SiSU Markup Ralph Amissah copy @ SiSU |
Rights: Copyright © Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3
SiSU - Markup,
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SiSU Markup |
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1. Introduction to SiSU Markup 1 |
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1.1 Summary |
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SiSU source documents are plaintext (UTF-8) 2 files |
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Some interactive help on markup is available, by typing sisu and selecting markup or sisu --help markup |
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1.2 Markup Examples |
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1.2.1 Online |
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Online markup examples are available together with the respective outputs produced from <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/2.html> or from <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_examples/> |
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There is of course this document, which provides a cursory overview of sisu markup and the respective output produced: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_markup/> |
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Some example marked up files are available as html with syntax highlighting for viewing: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sample/syntax> |
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an alternative presentation of markup syntax: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sample/on_markup.txt> |
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1.2.2 Installed |
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2. Markup of Headers |
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Headers consist of semantic meta-data about a document, which can be used by any output module of the program; and may in addition include extra processing instructions. |
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2.1 Sample Header |
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This current document has a header similar to this one (without the comments): |
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2.2 Available Headers |
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where the "identifier" is a tag recognised by the program, and the "information" or "instructions" belong to the tag/indentifier specified |
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Note: a header where used should only be used once; all headers apart from @title: are optional; the @structure: header is used to describe document structure, and can be useful to know. |
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% SiSU 0.38 [declared file-type identifier with markup version] |
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@title: [title text] This is the title of the document and used as such, this header is the only one that is mandatory |
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@date: 2000-08-27 [ also @date.created: @date.issued: @date.available: @date.valid: @date.modified: ] |
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[@language.original: original language in which the work was published] |
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@rights: Copyright (c) Name of Right Holder, all rights reserved, or as granted: public domain, copyleft, creative commons variant, etc. |
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@keywords: text document generation processing management latex pdf structured xml citation [your keywords here, used for example by rss feeds, and in sql searches] |
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@catalogue: loc=[Library of Congress classification]; dewey=[Dewey classification]; isbn=[ISBN]; pg=[Project Gutenberg text number] |
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@prefix_a: [prefix is placed just before table of contents - not implemented] |
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@level: newpage=3; breakpage=4 |
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@bold: [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold] |
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@italics: [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise] |
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@vocabulary: name of taxonomy/vocabulary/wordlist to use against document |
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@links: { SiSU }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/; |
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3. Markup of Substantive Text |
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3.1 Heading Levels |
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:A~ [heading text] Top level heading [this usually has similar content to the title @title: ] NOTE: the heading levels described here are in 0.38 notation, see heading |
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:B~ [heading text] Second level heading [this is a heading level divider] |
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:C~ [heading text] Third level heading [this is a heading level divider] |
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2~ [heading text] Second level heading preceding substantive text of document or sub-heading 3, the heading level that would normally be marked 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 or 2.1 etc. in a document. |
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3~ [heading text] Third level heading preceding substantive text of document, that would normally be marked 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 or 1.2.1 or 2.1.1 etc. in a document |
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3.2 Font Attributes |
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normal text emphasis bold text underscore italics citation superscript subscript inserted text |
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3.3 Indentation and bullets |
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ordinary paragraph |
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_* bullet text |
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Numbered List (not to be confused with headings/titles, (document structure)) |
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# numbered list numbered list 1., 2., 3, etc. |
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3.4 Footnotes / Endnotes |
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normal text~{ self contained endnote marker & endnote in one }~ continues |
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normal text 4 continues |
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normal text ~{* unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required }~ continues |
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normal text * continues |
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normal text ** continues |
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normal text ~[* editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series ]~ continues |
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normal text *1 continues |
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normal text +1 continues |
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% note the endnote marker "~^" |
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the standard and pair notation cannot be mixed in the same document |
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3.5 Links |
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3.5.1 Naked URLs within text, dealing with urls |
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normal text <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> continues |
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normal text _http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu continues |
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normal text http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu continues |
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deb http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free |
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where a code block is used there is neither decoration nor hyperlinking, code blocks are discussed later in this document |
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deb http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free |
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3.5.2 Linking Text |
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about SiSU markup |
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A shortcut notation is available so the url link may also be provided automatically as a footnote |
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3.5.3 Linking Images |
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Gnu/Linux - a better way |
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[ ruby_logo (png missing) ] 6 |
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Way Better - with Gnu/Linux, Debian and Ruby |
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3.6 Grouped Text |
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3.6.1 Tables |
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a second form may be easier to work with in cases where there is not much information in each column |
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markup example: 7 |
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Table 3.1: Contributors to Wikipedia, January 2001 - June 2005 |
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* Contributed at least ten times; ** at least 5 times in last month; *** more than 100 times in last month. |
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3.6.2 Poem |
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poem{ |
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3.6.3 Group |
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group{ |
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3.6.4 Code |
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A code-block is treated as an object and given a single object number. [an option to number each line of code may be considered at some later time] |
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use of code tags instead of poem compared, resulting output: |
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4. Composite documents markup |
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basic markup for importing a document into a master document |
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Markup Syntax History |
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5. Notes related to Files-types and Markup Syntax |
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0.38 is substantially current, depreciated 0.16 supported, though file names were changed at 0.37 |
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0.52 (2007w14/6) declared document type identifier at start of text/document: |
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variations include 'SiSU (text|master|insert) [version]' and 'sisu-[version]' |
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0.51 (2007w13/6) skins changed (simplified), markup unchanged |
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0.42 (2006w27/4) * (asterisk) type endnotes, used e.g. in relation to author |
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0.38 (2006w15/7) introduced new/alternative notation for headers, e.g. @title: (instead of 0~title), and accompanying document structure markup, :A,:B,:C,1,2,3 (maps to previous 1,2,3,4,5,6) |
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0.37 (2006w09/7) introduced new file naming convention, .sst (text), .ssm (master), .ssi (insert), markup syntax unchanged |
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0.22 (2005w35/3) image dimensions may be omitted if rmagick is available to be relied upon |
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0.16 (2005w25/2) substantial changes introduced to make markup cleaner, header 0~title type, and headings [1-6]~ introduced, also percentage sign (%) at start of a text line as comment marker |
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Endnotes |
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1. From sometime after SiSU 0.58 it should be possible to describe SiSU markup using SiSU, which though not an original design goal is useful. |
2. files should be prepared using UTF-8 character encoding |
3. a footnote or endnote |
4. self contained endnote marker & endnote in one |
* unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required |
** another unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote |
*1. editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series |
+1. editors notes, numbered asterisk footnote/endnote series |
7. Table from the Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler |
Document Information (metadata) |
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<http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_manual/sisu_markup/sisu_manifest.html> |
Dublin Core (DC) |
DC tags included with this document are provided here. |
DC Title: SiSU - Markup |
DC Creator: Ralph Amissah |
DC Rights: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3 |
DC Type: information |
DC Date created: 2002-08-28 |
DC Date issued: 2002-08-28 |
DC Date available: 2002-08-28 |
DC Date modified: 2007-09-16 |
DC Date: 2007-09-16 |
Version Information |
Sourcefile: sisu_markup.sst |
Filetype: SiSU text 0.58 |
Sourcefile Digest, MD5(sisu_markup.sst)= 6848f40f5844e0a7d59dbb86b3ddae92 |
Skin_Digest: MD5(/home/ralph/grotto/theatre/dbld/sisu-dev/sisu/data/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/sisu_manual/_sisu/skin/doc/skin_sisu_manual.rb)= 20fc43cf3eb6590bc3399a1aef65c5a9 |
Generated |
Document (metaverse) last generated: Mon Sep 24 15:32:23 +0100 2007 |
Generated by: SiSU 0.59.0 of 2007w38/0 (2007-09-23) |
Ruby version: ruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-07 patchlevel 36) [i486-linux] |
Output generated by
0.59.0 2007-09-23 (2007w38/0)
SiSU using:
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SiSU is released under GPLv3 or later, <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> |
SiSU, developed using
software infrastructure,
with the usual GPL (or OSS) suspects.