- Name: spine - SiSU Spine, Doc Reform - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search - static content generator - Author: Ralph Amissah [ralph.amissah@gmail.com] - Copyright: (C) 2015 - 2024 Ralph Amissah - code under markup/* as granted by original authors & publishers (as indicated in each document) Markup samples are works that have the indivicual licenses as granted by the authors and/or original publishers of the works, that are indicated in each document under in the license section of the document header metadata. - Spine, Doc Reform (related to SiSU) uses standard: - docReform markup syntax (based on SiSU markup) - standard SiSU markup syntax with modified headers and minor modifications - docReform object numbering (based on SiSU object citation numbering) - standard SiSU document object numbering - Homepages: [https://sisudoc.org] - Git [https://git.sisudoc.org] - Spine, Doc Reform (SiSU) markup samples Individual document content Copyright (Author) [as stated in document header] Individual document content License (Author) [as stated in document header]