration:pdf:implement:
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744405>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu: set default font size
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:29:46 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+Tags: upstream
+in sisurc, one can set the default fonts. it would be nice to be also
+able to set the default font size.
+for pdf make configurable
+ texpdf_fontsize: 12
+**** DONE (5.5.0::6.1.0) [#C] #744408 [w|u] sisu: support more than one level of includes/nested includes
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744408>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu: support more than one level of includes/nested includes
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:39:23 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+Tags: upstream
+currently, it's possible to use only one ssm file which itself includes
+one or more ssi files.
+it would be nice if the ssm could include an 'intermediate' ssi, which
+then includes further ssi files. this is very handy for larger documents.
+I have to date deliberately tried to keep it easy to follow documents & not have too much depth ...
+The idea of recursive includes is un-attractive (messy for a document)
+.ssm currently can contain/include .sst or .ssi
+.sst files can be processed independently,
+.ssi files are only insertions & are not processed independently but as part of an ssm
+change proposed
+.ssm unchanged
+.sst unchanged
+.ssi as before, but can include .sst or .ssi, so:
+ files are only insertions & are not processed independently but as part of an .ssm or another .ssi
+ i.e. as before with the addition that it like a .ssm can contain/include .sst or .ssi
+this is pretty much as requested by wishlist 744408
+allowing .ssi to also include other .ssi or .sst could lead to recursive .ssi
+stopping after an additional level of includes seems arbitrary, and possibly prone to error if you are dealing with many documents
+**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744541 [w|u] sisu: urls in @creator broken
+ <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744541>
+From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
+To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
+Subject: sisu: urls in @creator broken
+Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:45:35 +0200
+Package: sisu
+Version: 5.3.4-1
+Severity: wishlist
+Tags: upstream
+first, if you have an url within @creator, like:
+ @creator: foo bar http://example.org
+the generation fails (pdf output).
+as a workaround, i put the url into parenthesis, like:
+ @creator: foo bar (http://example.org)
+but then, it would be nice if that url would be automatically
+transformed into a link in the output format (pdf).
+pdf, fix
diff --git a/data/doc/sisu/sisu.org b/data/doc/sisu/sisu.org
index d5e0ec52..a5f8dbdc 100644
--- a/data/doc/sisu/sisu.org
+++ b/data/doc/sisu/sisu.org
@@ -1137,74 +1137,12 @@ footnotes uses marker and endnote, check
*** ruby 2.1
-**** DONE make sure sisu works
*** TODO [#C] refactor ruby :ongoing:
** bugs :bug:
*** misc, unclassified
-**** DONE (6.0.5) [#B] sisu should give warning when part of minimal essential structure is missing :processing:fix:
-work through testing for as many of these as possible
-minimal content/structure requirement:
- @title:
- @creator:
- A~ (level A [title])
- 1~ (at least one level 1 [segment/(chapter)])
-test what happens in the absence of each
-structure rules (document heirarchy, heading levels):
- there are two sets of heading levels ABCD (title & parts if any) and 123 (segment & subsegments if any)
- sisu has the fllowing levels:
- A~ [title] . required (== 1) followed by B~ or 1~
- B~ [part] * followed by C~ or 1~
- C~ [subpart] * followed by D~ or 1~
- D~ [subsubpart] * followed by 1~
- 1~ [segment (chapter)] + required (>= 1) followed by text or 2~
- text * followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or relevant part *(B~ if none other used; if C~ is last used: C~ or B~; if D~ is used: D~, C~ or B~)
- 2~ [subsegment] * followed by text or 3~
- text * followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or 3~ or relevant part, see *()
- 3~ [subsubsegment] * followed by text
- text * followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or 3~ or relevant part, see *()
- * level A~ is the tile and is mandatory
- * there can only be one level A~
- * heading levels BCD, are optional and there may be several of each
- (where all three are used corresponding to e.g. Book Part Section)
- * sublevels that are used must follow each other sequentially (alphabetically),
- * heading levels A~ B~ C~ D~ are followed by other heading levels rather than substantive text
- which may be the subsequent sequential (alphabetic) heading part level
- or a heading (segment) level 1~
- * there must be at least one heading (segment) level 1~
- (the level on which the text is segmented, in a book would correspond to the Chapter level)
- * additional heading levels 1~ 2~ 3~ are optional and there may be several of each
- * heading levels 1~ 2~ 3~ are followed by text (which may be followed by the same heading level)
- and/or the next lower numeric heading level (followed by text)
- or indeed return to the relevant part level
- (as a corollary to the rules above substantive text/ content
- must be preceded by a level 1~ (2~ or 3~) heading)
-there must be a title, level A
-creator field absent: crash, no warnings given
-title missing:
-level A missing:
-no level 1:
- * check logic, add to if possible
- * tidy, inelegant solution
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] victory chals discussed parsing problem caused by use of open-close markers around url
**** TODO UNDERWAY (6.0.5) [#B] exclude heading where possible marker '-#' not distinguished from unnumbered heading '~#'
* ~# is general & means no ocn (for any object to which it is applied)
@@ -1220,156 +1158,6 @@ revisit,
*** DBT Outstanding bugs -- sisu caught by removal of ruby-dbi
-**** DONE (pending acceptance) [#B] sisu 5.3.4-1 marked for autoremoval from debian testing on 2014-06-10, for depending on ruby-dbi
-sisu 5.3.4-1 is marked for autoremoval from testing on 2014-06-10
-It (build-)depends on packages with these RC bugs:
-746081: ruby-dbi: FTBFS: ERROR: Test "ruby2.1" failed: wrong number
-of arguments (3 for 1..2)
-The current status of use of ruby-dbi in sisu.
-***** sisu
- SiSU does not depend on an sql database to be useful and most users do
- not use the database (population and resulting search) possibilities.
-***** DONE [#B] sisu-sqlite
- 5.3.4 uses ruby-sqlite3 directly. There has been a
- dependency within debian/control on ruby-dbi for sisu-sqlite, this can
- safely be removed, without affecting its operation.
- (it is used rather by the sample sqlite3 search form)
- >Solution Proposed: remove debian/control dependency on ruby-dbi
- Solution Implemented:
- * sisu-sqlite uses 'sqlite3' ruby-sqlite3 (any superflous dbi loading dropped)
- * code tests passed (create tables, populate db etc. work fine)
- (closes)
-***** DONE [#B] sisu-postgresql
- sisu-postgresql 5.3.4 uses ruby-pg through ruby-dbi.
- >Solution Proposed:
- >* attempt now to fix by migrating to use ruby-pg directly
- > * remove dependency on ruby-dbi in debian/control
- > * rewrite code within sisu to work directly with ruby-pg
- Solution Implemented:
- * sisu-postgresql uses 'pg' ruby-pg (ruby-dbi dropped)
- * code tests passed (create tables, populate db etc. work fine)
- (closes)
-***** DONE [#B] sample cgi search forms
- there is a sample cgi search form facility within sisu that uses
- ruby-dbi to query sqlite3 or pg databases.
- >Solution Proposed:
- >* file a wishlist bug against sisu. No action needed immediately
- > (other perhaps than to remove references to ruby-dbi). This offering
- > in sisu would be classified as "wishlist" as these are samples only
- > and need not be provided at all as populating the database (at an
- > object level) in this case is the challenge (so you could say these
- > documents meet your search criteria at these locations within them
- > (relevant to almost all output formats html, epub, pdf etc.) (and
- > may be looked up in these languages if they are available)) and is
- > independent from search, once you have an sql database you can query
- > it as you wish. (the cgi sample forms will be provided again
- > eventually using ruby-sqlite3 and ruby-pg directly).
- Solution Implemented:
- * sample cgi search froms (cgi database query forms) fixed :)
- * pg sample uses 'pg' (dbi dropped)
- generate sample form using: sisu --sample-search-form --db-pg
- * sqlite sample uses 'sqlite3' (dbi dropped)
- generate sample form using: sisu --sample-search-form --db-sqlite
- (closes)
-debian/control, remove dependency on ruby-dbi, contained in sisu-postgresql and sisu-sqlite
-Current status
- * sisu-sqlite ok, uses 'sqlite3' (superflous dbi loading dropped)
- * sisu-postgresql ok, uses 'pg' (dbi dropped)
- * sample cgi search froms (cgi database query forms) ok :)
- * pg sample uses 'pg' (dbi dropped)
- * sqlite sample uses 'sqlite3' (dbi dropped)
-*** DBT Outstanding bugs -- Normal bugs; Unclassified (2 bugs) :debian:dbt:normal:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=sisu>
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744360 [n|u] sisu: includes do not work properly :processing:fix:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744360>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: includes do not work properly
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:38:59 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-using this in foo.ssm:
- :A~ foo
- :B~ bar
- << bar/baz.ssi
-and this in baz.ssi:
- 1~ foo bar baz
-then everything works.
-using the more natural foo.ssm:
- :A~ foo
- << bar/baz.ssi
-and baz.ssi:
- :B~ bar
- 1~ foo bar baz
-makes ':B~ bar' being ignored in the output (pdf) entirely.
-it appears both give faulty text, though in different ways
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744378 [n|u] sisu: --no-manifest not working anymore :check:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744378>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: --no-manifest not working anymore
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:12:13 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-when running sisu-pdf with --no-manifest, the output (pdf) still
-contains the sisu manifest at the end of the document.
-fix, metadata page in pdf should not contain link to manifest where --no-manifest flag is used
**** TODO ONGOING #746740 [n|u] manpages incomplete
Date: Sat, 03 May 2014 08:45:49 +0200
@@ -1496,48 +1284,6 @@ That said re pdf, LaTeX XeTeX are flexible, it may be possible to drop the ocn
at the start of a code block lower on its line so that it is closer to the code
that follows
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#D] #744353 [w|u] sisu output: please do not use typewriter for urls :output:consider:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744353>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: please do not use typewriter for urls
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:27 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-when using urls in sisu like this:
- http://example.org
-sisu then creates in the output (pdf) links like this:
- <http://example.org>
-where as '<http://example.org>' is written in typewriter font
-(monospace). please don't do that automagically since it's desturbing
-the visual flow when reading. If the users wants that, he should be able
-to configure it.
-monospace for url outputs in pdf
-this is default behavior of the latex url package (it uses tt typewriter font)
-it is possible to modify the font to sf class or tm/rm class, & I now default to sf
-this means when the sisu default sf is used there will be no difference in typeface,
-but when times roman or other is used, urls will be in sf instead of that font,
-(instead of the latex default typewriter)
-it provides a visual cue even when output is monochrome, without color
-(and is in some way related to #744391 sisu output: no color on a4 portrait)
-however, it is worth noting here that urls are printed in a smaller font so as
-to fit more on a line of text
**** TODO [#C] #744354 [w|u] sisu output: please do not add '<' and '>' around urls
From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
@@ -1569,360 +1315,6 @@ would need to make configurable
url_visual_delimiters: '<>'
look into later
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744355 [w|u] vim syntaxhighlighting: includes and directories :syntaxhi:fix:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744355>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: vim syntaxhighlighting: includes and directories
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:46 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-When using includes like this:
- << foo.ssi
-then vim correctly displays the line in blue.
-However, when using includes in a subdirectory like this:
- << bar/foo.ssi
-then vim doesn't use any colors at all.
-**** DONE PASS [#C] #744356 [w|u] vim syntaxhighlighting: urls and tags :discuss:close:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744356>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: vim syntaxhighlighting: urls and tags
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:28:56 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-When using an URL at the end of a sentence like this:
- Foo bar baz http://example.org.
-then vim properly highlights the url in blue.
-this also works properly when a second sentence after it, like:
- Foo bar baz http://example.org. Foo bar baz http://example.org.
-it works with html tag as well, like this:
- Foo bar baz http://example.org. <br />Foo bar baz http://example.org.
-but it doesn't work if there's no space:
- Foo bar baz http://example.org.<br />Foo bar baz http://example.org.
-then, the string 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.<' is shown red.
-this is meant to be flagged as an error,
-(red indicates error, and is an error will not parse correctly)
-even if the sisu parser works in the flagged case there is no promise that it will in future
-use of angle bracket markers (html markers) in sisu markup is depreciated.
-for line-break use \\ instead,
-for which there should be surrounding spaces or a preceding space and end of line;
-if <br /> is still used there should be a space after the url - which sisu should remove in output.
-would like to close without further action
-re-open if necessary
-**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744357 [w|u] sisu output: please create mailto links automatically
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744357>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: please create mailto links automatically
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:29:12 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-When using urls like:
- http://example.org
-in sisu, the output (pdf) contains a hyperlink to http://example.org
-automatically, which is nice.
-please also create mailto links when using email adresses like:
- john.doe@example.org
-for pdf fix/implement mailto links
-done but requires further testing & possibly refinement
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744358 [w|u] sisu output: please do not add ';' after \:copyright: :output:fix:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744358>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: please do not add ';' after :copyright:
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 12:29:20 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-When using:
- :copyright: foo bar baz.
-sisu generates the following in the output format (pdf):
- foo bar baz.;
-Please do not automagically add a semicolon (;). If the user wants a
-semicolon, he would add one.
-fix copyright, remove trailing semi-colon
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744379 [w|u] sisu: missing includes doesn't give an error :processing:fix:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744379>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: missing includes doesn't give an error
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:14:46 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-When using includes (*.ssi) in a sisu master document (*.ssm) like:
- << foo.ssi
-and that to be included file foo.ssi (for whatever reason) doesn't
-exist, sisu doesn't error out but include '<< foo.ssi' literally as a
-string in the output (pdf).
-5.3.4-1 writes the following to the screen:
-"ERROR test.ssm.sst requires invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi"
-and unsatisfactorily within the text output it writes no error message but the include instruction:
-"<< foo.ssi"
-5.3.5, the current "fix"/ solution, is to add an error message within the text rather than to stop processing with an error.
-In addition to (i) slightly modified (you could say corrected) to the following:
-"ERROR test.ssm requires an invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi"
-the following is written within the text output:
-"<< foo.ssi [ERROR test.ssm requires an invalid or non-existent file: foo.ssi]"
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#D] #744381 [w|u] sisu syntax: inconsistency \:copyright: and \:license: :metadata:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744381https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744381>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: inconsistency between :copyright: and :license:
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:26:55 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-when using ':copyright: foo', then the output contains 'foo'.
-when using ':license: foo', then the output contains 'License: foo'.
-this is inconsistent. either both should have a 'prefix' in the output,
-or neither should have one (i'd prefere the latter).
-Under rights there are a series of sub-categories starting with copyright, that
-need to be distinguished. Until now started distinguishing after after
-Copyright. For consistency have add the prefix 'Copyright' to the output.
-Preference to omit noted, but this solution is consistent with options
-provided. Bug closed, re-open if necessary.
-**** DONE (6.0.5) [#B] #744383 [w|u] sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting :output:fix: (partial solution)
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744383>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:32:07 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-when using :A, :B, and :C in sisu, in the output (pdf) both :B and :C
-are formatted identically.
-imho :C should be 'smaller' than :B.
-or, as an analogy with html: i would expect that :A equals <h1>, :B
-equals <h2>, and :C equals <h3>. currently, (in that analogy), :B and :C
-both equal <h2>.
-this is in part an artifact of LaTeX not having as many document heading levels
-and trying to take advantage of the behavior of existing levels rather than
-customizing further
-look for a solution, possibly overriding the default font sizes for each
-The current settings were chosen because, there are not enough levels and I
-find too many different font sizes disconcerting, especially running sisu over
-a wide variety of document types
-the following levels are available in LaTeX
-the levels in sisu are
-A [title]
-B [part]
-C [subpart]
-D [subsubpart]
-1 [segment (chapter)]
-2 [subsegment]
-3 [subsubsegment]
-sisu current mapping:
-level A [title]
-level B C D \part (it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable e.g. Book Part Section)
-[skipped \chapter]
-[skipped \section]
-level 1 \subsection
-level 2 \subsubsection
-level 3 \subsubsection
-the reason for skipping section was the default configuration and resulting
-fact that it made for a table of contents that takes more space
-sisu new mapping:
-level A [title]
-level B C D \part (it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable e.g. Book Part Section)
-[skipped \chapter]
-level 1 \section
-level 2 \subsection
-level 3 \subsubsection
-levels B C & D are the same size,
- it is up to the user to make part levels visually distinguishable
- e.g. Book Part Section
-levels 1 2 & 3 are now distinguished
-(Closes #744386) sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting
-(under consideration & yet to be done #744383) sisu syntax: :B and :C result in the same formatting
-(touches )
-override part font size settings for different levels (B C D)
-**** DONE CLOSED [#C] #744384 [w|u] sisu syntax: relies on empty lines
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744384>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu syntax: relies on empty lines
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:34:46 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-the following snipped:
- :C~ foo bar
- << foo-bar.ssi
-means that the include is ignored entirely. apparently sisu relies on
-having an empty line in between like this:
- :C~ foo bar
- << foo-bar.ssi
-(i) as a general observation, sisu relies on emptly lines to identify separate objects
- such as headings, paragraphs (and indeed insertions)
-(ii) a heading need not be on a single line (so << would be part of that heading)
-this means sisu should be able to work identifying headings in wrapped texts
-(e.g. where the text is wrapped at 80 and the heading is longer than that)
-there has been no rule to the contrary (i.e. that headings should be on a single text line)
-consider, should there be such a rule?
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744386 [w|u] sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting :output:pdf:fix: (see #744383)
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744386>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu syntax: 1~ and 2~ result in the same formatting
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:43:51 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-similar as with #744383, the same also applies for 1~ and 2~ - they
-should be different in the output format (pdf here).
-1~ 2~ 3~ are now differentiated
-deal with under #744383
**** TODO [#B] #744390 [w|u] sisu: empty sections are ignored
@@ -1968,66 +1360,6 @@ seemed to work (checked pdf & html (scroll & seg))
was not able to reproduce
will look again
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744391 [w|u] sisu output: no color on a4 portrait :output:pdf:contemplate:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744391>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu output: please use (blue) color for links
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:23:37 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-Tags: upstream
-it would be nice if links (urls and emails) would be colored blue to
-mark them visually as links. this behaviour is somewhat the lowest
-common denominator in browsers (if you use html without any css that is).
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: 744391@bugs.debian.org
-Subject: Re: sisu output: please use (blue) color for links
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:35:33 +0200
-retitle 744391 sisu output: no color on a4 portrait
-now this is strange.. turns out that (yes, i have colors enabled in
-sisurc) the portrait a4 pdf has no colors at all, while the landscape a4
-pdf does indeed have colors (red for toc, blue for links).
-portrait was provided for print/paper copy and is great for that in monochrome
-(without grays for colored links),
-landscape better matching a screen for visual presentations, color affecting the landscape only
-make configurable by cli & rc file
-make both (portrait & landscape colors) configurable
-either as hyperlinks monochrome or colored
-overriding existing default which remains as described
---pdf-hyperlinks-no-color or --pdf-hyperlinks-mono
- pdf_hyperlinks: *[possible values]
- pdf_hyperlinks_portrait: *[possible values]
- pdf_hyperlinks_landscape: *[possible values]
- * 'color' or ('mono' or 'no-color' or 'color-off')
**** TODO [#D] #744395 [w|u] sisu output: half-page title page in landscape output
@@ -2099,101 +1431,6 @@ Daniel
will look at: should be possible; requires a configuration option
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#B] #744399 [w|u] sisu syntax: :A smaller formatted than :B :output:fix: (see #744383) (partial solution)
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744399>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu syntax: :A smaller formatted than :B
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:49:26 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-Tags: upstream
-in a document like this:
-:A~ foo
-:B~ bar
-the :A~ 'title' is formated 'smaller' (not bold, smaller font size) than
-the :B~ 'title' on the first page of the actual document (means, first
-page after TOC).
-for pdf
-now is same size see #744383
-\part (level A B C D)
-\chapter (skipped)
-\section (level 1)
-\subsection (level 2)
-\subsubsection (level 3)
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744402 [w|u] sisu: support sha512 :implement:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744402>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu: support sha512
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:06:56 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-Tags: upstream
-sisu uses sha256 when using sha as digest, please support sha512.
-it would be even nicer if you could specify the actual digest like
-'sha512', 'sha256', etc. rather than just 'sha'.
-document command line option --sha512
-**** DONE (5.3.5::6.0.5) [#C] #744405 [w|u] sisu: set default font size :configuration:pdf:implement:
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744405>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu: set default font size
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:29:46 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-Tags: upstream
-in sisurc, one can set the default fonts. it would be nice to be also
-able to set the default font size.
-for pdf make configurable
- texpdf_fontsize: 12
**** TODO [#C] #744407 [w|u] sisu: possibility to influence content/formating of the title page
@@ -2220,50 +1457,6 @@ Daniel
consider, work on possibly, later
-**** DONE (5.5.0::6.1.0) [#C] #744408 [w|u] sisu: support more than one level of includes/nested includes
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744408>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu: support more than one level of includes/nested includes
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:39:23 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-Tags: upstream
-currently, it's possible to use only one ssm file which itself includes
-one or more ssi files.
-it would be nice if the ssm could include an 'intermediate' ssi, which
-then includes further ssi files. this is very handy for larger documents.
-I have to date deliberately tried to keep it easy to follow documents & not have too much depth ...
-The idea of recursive includes is un-attractive (messy for a document)
-.ssm currently can contain/include .sst or .ssi
-.sst files can be processed independently,
-.ssi files are only insertions & are not processed independently but as part of an ssm
-change proposed
-.ssm unchanged
-.sst unchanged
-.ssi as before, but can include .sst or .ssi, so:
- files are only insertions & are not processed independently but as part of an .ssm or another .ssi
- i.e. as before with the addition that it like a .ssm can contain/include .sst or .ssi
-this is pretty much as requested by wishlist 744408
-allowing .ssi to also include other .ssi or .sst could lead to recursive .ssi
-stopping after an additional level of includes seems arbitrary, and possibly prone to error if you are dealing with many documents
**** TODO [#C] #744409 [w|u] sisu output: urls in code blocks are not linkified
@@ -2287,38 +1480,6 @@ Daniel
consider, so far code blocks are pretty much untouched ... not tampered with,
this could be done though
-**** DONE (6.0.5) [#C] #744541 [w|u] sisu: urls in @creator broken
- <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744541>
-From: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-technologies.net>
-To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
-Subject: sisu: urls in @creator broken
-Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 18:45:35 +0200
-Package: sisu
-Version: 5.3.4-1
-Severity: wishlist
-Tags: upstream
-first, if you have an url within @creator, like:
- @creator: foo bar http://example.org
-the generation fails (pdf output).
-as a workaround, i put the url into parenthesis, like:
- @creator: foo bar (http://example.org)
-but then, it would be nice if that url would be automatically
-transformed into a link in the output format (pdf).
-pdf, fix
**** TODO [#C] #744685 [w|u] sisu output: copy&past-able wrapped code blocks