*SiSU* is a lightweight markup based document creation and publishing framework
that is controlled from the command line. Prepare documents for *SiSU* using
your text editor of choice, then use *SiSU* to generate various output document
From a single lightly prepared document (plain-text /UTF-8/) sisu custom builds
several standard output formats which share a common (text object) numbering
system for citation of content within a document (that also has implications
for search). The sisu engine works with an abstraction of the document's
structure and content from which it is possible to generate different forms of
representation of the document. *SiSU* produces: plain-text, /HTML/, /XHTML/,
/XML/, /EPUB/, /ODF/: /ODT/ (Opendocument), /LaTeX/, /PDF/, and populates an
/SQL/ database (/PostgreSQL/ or /SQLite/) with text objects, roughly, paragraph
sized chunks so that document searches are done at this level of granularity.
Outputs share a common citation numbering system, associated with text objects
and any semantic meta-data provided about the document.
*SiSU* also provides concordance files, document content certificates and
manifests of generated output. Book indexes may be made.
Some document markup samples are provided in the package sisu -markup-samples.
1. Download the latest source
2. Unpack the source
Provided you have *Ruby*, *SiSU* can be run without installation straight from
the source package directory tree. Run ruby against the full path to bin/sisu
(in the unzipped source package directory tree)
Note however, that additional external package dependencies, such as texlive
(for pdfs), sqlite3 or postgresql (for search) should you desire to use them
are not taken care of for you.
Gem install, you need to:
(i) create the gemspec; (ii) build the gem (from the gemspec); (iii) install
the gem
Provided you have ruby & rake, this can be done with the single command:
rake gem_create_build_install # (to build and install sisu v5 & sisu v6,
alias gemcbi)
separate gems are made/installed for sisu v5 & sisu v6 contained in source:
rake gem_create_build_install_stable # (to build and install sisu v5, alias
rake gem_create_build_install_unstable # (to build and install sisu v6, alias
for individual steps (create, build, install) see rake options, rake -T to
specify sisu version for sisu installed via gem
gem search sisu
sisu _5.5.1_ --version
sisu _6.1.1_ --version
to uninstall sisu installed via gem
sudo gem uninstall --verbose sisu
For a list of alternative actions you may type:
rake help
rake -T
It should also be possible to install sisu using setup.rb
this is a three step process, in the root directory of the unpacked *SiSU* as
root type:
ruby setup.rb config
ruby setup.rb setup
#[as root:]
ruby setup.rb install
further information:
ruby setup.rb config && ruby setup.rb setup && sudo ruby setup.rb install
A distribution install should take care of the dependencies of sisu for
producing various outputs.
*SiSU* is available off the *Debian* archives. It should necessary only to run
as root, Using apt-get:
apt-get update
apt get install sisu-complete
(all sisu dependencies should be taken care of)
If there are newer versions of *SiSU* upstream, they will be available by
adding the following to your sources list /etc/apt/sources.list
deb unstable main non-free
deb-src unstable main non-free
The non-free section is for sisu markup samples provided, which contain
authored works the substantive text of which cannot be changed, and which as a
result do not meet the debian free software guidelines.
*SiSU* is developed on *Debian*, and packages are available for *Debian* that
take care of the dependencies encountered on installation.
The package is divided into the following components:
*sisu*, the base code, (the main package on which the others depend), without
any dependencies other than ruby (and for convenience the ruby webrick web
server), this generates a number of types of output on its own, other
packages provide additional functionality, and have their dependencies
*sisu-complete*, a dummy package that installs the whole of greater sisu as
described below, apart from sisu -examples
*sisu-pdf*, dependencies used by sisu to produce pdf from /LaTeX/ generated
*sisu-postgresql*, dependencies used by sisu to populate postgresql database
(further configuration is necessary)
*sisu-sqlite*, dependencies used by sisu to populate sqlite database
*sisu-markup-samples*, sisu markup samples and other miscellany (under
*Debian* Free Software Guidelines non-free)
*SiSU* is available off Debian Unstable and Testing [link:
[^1] install it using apt-get, aptitude or alternative *Debian* install tools.
Here is a list of sisu' s current dependencies,[^2] which depend on such
factors as whether you want to generate pdf, whether you will be using *SiSU*
with or without a database, ...). sisu_markup-samples may also be of interest.
Package: sisu
Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, openssl, rsync, unzip, zip
Recommends: sisu-pdf, sisu-sqlite, sisu-postgresql, imagemagick |
graphicsmagick, keychain, openssh-client | lsh-client, po4a, qrencode, rake,
ruby-rmagick, tidy, tree, vim-addon-manager
Suggests: lv, calibre, pinfo, poedit, texinfo, trang
Package: sisu-complete
Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, sisu (= ${source:Version}), sisu-pdf (=
${source:Version}), sisu-postgresql (= ${source:Version}), sisu-sqlite (=
Description-en: installs all SiSU related packages
Package: sisu-pdf
Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, sisu (= ${source:Version}),
texlive-latex-base, texlive-fonts-recommended, texlive-generic-recommended,
texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-latex-extra, texlive-math-extra,
texlive-xetex, fonts-liberation, lmodern, latex-cjk-all, texlive-lang-cjk
Suggests: evince | pdf-viewer
Package: sisu-postgresql
Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, sisu (= ${source:Version}), postgresql,
ruby-dbd-pg, ruby-dbi, ruby-fcgi
Suggests: postgresql-contrib
Package: sisu-sqlite
Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, sisu (= ${source:Version}), sqlite3,
ruby-sqlite3, ruby-dbd-sqlite3, ruby-dbi, ruby-fcgi
Package: sisu-markup-samples
Depends: sisu
*SiSU* is a document publishing system, that from a simple single marked-up
document, produces multiple output formats including: /plaintext/, /HTML/,
/XHTML/, /XML/, /EPUB/, /ODT/ (/OpenDocument/ (/ODF/) text), /LaTeX/, /PDF/,
info, and /SQL/ (/PostgreSQL/ and /SQLite/) , which share text object numbers
("object citation numbering") and the same document structure information. For
more see: or
*-a [filename/wildcard]*
produces /plaintext/ with Unix linefeeds and without markup, (object numbers
are omitted), has footnotes at end of each paragraph that contains them [ -A
for equivalent dos (linefeed) output file] [see -e for endnotes]. (Options
include: --endnotes for endnotes --footnotes for footnotes at the end of each
paragraph --unix for unix linefeed (default) --msdos for msdos linefeed)
*--ao [filename/wildcard/url]*
assumed for most other flags, creates new intermediate files for processing
(abstract objects, document abstraction) that is used in all subsequent
processing of other output. This step is assumed for most processing flags. To
skip it see -n. Alias -m.
*--asciitext [filename/wildcard]*
asciitext, smart text (not available)
*-b [filename/wildcard]*
see --xhtml
see --output-by-*
configure/initialise shared output directory files initialize shared output
directory (config files such as css and dtd files are not updated if they
already exist unless modifier is used). -C --init-site configure/initialise
site more extensive than -C on its own, shared output directory files/force
update, existing shared output config files such as css and dtd files are
updated if this modifier is used.
see --configure
*-c [filename/wildcard]*
see --color-toggle
see --color-on
turn off color in output to terminal
turn on color in output to terminal
*--color-toggle [filename/wildcard]*
screen toggle ansi screen colour on or off depending on default set (unless -c
flag is used: if sisurc colour default is set to 'true', output to screen will
be with colour, if sisurc colour default is set to 'false' or is undefined
screen output will be without colour). Alias -c
configure/initialise shared output directory files initialize shared output
directory (config files such as css and dtd files are not updated if they
already exist unless modifier is used). The equivalent of: -C --init-site
configure/initialise site, more extensive than -C on its own, shared output
directory files/force update, existing shared output config files such as css
and dtd files are updated if -CC is used.
*--concordance [filename/wildcard]*
produces concordance (wordmap) a rudimentary index of all the words in a
document. (Concordance files are not generated for documents of over 260,000
words unless this limit is increased in the file sisurc.yml). Alias -w
*-D [instruction] [filename]*
see --pg
*-d [--db-[database type (sqlite|pg)]] --[instruction] [filename]*
see --sqlite
*--dal [filename/wildcard/url]*
(abstract objects, document abstraction renamed abstract objects in sisu5) see
*--delete [filename/wildcard]*
see --zap
*--docbook [filename/wildcard/url]*
docbook xml
*--dump[=directory_path] [filename/wildcard]*
places output in directory specified, if none is specified in the current
directory (pwd). Unlike using default settings /HTML/ files have embedded css.
Compare --redirect
*-e [filename/wildcard]*
see --epub
*--epub [filename/wildcard]*
produces an epub document, [sisu version >=2 ] (filename.epub). Alias -e
exclude output feature, overrides configuration settings --exc-numbering, see
--exc-ocn; --exc-ocn, (exclude "object citation numbering", (switches off
object citation numbers), affects html (seg, scroll), epub, xhtml, xml, pdf) ;
--exc-toc, (exclude table of contents, affects html (scroll), epub, pdf) ;
--exc-links-to-manifest, --exc-manifest-links, (exclude links to manifest,
affects html (seg, scroll)); --exc-search-form, (exclude search form, affects
html (seg, scroll), manifest); --exc-minitoc, (exclude mini table of contents,
affects html (seg), concordance, manifest); --exc-manifest-minitoc, (exclude
mini table of contents, affects manifest); --exc-html-minitoc, (exclude mini
table of contents, affects html (seg), concordance); --exc-html-navigation,
(exclude navigation, affects html (seg)); --exc-html-navigation-bar, (exclude
navigation bar, affects html (seg)); --exc-html-search-form, (exclude search
form, affects html (seg, scroll)); --exc-html-right-pane, (exclude right
pane/column, affects html (seg, scroll)); --exc-html-top-band, (exclude top
band, affects html (seg, scroll), concordance (minitoc forced on to provide seg
navigation)); --exc-segsubtoc (exclude sub table of contents, affects html
(seg), epub) ; see also --inc-*
*-F [--webserv=webrick]*
see --sample-search-form
*-f [optional string part of filename]*
see --find
*--fictionbook [filename/wildcard/url]*
fictionbook xml (not available)
*--find [optional string part of filename]*
without match string, glob all .sst .ssm files in directory (including language
subdirectories). With match string, find files that match given string in
directory (including language subdirectories). Alias -f, --glob, -G
*-G [optional string part of filename]*
see --find
*-g [filename/wildcard]*
see --git
*--git [filename/wildcard]*
produces or updates markup source file structure in a git repo (experimental
and subject to change). Alias -g
*--glob [optional string part of filename]*
see --find
*-h [filename/wildcard]*
see --html
*--harvest *.ss[tm]*
makes two lists of sisu output based on the sisu markup documents in a
directory: list of author and authors works (year and titles), and; list by
topic with titles and author. Makes use of header metadata fields (author,
title, date, topic_register). Can be used with maintenance (-M) and remote
placement (-R) flags.
*--help [topic]*
provides help on the selected topic, where topics (keywords) include: list,
(com)mands, short(cuts), (mod)ifiers, (env)ironment, markup, syntax, headers,
headings, endnotes, tables, example, customise, skin, (dir)ectories, path,
(lang)uage, db, install, setup, (conf)igure, convert, termsheet, search, sql,
features, license.
*--html [filename/wildcard]*
produces html output, in two forms (i) segmented text with table of contents
(toc.html and index.html) and (ii) the document in a single file (scroll.html).
Alias -h
*--html-scroll [filename/wildcard]*
produces html output, the document in a single file (scroll.html) only. Compare
--html-seg and --html
*--html-seg [filename/wildcard]*
produces html output, segmented text with table of contents (toc.html and
index.html). Compare --html-scroll and --html
*--html-strict [filename/wildcard]*
produces html with --strict option. see --strict
*-I [filename/wildcard]*
see --texinfo
*-i [filename/wildcard]*
see --manpage
these flags affect output by filetype and filename): --i18n-mono
(--monolingual) output filenames without language code for default language
('en' or as set); --i18n-multi (--multilingual) language code provided as part
of the output filename, this is the default. Where output is in one language
only the language code may not be desired. see also --output-by-*
include output feature, overrides configuration settings, (usually the default
if none set), has precedence over --exc-* (exclude output feature). Some detail
provided under --exc-*, see --exc-*
*-j [filename/wildcard]*
copies images associated with a file for use by html, xhtml & xml outputs
(automatically invoked by --dump & redirect).
see --color-off
*--keep-processing-files [filename/wildcard/url]*
see --maintenance
*-M [filename/wildcard/url]*
see --maintenance
*-m [filename/wildcard/url]*
see --dal (document abstraction level/layer)
*--machine [filename/wildcard/url]*
see --dal (document abstraction level/layer)
*--maintenance [filename/wildcard/url]*
maintenance mode, interim processing files are preserved and their locations
indicated. (also see -V). Aliases -M and --keep-processing-files.
*--markdown [filename/wildcard/url]*
markdown smart text (not available)
*--manpage [filename/wildcard]*
produces man page of file, not suitable for all outputs. Alias -i
see --i18n-*
see --i18n-*
*-N [filename/wildcard/url]*
document digest or document content certificate ( DCC ) as md5 digest tree of
the document: the digest for the document, and digests for each object
contained within the document (together with information on software versions
that produced it) (digest.txt). -NV for verbose digest output to screen.
*-n [filename/wildcard/url]*
skip the creation of intermediate processing files (document abstraction) if
they already exist, this skips the equivalent of -m which is otherwise assumed
by most processing flags.
see --exc-*
turn on "object citation numbers". See --inc-ocn and --exc-ocn
*-o [filename/wildcard/url]*
see --odt
"object citation numbers". See --inc-ocn and --exc-ocn
*--odf [filename/wildcard/url]*
see --odt
*--odt [filename/wildcard/url]*
output basic document in opendocument file format (opendocument.odt). Alias -o
select output directory structure from 3 alternatives: --output-by-language,
(language directory (based on language code) with filetype (html, epub, pdf
etc.) subdirectories); --output-by-filetype, (filetype directories with
language code as part of filename); --output-by-filename, (filename directories
with language code as part of filename). This is configurable. Alias --by-*
*-P [language_directory/filename language_directory]*
see --po4a
*-p [filename/wildcard]*
see --pdf
in conjunction with --pdf set pdf papersize, overriding any configuration
settings, to set more than one papersize repeat the option --pdf --papersize-a4
--papersize-letter. See also --papersize=*
*--papersize=a4,a5,b5,letter,legal* in conjunction with --pdf set pdf
papersize, overriding any configuration settings, to set more than one
papersize list after the equal sign with a comma separator
--papersize=a4,letter. See also --papersize-*
*--pdf [filename/wildcard]*
produces /LaTeX/ pdf (portrait.pdf & landscape.pdf). Orientation and papersize
may be set on the command-line. Default paper size is set in config file, or
document header, or provided with additional command line parameter, e.g.
--papersize-a4 preset sizes include: 'A4', U.S. 'letter' and 'legal' and book
sizes 'A5' and 'B5' (system defaults to A4), and; --landscape or --portrait,
so: e.g. "sisu --pdf-a4 --pdf-letter --landscape --verbose [filename/wildcard]"
or "sisu --pdf --landscape --a4 --letter --verbose [filename/wildcard]". --pdf
defaults to both landscape & portrait output, and a4 if no other papersizes are
configured. Related options --pdf-landscape --pdf-portrait --pdf-papersize-*
--pdf-papersize=[list]. Alias -p
*--pdf-l [filename/wildcard]*
See --pdf-landscape
*--pdf-landscape [filename/wildcard]*
sets orientation, produces /LaTeX/ pdf landscape.pdf. Default paper size is set
in config file, or document header, or provided with additional command line
parameter, e.g. --papersize-a4 preset sizes include: 'A4', U.S. 'letter' and
'legal' and book sizes 'A5' and 'B5' (system defaults to A4). Related options
--pdf --pdf-portrait. See also --papersize-* or --papersize=[list]. Alias
--pdf-l or in conjunction with --pdf --landscape
*--pdf-p [filename/wildcard]*
See --pdf-portrait
*--pdf-portrait [filename/wildcard]*
sets orientation, produces /LaTeX/ pdf portrait.pdf.pdf. Default paper size is
set in config file, or document header, or provided with additional command
line parameter, e.g. --papersize-a4 preset sizes include: 'A4', U.S. 'letter'
and 'legal' and book sizes 'A5' and 'B5' (system defaults to A4). Related
options --pdf --pdf-landscape. See also --papersize-* or --papersize=[list].
Alias --pdf-p or in conjunction with --pdf --portrait
*--pg [instruction] [filename]*
database /PostgreSQL/ ( --pgsql may be used instead) possible instructions,
include: --createdb; --create; --dropall; --import [filename]; --update
[filename]; --remove [filename]; see database section below. Alias -D
*--po [language_directory/filename language_directory]*
see --po4a
*--po4a [language_directory/filename language_directory]*
produces .pot and po files for the file in the languages specified by the
language directory. *SiSU* markup is placed in subdirectories named with the
language code, e.g. en/ fr/ es/. The sisu config file must set the output
directory structure to multilingual. v3, experimental
*-Q [filename/wildcard]*
see --qrcode
*-q [filename/wildcard]*
see --quiet
*--qrcode [filename/wildcard]*
generate QR code image of metadata (used in manifest).
*--quiet [filename/wildcard]*
quiet less output to screen.
*-R [filename/wildcard]*
see --rsync
*-r [filename/wildcard]*
see --scp
*--redirect[=directory_path] [filename/wildcard]*
places output in subdirectory under specified directory, subdirectory uses the
filename (without the suffix). If no output directory is specified places the
subdirectory under the current directory (pwd). Unlike using default settings
/HTML/ files have embedded css. Compare --dump
*--rst [filename/wildcard/url]*
ReST (rST restructured text) smart text (not available)
*--rsync [filename/wildcard]*
copies sisu output files to remote host using rsync. This requires that
sisurc.yml has been provided with information on hostname and username, and
that you have your "keys" and ssh agent in place. Note the behavior of rsync
different if -R is used with other flags from if used alone. Alone the rsync
--delete parameter is sent, useful for cleaning the remote directory (when -R
is used together with other flags, it is not). Also see --scp. Alias -R
see --sisupod
*-S [filename/wildcard]*
see --sisupod
*-s [filename/wildcard]*
see --source
*--sample-search-form [--db-(pg|sqlite)]*
generate examples of (naive) cgi search form for /SQLite/ or PgSQL depends on
your already having used sisu to populate an /SQLite/ or PgSQL database, (the
/SQLite/ version scans the output directories for existing sisu_sqlite
databases, so it is first necessary to create them, before generating the
search form) see --sqlite & --pg and the database section below. Optional
additional parameters: --db-user='www-data'. The samples are dumped in the
present work directory which must be writable, (with screen instructions given
that they be copied to the cgi-bin directory). Alias -F
*--scp [filename/wildcard]*
copies sisu output files to remote host using scp. This requires that
sisurc.yml has been provided with information on hostname and username, and
that you have your "keys" and ssh agent in place. Also see --rsync. Alias -r
set hash digest where used to sha256
set hash digest where used to sha512
*--sqlite --[instruction] [filename]*
database type set to /SQLite/, this produces one of two possible databases,
without additional database related instructions it produces a discreet
/SQLite/ file for the document processed; with additional instructions it
produces a common /SQLite/ database of all processed documents that (come from
the same document preparation directory and as a result) share the same output
directory base path (possible instructions include: --createdb; --create;
--dropall; --import [filename]; --update [filename]; --remove [filename]); see
database section below. Alias -d
produces a sisupod a zipped sisu directory of markup files including sisu
markup source files and the directories local configuration file, images and
skins. Note: this only includes the configuration files or skins contained in
./_sisu not those in ~/.sisu -S [filename/wildcard] option. Note: (this option
is tested only with zsh). Alias -S
*--sisupod [filename/wildcard]*
produces a zipped file of the prepared document specified along with associated
images, by default named they may alternatively be named with the
filename extension .ssp This provides a quick way of gathering the relevant
parts of a sisu document which can then for example be emailed. A sisupod
includes sisu markup source file, (along with associated documents if a master
file, or available in multilingual versions), together with related images and
skin. *SiSU* commands can be run directly against a sisupod contained in a
local directory, or provided as a url on a remote site. As there is a security
issue with skins provided by other users, they are not applied unless the flag
--trust or --trusted is added to the command instruction, it is recommended
that file that are not your own are treated as untrusted. The directory
structure of the unzipped file is understood by sisu, and sisu commands can be
run within it. Note: if you wish to send multiple files, it quickly becomes
more space efficient to zip the sisu markup directory, rather than the
individual files for sending). See the -S option without [filename/wildcard].
Alias -S
*--source [filename/wildcard]*
copies sisu markup file to output directory. Alias -s
together with --html, produces more w3c compliant html, for example not having
purely numeric identifiers for text, the location object url#33 becomes url#o33
*-T [filename/wildcard (*.termsheet.rb)]*
standard form document builder, preprocessing feature
*-t [filename/wildcard]*
see --txt
*--texinfo [filename/wildcard]*
produces texinfo and info file, (view with pinfo). Alias -I
*--textile [filename/wildcard/url]*
textile smart text (not available)
*--txt [filename/wildcard]*
produces /plaintext/ with Unix linefeeds and without markup, (object numbers
are omitted), has footnotes at end of each paragraph that contains them [ -A
for equivalent dos (linefeed) output file] [see -e for endnotes]. (Options
include: --endnotes for endnotes --footnotes for footnotes at the end of each
paragraph --unix for unix linefeed (default) --msdos for msdos linefeed). Alias
*--txt-asciitext [filename/wildcard]*
see --asciitext
*--txt-markdown [filename/wildcard]*
see --markdown
*--txt-rst [filename/wildcard]*
see --rst
*--txt-textile [filename/wildcard]*
see --textile
*-U [filename/wildcard]*
see --urls
*-u [filename/wildcard]*
provides url mapping of output files for the flags requested for processing,
also see -U
*--urls [filename/wildcard]*
prints url output list/map for the available processing flags options and
resulting files that could be requested, (can be used to get a list of
processing options in relation to a file, together with information on the
output that would be produced), -u provides url output mapping for those flags
requested for processing. The default assumes sisu_webrick is running and
provides webrick url mappings where appropriate, but these can be switched to
file system paths in sisurc.yml. Alias -U
on its own, provides *SiSU* version and environment information (sisu --help
*-V [filename/wildcard]*
even more verbose than the -v flag.
on its own, provides *SiSU* version information
*-v [filename/wildcard]*
see --verbose
*--v5 [filename/wildcard]*
invokes the sisu v5 document parser/generator. You may run sisu5 instead. This
is the current default and is normally omitted.
*--v6 [filename/wildcard]*
invokes the sisu v6 document parser/generator. You may run sisu6 instead.
*--verbose [filename/wildcard]*
provides verbose output of what is being generated, where output is placed (and
error messages if any), as with -u flag provides a url mapping of files created
for each of the processing flag requests. Alias -v
see --webrick
*-w [filename/wildcard]*
see --concordance
starts ruby' s webrick webserver points at sisu output directories, the default
port is set to 8081 and can be changed in the resource configuration files.
[tip: the webrick server requires link suffixes, so html output should be
created using the -h option rather than -H ; also, note -F webrick ]. Alias -W
*--wordmap [filename/wildcard]*
see --concordance
*--xhtml [filename/wildcard]*
produces xhtml//XML/ output for browser viewing (sax parsing). Alias -b
*--xml-dom [filename/wildcard]*
produces /XML/ output with deep document structure, in the nature of dom. Alias
*--xml-sax [filename/wildcard]*
produces /XML/ output shallow structure (sax parsing). Alias -x
*-X [filename/wildcard]*
see --xml-dom
*-x [filename/wildcard]*
see --xml-sax
*-Y [filename/wildcard]*
produces a short sitemap entry for the document, based on html output and the
sisu_manifest. --sitemaps generates/updates the sitemap index of existing
sitemaps. (Experimental, [g,y,m announcement this week])
*-y [filename/wildcard]*
produces an html summary of output generated (hyperlinked to content) and
document specific metadata (sisu_manifest.html). This step is assumed for most
processing flags.
*-Z [filename/wildcard]*
see --zap
*--zap [filename/wildcard]*
Zap, if used with other processing flags deletes output files of the type about
to be processed, prior to processing. If -Z is used as the lone processing
related flag (or in conjunction with a combination of -[mMvVq]), will remove
the related document output directory. Alias -Z
[with --html --pdf or --epub] switches off /object citation numbering/. Produce
output without identifying numbers in margins of html or /LaTeX//pdf output.
strips output text of editor endnotes[^*1] denoted by asterisk or dagger/plus
strips output text of editor endnotes[^*2] denoted by asterisk sign
strips output text of editor endnotes[^+1] denoted by dagger/plus sign
*dbi - database interface*
*-D or --pgsql* set for /PostgreSQL/ *-d or --sqlite* default set for /SQLite/
-d is modifiable with --db=[database type (PgSQL or /SQLite/) ]
*--pg -v --createall*
initial step, creates required relations (tables, indexes) in existing
/PostgreSQL/ database (a database should be created manually and given the same
name as working directory, as requested) (rb.dbi) [ -dv --createall /SQLite/
equivalent] it may be necessary to run sisu -Dv --createdb initially NOTE: at
the present time for /PostgreSQL/ it may be necessary to manually create the
database. The command would be 'createdb [database name]' where database name
would be SiSU_[present working directory name (without path)]. Please use only
alphanumerics and underscores.
*--pg -v --import*
[filename/wildcard] imports data specified to /PostgreSQL/ db (rb.dbi) [ -dv
--import /SQLite/ equivalent]
*--pg -v --update*
[filename/wildcard] updates/imports specified data to /PostgreSQL/ db (rb.dbi)
[ -dv --update /SQLite/ equivalent]
*--pg --remove*
[filename/wildcard] removes specified data to /PostgreSQL/ db (rb.dbi) [ -d
--remove /SQLite/ equivalent]
*--pg --dropall*
kills data" and drops (/PostgreSQL/ or /SQLite/) db, tables & indexes [ -d
--dropall /SQLite/ equivalent]
The -v is for verbose output.
*--update [filename/wildcard]*
Checks existing file output and runs the flags required to update this output.
This means that if only html and pdf output was requested on previous runs,
only the -hp files will be applied, and only these will be generated this time,
together with the summary. This can be very convenient, if you offer different
outputs of different files, and just want to do the same again.
*-0 to -5 [filename or wildcard]*
Default shorthand mappings (note that the defaults can be changed/configured in
the sisurc.yml file):
-NQhewpotbxXyYv [this is the default action run when no options are give, i.e.
on 'sisu [filename]']
-NQhewpotbxXDyY --update
-NQhewpotbxXDyYv --update
add -v for verbose mode and -c to toggle color state, e.g. sisu -2vc [filename
or wildcard]
consider -u for appended url info or -v for verbose output
In the data directory run sisu -mh filename or wildcard eg. "sisu -h cisg.sst"
or "sisu -h *.{sst,ssm}" to produce html version of all documents.
Running sisu (alone without any flags, filenames or wildcards) brings up the
interactive help, as does any sisu command that is not recognised. Enter to
*SiSU* source documents are /plaintext/ (/UTF-8/)[^4] files
All paragraphs are separated by an empty line.
Markup is comprised of:
* at the top of a document, the document header made up of semantic meta-data
about the document and if desired additional processing instructions (such an
instruction to automatically number headings from a particular level down)
* followed by the prepared substantive text of which the most important single
characteristic is the markup of different heading levels, which define the
primary outline of the document structure. Markup of substantive text includes:
* heading levels defines document structure
* text basic attributes, italics, bold etc.
* grouped text (objects), which are to be treated differently, such as code
blocks or poems.
* footnotes/endnotes
* linked text and images
* paragraph actions, such as indent, bulleted, numbered-lists, etc.
Some interactive help on markup is available, by typing sisu and selecting
markup or sisu --help markup
To check the markup in a file:
sisu --identify [filename].sst
For brief descriptive summary of markup history
sisu --query-history
or if for a particular version:
sisu --query-0.38
minimal content/structure requirement:
A~ (level A [title])
1~ (at least one level 1 [segment/(chapter)])
structure rules (document heirarchy, heading levels):
there are two sets of heading levels ABCD (title & parts if any) and 123
(segment & subsegments if any)
sisu has the fllowing levels:
A~ [title] .
required (== 1) followed by B~ or 1~
B~ [part] *
followed by C~ or 1~
C~ [subpart] *
followed by D~ or 1~
D~ [subsubpart] *
followed by 1~
1~ [segment (chapter)] +
required (>= 1) followed by text or 2~
text *
followed by more text or 1~, 2~
or relevant part *()
2~ [subsegment] *
followed by text or 3~
text *
followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or 3~
or relevant part, see *()
3~ [subsubsegment] *
followed by text
text *
followed by more text or 1~, 2~ or 3~ or relevant part, see *()
*(B~ if none other used;
if C~ is last used: C~ or B~;
if D~ is used: D~, C~ or B~)
* level A~ is the tile and is mandatory
* there can only be one level A~
* heading levels BCD, are optional and there may be several of each
(where all three are used corresponding to e.g. Book Part Section)
* sublevels that are used must follow each other sequentially
* heading levels A~ B~ C~ D~ are followed by other heading levels rather
than substantive text
which may be the subsequent sequential (alphabetic) heading part level
or a heading (segment) level 1~
* there must be at least one heading (segment) level 1~
(the level on which the text is segmented, in a book would correspond
to the Chapter level)
* additional heading levels 1~ 2~ 3~ are optional and there may be several
of each
* heading levels 1~ 2~ 3~ are followed by text (which may be followed by
the same heading level)
and/or the next lower numeric heading level (followed by text)
or indeed return to the relevant part level
(as a corollary to the rules above substantive text/ content
must be preceded by a level 1~ (2~ or 3~) heading)
Online markup examples are available together with the respective outputs
produced from or from
There is of course this document, which provides a cursory overview of sisu
markup and the respective output produced:
an alternative presentation of markup syntax:
With *SiSU* installed sample skins may be found in:
/usr/share/doc/sisu/markup-samples (or equivalent directory) and if sisu
-markup-samples is installed also under:
Headers contain either: semantic meta-data about a document, which can be used
by any output module of the program, or; processing instructions.
Note: the first line of a document may include information on the markup
version used in the form of a comment. Comments are a percentage mark at the
start of a paragraph (and as the first character in a line of text) followed by
a space and the comment:
% this would be a comment
This current document is loaded by a master document that has a header similar
to this one:
% SiSU master 4.0
@title: SiSU
:subtitle: Manual
:author: Amissah, Ralph
@publisher: [publisher name]
@rights: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3
:topic_register: SiSU:manual;electronic documents:SiSU:manual
:subject: ebook, epublishing, electronic book, electronic publishing,
electronic document, electronic citation, data structure,
citation systems, search
% used_by: manual
:published: 2008-05-22
:created: 2002-08-28
:issued: 2002-08-28
:available: 2002-08-28
:modified: 2010-03-03
:num_top: 1
:breaks: new=C; break=1
:bold: /Gnu|Debian|Ruby|SiSU/
:home_button_text: {SiSU}; {git}
:footer: {SiSU}; {git}
:manpage: name=sisu - documents: markup, structuring, publishing in multiple standard formats, and search;
synopsis=sisu [-abcDdeFhIiMmNnopqRrSsTtUuVvwXxYyZz0-9] [filename/wildcard ]
. sisu [-Ddcv] [instruction]
. sisu [-CcFLSVvW]
. sisu --v5 [operations]
. sisu --v6 [operations]
{ SiSU Homepage }
{ SiSU Manual }
{ Book Samples & Markup Examples }
{ SiSU Download }
{ SiSU Changelog }
{ SiSU Git repo };a=summary
{ SiSU List Archives }
{ SiSU @ Debian }
{ SiSU Project @ Debian }
{ SiSU @ Wikipedia }
Header tags appear at the beginning of a document and provide meta information
on the document (such as the /Dublin Core/) , or information as to how the
document as a whole is to be processed. All header instructions take the form
@headername: or on the next line and indented by once space :subheadername: All
/Dublin Core/ meta tags are available
*@identifier:* information or instructions
where the "identifier" is a tag recognised by the program, and the
"information" or "instructions" belong to the tag/identifier specified
Note: a header where used should only be used once; all headers apart from
@title: are optional; the @structure: header is used to describe document
structure, and can be useful to know.
This is a sample header
% SiSU 2.0 [declared file-type identifier with markup version]
@title: [title text] [this header is the only one that is mandatory]
:subtitle: [subtitle if any]
:language: English
:author: [Lastname, First names]
:illustrator: [Lastname, First names]
:translator: [Lastname, First names]
:prepared_by: [Lastname, First names]
:published: [year or yyyy-mm-dd]
:created: [year or yyyy-mm-dd]
:issued: [year or yyyy-mm-dd]
:available: [year or yyyy-mm-dd]
:modified: [year or yyyy-mm-dd]
:valid: [year or yyyy-mm-dd]
:added_to_site: [year or yyyy-mm-dd]
:translated: [year or yyyy-mm-dd]
:copyright: Copyright (C) [Year and Holder]
:license: [Use License granted]
:text: [Year and Holder]
:translation: [Name, Year]
:illustrations: [Name, Year]
:topic_register: SiSU:markup sample:book;book:novel:fantasy
:loc: [Library of Congress classification]
:dewey: [Dewey classification
:isbn: [ISBN]
@links: { SiSU }
{ FSF }
:num_top: 1
:headings: [text to match for each level
(e.g. PART; Chapter; Section; Article; or another: none; BOOK|FIRST|SECOND; none; CHAPTER;)
:breaks: new=:C; break=1
:promo: sisu, ruby, sisu_search_libre, open_society
:bold: [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold]
:italics: [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise]
:home_button_text: {SiSU}; {git}
:footer: {SiSU}; {git}
:language: [language]
:prefix: [prefix is placed just after table of contents]
Heading levels are :A~ ,:B~ ,:C~ ,1~ ,2~ ,3~ ... :A - :C being part / section
headings, followed by other heading levels, and 1 -6 being headings followed by
substantive text or sub-headings. :A~ usually the title :A~? conditional level
1 heading (used where a stand-alone document may be imported into another)
*:A~ [heading text]* Top level heading [this usually has similar content to the
title @title: ] NOTE: the heading levels described here are in 0.38 notation,
see heading
*:B~ [heading text]* Second level heading [this is a heading level divider]
*:C~ [heading text]* Third level heading [this is a heading level divider]
*1~ [heading text]* Top level heading preceding substantive text of document or
sub-heading 2, the heading level that would normally be marked 1. or 2. or 3.
etc. in a document, and the level on which sisu by default would break html
output into named segments, names are provided automatically if none are given
(a number), otherwise takes the form 1~my_filename_for_this_segment
*2~ [heading text]* Second level heading preceding substantive text of document
or sub-heading 3 , the heading level that would normally be marked 1.1 or 1.2
or 1.3 or 2.1 etc. in a document.
*3~ [heading text]* Third level heading preceding substantive text of document,
that would normally be marked 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 or 1.2.1 or 2.1.1 etc. in a
1~filename level 1 heading,
% the primary division such as Chapter that is followed by substantive text, and may be further subdivided (this is the level on which by default html segments are made)
*markup example:*
normal text, *{emphasis}*, !{bold text}!, /{italics}/, _{underscore}_, "{citation}",
^{superscript}^, ,{subscript},, +{inserted text}+, -{strikethrough}-, #{monospace}#
normal text
*{emphasis}* [note: can be configured to be represented by bold, italics or underscore]
!{bold text}!
+{inserted text}+
*resulting output:*
normal text, *emphasis*, *bold text*, /italics/, _underscore_, "citation",
^superscript^, [subscript], +inserted text+, -strikethrough-, #monospace#
normal text
*emphasis* [note: can be configured to be represented by bold, italics or
*bold text*
+inserted text+
*markup example:*
ordinary paragraph
_1 indent paragraph one step
_2 indent paragraph two steps
_9 indent paragraph nine steps
*resulting output:*
ordinary paragraph
indent paragraph one step
indent paragraph two steps
indent paragraph nine steps
*markup example:*
_* bullet text
_1* bullet text, first indent
_2* bullet text, two step indent
*resulting output:*
* bullet text
* bullet text, first indent
* bullet text, two step indent
Numbered List (not to be confused with headings/titles, (document structure))
*markup example:*
# numbered list numbered list 1., 2., 3, etc.
_# numbered list numbered list indented a., b., c., d., etc.
*markup example:*
_0_1 first line no indent,
rest of paragraph indented one step
_1_0 first line indented,
rest of paragraph no indent
in each case level may be 0-9
*resulting output:*
first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no
indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of
paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented
one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first
line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent,
rest of paragraph indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph
indented one step; first line no indent, rest of paragraph indented one step;
A regular paragraph.
first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of
paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line
indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no
indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented,
rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent
first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of
paragraph no indent first line indented, rest of paragraph no indent
in each case level may be 0-9
*live-build* A collection of scripts used to build customized *Debian*
Livesystems. /live-build/ was formerly known as live-helper, and even earlier
known as live-package.
A collection of scripts used to build customized *Debian* Livesystems.
/live-build/ was formerly known as live-helper, and even earlier known as
Footnotes and endnotes are marked up at the location where they would be
indicated within a text. They are automatically numbered. The output type
determines whether footnotes or endnotes will be produced
*markup example:*
~{ a footnote or endnote }~
*resulting output:*
*markup example:*
normal text~{ self contained endnote marker & endnote in one }~ continues
*resulting output:*
normal text[^6] continues
*markup example:*
normal text ~{* unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required }~ continues
normal text ~{** another unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote }~ continues
*resulting output:*
normal text [^*] continues
normal text [^**] continues
*markup example:*
normal text ~[* editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series ]~ continues
normal text ~[+ editors notes, numbered plus symbol footnote/endnote series ]~ continues
*resulting output:*
normal text [^*3] continues
normal text [^+2] continues
*Alternative endnote pair notation for footnotes/endnotes:*
% note the endnote marker "~^"
normal text~^ continues
^~ endnote text following the paragraph in which the marker occurs
the standard and pair notation cannot be mixed in the same document
urls found within text are marked up automatically. A url within text is
automatically hyperlinked to itself and by default decorated with angled
braces, unless they are contained within a code block (in which case they are
passed as normal text), or escaped by a preceding underscore (in which case the
decoration is omitted).
*markup example:*
normal text continues
*resulting output:*
normal text continues
An escaped url without decoration
*markup example:*
normal text _ continues
deb _ unstable main non-free
*resulting output:*
normal text continues
deb unstable main non-free
where a code block is used there is neither decoration nor hyperlinking, code
blocks are discussed later in this document
*resulting output:*
deb unstable main non-free
deb-src unstable main non-free
To link text or an image to a url the markup is as follows
*markup example:*
about { SiSU } markup
*resulting output:*
about SiSU [link: ] markup
A shortcut notation is available so the url link may also be provided
automatically as a footnote
*markup example:*
about {~^ SiSU } markup
*resulting output:*
about SiSU [link: ] [^7] markup
Internal document links to a tagged location, including an ocn
*markup example:*
about { text links }#link_text
*resulting output:*
about text links
Shared document collection link
*markup example:*
about { SiSU book markup examples }:SiSU/examples.html
*resulting output:*
about *SiSU* book markup examples
*markup example:*
{ tux.png 64x80 }image
% various url linked images
[image: "a better way"]
[image: "Way Better - with Gnu/Linux, Debian and Ruby"]
{~^ ruby_logo.png "Ruby" }
*resulting output:*
tux.png 64x80 [link: local image]
tux.png 64x80 "Gnu/Linux - a better way" [link: ]
GnuDebianLinuxRubyBetterWay.png 100x101 "Way Better - with Gnu/Linux, Debian
and Ruby" [link: ]
ruby_logo.png 70x90 "Ruby" [link: ] [^8]
*linked url footnote shortcut*
{~^ [text to link] }
% maps to: { [text to link] } ~{ }~
% which produces hyper-linked text within a document/paragraph, with an endnote providing the url for the text location used in the hyperlink
text marker *~name
note at a heading level the same is automatically achieved by providing names
to headings 1, 2 and 3 i.e. 2~[name] and 3~[name] or in the case of
auto-heading numbering, without further intervention.
*markup example:*
!_ /{"Viral Spiral"}/, David Bollier
{ "Viral Spiral", David Bollier [3sS]}viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst
*/"Viral Spiral"/, David Bollier*
"Viral Spiral", David Bollier [link: ]
document manifest [link: ]
html, segmented text [link: ]
html, scroll, document in one [link: ]
epub [link: ]
pdf, landscape [link: ]
pdf, portrait [link: ]
odf: odt, open document text [link: ]
xhtml scroll [link: ]
xml, sax [link: ]
xml, dom [link: ]
concordance [link: ]
dcc, document content certificate (digests) [link: ]
markup source text [link: ]
markup source (zipped) pod [link: ]
Tables may be prepared in two either of two forms
*markup example:*
table{ c3; 40; 30; 30;
This is a table
this would become column two of row one
column three of row one is here
And here begins another row
column two of row two
column three of row two, and so on
*resulting output:*
This is a table┆this would become column two of row one┆column three of row one is here』And here begins another row┆column two of row two┆column three of row two, and so on』
a second form may be easier to work with in cases where there is not much
information in each column
*markup example:*[^10]
!_ Table 3.1: Contributors to Wikipedia, January 2001 - June 2005
{table~h 24; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12;}
|Jan. 2001|Jan. 2002|Jan. 2003|Jan. 2004|July 2004|June 2006
Contributors* | 10| 472| 2,188| 9,653| 25,011| 48,721
Active contributors** | 9| 212| 846| 3,228| 8,442| 16,945
Very active contributors*** | 0| 31| 190| 692| 1,639| 3,016
No. of English language articles| 25| 16,000| 101,000| 190,000| 320,000| 630,000
No. of articles, all languages | 25| 19,000| 138,000| 490,000| 862,000|1,600,000
* Contributed at least ten times; ** at least 5 times in last month; *** more than 100 times in last month.
*resulting output:*
*Table 3.1: Contributors to Wikipedia, January 2001 - June 2005*
┆Jan. 2001┆Jan. 2002┆Jan. 2003┆Jan. 2004┆July 2004┆June 2006』Contributors*┆10┆472┆2,188┆9,653┆25,011┆48,721』Active contributors**┆9┆212┆846┆3,228┆8,442┆16,945』Very active contributors***┆0┆31┆190┆692┆1,639┆3,016』No. of English language articles┆25┆16,000┆101,000┆190,000┆320,000┆630,000』No. of articles, all languages┆25┆19,000┆138,000┆490,000┆862,000┆1,600,000』
* Contributed at least ten times; ** at least 5 times in last month; *** more
than 100 times in last month.
*basic markup:*
Your poem here
Each verse in a poem is given an object number.
*markup example:*
`Fury said to a
mouse, That he
met in the
"Let us
both go to
law: I will
YOU. --Come,
I'll take no
denial; We
must have a
trial: For
really this
morning I've
to do."
Said the
mouse to the
cur, "Such
a trial,
dear Sir,
no jury
or judge,
would be
"I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury,"
old Fury:
try the
*resulting output:*
`Fury said to a
mouse, That he
met in the
"Let us
both go to
law: I will
YOU. --Come,
I'll take no
denial; We
must have a
trial: For
really this
morning I've
to do."
Said the
mouse to the
cur, "Such
a trial,
dear Sir,
no jury
or judge,
would be
"I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury,"
old Fury:
try the
*basic markup:*
Your grouped text here
A group is treated as an object and given a single object number.
*markup example:*
`Fury said to a
mouse, That he
met in the
"Let us
both go to
law: I will
YOU. --Come,
I'll take no
denial; We
must have a
trial: For
really this
morning I've
to do."
Said the
mouse to the
cur, "Such
a trial,
dear Sir,
no jury
or judge,
would be
"I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury,"
old Fury:
try the
*resulting output:*
`Fury said to a
mouse, That he
met in the
"Let us
both go to
law: I will
YOU. --Come,
I'll take no
denial; We
must have a
trial: For
really this
morning I've
to do."
Said the
mouse to the
cur, "Such
a trial,
dear Sir,
no jury
or judge,
would be
"I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury,"
old Fury:
try the
Code tags # code{ ... }code # (used as with other group tags described above)
are used to escape regular sisu markup, and have been used extensively within
this document to provide examples of *SiSU* markup. You cannot however use code
tags to escape code tags. They are however used in the same way as group or
poem tags.
A code-block is treated as an object and given a single object number. [an
option to number each line of code may be considered at some later time]
*use of code tags instead of poem compared, resulting output:*
`Fury said to a
mouse, That he
met in the
"Let us
both go to
law: I will
YOU. --Come,
I'll take no
denial; We
must have a
trial: For
really this
morning I've
to do."
Said the
mouse to the
cur, "Such
a trial,
dear Sir,
no jury
or judge,
would be
"I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury,"
old Fury:
try the
From *SiSU* 2.7.7 on you can number codeblocks by placing a hash after the
opening code tag # code{# # as demonstrated here:
1 ┆ `Fury said to a
2 ┆ mouse, That he
3 ┆ met in the
4 ┆ house,
5 ┆ "Let us
6 ┆ both go to
7 ┆ law: I will
8 ┆ prosecute
9 ┆ YOU. --Come,
10 ┆ I'll take no
11 ┆ denial; We
12 ┆ must have a
13 ┆ trial: For
14 ┆ really this
15 ┆ morning I've
16 ┆ nothing
17 ┆ to do."
18 ┆ Said the
19 ┆ mouse to the
20 ┆ cur, "Such
21 ┆ a trial,
22 ┆ dear Sir,
23 ┆ With
24 ┆ no jury
25 ┆ or judge,
26 ┆ would be
27 ┆ wasting
28 ┆ our
29 ┆ breath."
30 ┆ "I'll be
31 ┆ judge, I'll
32 ┆ be jury,"
33 ┆ Said
34 ┆ cunning
35 ┆ old Fury:
36 ┆ "I'll
37 ┆ try the
38 ┆ whole
39 ┆ cause,
40 ┆ and
41 ┆ condemn
42 ┆ you
43 ┆ to
44 ┆ death."'
To break a line within a "paragraph object", two backslashes \\
with a space before and a space or newline after them
may be used.
To break a line within a "paragraph object",
two backslashes \\ with a space before
and a space or newline after them \\
may be used.
The html break br enclosed in angle brackets (though undocumented) is available
in versions prior to 3.0.13 and 2.9.7 (it remains available for the time being,
but is depreciated).
To draw a dividing line dividing paragraphs, see the section on page breaks.
Page breaks are only relevant and honored in some output formats. A page break
or a new page may be inserted manually using the following markup on a line on
its own:
page new =\= breaks the page, starts a new page.
page break -\- breaks a column, starts a new column, if using columns,
else breaks the page, starts a new page.
page break line across page -..- draws a dividing line, dividing paragraphs
page break:
page (break) new:
page (break) line across page (dividing paragraphs):
To make an index append to paragraph the book index term relates to it, using
an equal sign and curly braces.
Currently two levels are provided, a main term and if needed a sub-term.
Sub-terms are separated from the main term by a colon.
Paragraph containing main term and sub-term.
={Main term:sub-term}
The index syntax starts on a new line, but there should not be an empty line
between paragraph and index markup.
The structure of the resulting index would be:
Main term, 1
sub-term, 1
Several terms may relate to a paragraph, they are separated by a semicolon. If
the term refers to more than one paragraph, indicate the number of paragraphs.
Paragraph containing main term, second term and sub-term.
={first term; second term: sub-term}
The structure of the resulting index would be:
First term, 1,
Second term, 1,
sub-term, 1
If multiple sub-terms appear under one paragraph, they are separated under the
main term heading from each other by a pipe symbol.
Paragraph containing main term, second term and sub-term.
={Main term:
sub-term+2|second sub-term;
Another term
A paragraph that continues discussion of the first sub-term
The plus one in the example provided indicates the first sub-term spans one
additional paragraph. The logical structure of the resulting index would be:
Main term, 1,
sub-term, 1-3,
second sub-term, 1,
Another term, 1
It is possible to build a document by creating a master document that requires
other documents. The documents required may be complete documents that could be
generated independently, or they could be markup snippets, prepared so as to be
easily available to be placed within another text. If the calling document is a
master document (built from other documents), it should be named with the
suffix *.ssm* Within this document you would provide information on the other
documents that should be included within the text. These may be other documents
that would be processed in a regular way, or markup bits prepared only for
inclusion within a master document *.sst* regular markup file, or *.ssi*
(insert). A secondary file of the composite document is built prior to
processing with the same prefix and the suffix *._sst*
basic markup for importing a document into a master document
<< filename1.sst
<< filename2.ssi
The form described above should be relied on. Within the /Vim/ editor it
results in the text thus linked becoming hyperlinked to the document it is
calling in which is convenient for editing.
*markup example:*
The current Debian is ${debian_stable} the next debian will be ${debian_testing}
Configure substitution in _sisu/sisu_document_make
:substitute: /${debian_stable}/,'*{Wheezy}*' /${debian_testing}/,'*{Jessie}*'
*resulting output:*
The current *Debian* is *Wheezy* the next debian will be *Jessie*
Configure substitution in _sisu/sisu_document_make
[2]: from the *Debian* control file
[*1]: square brackets
[*2]: square brackets
[+1]: square brackets
[3]: From sometime after SiSU 0.58 it should be possible to describe SiSU markup
using SiSU, which though not an original design goal is useful.
[4]: files should be prepared using /UTF-8/ character encoding
[5]: a footnote or endnote
[6]: self contained endnote marker & endnote in one
[*]: unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required
[**]: another unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote
[*3]: editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series
[+2]: editors notes, numbered plus symbol footnote/endnote series
[10]: Table from the Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler