-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: configuration nix #+DESCRIPTION: makefile for spine #+FILETAGS: :sisu:build:tools: #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2025 Ralph Amissah #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:t f:t *:t * nix :nix: #+NAME: nixpkgs_local #+BEGIN_SRC sh /srv/nix/nixpkgs #+END_SRC * sisu - default.nix - shell.nix ** flake.nix #+HEADER: :tangle ../flake.nix #+HEADER: :noweb yes #+BEGIN_SRC nix { description = "sisu parser & document generator"; inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; # "github:nixos/nixpkgs"; # "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; "nixpkgs/nixos-21.11"; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, } @ inputs: let pname = "sisu"; version = "<<sisu_project_version>>"; shell = ./shell.nix; # ./default.nix; devEnv = ./.envrc; # ./.envrc; # ./shell.nix; # ./default.nix; supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; # [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" ]; forAllSystems = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems; nixpkgsFor = forAllSystems (system: import nixpkgs { inherit system; }); # nixpkgs instantiated for supported system types checkPhase = '' runHook preCheck runHook postCheck ''; preInstall = ""; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out/lib mkdir -p $out/setup mkdir -p $out/data mkdir -p $out/bin cp -R ./lib/* $out/lib/. cp -R ./data/* $out/data/. cp -R ./setup/* $out/setup/. ln -s $out/setup/sisu_version.rb $out/version install -m755 ./bin/sisu $out/bin/sisu runHook postInstall ''; postInstall = ""; in { packages = forAllSystems (system: let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}; in with pkgs; { default = stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit pname; inherit version; meta.mainProgram = "sisu"; executable = true; src = self; inherit shell; inherit devEnv; buildPhase = ""; inherit checkPhase; inherit installPhase; inherit postInstall; }; #vendorSha256 = "sha256-0Q00000000000000000000000000000000000000000="; }); apps = forAllSystems (system: { default = { type = "app"; program = "${self.packages.${system}.default}/bin/sisu"; }; }); devShells = forAllSystems (system: let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}; shellHook = '' #${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix build ".#" --print-build-logs; nix build ".#" --print-build-logs; echo "" sisu -v ''; in with pkgs; { default = mkShell { name = "sisu dev base shell"; inherit shell; inherit devEnv; packages = [ <<ruby_current>> sqlite jq git ]; inherit shellHook; }; dsh-epub = mkShell { name = "sisu dev shell for epub output"; inherit shell; inherit devEnv; packages = [ <<ruby_current>> sqlite graphicsmagick zip unzip xz libxml2 html-tidy xmlstarlet epubcheck ebook_tools libxml2 html-tidy xmlstarlet epubcheck ebook_tools epr sigil calibre #(suite includes: ebook-viewer) foliate validatePkgConfig jq #git ]; inherit shellHook; }; dsh-html = mkShell { name = "sisu dev shell for html output"; inherit shell; inherit devEnv; packages = [ <<ruby_current>> sqlite graphicsmagick zip unzip xz validatePkgConfig jq #git ]; inherit shellHook; }; dsh-latex-pdf = mkShell { name = "sisu dev shell for latex & pdf output"; inherit shell; inherit devEnv; packages = [ <<ruby_current>> sqlite graphicsmagick zip unzip xz source-sans-pro source-serif-pro source-code-pro texliveFull # texliveTeTeX noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk-sans takao validatePkgConfig jq #git ]; inherit shellHook; }; dsh-sqlite = mkShell { name = "sisu dev shell for sqlite3 output"; inherit shell; inherit devEnv; packages = [ <<ruby_current>> sqlite graphicsmagick zip unzip xz validatePkgConfig jq #git ]; inherit shellHook; }; dsh-i18n = mkShell { name = "sisu dev shell internationalization, po4a"; inherit shell; inherit devEnv; packages = [ <<ruby_current>> sqlite graphicsmagick perl538Packages.Po4a validatePkgConfig jq #git ]; inherit shellHook; }; #default = import ./shell.nix {inherit pkgs;}; }); }; } #+END_SRC ** shell.nix TODO #+HEADER: :tangle ../shell.nix #+HEADER: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env -S nix-shell --impure\n#!nix-shell -i bash" #+HEADER: :tangle-mode (identity #o755) #+BEGIN_SRC nix {pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}}: with pkgs; mkShell { buildInputs = [ <<ruby_current>> <<packages_project_relevant>> <<packages_build>> <<packages_extra>> ]; shellHook = '' ''; } #+END_SRC { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: with pkgs; mkShell { buildInputs = [ <<ruby_current>> sqlite graphicsmagick unzip xz zip openssl #texliveFull # texliveTeTeX nixFlakes validatePkgConfig nix-output-monitor nix-tree jq git #starship ]; shellHook = '' ''; } #+END_SRC ** packages.nix *** ruby next #+NAME: ruby_next #+BEGIN_SRC nix ruby<<ruby_version_next>> rubyPackages<<ruby_version_next>>.rake rubyPackages<<ruby_version_next>>.sqlite3 rubyPackages<<ruby_version_next>>.thor #+END_SRC *** ruby current #+NAME: ruby_current #+BEGIN_SRC nix ruby<<ruby_version_current>> rubyPackages<<ruby_version_current>>.rake rubyPackages<<ruby_version_current>>.sqlite3 rubyPackages<<ruby_version_current>>.thor #+END_SRC *** ruby legacy #+NAME: ruby_legacy #+BEGIN_SRC nix <<ruby_version_3_2>> #+END_SRC *** ruby versions current, next **** ruby version next #+NAME: ruby_version_next #+BEGIN_SRC nix _3_4 #+END_SRC **** ruby version current - default to current nix version, which is ruby 3.3 but not provided as a fixed lable/tag, so leave blank and will follow nix current nix #+NAME: ruby_version_current #+BEGIN_SRC nix #+END_SRC **** ruby version legacy #+NAME: ruby_version_legacy #+BEGIN_SRC nix _3_2 #+END_SRC *** ruby fixed versions **** ruby 3.4 - ruby_version_3_4 #+NAME: ruby_version_3_4 #+BEGIN_SRC nix ruby_3_4 rubyPackages_3_4.rake rubyPackages_3_4.sqlite3 rubyPackages_3_4.thor #+END_SRC **** ruby 3.2 - ruby_version_3_2 #+NAME: ruby_version_3_2 #+BEGIN_SRC nix ruby_3_2 rubyPackages_3_2.rake rubyPackages_3_2.sqlite3 rubyPackages_3_2.thor #+END_SRC *** nix related packages #+NAME: nix_packages #+BEGIN_SRC nix nix bundler bundix #+END_SRC *** project relevant packages #+NAME: packages_project_relevant #+BEGIN_SRC nix sqlite graphicsmagick unzip xz zip openssl #texliveFull # texliveTeTeX #+END_SRC *** project misc build packages #+NAME: packages_build #+BEGIN_SRC nix nixFlakes validatePkgConfig nix-output-monitor nix-tree jq git #+END_SRC #+NAME: packages_extra #+BEGIN_SRC nix #starship #+END_SRC ** sisu version SET VERSION :version:set:project: #+NAME: sisu_project_version #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp <<./sisu_version_info_and_doc_header_including_copyright_and_license.org:sisu_project_version()>> #+END_SRC