-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: sisu digests #+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, various output representations & search #+FILETAGS: :sisu:digests: #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2021 Ralph Amissah #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :eval no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes * digests.rb #+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/digests.rb" <<sisu_document_header>> module SiSU_DigestView require_relative 'se_hub_particulars' # se_hub_particulars.rb require_relative 'prog_text_translation' # prog_text_translation.rb require_relative 'shared_markup_alt.rb' # shared_markup_alt.rb class Source @@dg=nil def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @fnb=@opt.fnb @@endnotes_para=[] @@dg=nil @dg=@@dg ||=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.digest(opt).type @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_all(opt) end def read begin @env,@md,@ao_array=@particulars.env,@particulars.md,@particulars.ao_array unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on tool=(@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \ ? "#{@env.program.text_editor} file://#{@md.file.output_path.hash_digest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.hash_digest}" : "[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@opt.fno}" (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \ ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "Document #{@dg} Digests", tool ).green_hi_blue : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], "Document #{@dg} Digests", tool ).green_title_hi if @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \ or @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new( @opt.act[:color_state][:set], @opt.fns, "file://#{@md.file.output_path.hash_digest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.hash_digest}" ).flow end end if SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new.openssl SiSU_DigestView::Source::Scroll.new(@particulars).songsheet else SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia).error('*EXITED* hash digests will not run without openssl') end rescue SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.selections.str,@opt.fns).location do __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__ end ensure end end private class Scroll <Source @@dl=nil @@ds={ digests_clean: [], digests_with_markup: [], tree: [], summary: [], } @@description,@@sc_info=[],[] def initialize(particulars) @particulars=particulars @data,@env,@md=@particulars.ao_array,@particulars.env,@particulars.md SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md).mkdir @@dg ||=@env.digest(@md.opt).type @@dl ||=@env.digest(@md.opt).length @dg,@dl=@@dg,@@dl l=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@md.opt.lng).language @language=l[:n] @tr=SiSU_Translate::Source.new(@md,@language) @sp=' ' end def songsheet @@description,@@ds[:digests_clean],@@ds[:digests_with_markup],@@ds[:tree],@@ds[:summary],@@sc_info=[],[],[],[],[],[] message_digest ao_structure supplementary output end def spaces Ax[:spaces] end def description(f,e='') puts f + e.to_s if @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on @@description << f << e end def digests_clean(f,e='') puts f if @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on @@ds[:digests_clean] << f + "\n" end def digests_with_markup(f) puts f if @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on @@ds[:digests_with_markup] << f + "\n" end def ao_structure_tree(f,e='') puts f + e.to_s if @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on @@ds[:tree] << f << e end def ao_structure_summary(f,e='') puts f + e.to_s if @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on @@ds[:summary] << f << e end def rcinfo(f,e='') puts f + e.to_s if @md.opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on @@sc_info << f << e end def output file=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md) filename_digest=file.write_file.hash_digest filename_digest << @@description.join << @@ds[:digests_clean].join << @@ds[:digests_with_markup].join << @@ds[:tree].join << @@ds[:summary].join << @@sc_info.join end def rgx_txt(txt) txt=txt.gsub(/([()])/,"\\\\\\1") end def message_digest @p=[] @g,@v,@r='','','' manifest="#{@env.url.root}/#{@md.fnb}/sisu_manifest.html" description("#{@md.title.full}\n") description("#{@md.author}\n") description("#{@md.fns}\n") description("----------------------------------------------\n") description("SiSU Document Content Certificate (Digest/DCC)\n") description("----------------------------------------------\n") description(" #{@dg} digests\n") description("------------\n") description("Sourcefile digest: #{@md.dgst[1]}\n") description(" source filename: #{@md.fns}\n") description("available outputs: #{manifest}\n") description("------------\n") description("Document Digests\n") end def ao_structure a=%{\nocn digests (#{@dg}) clean text (stripped markup)} digests_clean(a) data=@data endnotes=nil data.each do |t_o| dgst=SiSU_TextRepresentation::ModifiedTextPlusHashDigest.new(@md,t_o).composite.dgst if dgst if t_o.is==:heading digests_clean("#{@sp*0}#{dgst[:ocn]}#{@sp*(8-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:is]} #{t_o.lv}") elsif t_o.is==:heading_insert digests_clean("#{@sp*0}[#{dgst[:ocn]}]#{@sp*(6-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:is]} #{t_o.lv}") else digests_clean("#{@sp*0}#{dgst[:ocn]}#{@sp*(8-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:is]}") if dgst[:images] dgst[:images].each do |img| digests_clean("#{@sp*8}#{img[:img_dgst]}#{@sp*66}#{img[:img_type]} #{img[:img_name]}") end end end if dgst[:endnotes] dgst[:endnotes].each do |en| digests_clean("#{@sp*8}#{en[:note_dgst]} note [#{en[:note_number]}]") endnotes=en[:note_number] end end end end b=%{\nocn object (#{@dg}) digests (object includes its markup & endnotes (if any))} digests_with_markup(b) data.each do |t_o| dgst=SiSU_TextRepresentation::ModifiedTextPlusHashDigest.new(@md,t_o).composite.dgst if dgst if t_o.is==:heading digests_with_markup("#{@sp*0}#{dgst[:ocn]}#{@sp*(8-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]} #{t_o.lv}") elsif t_o.is==:heading_insert digests_with_markup("#{@sp*0}[#{dgst[:ocn]}]#{@sp*(6-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]} #{t_o.lv}") else digests_with_markup("#{@sp*0}#{dgst[:ocn]}#{@sp*(8-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]}") end end end l=Hash.new(0) ocn=nil ao_structure_tree("------------\n") ao_structure_tree("document structure[*]\n") data.each do |t_o| if t_o.is==:heading x=case t_o.ln when 0 then l[0] +=1 spaces*0 << ':A' when 1 then l[1] +=1 spaces*1 << ':B' when 2 then l[2] +=1 spaces*2 << ':C' when 3 then l[3] +=1 spaces*3 << ':D' when 4 then l[4] +=1 spaces*4 << '1' when 5 then l[5] +=1 spaces*5 << '2' when 6 then l[6] +=1 spaces*6 << '3' else nil end end ocn=t_o.ocn if defined? t_o.ocn and t_o.is !=:heading_insert ao_structure_tree("#{x}\n") if x and not x.empty? end ao_structure_tree(" [*] heading levels\n") ao_structure_summary("------------\n") ao_structure_summary("document structure[*]\n") [0,1,2,3,4,5,6].each do |y| v=case y when 0 then ':A' when 1 then ':B' when 2 then ':C' when 3 then ':D' when 4 then '1 ' when 5 then '2 ' when 6 then '3 ' end ao_structure_summary("#{v} = #{l[y]}\n") if l[y] > 0 end ao_structure_summary("objects (ocn) = #{ocn}\n") ao_structure_summary("endnotes = #{endnotes}\n") ao_structure_summary(" [*] number of headers (@) and of each heading level (:A to :D and 1 to 3)\n") end def supplementary if defined? @md.sc_number \ and @md.sc_number rcinfo("------------\n") rcinfo("source control information\n") rcinfo(" (the following information while not important for document content certification\n may help the publisher in locating the version referred to)\n") rcinfo(" rcs version number: #{@md.sc_number}\n") if defined? @md.sc_date \ and @md.sc_date rcinfo(" rcs date: #{@md.sc_date}\n") end if defined? @md.sc_time \ and @md.sc_time rcinfo(" rcs time: #{@md.sc_time}\n") end end rcinfo("------------\n") rcinfo("Note: the time generated related fields (text and digests) will vary between otherwise identical document outputs\n") end end end end __END__ #+END_SRC * document header #+NAME: sisu_document_header #+BEGIN_SRC text #encoding: utf-8 =begin - Name: SiSU - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search digests - Author: Ralph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com> - Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. - License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html> <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/manifest/gpl.fsf.html> - SiSU uses: - Standard SiSU markup syntax, - Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the - Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system - Homepages: <http://www.sisudoc.org> - Git <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/> <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/?p=software/sisu.git;a=summary> <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/?p=markup/sisu-markup-samples.git;a=summary> =end #+END_SRC