Commands [0.58]
Ralph Amissah
copy @ SiSU
SiSU - Commands [0.58],
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SiSU Commands |
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1. Commands Summary |
1. Commands Summary |
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SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units - a document publishing system |
5 |
sisu [ -abcDdFHhIiMmNnopqRrSsTtUuVvwXxYyZz0-9 ] [ filename/ wildcard ] |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Note: commands should be issued from within the directory that contains the marked up files, cd to markup directory. |
9 |
10 |
SiSU SiSU is a document publishing system, that from a simple single marked-up document, produces multiple of output formats including: plaintext, html, LaTeX, pdf, xhtml, XML, info, and SQL (PostgreSQL and SQLite), which share numbered text objects ("object citation numbering") and the same document structure information. For more see: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> |
11 |
12 |
-b [filename/wildcard] |
14 |
-H [filename/wildcard] |
21 |
-I [filename/wildcard] |
23 |
24 |
-M [filename/wildcard/url] |
25 |
-n [filename/wildcard/url] |
28 |
-o [filename/wildcard/url] |
29 |
31 |
-s [filename/wildcard] |
36 |
-t [filename/wildcard (*.termsheet.rb)] |
37 |
-u [filename/wildcard] |
39 |
-V |
40 |
-V [filename/wildcard] |
41 |
42 |
-X [filename/wildcard] |
46 |
-x [filename/wildcard] |
47 |
-y [filename/wildcard] |
49 |
-z [filename/wildcard] |
51 |
Output generated by
0.59.0 2007-09-23 (2007w38/0)
SiSU using:
| |
SiSU is released under GPLv3 or later, <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> |
SiSU, developed using
software infrastructure,
with the usual GPL (or OSS) suspects.