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<h1>≅ - SiSU for documents - structuring, publishing in multiple
formats &amp; search</h1>

<h2>ℹ - A short description</h2>

SiSU is an object-centric, lightweight markup based, document structuring,
parser, publishing and search tool for document collections. It is command line
oriented and generates static content that is made searchable at an object level
through an SQL database.

SiSU markup helps define (delineate) objects (primarily various types of text
block) which are tracked in sequence, substantive objects being numbered
sequentially by the program for object citation. Breaking document into numbered
objects provides interesting possibilities. These object numbers provide the
possibility of citing/locating text precisely across different document formats
and different languages (assuming the document has been translated). For search
it also makes it possible to identify precisely where within in each document
search criteria is met in the form of an index. Additionally the use of objects
(and that objects are numbered) frees the possibility to represent the document
in the manner considered most suitable to a specific document format (whilst
retaining its structural (and citation) integrity).

Objects which include their inherent associated properties (which vary by type
of object), constitute building blocks of a document from which alternative
representations of a document can be (imagined and) built.

<h2>Δ - SiSU project source</h2>

    <a href="./projects">
        Δ SiSU projects repo (git)
    - <a href="https://git.sisudoc.org">

<h3>Δ - sisudoc-spine project source (programmed in D)</h3>

    <a href="./projects/sisudoc-spine">
        Δ SiSU (sisudoc-spine): document publishing (multiple formats + search) [D]
    - <a href="https://git.sisudoc.org/sisudoc-spine">
      git clone git://git.sisudoc.org/software/sisudoc-spine

    <a href="./projects/sisudoc-spine-search-cgi">
        Δ SiSU (sisudoc-spine search): a sample cgi sqlite search for sisudoc-spine [D]
    - <a href="https://git.sisudoc.org/sisudoc-spine-search-cgi">
      git clone git://git.sisudoc.org/software/sisudoc-spine-search-cgi

    <a href="./projects/sisudoc-spine-samples">
        Δ SiSU (sisudoc-spine markup): markup samples in document pods for sisudoc-spine
    - <a href="https://git.sisudoc.org/sisudoc-spine-samples">
      git clone git://git.sisudoc.org/markup/sisudoc-spine-samples

<h3>Δ - sisu scribe project source (programmed in Ruby)</h3>

    <a href="./projects/sisu">
        Δ SiSU (scribe): document publishing (multiple formats + search) [Ruby]
    - <a href="https://git.sisudoc.org/sisu">
      git clone git://git.sisudoc.org/software/sisu

    <a href="./projects/sisu-markup">
        Δ SiSU markup samples in document pods for sisu (scribe)
    - <a href="https://git.sisudoc.org/sisu-markup">
      git clone git://git.sisudoc.org/markup/sisu-markup-samples

<h2>⌘ - SiSU Spine markup sample output</h2>

To give an idea of how this works here is a small collection of documents marked
up for and generated by the software. The curation of topics for a collection of
specialized related documents would benefit from a consistently applied bespoke
ontology or thesaurus.
The documents presented are documents that have been released under various
creative commons licences, in the public domain, or the author's work, with the
exception of one that is under GPL and the old abandoned Debian live-manual

    <a href="./authors.html">
       ⌘ Authors
    (software curated from provided document header metadata)<br>
    - <a href="./authors.html">

    <a href="./topics.html">
       ⌘ Topics
    (software curated from provided document header metadata)<br>
    - <a href="./topics.html">

<h2>፨ - SiSU Spine search</h2>
    <a href="./spine_search">
       ፨ Search
    (granular search of text objects)<br>
    - <a href="https://sisudoc.org/spine_search">

<div class="p">
    <!-- SiSU Spine Search -->
    <form action="https://sisudoc.org/spine_search" target="_top" method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8" id="search">
    <input type="text" name="sf" size="24" maxlength="255">
    <input type="hidden" name="db" value="spine.search.db">
    <input type="hidden" name="sml" value="1000">
    <input type="hidden" name="ec" value="on">
    <input type="hidden" name="url" value="on">
    <button type="submit" form="search">&nbsp;㏈&nbsp;፨&nbsp;</button>
    <!-- SiSU Spine Search -->

<h2>ℹ - SiSU description</h2>

SiSU is an object-centric, lightweight markup based, document structuring,
parser, publishing and search tool for document collections. It is command line
oriented and generates static content that is currently made searchable at an
object level through an SQL database.
Markup helps define (delineate) objects (primarily various types of text block)
which are tracked in sequence, substantive objects being numbered sequentially
by the program for object citation.

<b>Summary.</b> An object is a unit of text within a document the most common
being a paragraph. Objects include individual headings, paragraphs, tables,
grouped text of various types such as code blocks and within poems, verse.
Objects have properties and attributes, of particular significance are headings
and their levels which provide document structure. A heading is an object with a
heirarchical value, that conceptually contains other objects (such as paragraphs
and possibly sub-headings etc.). Objects are tracked sequentially as they relate
to each other object within a document and substantive objects are numbered
sequentially, for citation purposes. Notably footnotes are not objects in
themselves, rather belonging to the object from which they are referenced, and
following their own numbering sequence. From heading objects (linked) tables of
content may be generated, and if additional metadata is provided book type
indexes can be generated that link back to the objects to which they relate.

<b>Unpacking this a bit further.</b> SiSU as a concept independent of its markup
language and the parsers that have been implemented, is based on the following

<b>Object-Centricity. On objects:</b> In SiSU objects are the fundamental unit
from which larger constructs within a document and the document itself is built.
Breaking the document into objects provides interesting possibilities.

<b>Objects are fundamental building blocks:</b> Conceptually within SiSU,
objects are the building blocks or individual units of construction of a
document. Objects are usually blocks of text, the most common of which is the
paragraph, other examples include: individual headings, tables, grouped text of
various types which include code blocks and verse within poems, ... and as
mentioned an object could also, for example, be an image. Objects can be
formatted and placed as needed, providing flexibility and enabling multiple
types of representation across disperate formats and text recepticle, examples
including html, epub, latex (in the past mind-maps) and sql (populated at an
object level, and thereby providing search with that degree of granularity).

<b>Sequential. Objects have sequence:</b> That objects have sequence, goes
largely without saying, this follows authorship, it is part of the definition of
a document and how a document is written to convey meaning.

<b>Object Numbers & Citation. Substantive objects are numbered for citation
purposes:</b> Most objects within a document are meant by the author to be a
substantive part of the document. All such objects are numbered sequentially and
can be referenced thereby for citation purposes.
Object numbers provide the possibility of citing/locating text precisely across
different document formats and different languages (assuming the document has
been translated). For search it also makes it possible to identify precisely
where search criteria is met within in each document in the form of an index or
to view those precise text objects before deciding which documents are of
interest. Additionally the use of objects (and that objects are numbered) frees
the possibility to represent the document in the manner considered most suitable
to a specific document format wilst retaining its structural (and citation)

<b>Characteristics. Objects have properties and attributes:</b> Objects have
properties (and may have attributes). By properties I here refer to the
fundamental type of object, be it a heading, a paragraph, table, verse etc.
Attributes extend further and may include other things that one might wish to
associate with the object (examples not necessarily currently available/
implemented in SiSU might include, formatting whether it is indented, or
metadata e.g. the associated language, or programming language for a code block)

<b>Document structure. Heading objects hold documents structure:</b> Heading
objects hold documents structure through their heading level property. The types
of document of interest to SiSU have structure that is captured by the heading
level property. Headings are individual objects like any other with the
additional properties that (i) they may be regarded as containing the other
objects following them sequentially (until the next heading of a similar or
higher level), heading objects may include other headings (sub-headings), and
(ii) that they have a heirarchy, the root "heading" being the document
A complication was intruduced to provide greater flexibility across document
output formats. Headings have two sets of levels, the level under which
substantive text occurs, this would be a chapter or segment level, and above
that in the heirarchy if needed are document section separators, book, section,

<b>Non-objects</b> Most but not all parts of a document are treated as objects.
Notably footnotes are not objects in themselves, rather belonging to the object
from which they are referenced, and following their own numbering sequence. From
heading objects (linked) tables of content may be generated, and if additional
metadata is provided book type indexes can be generated that link back to the
objects to which they relate.

<b>The Document Header.</b> SiSU document have headers which contain document
metadata, at a minimum the document title and author. In addition the document
header may contain markup instruction (e.g. how to identify headings within the
document, in which case those headings need not be found and treated

SiSU parsers have now been implemented in different programming paradigms and
languages a couple of times, the chosen markup has been left unchanged though
the document headers have been modified.
This is the core of sisu, beyond which there is more but largely in the form of
choices based on ... existing output formats and of implementation detail,
deciding what attributes of objects, or within objects should be supported,
extending markup to allow for the generation of book indexes from if tagging

<h2>ℹ - SiSU Historical Descriptions</h2>

Here is a description that has been used for the original sisu (scribe):

With minimal preparation of a plain-text (UTF-8) file, using sisu markup syntax
in your text editor of choice, SiSU can generate various document formats, most
of which share a common object numbering system for locating content, including
plain text, HTML, XHTML, XML, EPUB, OpenDocument text (ODF:ODT), LaTeX, PDF
files, and populate an SQL database with objects (roughly paragraph-sized
chunks) so searches may be performed and matches returned with that degree of
granularity. Think of being able to finely match text in documents, using common
object numbers, across different output formats (same object identifier for pdf,
epub or html) and across languages if you have translations of the same document
(same object identifier across languages). For search, your criteria is met by
these documents at these locations within each document (equally relevant across
different output formats and languages). To be clear (if obvious) page numbers
provide none of this functionality. Object numbering is particularly suitable
for "published" works (finalized texts as opposed to works that are frequently
changed or updated) for which it provides a fixed means of reference of content.
Document outputs can also share provided semantic meta-data.


SiSU is less about document layout than it is about finding a way using little
markup to construct an abstract representation of a document that makes it
possible to produce multiple representations of it which may be rather different
from each other and used for different purposes, whether layout and publishing,
scrollworthy online viewing/ reading, or content search. To be able to take
advantage from its minimal preparation starting point of some of the strengths
of rather different established ways of representing documents for different
purposes, whether for search (relational database, or indexed flat files
generated for that purpose whether of complete documents, or say of files made
up of objects), online or other electronic viewing (e.g. html, xml, epub), or
paper publication (e.g. pdf via latex)...

The solution arrived at is to extract structural information about the document
(document sections and headings within the document, available through pattern
matching or markup) and tracking objects (which primarily are defined units of
text such as paragraphs, headings, tables, verse, etc. but also images) which
can be reconstituted as the same documents with relevant object identification
numbers so text (objects) can be referenced across different output formats and

SiSU generates tables of content, and through its markup the means for metadata
to be provided for the generation of book style indexes for a document (that
again due to document object numbers are the same and equally relevant across
all document formats). Per document classifying/organizing metadata can also be
provided for automated document curation.

... there have also been working experiments with sisu markup source, two way
conversion/representation of sisu document markup source in mind-mapping
(software kdissert was used for its strong focus on producing documents (now
apparently called semantik)); also po4a software for translators has been used
successfuly in its regular text mode for sisu markup in translation, (which is
more an attribute of po4a than of sisu, but) which is of interest due to
sisu/spine's object citation numbering being available across translations. Open
Document Format text (odf:odt), has been an output, but much more interesting
(and requested by potential users of sisu/spine) would be the ability of a word
processor to save text/a document in sisu markup, making alternative document
processing and presentations with sisu possible.

also worth mention, in the relatively long history of this project, there has
been work done on extracting hash representations of each object, that could
hypothetically be shared to prove the content of a document without sharing its
content, or of identifying which objects change; these hashes can also be used
as unique identifiers in a database or as identifying filenames if individual
objects are saved.

SiSU has evolved, the current implementation focuses on one primary use-case,
books and literary writings. However the concept on which it is based has wider
application. Here is a prevously posted souvenir from my encounter with an IBM
software evaluator in London June 2004 that came about through a chance
encounter with an IBM manager at a Linux Expo, who was curious about my interest
in Gnu/Linux with my legal background... on hearing that I also wrote software,
he suggested, maybe IBM should have a look at it. I was interested, the meeting
was set up... with an IBM, Software Innovations evaluator
His response after the meeting:

"Ralph<br>Good to meet with you today, I was very impressed with your
software.<br><i>[colleague's name (also posted to an IBM colleague)]</i> - in
summary - Ralph has built an application that runs on linux and takes ASCII
documents and pulls them apart in to the smallest constituent parts, storing
them as XML, PDF and HTML, the HTML are hyperlinked up so the document can be
browsed in its full form. the format and text data created is stored in a
database.<br>This has potential in any place that needs the power of full text
search whilst holding the structural concepts of the document i.e. legal,
pharma, education, research.. which ones we need to figure out, ..."

Special interest was expressed in the search implications of SiSU. To
paraphrase, the company has document management systems dealing with hundreds of
thousands of texts, these tell you which documents match your search criteria,
but cannot inform you where within a text these matches were found without
opening the documents. This is achieved through defining document objects and
making them the building block of the document, trackable document objects (that
can be placed back in the context of the document or corpus of documents if part
of a collection). SiSU's early design was to - abstract documents to their
structure, and identified objects, numbered in a citable way (as pointed out
document object hashes can be of use for the purpose).

<h2>ℹ - SiSU Spine (sisudoc-spine)</h2>

SiSU Spine is the new generator for documents prepared in sisu markup, written
in D as opposed to the original sisu which was first shared in Ruby.

sisudoc spine code was shared publicly under the AGPLv3 2024-05-01 (after
considerable procrastination). (It should be fairly straightforward to have this
work on other OS platforms, I have only used linux since 1999.)

As compared with the original sisu generator sisu spine:

- Spine uses the same document markup for the document body, but uses yaml for
document headers (which contains document metadata and configuration details),
the original sisu has a bespoke markup for headers.

- Spine (written in D) is considerably faster at generating native output than
sisu (written in Ruby), on last test at least 60 times faster (what took 1
minute takes 1 second; 1 hour a minute :-) (admittedly some time ago, ruby has
been getting faster, hopefully this is not over over promising).

- Spine produces fewer document outputs types than sisu (html, epub, (odt,
latex) and populates sql db for search)

- As regards non-native output, so far Spine has greater separation of what it
does and largely leaves calling the external program to the user, e.g.: latex
output is a native output in the sense that it is generated directly by spine,
but the pdfs that can be produced from these are produced through use of an
external program xelatex, which produces fine output but is a very much slower

- (where both produce the same output type, generally) Spine generally produces
more up to date output format representations.

<h2>ℹ - Some Observations</h2>

SiSU is more suited to finalized/stratified/published writings (writings,
articles, books), that are to remain and be referenced as published,
representing a work or ideas, set at a given time. (As opposed to the
increasingly prevalent and important forms of fluid text).

Trained AI likely could assist in the preparation of documents (with SiSU
markup), with resulting deterministic and reproducible outputs (for substantive
document objects). Caveats: Where text objects may be in blocks (or not) there
is some room for discretion and ambiguity in the markup with resulting
possibility of differences in the resulting presentation of a document. Book
indexes are another area that if desired is markup intensive and unless
following an already published index, can be prepared differently and possibly
improved over time, and for specialised collections on a subject area could
potentially be prepared against a thesaurus.

<h2>ℹ - Thank You</h2>

Thanks to all who help produce and maintain the software and libraries I am able
to use and have come to rely on. Reliable infrastructure so far.

<p class="tiny"><i>
ralph.amissah www since 1993 ;-)

<h2>Some external links of interest</h2>

    [ <a href="https://dlang.org/">
        D - (dlang) general purpose, multi-paradigm, fast C like programming language
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://code.dlang.org/">
        dub - package registry
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://forum.dlang.org/group/general">
        community discussion (mail list frontend)
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://rubygems.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://crystal-lang.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
<h4>SQL DB</h4>
    [ <a href="https://sqlite.org/index.html">
        Sqlite - an sql database engine
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://www.postgresql.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://www.w3.org/html/">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/">
        multipage current spec
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/">
        dom current spec
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://www.w3.org/publishing/epub32/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/">
        css - cascading style sheets
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://opendocumentformat.org/">
        OpenDocument Format
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://www.latex-project.org/get/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://po4a.org/index.php.en">
        po4a - maintain translations
    </a> ]<br>
<h4>Operating System Distributions</h4>
    [ <a href="https://nixos.org/">
        NixOS - linux based operating system built on the Nix declarative, reproducible and reliable, build system
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs">
        nixpkgs (packages @ github)
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=unstable&from=0&size=100&sort=relevance&query=">
        package search
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://discourse.nixos.org/">
        community discussion (discourse)
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nixos-foundation-board-giving-power-to-the-community/44552/">
      NixOS Foundation board: Giving power to the community
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://aux.computer/">
        Aux - aux.computer - a community fork of nix (under deliberation), billed as "An alternative to the Nix ecosystem"
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://forum.aux.computer/">
        community discussion (discourse)
    </a> ]<br>
    Gnu [ <a href="https://guix.gnu.org/">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://guix.gnu.org/en/packages/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://debian.org/">
        Debian - the universal operating system distribution
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://www.devuan.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://archlinux.org/">
        Arch Linux
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://wiki.archlinux.org/">
        Arch Wiki
    </a> ]<br>


<h2>Extraneous (external) links of personal interest</h2>


    [ <a href="https://www.zsh.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://starship.rs/">
        starship - customizable cross-shell prompt
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://alacritty.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
<h5>Terminal Multiplexer</h5>
    [ <a href="https://github.com/tmux/tmux">
        tmux (github)
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/">
    </a> ]<br>
<h5>Window Manager</h5>
    [ <a href="https://i3wm.org/">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://swaywm.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
<h5>Text Editors</h5>
    Gnu Emacs
    [ <a href="https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs">
        Doom Emacs (github)
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://orgmode.org/">
        Org-Mode - your life in plain text & literate programming
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://www.vim.org/">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://neovim.io/">
    </a> ]<br>
<h5>Source Control Manager</h5>
    [ <a href="https://git-scm.com/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://vieb.dev/">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://fanglingsu.github.io/vimb/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://brave.com/">
    </a> ]<br>

    [ <a href="https://duckduckgo.com/">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://yubnub.org/">
    </a> ]<br>

    [ <a href="https://www.migadu.com/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://notmuchmail.org/">
    </a> ]<br>

    [ <a href="https://sourcehut.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://codeberg.org/">
    </a> ]<br>
    [ <a href="https://github.com">
    </a> ]
    [ <a href="https://gitlab.com">
    </a> ]<br>

<h3>Software Archives</h3>
    [ <a href="https://www.softwareheritage.org/">
        Software Heritage - the universal software archive
    </a> ]<br>

<p class="tiny"><i>
ralph.amissah www since 1993 ;-)
