SISU - QUICKSTART, INSTALLATION AND USE, RALPH AMISSAH ******************************************************* QUICKSTART - SISU INSTALLATION AND USE ====================================== 1. QUICKSTART - GETTING STARTED HOWTO ------------------------------------- 1.1 INSTALLATION ................ Installation is currently most straightforward and tested on the *Debian* platform, as there are packages for the installation of sisu and all requirements for what it does. 1.1.1 DEBIAN INSTALLATION ......................... *SiSU* is available directly from the *Debian* Sid and testing archives (and possibly Ubuntu), assuming your /etc/apt/sources.list is set accordingly: aptitude update aptitude install sisu-complete The following /etc/apt/sources.list setting permits the download of additional markup samples: #/etc/apt/sources.list deb unstable main non-free contrib deb-src unstable main non-free contrib d The aptitude commands become: aptitude update aptitude install sisu-complete sisu-markup-samples If there are newer versions of *SiSU* upstream of the *Debian* archives, they will be available by adding the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list #/etc/apt/sources.list deb unstable main non-free deb-src unstable main non-free repeat the aptitude commands aptitude update aptitude install sisu-complete sisu-markup-samples Note however that it is not necessary to install sisu-complete if not all components of sisu are to be used. Installing just the package sisu will provide basic functionality. 1.1.2 RPM INSTALLATION ...................... RPMs are provided though untested, they are prepared by running alien against the source package, and against the debs. They may be downloaded from: as root type: rpm -i [rpm package name] 1.1.3 INSTALLATION FROM SOURCE .............................. To install *SiSU* from source check information at: * download the source package * Unpack the source Two alternative modes of installation from source are provided, setup.rb (by Minero Aoki) and a rant(by Stefan Lang) built install file, in either case: the first steps are the same, download and unpack the source file: For basic use *SiSU* is only dependent on the programming language in which it is written *Ruby*, and *SiSU* will be able to generate html, various XMLs, including ODF (and will also produce LaTeX). Dependencies required for further actions, though it relies on the installation of additional dependencies which the source tarball does not take care of, for things like using a database (postgresql or sqlite)[^1] or converting LaTeX to pdf. - [1]: There is nothing to stop MySQL support being added in future. *setup.rb* This is a standard ruby installer, using setup.rb is a three step process. In the root directory of the unpacked *SiSU* as root type: ruby setup.rb config ruby setup.rb setup #[and as root:] ruby setup.rb install further information on setup.rb is available from: *"install"* The "install" file provided is an installer prepared using "rant". In the root directory of the unpacked *SiSU* as root type: ruby install base or for a more complete installation: ruby install or ruby install base This makes use of Rant (by Stefan Lang) and the provided Rantfile. It has been configured to do post installation setup setup configuration and generation of first test file. Note however, that additional external package dependencies, such as tetex-extra are not taken care of for you. Further information on "rant" is available from: For a list of alternative actions you may type: ruby install help ruby install -T 1.2 TESTING SISU, GENERATING OUTPUT ................................... To check which version of sisu is installed: sisu -v Depending on your mode of installation one or a number of markup sample files may be found either in the directory: ... or ... change directory to the appropriate one: cd /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/dfsg 1.2.1 BASIC TEXT, PLAINTEXT, HTML, XML, ODF ........................................... Having moved to the directory that contains the markup samples (see instructions above if necessary), choose a file and run sisu against it sisu -NhwoabxXyv free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst this will generate html including a concordance file, opendocument text format, plaintext, XHTML and various forms of XML, and OpenDocument text 1.2.2 LATEX / PDF ................. Assuming a LaTeX engine such as tetex or texlive is installed with the required modules (done automatically on selection of sisu-pdf in *Debian*) Having moved to the directory that contains the markup samples (see instructions above if necessary), choose a file and run sisu against it sisu -pv free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst sisu -3 free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst should generate most available output formats: html including a concordance file, opendocument text format, plaintext, XHTML and various forms of XML, and OpenDocument text and pdf 1.2.3 RELATIONAL DATABASE - POSTGRESQL, SQLITE .............................................. Relational databases need some setting up - you must have permission to create the database and write to it when you run sisu. Assuming you have the database installed and the requisite permissions sisu --sqlite --recreate sisu --sqlite -v --import free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst sisu --pgsql --recreate sisu --pgsql -v --import free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst 1.3 GETTING HELP ................ 1.3.1 THE MAN PAGES ................... Type: man sisu The man pages are also available online, though not always kept as up to date as within the package itself: * sisu.1 [link:] [^2] - [2]: * sisu.8 [link:] [^3] - [3]: * man directory [link:] [^4] - [4]: 1.3.2 BUILT IN HELP ................... sisu --help sisu --help --env sisu --help --commands sisu --help --markup 1.3.3 THE HOME PAGE ................... 1.4 MARKUP SAMPLES .................. A number of markup samples (along with output) are available off: Additional markup samples are packaged separately in the file: *** On *Debian* they are available in non-free[^5] to include them it is necessary to include non-free in your /etc/apt/source.list or obtain them from the sisu home site. - [5]: the *Debian* Free Software guidelines require that everything distributed within *Debian* can be changed - and the documents are authors' works that while freely distributable are not freely changeable. DOCUMENT INFORMATION (METADATA) ******************************* METADATA -------- Document Manifest @ *Dublin Core* (DC) /DC tags included with this document are provided here./ DC Title: _SiSU - Quickstart, installation and use_ DC Creator: _Ralph Amissah_ DC Rights: _Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3_ DC Type: _information_ DC Date created: _2006-09-06_ DC Date available: _2006-09-06_ DC Date issued: _2006-09-06_ DC Date modified: _2007-09-16_ DC Date: _2007-09-16_ *Version Information* Sourcefile: _sisu_quickstart.sst_ Filetype: _SiSU text 0.57_ Sourcefile Digest, MD5(sisu_quickstart.sst)= _e76db98ca0d8c2bfe526dad55622fa7a_ Skin_Digest: MD5(/home/ralph/grotto/theatre/dbld/builds/sisu/sisu/data/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/sisu_manual/_sisu/skin/doc/skin_sisu_manual.rb)= _20fc43cf3eb6590bc3399a1aef65c5a9_ *Generated* Document (metaverse) last generated: _Tue Sep 25 02:53:52 +0100 2007_ Generated by: _SiSU_ _0.59.1_ of 2007w39/2 (2007-09-25) Ruby version: _ ruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-07 patchlevel 36) [i486-linux]_ ============================================================================== title: SiSU - Quickstart, installation and use creator: Ralph Amissah rights: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL 3 type: information subject: ebook, epublishing, electronic book, electronic publishing, electronic document, electronic citation, data structure, citation systems, search date.created: 2006-09-06 date.available: 2006-09-06 date.issued: 2006-09-06 date.modified: 2007-09-16 date: 2007-09-16 ============================================================================== nil Other versions of this document: manifest: html: pdf: plaintext (plain text): at: * Generated by: SiSU 0.59.1 of 2007w39/2 (2007-09-25) * Ruby version: ruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-07 patchlevel 36) [i486-linux] * Last Generated on: Tue Sep 25 02:53:52 +0100 2007 * SiSU