path: root/lib/sdp/ao_abstract_doc_source.d
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2015-09-30 13:07:43 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2015-09-30 13:12:21 -0400
commit45e96028ce7696381aca7f155c21b0b718b6a610 (patch)
treeeefcf5737cffc0d457bc433cd41ba21579076ff2 /lib/sdp/ao_abstract_doc_source.d
sdp, abstract objects, a start
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sdp/ao_abstract_doc_source.d')
1 files changed, 1695 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sdp/ao_abstract_doc_source.d b/lib/sdp/ao_abstract_doc_source.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fec35d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sdp/ao_abstract_doc_source.d
@@ -0,0 +1,1695 @@
+#+OPTIONS: ^:nil _:nil#+OPTIONS: ^:nil _:nil
+* sisu_abstract_doc_source.d
+mixin template SiSUdocAbstraction() {
+ class Abstraction {
+ auto abstract_doc_source(char[][] markup_sourcefile_content) {
+ mixin ObjectSetters;
+ mixin AssertionsOnMarkupDocumentStructure;
+ mixin AssertionsOnBlocks;
+ mixin ScreenTxtColors;
+ auto rgx = new Rgx();
+ auto set_oa = new ObjectAbstractSet();
+ auto set_header = new HeaderDocMetadataMakeJson();
+ auto notesection = new NotesSection();
+ string[string][131072] contents_arbitrary_max_length_set; // 2000 pg * 50 lines == 100000
+ string[1024] notes;
+ string notes_str;
+ string[string] object, processing, head;
+ string biblio_tag_name, biblio_tag_entry, book_idx_tmp, st;
+ string[1024] biblio_arr_json = biblio_entry_tags_jsonstr;
+ JSONValue[1024] bib_arr_json;
+ uint[string] line_occur;
+ int counter, previous_count, count_biblio_entry, ocn, ocn_, verse_line, bib_entry, heading_pointer, notepoint;
+ string indent_first, indent_second;
+ string[][string][string] bookindex_unordered_hashes;
+ bool bullet = true;
+ uint[string] lv = [
+ "lv" : 0,
+ "h0" : 0,
+ "h1" : 0,
+ "h2" : 0,
+ "h3" : 0,
+ "h4" : 0,
+ "h5" : 0,
+ "h6" : 0,
+ "h7" : 0,
+ "lcn" : 0,
+ ];
+ int[string] collapsed_lev = [
+ "h0" : 0,
+ "h1" : 0,
+ "h2" : 0,
+ "h3" : 0,
+ "h4" : 0,
+ "h5" : 0,
+ "h6" : 0,
+ "h7" : 0
+ ];
+ auto rgx_h_A = regex(r"^(none)");
+ auto rgx_h_B = regex(r"^(none)");
+ auto rgx_h_C = regex(r"^(none)");
+ auto rgx_h_D = regex(r"^(none)");
+ auto rgx_h_1 = regex(r"^(none)");
+ auto rgx_h_2 = regex(r"^(none)");
+ auto rgx_h_3 = regex(r"^(none)");
+ auto rgx_h_4 = regex(r"^(none)");
+ auto str_h_A = "^(none)";
+ auto str_h_B = "^(none)";
+ auto str_h_C = "^(none)";
+ auto str_h_D = "^(none)";
+ auto str_h_1 = "^(none)";
+ auto str_h_2 = "^(none)";
+ auto str_h_3 = "^(none)";
+ auto str_h_4 = "^(none)";
+ string content_non_header = "8";
+ string node;
+ auto obj_im = new ObjInlineMarkup();
+ auto obj_att = new ObjAttrib();
+ auto object_citation_number = new OCNemitter();
+ auto ft = flag_type.dup;
+ int ocn_emit(int ocn_status_flag) {
+ return object_citation_number.ocn_emitter(ocn_status_flag);
+ }
+ auto bookindex_extract_hash = new BookIndexNuggetHash();
+ string[][string][string] bkidx_hash(string bookindex, int ocn) {
+ return bookindex_extract_hash.bookindex_nugget_hash(bookindex, ocn);
+ }
+ auto node_construct = new NodeStructureMetadata();
+ string node_jstr(
+ string lvn,
+ int ocn_,
+ int counter,
+ int heading_pointer,
+ string is_
+ ) {
+ return node_construct.node_emitter(
+ lvn,
+ ocn_,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer,
+ is_
+ );
+ }
+ string node_jstr_heading(
+ string lvn,
+ string lcn,
+ int ocn_,
+ int counter,
+ int heading_pointer,
+ string is_
+ ) {
+ return node_construct.node_emitter_heading(
+ lvn,
+ lcn,
+ ocn_,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer,
+ is_
+ );
+ }
+ string[string] ocn_poem = [
+ "start" : "",
+ "end" : ""
+ ];
+ int tell_lo(string color, int ocn, in char[] line) {
+ writeln(scr_txt_marker[color], to!string(ocn), " ", to!string(line));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int tell_l(string color, in char[] line) {
+ writeln(scr_txt_marker[color], line);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ scope(success) {
+ }
+ scope(failure) {
+ }
+ scope(exit) {
+ destroy(contents_arbitrary_max_length_set);
+ destroy(object);
+ destroy(processing);
+ destroy(biblio_arr_json);
+ }
+ auto dochead_make = parseJSON(header_make_jsonstr).object;
+ auto dochead_metadata = parseJSON(header_metadata_jsonstr).object;
+ foreach (line; markup_sourcefile_content) {
+ scope(exit) {
+ }
+ scope(failure) {
+ writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, " failed here:");
+ writeln(" line: ", line);
+ writeln(" is : ", object["is"]);
+ writeln(" node: ", node);
+ }
+ line = replaceAll(line, rgx.true_dollar, "$$$$");
+ debug(source) { // source lines
+ writeln(line);
+ }
+ debug(srclines) {
+ if (!line.empty) { // source lines, not empty
+ writeln(scr_txt_marker["green"], line);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((!line.empty) && (ft["ocn_status_multi_obj"] == 0)) {
+ if (match(line, rgx.ocn_block_marks)) {
+ if (match(line, rgx.ocn_off_block)) {
+ ft["ocn_status_multi_obj"] = 1;
+ debug(ocnoff) {
+ tell_l("fuchsia", line);
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(line, rgx.ocn_off_block_dh)) {
+ ft["ocn_status_multi_obj"] = 2;
+ debug(ocnoff) {
+ tell_l("fuchsia", line);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ft["ocn_status_multi_obj"] == 0) {
+ if (match(line, rgx.ocn_off)) {
+ ft["ocn_status"] = 1;
+ } else if (match(line, rgx.ocn_off_dh)) {
+ ft["ocn_status"] = 2;
+ } else {
+ ft["ocn_status"] = 2;
+ ft["ocn_status"] = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ft["ocn_status"] = ft["ocn_status_multi_obj"];
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ((!line.empty) && (ft["ocn_status_multi_obj"] > 0)) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.ocn_off_block_close)) {
+ ft["ocn_status_multi_obj"] = 0;
+ ft["ocn_status"] = 0;
+ debug(ocnoff) {
+ tell_l("green", line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ft["code"] == 1) {
+ if (ft["curly_code"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_code_close)) {
+ debug(code) { // code (curly) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["code"] = 2;
+ ft["curly_code"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(code) { // code (curly) line
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // code (curly) line
+ }
+ } else if (ft["tic_code"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_close)) {
+ debug(code) { // code (tic) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["code"] = 2;
+ ft["tic_code"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(code) { // code (tic) line
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // code (tic) line
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!match(line, rgx.regular_parse_skip)) {
+ if (((match(line, rgx.heading_biblio)
+ || (ft["heading_biblio"] == 1)))
+ && (!match(line, rgx.heading))
+ && (!match(line, rgx.comment))) {
+ if (match(line, rgx.heading_biblio)) {
+ ft["heading_biblio"] = 1;
+ }
+ if (empty(line) && (bib_entry == 0)) {
+ count_biblio_entry++;
+ bib_entry = 1;
+ }
+ debug(biblio) {
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["yellow"],
+ "* ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ to!string(count_biblio_entry),
+ " ",
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ if (match(line, rgx.biblio_tags)) {
+ auto bt = match(line, rgx.biblio_tags);
+ bib_entry = 0;
+ st=to!string(bt.captures[1]);
+ biblio_tag_entry=to!string(bt.captures[2]);
+ JSONValue j = parseJSON(biblio_arr_json[count_biblio_entry]);
+ if (match(st, rgx.biblio_abbreviations)) {
+ biblio_tag_name=biblio_tag_map[st];
+ } else {
+ biblio_tag_name=st;
+ }
+ j.object[biblio_tag_name] = biblio_tag_entry;
+ auto header_tag_value=to!string(bt.captures[2]);
+ switch (biblio_tag_name) {
+ case "author_raw": // author_arr author (fn sn)
+ j["author_arr"]=split(header_tag_value, rgx.arr_delimiter);
+ string tmp;
+ foreach (au; j["author_arr"].array) {
+ if (auto x = match(au.str, rgx.name_delimiter)) {
+ tmp ~= x.captures[2] ~ " " ~ x.captures[1] ~ ", ";
+ } else {
+ tmp ~= au.str;
+ }
+ }
+ tmp = replace(tmp, rgx.trailing_comma, "");
+ j["author"].str = tmp;
+ break;
+ case "editor_raw": // editor_arr editor (fn sn)
+ j["editor_arr"]=split(header_tag_value, rgx.arr_delimiter);
+ string tmp;
+ foreach (ed; j["editor_arr"].array) {
+ if (auto x = match(ed.str, rgx.name_delimiter)) {
+ tmp ~= x.captures[2] ~ " " ~ x.captures[1] ~ ", ";
+ } else {
+ tmp ~= ed.str;
+ }
+ }
+ tmp = replace(tmp, rgx.trailing_comma, "");
+ j["editor"].str = tmp;
+ break;
+ case "fulltitle": // title & subtitle
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ auto s = to!string(j);
+ s = j.toString();
+ debug(biblio) {
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["red"],
+ "* ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ biblio_tag_name,
+ ": ",
+ biblio_tag_entry
+ );
+ writeln(biblio_arr_json[count_biblio_entry]);
+ writeln(j[biblio_tag_name], ":", j[biblio_tag_name]);
+ }
+ biblio_arr_json[count_biblio_entry] = s;
+ biblio_tag_entry="";
+ }
+ } else if (ft["poem"] == 1) {
+ if (ft["curly_poem"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_poem_close)) {
+ object["obj"]="verse"; // check that this is as you please
+ debug(poem) { // poem (curly) close
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["red"],
+ "* [poem curly] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ if (processing.length > 0) {
+ object["obj"] = processing["verse"];
+ }
+ debug(poem) { // poem (curly) close
+ writeln(__LINE__);
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_marker["fuchsia"],
+ ocn,
+ " ",
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ if (object.length > 0) {
+ debug(poem) { // poem (curly) close
+ writeln(__LINE__);
+ tell_lo(
+ "fuchsia",
+ ocn,
+ object["obj"]
+ );
+ writeln(__LINE__);
+ }
+ object["is"] = "verse";
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ }
+ ocn_poem["end"] = to!string(ocn);
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["poem"] = 2;
+ ft["curly_poem"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ processing["verse"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ if (ft["verse_new"] == 1) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ ft["verse_new"] = 0;
+ } else if (match(line, rgx.line_delimiter_only)) {
+ verse_line = 0;
+ ft["verse_new"] = 1;
+ }
+ if (ft["verse_new"] == 1) {
+ verse_line=1;
+ object["obj"] = processing["verse"];
+ debug(poem) { // poem verse
+ writeln(scr_txt_marker["green"],
+ ocn,
+ " curly\n",
+ object["obj"]);
+ }
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ object["is"] = "verse";
+ node = node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ object["markup"] = obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] = obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ft["tic_poem"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_close)) { // tic_poem_close
+ object["obj"]="verse"; // check that this is as you please
+ debug(poem) { // poem (curly) close
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["red"],
+ "* [poem tic] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ if (processing.length > 0) { // needs looking at
+ object["obj"] = processing["verse"];
+ }
+ if (object.length > 0) {
+ debug(poem) { // poem (tic) close
+ writeln(__LINE__);
+ tell_lo("fuchsia", ocn, line);
+ }
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ object["is"] = "verse";
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ ocn_poem["end"] = to!string(ocn);
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["poem"] = 2;
+ ft["tic_poem"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ processing["verse"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ if (ft["verse_new"] == 1) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ ft["verse_new"] = 0;
+ } else if (match(line, rgx.line_delimiter_only)) {
+ ft["verse_new"] = 1;
+ verse_line = 0;
+ }
+ if (ft["verse_new"] == 1) {
+ verse_line=1;
+ object["obj"] = processing["verse"];
+ debug(poem) { // poem (tic) close
+ writeln(scr_txt_marker["green"],
+ ocn,
+ " tic\n",
+ object["obj"]);
+ }
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ object["is"] = "verse";
+ node =
+ node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ft["group"] == 1) {
+ if (ft["curly_group"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_group_close)) {
+ debug(group) { // group (curly) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["group"] = 2;
+ ft["curly_group"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(group) { // group
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // build group array (or string)
+ }
+ } else if (ft["tic_group"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_close)) {
+ debug(group) { // group (tic) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["group"] = 2;
+ ft["tic_group"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(group) { // group
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // build group array (or string)
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ft["block"] == 1) {
+ if (ft["curly_block"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_block_close)) {
+ debug(block) { // block (curly) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["block"] = 2;
+ ft["curly_block"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(block) { // block
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // build block array (or string)
+ }
+ } else if (ft["tic_block"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_close)) {
+ debug(block) { // block (tic) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["block"] = 2;
+ ft["tic_block"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(block) { // block
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // build block array (or string)
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ft["quote"] == 1) {
+ if (ft["curly_quote"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_quote_close)) {
+ debug(quote) { // quote (curly) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["quote"] = 2;
+ ft["curly_quote"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(quote) { // quote
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // build quote array (or string)
+ }
+ } else if (ft["tic_quote"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_close)) {
+ debug(quote) { // quote (tic) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["quote"] = 2;
+ ft["tic_quote"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(quote) { // quote
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // build quote array (or string)
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ft["table"] == 1) {
+ if (ft["curly_table"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_table_close)) {
+ debug(table) { // table (curly) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["table"] = 2;
+ ft["curly_table"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(table) { // table
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // build table array (or string)
+ }
+ } else if (ft["tic_table"] == 1) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_close)) {
+ debug(table) { // table (tic) close
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 2;
+ ft["table"] = 2;
+ ft["tic_table"] = 0;
+ } else {
+ debug(table) { // table
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n"; // build table array (or string)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(
+ (ft["blocks"] == 0)
+ || (ft["blocks"] == 2),
+ "block status: none or closed"
+ );
+ assertions_flag_types_block_status_none_or_closed(ft);
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_code_open)) {
+ debug(code) { // code (curly) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [code curly] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["code"] = 1;
+ ft["curly_code"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_poem_open)) {
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ debug(poem) { // poem (curly) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["red"],
+ "* [poem curly] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ocn_poem["start"] = to!string(ocn);
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["verse_new"] = 1;
+ ft["poem"] = 1;
+ ft["curly_poem"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_group_open)) {
+ debug(group) { // group (curly) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [group curly] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["group"] = 1;
+ ft["curly_group"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_block_open)) {
+ debug(block) { // block (curly) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [block curly] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["block"] = 1;
+ ft["curly_block"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_quote_open)) {
+ debug(quote) { // quote (curly) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [quote curly] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["quote"] = 1;
+ ft["curly_quote"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_curly_table_open)) {
+ debug(table) { // table (curly) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [table curly] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["table"] = 1;
+ ft["curly_table"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_code_open)) {
+ debug(code) { // code (tic) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [code tic] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["code"] = 1;
+ ft["tic_code"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_poem_open)) {
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ debug(poem) { // poem (tic) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["red"],
+ "* [poem tic] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ocn_poem["start"] = to!string(ocn);
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["verse_new"] = 1;
+ ft["poem"] = 1;
+ ft["tic_poem"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_group_open)) {
+ debug(group) { // group (tic) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [group tic] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["group"] = 1;
+ ft["tic_group"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_block_open)) {
+ debug(block) { // block (tic) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [block tic] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["block"] = 1;
+ ft["tic_block"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_quote_open)) {
+ debug(quote) { // quote (tic) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [quote tic] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["quote"] = 1;
+ ft["tic_quote"] = 1;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.block_tic_table_open)) {
+ debug(table) { // table (tic) open
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [table tic] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ line
+ );
+ }
+ ft["blocks"] = 1;
+ ft["table"] = 1;
+ ft["tic_table"] = 1;
+ } else if (!line.empty) {
+ assert(
+ !line.empty,
+ "line tested, line not empty surely"
+ );
+ assert(
+ (ft["blocks"] == 0)
+ || (ft["blocks"] == 2),
+ "code block status: none or closed"
+ );
+ if (ft["blocks"] == 2) {
+ debug(check) { // block
+ writeln(__LINE__);
+ tell_l("red", line);
+ }
+ assert(
+ match(line, rgx.book_index)
+ || match(line, rgx.book_index_open)
+ || ft["book_index"] == 1
+ );
+ }
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.book_index)) {
+ debug(bookindexmatch) { // book index
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"], "* [bookindex] ", scr_txt_color["off"],
+ to!string(m.captures[1]), "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ object["bookindex"] = to!string(m.captures[1]);
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.book_index_open)) {
+ ft["book_index"] = 1;
+ book_idx_tmp = to!string(m.captures[1]);
+ debug(bookindexmatch) { // book index
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [bookindex] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ book_idx_tmp, "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ } else if (ft["book_index"] == 1 ) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.book_index_close)) {
+ ft["book_index"] = 0;
+ object["bookindex"] = book_idx_tmp ~ to!string(m.captures[1]);
+ debug(bookindexmatch) { // book index
+ writeln(
+ scr_txt_color["blue"],
+ "* [bookindex] ",
+ scr_txt_color["off"],
+ book_idx_tmp, "\n"
+ );
+ }
+ book_idx_tmp = "";
+ } else {
+ book_idx_tmp ~= line;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.comment)) {
+ debug(comment) {
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_comment(strip(object["obj"]));
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ line_occur["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ line_occur["header_make"] = 0;
+ line_occur["heading"] = 0;
+ line_occur["para"] = 0;
+ ft["header"] = 0;
+ ft["header_make"] = 0;
+ ft["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ ft["heading"] = 0;
+ ft["para"] = 0;
+ counter++;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.header_make)) {
+ debug(header1) { // header
+ tell_l("yellow", line);
+ }
+ ft["header"] = 1;
+ ft["header_make"] = 1;
+ ft["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ ft["heading"] = 0;
+ ft["para"] = 0;
+ line_occur["header_make"]++;
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.header_metadata)) {
+ debug(header1) { // header
+ tell_l("yellow", line);
+ }
+ ft["header"] = 1;
+ ft["header_make"] = 0;
+ ft["header_metadata"] = 1;
+ ft["heading"] = 0;
+ ft["para"] = 0;
+ line_occur["header_metadata"]++;
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ } else if (ft["header_make"] == 1
+ && (line_occur["header_make"] > 0)) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.header_sub)) {
+ debug(header1) { // header sub
+ tell_l("yellow", line);
+ }
+ line_occur["header_make"]++;
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ }
+ } else if (ft["header_metadata"] == 1
+ && (line_occur["header_metadata"] > 0)) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.header_sub)) {
+ debug(header1) { // header sub
+ tell_l("yellow", line);
+ }
+ line_occur["header_metadata"]++;
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ }
+ } else if (((line_occur["para"] == 0)
+ && (line_occur["heading"] == 0))
+ && ((ft["para"] == 0)
+ && (ft["heading"] == 0))) {
+ if ((to!string(dochead_make["make"]["headings"]).length > 2)
+ && (ft["make_headings"] == 0)) {
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(dochead_make["make"]["headings"]);
+ }
+ auto make_headings_txt =
+ match(
+ to!string(dochead_make["make"]["headings"]),
+ rgx.within_quotes);
+ char[][] make_headings_spl =
+ split(
+ cast(char[]) make_headings_txt.captures[1],
+ rgx.make_heading_delimiter);
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(make_headings_spl.length);
+ writeln(make_headings_spl);
+ }
+ switch (make_headings_spl.length) {
+ case 7 :
+ if (!empty(make_headings_spl[6])) {
+ str_h_4 = "^(" ~ to!string(make_headings_spl[6]) ~ ")";
+ rgx_h_4 = regex(str_h_4);
+ }
+ goto case;
+ case 6 :
+ if (!empty(make_headings_spl[5])) {
+ str_h_3 = "^(" ~ to!string(make_headings_spl[5]) ~ ")";
+ rgx_h_3 = regex(str_h_3);
+ }
+ goto case;
+ case 5 :
+ if (!empty(make_headings_spl[4])) {
+ str_h_2 = "^(" ~ to!string(make_headings_spl[4]) ~ ")";
+ rgx_h_2 = regex(str_h_2);
+ }
+ goto case;
+ case 4 :
+ if (!empty(make_headings_spl[3])) {
+ str_h_1 = "^(" ~ to!string(make_headings_spl[3]) ~ ")";
+ rgx_h_1 = regex(str_h_1);
+ }
+ goto case;
+ case 3 :
+ if (!empty(make_headings_spl[2])) {
+ str_h_D = "^(" ~ to!string(make_headings_spl[2]) ~ ")";
+ rgx_h_D = regex(str_h_D);
+ }
+ goto case;
+ case 2 :
+ if (!empty(make_headings_spl[1])) {
+ str_h_C = "^(" ~ to!string(make_headings_spl[1]) ~ ")";
+ rgx_h_C = regex(str_h_C);
+ }
+ goto case;
+ case 1 :
+ if (!empty(make_headings_spl[0])) {
+ str_h_B = "^(" ~ to!string(make_headings_spl[0]) ~ ")";
+ rgx_h_B = regex(str_h_B);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ ft["make_headings"] = 1;
+ }
+ if ((ft["make_headings"] == 1)
+ && ((line_occur["para"] == 0)
+ && (line_occur["heading"] == 0))
+ && ((ft["para"] == 0)
+ && (ft["heading"] == 0))) {
+ if (match(line, rgx_h_B)) {
+ line = "B~ " ~ line;
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(line);
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(line, rgx_h_C)) {
+ line = "C~ " ~ line;
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(line);
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(line, rgx_h_D)) {
+ line = "D~ " ~ line;
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(line);
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(line, rgx_h_1)) {
+ line = "1~ " ~ line;
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(line);
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(line, rgx_h_2)) {
+ line = "2~ " ~ line;
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(line);
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(line, rgx_h_3)) {
+ line = "3~ " ~ line;
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(line);
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(line, rgx_h_4)) {
+ line = "4~ " ~ line;
+ debug(headingsfound) {
+ writeln(line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.heading)) {
+ ft["heading"] = 1;
+ ft["header"] = 0;
+ ft["header_make"] = 0;
+ ft["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ ft["heading_biblio"] = 0;
+ ft["para"] = 0;
+ line_occur["heading"]++;
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ object["lev"] ~= m.captures[1];
+ assertions_doc_structure(object, lv); // includes most of the logic for collapsed levels
+ switch (to!string(object["lev"])) {
+ case "A":
+ object["lvn"]="0";
+ lv["lv"] = 0;
+ lv["h0"]++;
+ lv["h1"] = 0;
+ lv["h2"] = 0;
+ lv["h3"] = 0;
+ lv["h4"] = 0;
+ lv["h5"] = 0;
+ lv["h6"] = 0;
+ lv["h7"] = 0;
+ collapsed_lev["h0"] = 1;
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h0"]);
+ break;
+ case "B":
+ collapsed_lev["h1"] = collapsed_lev["h0"] + 1;
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h1"]);
+ object["lvn"]="1";
+ lv["lv"] = 1;
+ lv["h1"]++;
+ lv["h2"] = 0;
+ lv["h3"] = 0;
+ lv["h4"] = 0;
+ lv["h5"] = 0;
+ lv["h6"] = 0;
+ lv["h7"] = 0;
+ break;
+ case "C":
+ collapsed_lev["h2"] = collapsed_lev["h1"] + 1;
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h2"]);
+ object["lvn"]="2";
+ lv["lv"] = 2;
+ lv["h2"]++;
+ lv["h3"] = 0;
+ lv["h4"] = 0;
+ lv["h5"] = 0;
+ lv["h6"] = 0;
+ lv["h7"] = 0;
+ break;
+ case "D":
+ collapsed_lev["h3"] = collapsed_lev["h2"] + 1;
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h3"]);
+ object["lvn"]="3";
+ lv["lv"] = 3;
+ lv["h3"]++;
+ lv["h4"] = 0;
+ lv["h5"] = 0;
+ lv["h6"] = 0;
+ lv["h7"] = 0;
+ break;
+ case "1":
+ if (lv["h3"] > 0) {
+ collapsed_lev["h4"] = collapsed_lev["h3"] + 1;
+ } else if (lv["h2"] > 0) {
+ collapsed_lev["h4"] = collapsed_lev["h2"] + 1;
+ } else if (lv["h1"] > 0) {
+ collapsed_lev["h4"] = collapsed_lev["h1"] + 1;
+ } else if (lv["h0"] > 0) {
+ collapsed_lev["h4"] = collapsed_lev["h0"] + 1;
+ }
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h4"]);
+ object["lvn"]="4";
+ lv["lv"] = 4;
+ lv["h4"]++;
+ lv["h5"] = 0;
+ lv["h6"] = 0;
+ lv["h7"] = 0;
+ break;
+ case "2":
+ if (lv["h5"] > 0) {
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h5"]);
+ } else if (lv["h4"] > 0) {
+ collapsed_lev["h5"] = collapsed_lev["h4"] + 1;
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h5"]);
+ }
+ object["lvn"]="5";
+ lv["lv"] = 5;
+ lv["h5"]++;
+ lv["h6"] = 0;
+ lv["h7"] = 0;
+ break;
+ case "3":
+ if (lv["h6"] > 0) {
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h6"]);
+ } else if (lv["h5"] > 0) {
+ collapsed_lev["h6"] = collapsed_lev["h5"] + 1;
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h6"]);
+ }
+ object["lvn"]="6";
+ lv["lv"] = 6;
+ lv["h6"]++;
+ lv["h7"] = 0;
+ break;
+ case "4":
+ if (lv["h7"] > 0) {
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h7"]);
+ } else if (lv["h6"] > 0) {
+ collapsed_lev["h7"] = collapsed_lev["h6"] + 1;
+ object["lcn"] = to!string(collapsed_lev["h7"]);
+ }
+ object["lvn"]="7";
+ lv["lv"] = 7;
+ lv["h7"]++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ debug(heading) { // heading
+ tell_l("yellow", strip(line));
+ }
+ } else if (line_occur["para"] == 0) {
+ if (auto m = match(line, rgx.para_indent)) {
+ debug(paraindent) { // para indent
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["para"] = 1;
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ indent_first = to!string(m.captures[1]);
+ indent_second = "0";
+ bullet = false;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.para_bullet)) {
+ debug(parabullet) { // para bullet
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["para"] = 1;
+ object["obj"] ~= line;
+ indent_first = "0";
+ indent_second = "0";
+ bullet = true;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.para_indent_hang)) {
+ debug(paraindenthang) { // para indent hang
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["para"] = 1;
+ object["obj"] ~= line;
+ indent_first = to!string(m.captures[1]);
+ indent_second = to!string(m.captures[2]);
+ bullet = false;
+ } else if (auto m = match(line, rgx.para_bullet_indent)) {
+ debug(parabulletindent) { // para bullet indent
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ ft["para"] = 1;
+ object["obj"] ~= line;
+ indent_first = to!string(m.captures[1]);
+ indent_second = "0";
+ bullet = true;
+ } else {
+ ft["para"] = 1;
+ object["obj"] ~= line;
+ indent_first = "0";
+ indent_second = "0";
+ bullet = false;
+ }
+ line_occur["para"]++;
+ }
+ } else if (line_occur["header_make"] > 0) {
+ debug(header) { // para
+ tell_l("red", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ line_occur["header_make"]++;
+ } else if (line_occur["header_metadata"] > 0) {
+ debug(header) { // para
+ tell_l("red", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ line_occur["header_metadata"]++;
+ } else if (line_occur["heading"] > 0) {
+ debug(heading) { // heading
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line ~= "\n";
+ line_occur["heading"]++;
+ } else if (line_occur["para"] > 0) {
+ debug(para) { // para
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ object["obj"] ~= line;
+ line_occur["para"]++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ft["blocks"] == 2) {
+ assert(
+ line.empty,
+ "line should be empty"
+ );
+ assert(
+ (ft["blocks"] == 2),
+ "code block status: closed"
+ );
+ assertions_flag_types_block_status_none_or_closed(ft);
+ if (ft["code"] == 2) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ object["bookindex"] =
+ ("bookindex" in object) ? object["bookindex"] : "";
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes =
+ bkidx_hash(object["bookindex"], ocn);
+ object["is"] = "code";
+ node =
+ node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ ft["blocks"] = 0;
+ ft["code"] = 0;
+ } else if (ft["poem"] == 2) {
+ object["bookindex"] =
+ ("bookindex" in object) ? object["bookindex"] : "";
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes =
+ bkidx_hash(object["bookindex"], ocn);
+ object["is"] = "verse"; // check also
+ node =
+ node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block_ocn_string(
+ "poem",
+ "",
+ (ocn_poem["start"], ocn_poem["end"]),
+ node
+ ); // bookindex
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ ft["blocks"] = 0;
+ ft["poem"] = 0;
+ } else if (ft["table"] == 2) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ object["bookindex"] =
+ ("bookindex" in object) ? object["bookindex"] : "";
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes =
+ bkidx_hash(object["bookindex"], ocn);
+ object["is"] = "table";
+ node =
+ node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ ft["blocks"] = 0;
+ ft["table"] = 0;
+ } else if (ft["group"] == 2) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ object["bookindex"] = ("bookindex" in object) ? object["bookindex"] : "";
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes = bkidx_hash(object["bookindex"], ocn);
+ object["is"] = "group";
+ node =
+ node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ ft["blocks"] = 0;
+ ft["group"] = 0;
+ } else if (ft["block"] == 2) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ object["bookindex"] = ("bookindex" in object) ? object["bookindex"] : "";
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes = bkidx_hash(object["bookindex"], ocn);
+ object["is"] = "block";
+ node =
+ node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ ft["blocks"] = 0;
+ ft["block"] = 0;
+ } else if (ft["quote"] == 2) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ object["bookindex"] = ("bookindex" in object) ? object["bookindex"] : "";
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes =
+ bkidx_hash(object["bookindex"], ocn);
+ object["is"] = "quote";
+ node =
+ node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_block(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn
+ );
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ ft["blocks"] = 0;
+ ft["quote"] = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(
+ line.empty,
+ "line should be empty"
+ );
+ assert(
+ (ft["blocks"] == 0),
+ "code block status: none"
+ );
+ if ((ft["header_make"] == 1)
+ && (line_occur["header_make"] > 0)) {
+ auto dochead_metadata_and_make =
+ set_header.header_metadata_and_make_jsonstr(strip(object["obj"]), dochead_metadata, dochead_make);
+ static assert(!isTypeTuple!(dochead_metadata_and_make));
+ dochead_metadata = dochead_metadata_and_make[0];
+ dochead_make = dochead_metadata_and_make[1];
+ line_occur["header_make"] = 0;
+ line_occur["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ line_occur["heading"] = 0;
+ line_occur["para"]= 0;
+ ft["header"] = 0;
+ ft["heading"] = 0;
+ ft["para"] = 0;
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ } else if ((ft["header_metadata"] == 1)
+ && (line_occur["header_metadata"] > 0)) {
+ auto dochead_metadata_and_make =
+ set_header.header_metadata_and_make_jsonstr(strip(object["obj"]), dochead_metadata, dochead_make);
+ static assert(!isTypeTuple!(dochead_metadata_and_make));
+ dochead_metadata = dochead_metadata_and_make[0];
+ dochead_make = dochead_metadata_and_make[1];
+ line_occur["header_make"] = 0;
+ line_occur["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ line_occur["heading"] = 0;
+ line_occur["para"]= 0;
+ ft["header"] = 0;
+ ft["header_make"] = 0;
+ ft["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ ft["heading"] = 0;
+ ft["para"] = 0;
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ } else if ((ft["heading"] == 1)
+ && (line_occur["heading"] > 0)) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ object["bookindex"] =
+ ("bookindex" in object) ? object["bookindex"] : "";
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes =
+ bkidx_hash(object["bookindex"], ocn);
+ object["is"] = "heading";
+ node =
+ node_jstr_heading(
+ object["lvn"],
+ object["lcn"],
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer,
+ object["is"]
+ ); // heading
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ heading_pointer++;
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_heading(
+ ft["ocn_status"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn, object["lev"],
+ object["lvn"],
+ object["lcn"]
+ );
+ debug(objectrelated1) { // check
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ line_occur["header_make"] = 0;
+ line_occur["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ line_occur["heading"] = 0;
+ line_occur["para"] = 0;
+ ft["header"] = 0;
+ ft["header_make"] = 0;
+ ft["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ ft["heading"] = 0;
+ ft["para"] = 0;
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("lev");
+ object.remove("lvn");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ } else if ((ft["para"] == 1) && (line_occur["para"] > 0)) {
+ ocn = ocn_emit(ft["ocn_status"]);
+ object["bookindex"] =
+ ("bookindex" in object) ? object["bookindex"] : "";
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes =
+ bkidx_hash(object["bookindex"], ocn);
+ object["is"] = "para";
+ node =
+ node_jstr(
+ content_non_header,
+ ocn,
+ counter,
+ heading_pointer-1,
+ object["is"]
+ );
+ object["markup"] =
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup(object["is"], object["obj"]);
+ object["attrib"] =
+ obj_att.obj_attributes(object["is"], object["obj"], node);
+ contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter] =
+ set_oa.contents_para(
+ object["is"],
+ object["markup"],
+ object["attrib"],
+ ocn,
+ indent_first,
+ indent_second,
+ bullet
+ );
+ line_occur["header_make"] = 0;
+ line_occur["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ line_occur["heading"] = 0;
+ line_occur["para"] = 0;
+ ft["header"] = 0;
+ ft["header_make"] = 0;
+ ft["header_metadata"] = 0;
+ ft["heading"] = 0;
+ ft["para"] = 0;
+ indent_first = "0";
+ indent_second = "0";
+ bullet = false;
+ object.remove("obj");
+ object.remove("markup");
+ object.remove("is");
+ object.remove("attrib");
+ object.remove("bookindex");
+ processing.remove("verse");
+ counter++;
+ } else {
+ assert(
+ line == null,
+ "line variable should be empty, should not occur"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (((contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter-1]["is"] == "para")
+ || (contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter-1]["is"] == "heading"))
+ && (counter-1 > previous_count)) {
+ if (match(contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[counter-1]["obj"],
+ rgx.inline_notes_delimiter_al_regular_number_note)) {
+ previous_count=counter-1;
+ notesection.gather_notes_for_endnote_section(contents_arbitrary_max_length_set, counter-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug(objectrelated2) { // check
+ tell_l("blue", line);
+ }
+ Backmatter:
+ * endnotes
+ * glossary
+ * references / bibliography
+ * book index
+ obj_im.obj_inline_markup("doc_end_reset", "");
+ auto en_tuple = notesection.endnote_objects(ocn);
+ static assert(!isTypeTuple!(en_tuple));
+ auto endnotes = en_tuple[0];
+ ocn = en_tuple[1];
+debug(endnotes) {
+ writeln(__LINE__, " ", endnotes.length);
+ foreach (n; endnotes) {
+ writeln(n);
+ }
+ auto contents = contents_arbitrary_max_length_set[0..counter].dup;
+ auto biblio_unsorted_incomplete = biblio_arr_json[0..count_biblio_entry].dup;
+ auto biblio = new Bibliography();
+ auto biblio_ordered = biblio.bibliography(biblio_unsorted_incomplete);
+ auto bi = new BookIndexReportSection();
+ auto bi_tuple =
+ bi.bookindex_build_section(bookindex_unordered_hashes, ocn);
+ static assert(!isTypeTuple!(bi_tuple));
+ auto bookindex = bi_tuple[0];
+ auto document = contents ~ endnotes ~ bookindex;
+ ocn = bi_tuple[1];
+debug(bookindex) { // bookindex
+ foreach (bi_entry; bookindex) {
+ writeln(bi_entry["obj"]);
+ }
+debug(heading) { // heading
+ string spc;
+ foreach (o; document) {
+ if (o["is"] == "heading") {
+ switch (o["lvn"]) {
+ case "0":
+ spc="";
+ break;
+ case "1":
+ spc=" ";
+ break;
+ case "2":
+ spc=" ";
+ break;
+ case "3":
+ spc=" ";
+ break;
+ case "4":
+ spc=" ";
+ break;
+ case "5":
+ spc=" ";
+ break;
+ case "6":
+ spc=" ";
+ break;
+ case "7":
+ spc=" ";
+ break;
+ case "8":
+ spc=" ";
+ break;
+ default:
+ spc="";
+ break;
+ }
+ writeln(
+ spc, "* ", " ",
+ strip(o["obj"]),
+ "\n ",
+ o["attrib"]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ destroy(contents);
+ destroy(endnotes);
+ destroy(bookindex);
+ auto t =
+ tuple(
+ document,
+ dochead_make,
+ dochead_metadata,
+ bookindex_unordered_hashes,
+ biblio_ordered
+ );
+ return t;
+ }
+ }