-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: spine (sisudoc) (project) README #+DESCRIPTION: README for spine #+FILETAGS: :spine:build:tools: #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2024 Ralph Amissah #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :eval no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no project_name: "sisudoc spine (doc reform) markup samples" description: - "markup samples for the project sisudoc spine" - "sisu markup" - "search" - "object numbering" - "static content generator" author: name: "Ralph Amissah" email: ralph.amissah@gmail.com copyright: "(C) 2015 - 2024 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved." license: - "markup samples substantive content: as granted by original authors & publishers (as indicated in each document)" - "project code: AGPL 3 or later" homepage: - "https://sisudoc.org" - "https://doc-reform.org" git: - "https://git.sisudoc.org" * Summary These are document markup samples for the program sisudoc-spine prepared in the markup language sisu. The markup of document headers for sisudoc-spine now use yaml (instead of bespoke sisu markup headers) and sisudoc-spine documents are (optionally) presented in a preferred directory structure that is absent in sisu. Sample files are provided under the directory: ./markup/ A few document samples without the formal directory structure are provided in: ./markup/non-pod-samples/ This is the easiest way to start preparation of a document, in a file with a .sst extension, marked up in sisu. Any images belonging to documents going in a sub-directory called image. sisudoc-spine can be run against the prepared .sst file. sisudoc-spine organizes document source into pods (sisupods). Document samples using the directory structure for sisudoc-spine are located under: ./markup/pod/ (this includes a number of prepared books and articles). individual .sst files with their associated images are automatically converted to sisupods if the source is to be shared or bundled with the commands: spine --source [.sst document name] # or bundled with: spine --pod [.sst document name] or spine --source --pod [.sst document name] * Installation, Compilation These are document markup samples for the program sisudoc-spine and as such there is no installation that needs to be done. You may use the examples to understand how you might markup your own documents. To produce output, you would run the program sisudoc-spine against the markup sample using a command line instruction. The sources of relevant parts of the project are here: https://sisudoc.org https://git.sisudoc.org git clone --depth=1 git://git.sisudoc.org/software/sisudoc-spine && \ git clone --depth=1 git://git.sisudoc.org/software/sisudoc-spine-search-cgi && \ git clone --depth=1 git://git.sisudoc.org/markup/sisudoc-spine-samples you may wish to clone these into a directory created for the purpose, e.g. mkdir ~/git.sisudoc cd ~/git.sisudoc and then git clone sisudoc-spine-samples sisudoc-spine-samples provides markup samples for sisudoc-spine to use sisudoc-spine to generate document output see the README in that directory. cd sisudoc-spine-samples *** build using nix flakes on linux (binary in ./result/bin) If you happen to be using Nix or NixOS (x86_64-linux so far), you can install sisudoc-spine from the flake.nix file provided in this (sisudoc-spine-samples) directory tree, without first cloning sisudoc-spine (the flake will fetch and build from online source). NOTE all actions to build sisudoc-spine under current discusson are taken within the directory sisudoc-spine-samples choose one of the following nix flake runes to build sisudoc-spine (here in the sisudoc-spine-samples directory tree): nix build ".#spine-overlay-ldc" --print-build-logs nix build ".#spine-overlay-dmd" --print-build-logs the result which can be used to generate content should be available in: ./result/bin/spine What you do with these is run sisudoc-spine (now available loocally) against the document source to get the desired output. * sisudoc-spine pod structure pod (directory may contain multiple documents) └── the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler ├── conf │   └── sisu_document_make ├── media │   ├── image │   │   ├── won_benkler_2_1.png │   │   ├── won_benkler_6_1.png │   │   ├── won_benkler_7_1.png │   │   ├── won_benkler_7_2.png │   │   ├── won_benkler_7_3a.png │   │   ├── won_benkler_7_3b.png │   │   ├── won_benkler_7_4.png │   │   ├── won_benkler_7_5.png │   │   ├── won_benkler_7_6.png │   │   └── won_benkler_9_1.png │   └── text │   └── en │   └── the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler.sst └── pod.manifest * Document processing examples e.g.: ./result/bin/spine -v --source --pod --epub --html --html-link-curate --html-link-markup --curate --output=./OUTPUT_TEST_sisudocSpine ./markup/pod/* with sisudoc-spine installed, for a list of commands from the program type: spine -h or see the README in sisudoc-spine for more information and examples of command flags and configuration options