path: root/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2018-02-09 22:03:10 -0500
committerRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2019-04-10 15:14:14 -0400
commit1c73ddf3894085c646b55d63e61a2483e03a3b4d (patch)
tree34e3a837d0e0d224008ff380055ea263a03d3c14 /org/meta_conf_make_meta.org
parentpaths, further adjustments (diff)
0.24.0 toml or sdlang for configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'org/meta_conf_make_meta.org')
1 files changed, 1335 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org b/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org
index 1494410..91c9d11 100644
--- a/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org
+++ b/org/meta_conf_make_meta.org
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#+TITLE: sdp header extract
+#+TITLE: sdp config & header (make & meta) extract
#+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah
#+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]]
#+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, publishing in multiple formats & search
@@ -15,10 +15,875 @@
#+TAGS: assert(a) class(c) debug(d) mixin(m) sdp(s) tangle(T) template(t) WEB(W) noexport(n)
[[./sdp.org][sdp]] [[./][org/]]
-* 0. header extract (native & sdlang) to Struct :module:sdp:meta_conf_make_meta:
-** module template
+* 0. generic
+** imports
-#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta.d
+#+name: meta_defaults_imports
+ std.algorithm,
+ std.array,
+ std.container,
+ std.exception,
+ std.file,
+ std.getopt,
+ std.json,
+ std.path,
+ std.process,
+ std.range,
+ std.regex,
+ std.stdio,
+ std.string,
+ std.traits,
+ std.typecons,
+ std.uni,
+ std.utf,
+ std.conv : to;
+import sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_structs;
+** struct ConfComposite
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_structs.d
+module sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_structs;
+ std.exception,
+ std.regex,
+ std.stdio,
+ std.string,
+ std.traits,
+ std.typecons,
+ std.utf,
+ std.conv : to;
+** struct Generic ConfComposite
+#+name: meta_defaults_template_structs
+struct ConfCompositeMakeStr {
+ string bold = "";
+ string breaks = "";
+ string cover_image = "";
+ string css = "";
+ string emphasis = "";
+ string footer = "";
+ string headings = "";
+ string home_button_image = "";
+ string home_button_text = "";
+ string italics = "";
+ string num_top = "";
+ string num_depth = "";
+ string substitute = "";
+ string texpdf_font = "";
+struct confCompositeMakeBuild {
+ auto bold_rgxmatch(string _mk) {
+ auto _rgxtxt = (_mk.empty)
+ ? `=NULL`
+ : `(` ~ _mk.dup ~ `)`;
+ return (cast(char[]) (_rgxtxt));
+ }
+ auto bold_substitute_abstract() {
+ return "<b>$1</b>";
+ }
+ auto bold_substitute_html() {
+ return "<b>$1</b>";
+ }
+ auto breaks(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto cover_image(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto css(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto emphasis_rgxmatch(string _mk) {
+ auto _rgxtxt = (_mk.empty)
+ ? `=NULL`
+ : `(` ~ _mk.dup ~ `)`;
+ return (cast(char[]) (_rgxtxt));
+ }
+ auto emphasis_substitute_abstract() {
+ return "<em>$1</em>";
+ }
+ auto emphasis_substitute_html() {
+ return "<em>$1</em>";
+ }
+ auto footer(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto headings(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto home_button_image(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto home_button_text(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto italics_rgxmatch(string _mk) {
+ auto _rgxtxt = (_mk.empty)
+ ? `=NULL`
+ : `(` ~ _mk.dup ~ `)`;
+ return (cast(char[]) (_rgxtxt));
+ }
+ auto italics_substitute_abstract() {
+ return "<i>$1</i>";
+ }
+ auto italics_substitute_html() {
+ return "<i>$1</i>";
+ }
+ auto num_top(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto num_depth(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+ auto substitute(string _mk) { // TODO this is different from others
+ return regex(_mk);
+ }
+ auto texpdf_font(string _mk) {
+ return _mk;
+ }
+** initialize make & meta
+*** composite make
+#+name: meta_defaults_template_structs
+struct ConfCompositeMakeInit {
+ char[] bold_rgxmatch = `=NULL`.dup;
+ auto bold_substitute_abstract = "<b>$1</b>";
+ auto bold_substitute_html = "<b>$1</b>";
+ string breaks = "";
+ string cover_image = "";
+ string css = "";
+ char[] emphasis_rgxmatch = `=NULL`.dup;
+ auto emphasis_substitute_abstract = "<em>$1</em>";
+ auto emphasis_substitute_html = "<em>$1</em>";
+ string footer = "";
+ string headings = "";
+ string home_button_image = "";
+ string home_button_text = "";
+ char[] italics_rgxmatch = `=NULL`.dup;
+ auto italics_substitute_abstract = "<i>$1</i>";
+ auto italics_substitute_html = "<i>$1</i>";
+ string num_top = "";
+ string num_depth = "";
+ auto substitute = regex(""); // TODO
+ string texpdf_font = "";
+*** conf site local
+#+name: meta_defaults_template_structs
+struct ConfCompositeSiteLocal {
+ string webserv_url_root = "";
+ string webserv_path = "";
+ string webserv_images = "";
+ string webserv_cgi = "";
+ string webserv_cgi_host = "";
+ string webserv_cgi_host_path = "";
+ string webserv_cgi_port = "";
+ string webserv_cgi_user = "";
+ string webserv_cgi_file_links = "";
+ string processing_path = "";
+ string processing_dir = "";
+ string processing_concord_max = "";
+ string flag_act0 = "";
+ string flag_act1 = "";
+ string flag_act2 = "";
+ string flag_act3 = "";
+ string flag_act4 = "";
+ string flag_act5 = "";
+ string flag_act6 = "";
+ string flag_act7 = "";
+ string flag_act8 = "";
+ string flag_act9 = "";
+ string default_papersize = "";
+ string default_text_wrap = "";
+ string default_emphasis = "";
+ string default_language = "";
+ string default_digest = "";
+ string permission_share_source = "";
+ string search_flag = "";
+ string search_action = "";
+ string search_db = "";
+ string search_title = "";
+*** composite meta
+#+name: meta_defaults_template_structs
+struct MetaComposite {
+ string classify_dewey = "";
+ string classify_keywords = "";
+ string classify_loc = "";
+ string classify_subject = "";
+ string classify_topic_register = "";
+ string creator_author = "";
+ string creator_author_email = "";
+ string creator_illustrator = "";
+ string creator_translator = "";
+ string date_added_to_site = "";
+ string date_available = "";
+ string date_created = "";
+ string date_issued = "";
+ string date_modified = "";
+ string date_published = "";
+ string date_valid = "";
+ string identifier_isbn = "";
+ string identifier_oclc = "";
+ string identifier_pg = "";
+ string language_document = "";
+ string language_document_char = "";
+ string links = "";
+ string notes_abstract = "";
+ string notes_description = "";
+ string original_language = "";
+ string original_language_char = "";
+ string original_publisher = "";
+ string original_source = "";
+ string original_title = "";
+ string publisher = "";
+ string rights_copyright = "";
+ string rights_copyright_audio = "";
+ string rights_copyright_cover = "";
+ string rights_copyright_illustrations = "";
+ string rights_copyright_photographs = "";
+ string rights_copyright_text = "";
+ string rights_copyright_translation = "";
+ string rights_copyright_video = "";
+ string rights_license = "";
+ string title_edition = "";
+ string title_full = "";
+ string title_language = "";
+ string title_main = "";
+ string title_note = "";
+ string title_short = "";
+ string title_sub = "";
+ string title_subtitle = "";
+*** composite structs
+#+name: meta_defaults_template_structs
+struct ConfComposite {
+ MetaComposite meta;
+ ConfCompositeMakeInit make;
+ ConfCompositeSiteLocal conf;
+struct ConfCompositePlus {
+ MetaComposite meta;
+ ConfCompositeMakeInit make;
+ ConfCompositeMakeStr make_str;
+ ConfCompositeSiteLocal conf;
+*** metadata associative array indexes :header:
+#+name: meta_defaults_template_structs
+static auto ptr_head_main
+ = [
+ "classify",
+ "creator",
+ "date",
+ "identifier",
+ "links",
+ "make",
+ "original",
+ "notes",
+ "rights",
+ "title"
+ ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_classify
+ = [
+ "dewey",
+ "keywords",
+ "loc",
+ "subject",
+ "topic_register"
+ ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_creator
+ = [
+ "author",
+ "author_email",
+ "cover",
+ "illustrator",
+ "translator"
+ ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_date
+ = [
+ "added_to_site",
+ "available",
+ "created",
+ "issued",
+ "modified",
+ "published",
+ "valid"
+ ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_identifier
+ = [
+ "isbn",
+ "oclc",
+ "pg"
+ ];
+/+ make +/
+static auto ptr_head_sub_make
+ = [
+ "cover_image",
+ "home_button_image",
+ "home_button_text",
+ "footer", "headings",
+ "num_top", "num_depth",
+ "breaks",
+ "substitute",
+ "bold",
+ "italics",
+ "emphasis",
+ "texpdf_font",
+ "css"
+ ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_notes
+ = [
+ "abstract",
+ "description"
+ ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_original
+ = [
+ "language",
+ "source",
+ "title"
+ ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_publisher
+ = [ "name" ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_rights
+ = [
+ "copyright",
+ "cover",
+ "illustrations",
+ "license"
+ ];
+static auto ptr_head_sub_title
+ = [
+ "edition",
+ "full",
+ "language",
+ "main",
+ "note",
+ "sub"
+ ];
+auto config_jsonstr = `{
+* 1. JSON to SiSUstruct
+** 1. module json :module:sdp:meta_conf_make_meta_json:
+*** 0. module template
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_json.d
+ json headers<BR>
+ extract json header return json
+module sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_json;
+static template contentJSONtoSiSUstruct() {
+ import
+ std.exception,
+ std.regex,
+ std.stdio,
+ std.string,
+ std.traits,
+ std.typecons,
+ std.utf,
+ std.conv : to;
+ import
+ sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_structs,
+ sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_json,
+ sdp.meta.rgx;
+ ConfCompositePlus _struct_composite;
+ auto contentJSONtoSiSUstruct(C, J)(C _struct_composite, J _json, string _identifier) {
+ mixin SiSUrgxInit;
+ static auto _rgx = Rgx();
+ debug (json) {
+ writeln(">> --------------------------- >>");
+ foreach (tag0; _json.object.byKeyValue) {
+ if (tag0.value.stringof == "string") {
+ writeln(tag0.key, ": ", tag0.value);
+ } else {
+ // writeln(tag0.key, ":");
+ foreach (tag1; tag0.value.object.byKeyValue) {
+ writeln(tag0.key, ":", tag1.key, ": ", tag1.value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writeln("<< --------------------------- <<");
+ }
+ confCompositeMakeBuild _mk;
+ <<json_objects>>
+ return _struct_composite;
+ }
+*** make
+#+name: json_objects
+/+ make ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+if ("make" in _json.object) {
+ if ("bold" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.bold = _json.object["make"]["bold"].str;
+ }
+ if ("breaks" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.breaks = _json.object["make"]["breaks"].str;
+ }
+ if ("cover_image" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.cover_image = _json.object["make"]["cover_image"].str;
+ }
+ if ("css" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.css = _json.object["make"]["css"].str;
+ }
+ if ("emphasis" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.emphasis = _json.object["make"]["emphasis"].str;
+ }
+ if ("footer" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.footer = _json.object["make"]["footer"].str;
+ }
+ if ("headings" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.headings = _json.object["make"]["headings"].str;
+ }
+ if ("home_button_image" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image = _json.object["make"]["home_button_image"].str;
+ }
+ if ("home_button_text" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text = _json.object["make"]["home_button_text"].str;
+ }
+ if ("italics" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.italics = _json.object["make"]["italics"].str;
+ }
+ if ("num_top" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.num_top = _json.object["make"]["num_top"].str;
+ }
+ if ("num_depth" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.num_depth = _json.object["num_depth"][""].str;
+ }
+ if ("substitute" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.substitute = _json.object["make"]["substitute"].str;
+ }
+ if ("texpdf_font" in _json.object["make"]) {
+ _struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = _json.object["make"]["texpdf_font"].str;
+ }
+ _struct_composite.make.bold_rgxmatch = _mk.bold_rgxmatch(_struct_composite.make_str.bold);
+ _struct_composite.make.breaks = _mk.breaks(_struct_composite.make_str.breaks);
+ _struct_composite.make.cover_image = _mk.cover_image(_struct_composite.make_str.cover_image);
+ _struct_composite.make.css = _mk.css(_struct_composite.make_str.css);
+ _struct_composite.make.emphasis_rgxmatch = _mk.emphasis_rgxmatch(_struct_composite.make_str.emphasis);
+ _struct_composite.make.footer = _mk.footer(_struct_composite.make_str.footer);
+ _struct_composite.make.headings = _mk.headings(_struct_composite.make_str.headings);
+ _struct_composite.make.home_button_image = _mk.home_button_image(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_image);
+ _struct_composite.make.home_button_text = _mk.home_button_text(_struct_composite.make_str.home_button_text);
+ _struct_composite.make.italics_rgxmatch = _mk.italics_rgxmatch(_struct_composite.make_str.italics);
+ _struct_composite.make.num_top = _mk.num_top(_struct_composite.make_str.num_top);
+ _struct_composite.make.num_depth = _mk.num_depth(_struct_composite.make_str.num_depth);
+ _struct_composite.make.substitute = _mk.substitute(_struct_composite.make_str.substitute);
+ _struct_composite.make.texpdf_font = _mk.texpdf_font(_struct_composite.make_str.texpdf_font);
+*** conf
+#+name: json_objects
+/+ conf ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+if ("webserv" in _json.object) {
+ if ("url_root" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_url_root = _json.object["webserv"]["url_root"].str;
+ }
+ if ("path" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_path = _json.object["webserv"]["path"].str;
+ }
+ if ("images" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_images = _json.object["webserv"]["images"].str;
+ }
+ if ("cgi" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_cgi = _json.object["webserv"]["cgi"].str;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_host" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_host = _json.object["webserv"]["cgi_host"].str;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_host_path" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_host_path = _json.object["webserv"]["cgi_host_path"].str;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_port" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_port = _json.object["webserv"]["cgi_port"].str;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_user" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_user = _json.object["webserv"]["cgi_user"].str;
+ }
+ if ("cgi_file_links" in _json.object["webserv"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_file_links = _json.object["webserv"]["cgi_file_links"].str;
+ }
+if ("processing" in _json.object) { // TODO check & match logic with sdlang
+ if ("path" in _json.object["processing"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.processing_path = _json.object["processing"]["path"].str;
+ }
+ if ("dir" in _json.object["processing"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.processing_dir = _json.object["processing"]["dir"].str;
+ }
+ if ("concord_max" in _json.object["processing"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.processing_concord_max = _json.object["processing"]["concord_max"].str;
+ }
+if ("flag" in _json.object) {
+ if ("act0" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act0 = _json.object["flag"]["act0"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act1" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act1 = _json.object["flag"]["act1"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act2" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act2 = _json.object["flag"]["act2"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act3" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act3 = _json.object["flag"]["act3"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act4" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act4 = _json.object["flag"]["act4"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act5" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act5 = _json.object["flag"]["act5"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act6" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act6 = _json.object["flag"]["act6"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act7" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act7 = _json.object["flag"]["act7"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act8" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act8 = _json.object["flag"]["act8"].str;
+ }
+ if ("act9" in _json.object["flag"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.flag_act9 = _json.object["flag"]["act9"].str;
+ }
+if ("default" in _json.object) {
+ if ("papersize" in _json.object["default"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.default_papersize = _json.object["default"]["papersize"].str;
+ }
+ if ("text_wrap" in _json.object["default"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.default_text_wrap = _json.object["default"]["text_wrap"].str;
+ }
+ if ("emphasis" in _json.object["default"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.default_emphasis = _json.object["default"]["emphasis"].str;
+ }
+ if ("language" in _json.object["default"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.default_language = _json.object["default"]["language"].str;
+ }
+ if ("digest" in _json.object["default"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.default_digest = _json.object["default"]["digest"].str;
+ }
+if ("search" in _json.object) {
+ if ("flag" in _json.object["search"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.search_flag = _json.object["search"]["flag"].str;
+ }
+ if ("action" in _json.object["search"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.search_action = _json.object["search"]["action"].str;
+ }
+ if ("db" in _json.object["search"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.search_db = _json.object["search"]["db"].str;
+ }
+ if ("title" in _json.object["search"]) {
+ _struct_composite.conf.search_title = _json.object["search"]["title"].str;
+ }
+*** meta
+#+name: json_objects
+/+ meta ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+if ("classify" in _json.object) {
+ if ("dewey" in _json.object["classify"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.classify_dewey = _json.object["classify"]["dewey"].str;
+ }
+ if ("keywords" in _json.object["classify"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.classify_keywords = _json.object["classify"]["keywords"].str;
+ }
+ if ("loc" in _json.object["classify"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.classify_loc = _json.object["classify"]["loc"].str;
+ }
+ if ("subject" in _json.object["classify"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.classify_subject = _json.object["classify"]["subject"].str;
+ }
+ if ("topic_register" in _json.object["classify"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.classify_topic_register = _json.object["classify"]["topic_register"].str;
+ }
+if ("date" in _json.object) {
+ if ("added_to_site" in _json.object["date"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.date_added_to_site = _json.object["date"]["added_to_site"].str;
+ }
+ if ("available" in _json.object["date"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.date_available = _json.object["date"]["available"].str;
+ }
+ if ("created" in _json.object["date"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.date_created = _json.object["date"]["created"].str;
+ }
+ if ("issued" in _json.object["date"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.date_issued = _json.object["date"]["issued"].str;
+ }
+ if ("modified" in _json.object["date"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.date_modified = _json.object["date"]["modified"].str;
+ }
+ if ("published" in _json.object["date"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.date_published = _json.object["date"]["published"].str;
+ }
+ if ("valid" in _json.object["date"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.date_valid = _json.object["date"]["valid"].str;
+ }
+if ("links" in _json.object) {
+ // if ("" in _json.object["links"]) {
+ // _struct_composite.meta.links_ = _json.object["links"][""].str;
+ // }
+if ("notes" in _json.object) {
+ if ("abstract" in _json.object["notes"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.notes_abstract = _json.object["notes"]["abstract"].str;
+ }
+ if ("description" in _json.object["notes"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.notes_description = _json.object["notes"]["description"].str;
+ }
+if ("original" in _json.object) {
+ if ("language" in _json.object["original"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.original_language = _json.object["original"]["language"].str;
+ }
+ if ("language_char" in _json.object["original"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.original_language_char = _json.object["original"]["language_char"].str;
+ }
+ if ("source" in _json.object["original"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.original_source = _json.object["original"]["source"].str;
+ }
+ if ("title" in _json.object["original"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.original_title = _json.object["original"]["title"].str;
+ }
+if ("publisher" in _json.object) {
+ // if ("" in _json.object["publisher"]) {
+ // _struct_composite.meta.publisher = _json.object["publisher"][""].str;
+ // }
+if ("rights" in _json.object) {
+ if ("copyright" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_copyright = _json.object["rights"]["copyright"].str;
+ }
+ if ("copyright_text" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_copyright_text = _json.object["rights"]["copyright_text"].str;
+ }
+ if ("copyright_audio" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_copyright_audio = _json.object["rights"]["copyright_audio"].str;
+ }
+ if ("copyright_cover" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_copyright_cover = _json.object["rights"]["copyright_cover"].str;
+ }
+ if ("copyright_illustrations" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_copyright_illustrations = _json.object["rights"]["copyright_illustrations"].str;
+ }
+ if ("copyright_photographs" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_copyright_photographs = _json.object["rights"]["copyright_photographs"].str;
+ }
+ if ("copyright_translation" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_copyright_translation = _json.object["rights"]["copyright_translation"].str;
+ }
+ if ("copyright_video" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_copyright_video = _json.object["rights"]["copyright_video"].str;
+ }
+ if ("license" in _json.object["rights"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.rights_license = _json.object["rights"]["license"].str;
+ }
+if (_struct_composite.meta.creator_author.empty) {
+ if ("creator" in _json.object) {
+ if ("author" in _json.object["creator"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_author = _json.object["creator"]["author"].str;
+ }
+ if ("email" in _json.object["creator"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_author_email = _json.object["creator"]["email"].str;
+ }
+ if ("illustrator" in _json.object["creator"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_illustrator = _json.object["creator"]["illustrator"].str;
+ }
+ if ("translator" in _json.object["creator"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_translator = _json.object["creator"]["translator"].str;
+ }
+ }
+ // dochead_meta["creator"]["author_raw"] = dochead_meta["creator"]["author"];
+ string[] authors_arr;
+ auto authors_raw_arr = _struct_composite.meta.creator_author.split(_rgx.arr_delimiter);
+ foreach (author_raw; authors_raw_arr) {
+ authors_arr ~= author_raw.replace(_rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2 $1");
+ }
+ _struct_composite.meta.creator_author = join(authors_arr, ", ").chomp.chomp;
+if (_struct_composite.meta.title_main.empty) {
+ if ("title" in _json.object) {
+ if ((_json.object["title"].type().to!string) == "STRING") {
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_main = _json.object["title"].str;
+ } else {
+ if ("edition" in _json.object["title"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_edition = _json.object["title"]["edition"].str;
+ }
+ if ("full" in _json.object["title"]) {
+ // _struct_composite.meta.title_full = _json.object["title"]["full"].str;
+ }
+ if ("language" in _json.object["title"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_language = _json.object["title"]["language"].str;
+ }
+ if ("main" in _json.object["title"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_main = _json.object["title"]["main"].str;
+ }
+ if ("note" in _json.object["title"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_note = _json.object["title"]["note"].str;
+ }
+ if ("sub" in _json.object["title"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_sub = _json.object["title"]["sub"].str;
+ }
+ if ("subtitle" in _json.object["title"]) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle = _json.object["title"]["subtitle"].str;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((!(_struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle.empty))
+ && (_struct_composite.meta.title_sub.empty)) {
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_sub = _struct_composite.meta.title_subtitle;
+ }
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_full = (_struct_composite.meta.title_sub.empty)
+ ? _struct_composite.meta.title_main
+ : format(
+ "%s - %s",
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_main,
+ _struct_composite.meta.title_sub,
+ );
+* 2. TOML returns SiSUstruct (via JSON) :module:sdp:meta_conf_make_meta:
+** 0. parse TOML config return JSON
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_toml.d
+ extract native/orig header return associative array<BR>
+ the header is passed as text (lopped off top of a sisu markup file until the
+ required first heading ^A~), determine whether is a native header or sdlang one
+ with a regex check if whether it contains the "native header" required tag/field
+ @title: then process accordingly as a "native header" or "sdlang header"
+ converting the metadata and make instructions to a common json format used by
+ program internally. Moved to associative array.
+module sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_toml;
+static template configParseTOMLreturnJSON() {
+ import
+ toml,
+ toml.json;
+ auto configParseTOMLreturnJSON(T)(
+ T _text
+ ){
+ TOMLDocument _doc;
+ _doc = parseTOML(cast(string)(_text.content));
+ auto _doc_json = toJSON(_doc);
+ return _doc_json;
+ }
+** 1. parse TOML config to JSON return SiSUstruct
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_toml.d
+static template configParseTOMLreturnSiSUstruct() {
+ import
+ toml,
+ toml.json;
+ import
+ sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_structs,
+ sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_json;
+ mixin contentJSONtoSiSUstruct;
+ auto configParseTOMLreturnSiSUstruct(CCm, T)(
+ CCm _make_and_meta_struct,
+ T _document_struct
+ ){
+ TOMLDocument _doc = parseTOML(cast(string)(_document_struct.content));
+ auto _doc_json = toJSON(_doc);
+ _make_and_meta_struct = contentJSONtoSiSUstruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _doc_json, _document_struct.filename); // struct from json
+ return _make_and_meta_struct;
+ }
+** 2. parse TOML header to JSON then Struct
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_toml.d
+static template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupTomlExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
+ import
+ std.exception,
+ std.regex,
+ std.stdio,
+ std.traits,
+ std.typecons,
+ std.utf,
+ std.conv : to;
+ import
+ toml,
+ toml.json;
+ import
+ sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_structs,
+ sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_json,
+ sdp.meta.rgx;
+ mixin SiSUrgxInit;
+ mixin contentJSONtoSiSUstruct;
+ static auto rgx = Rgx();
+ auto docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupTomlExtractAndConvertToStruct(CCm, Src)(
+ CCm _make_and_meta_struct,
+ Src header_src,
+ ) {
+ TOMLDocument _doc;
+ if (header_src.match(rgx.sdlang_header_meta_title)) {
+ writeln("WARNING >>> document header is sdlang (in wrong location JSON)");
+ } else if (header_src.match(rgx.toml_header_meta_title)) {
+ debug (json) {
+ writeln(">>> document header is toml, convert to JSON");
+ }
+ _doc = parseTOML(cast(string)(header_src));
+ }
+ auto _doc_json = toJSON(_doc);
+ auto _header_and_make_and_meta_struct = contentJSONtoSiSUstruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _doc_json, "header");
+ return _header_and_make_and_meta_struct;
+ }
+* 3. SDLang to SiSUstruct
+** 1. header extract (sdlang) to Struct :module:sdp:meta_conf_make_meta:
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_sdlang.d
extract native/orig header return associative array<BR>
@@ -29,8 +894,8 @@
converting the metadata and make instructions to a common json format used by
program internally. Moved to associative array.
-module sdp.meta.conf_make_meta;
-static template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
+module sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_sdlang;
+static template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupSDLangExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
@@ -46,11 +911,11 @@ static template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
mixin SiSUrgxInit;
mixin SiSUextractSDLang;
static auto rgx = Rgx();
- auto docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupExtractAndConvertToStruct(CCm, Src)(
+ auto docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupSDLangExtractAndConvertToStruct(CCm, Src)(
CCm conf_composite_make,
Src header_src,
) {
- auto header_sdlang_tag = (!(header_src.match(rgx.native_header_meta_title)))
+ auto header_sdlang_tag = (header_src.match(rgx.sdlang_header_meta_title))
? extractSDL().docHeaderSDLtagGet(header_src) // sdlang.ast.Tag
: null;
auto header_make_and_meta_struct = extractSDL().docSDLtoStruct(conf_composite_make, header_sdlang_tag);
@@ -59,15 +924,14 @@ static template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
-* A. module sdlang :module:sdp:meta_conf_make_meta_sdlang:
-** 0. module template
+** 2. module sdlang :module:sdp:meta_conf_make_meta_sdlang:
+*** 0. module template
+**** 1. extract sdlang
#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_sdlang.d
sdlang headers<BR>
extract sdlang header return sdlang
-module sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_sdlang;
static template SiSUextractSDLang() {
@@ -79,20 +943,43 @@ static template SiSUextractSDLang() {
std.conv : to;
- sdp.meta.defaults,
+ sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_structs,
struct extractSDL {
- mixin SiSUregisters;
+ mixin SiSUmakeMetaStructsSDLang;
mixin SiSUrgxInit;
static auto rgx = Rgx();
- <<meta_conf_make_meta_sdl>>
+ <<meta_conf_make_meta_sdl_extract>>
+ private auto docSDLtoStruct(C,Tag)(C _conf_composite, Tag header_sdlang) { // work on
+ <<meta_conf_make_meta_sdl>>
+ return _conf_composite;
+ }
-** 1. sdlang header _extract root Tag_ :sdlang:root:tag:
+**** 2. extract sdlang
-#+name: meta_conf_make_meta_sdl
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_sdlang.d
+static template parseSDLangConfig() {
+ import
+ std.exception,
+ std.regex,
+ std.stdio,
+ std.string,
+ std.traits,
+ std.typecons,
+ std.utf,
+ std.conv : to;
+ import sdlang;
+ <<meta_config_file_sdlang_test>>
+*** 1. sdlang root tag _extract root Tag_ :sdlang:root:tag:
+**** 1. header
+#+name: meta_conf_make_meta_sdl_extract
private auto docHeaderSDLtagGet(Hs)(Hs src_header) {
@@ -145,184 +1032,222 @@ private auto docHeaderSDLtagGet(Hs)(Hs src_header) {
-** 2a. _sdlang to struct_
+**** 2. conf & make
+#+name: meta_config_file_sdlang_test
+auto parseSDLangConfig(string configuration, string conf_sdl_filename) {
+ Tag sdl_root_conf;
+ try {
+ sdl_root_conf = parseSource(configuration);
+ }
+ catch(ParseException e) {
+ stderr.writeln("SDLang problem with content for ", conf_sdl_filename);
+ stderr.writeln(e.msg);
+ }
+ return sdl_root_conf;
+*** 2. _sdlang to struct_
+**** make
#+name: meta_conf_make_meta_sdl
-private auto docSDLtoStruct(C,Tag)(C _conf_composite, Tag header_sdlang) {
- mixin SiSUregisters;
- /+ make +/
- if ("make" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.make_str.bold = _conf_composite.make.bold = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "bold");
- _conf_composite.make_str.breaks = _conf_composite.make.breaks = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "breaks");
- _conf_composite.make_str.cover_image = _conf_composite.make.cover_image = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "cover_image");
- _conf_composite.make_str.css = _conf_composite.make.css = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "css");
- _conf_composite.make_str.emphasis = _conf_composite.make.emphasis = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "emphasis");
- _conf_composite.make_str.footer = _conf_composite.make.footer = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "footer");
- _conf_composite.make_str.headings = _conf_composite.make.headings = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "headings");
- _conf_composite.make_str.home_button_image = _conf_composite.make.home_button_image = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "home_button_image");
- _conf_composite.make_str.home_button_text = _conf_composite.make.home_button_text = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "home_button_text");
- _conf_composite.make_str.italics = _conf_composite.make.italics = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "italics");
- _conf_composite.make_str.num_top = _conf_composite.make.num_top = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "num_top");
- _conf_composite.make_str.num_depth = _conf_composite.make.num_depth = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "num_depth");
- _conf_composite.make_str.substitute = _conf_composite.make.substitute = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "substitute");
- _conf_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = _conf_composite.make.texpdf_font = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "texpdf_font");
- }
- /+ conf +/
- if ("webserv" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_url_root = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "url_root");
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_path = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "path");
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_images = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "images");
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi");
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_host = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_host");
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_host_path = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_host_path");
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_port = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_port");
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_user = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_user");
- _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_file_links = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_file_links");
- }
- if ("processing" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.conf.processing_path = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "processing_path");
- _conf_composite.conf.processing_dir = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "processing_dir");
- _conf_composite.conf.processing_concord_max = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "processing_concord_max");
- }
- if("flag" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act0 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act0");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act1 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act1");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act2 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act2");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act3 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act3");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act4 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act4");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act5 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act5");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act6 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act6");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act7 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act7");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act8 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act8");
- _conf_composite.conf.flag_act9 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act9");
- }
- if ("default" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.conf.default_papersize = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "papersize");
- _conf_composite.conf.default_text_wrap = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "text_wrap");
- _conf_composite.conf.default_emphasis = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "emphasis");
- _conf_composite.conf.default_language = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "language");
- _conf_composite.conf.default_digest = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "digest");
- }
- if ("search" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.conf.search_flag = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "search", "flag");
- _conf_composite.conf.search_action = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "search", "action");
- _conf_composite.conf.search_db = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "search", "db");
- _conf_composite.conf.search_title = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "search", "title");
- }
- /+ meta +/
- if ("classify" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.classify_dewey = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "dewey");
- _conf_composite.meta.classify_keywords = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "keywords");
- _conf_composite.meta.classify_loc = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "loc");
- _conf_composite.meta.classify_subject = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "subject");
- _conf_composite.meta.classify_topic_register = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "topic_register");
- }
- if ("date" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.date_added_to_site = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "added_to_site");
- _conf_composite.meta.date_available = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "available");
- _conf_composite.meta.date_created = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "created");
- _conf_composite.meta.date_issued = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "issued");
- _conf_composite.meta.date_modified = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "modified");
- _conf_composite.meta.date_published = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "published");
- _conf_composite.meta.date_valid = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "valid");
- }
- if("identifier" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.identifier_isbn = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "identifier", "isbn");
- _conf_composite.meta.identifier_oclc = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "identifier", "oclc");
- _conf_composite.meta.identifier_pg = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "identifier", "pg");
- }
- if ("links" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- // _conf_composite.meta.links = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "links", "");
- }
- if ("notes" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.notes_abstract = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "notes", "abstract");
- _conf_composite.meta.notes_description = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "notes", "description");
- }
- if ("original" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.original_language = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "original", "language");
- _conf_composite.meta.original_language_char = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "original", "language_char");
- _conf_composite.meta.original_source = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "original", "source");
- _conf_composite.meta.original_title = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "original", "title");
- }
- if ("publisher" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- // _conf_composite.meta.publisher = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "publisher", "");
- }
- if ("rights" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright");
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_text = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_text");
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_audio = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_audio");
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_cover = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_cover");
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_illustrations = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_illustrations");
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_photographs = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_photographs");
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_translation = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_translation");
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_video = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_video");
- _conf_composite.meta.rights_license = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "license");
- }
- if (_conf_composite.meta.creator_author.empty) {
- if ("creator" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.creator_author = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "creator", "author");
- _conf_composite.meta.creator_author_email = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "creator", "author_email");
- _conf_composite.meta.creator_illustrator = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "creator", "illustrator");
- _conf_composite.meta.creator_translator = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "creator", "translator");
- }
- // dochead_meta["creator"]["author_raw"] = dochead_meta["creator"]["author"];
- string[] authors_arr;
- auto authors_raw_arr = _conf_composite.meta.creator_author.split(rgx.arr_delimiter);
- foreach (author_raw; authors_raw_arr) {
- authors_arr ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2 $1");
- }
- _conf_composite.meta.creator_author = join(authors_arr, ", ").chomp.chomp;
+/+ make ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+if ("make" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ confCompositeMakeBuild _mk;
+ _conf_composite.make_str.bold = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "bold"); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make_str.breaks = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "breaks");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.cover_image = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "cover_image");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.css = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "css");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.emphasis = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "emphasis"); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make_str.footer = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "footer");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.headings = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "headings");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.home_button_image = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "home_button_image");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.home_button_text = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "home_button_text");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.italics = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "italics"); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make_str.num_top = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "num_top");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.num_depth = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "num_depth");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.substitute = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "substitute"); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "make", "texpdf_font");
+ _conf_composite.make.bold_rgxmatch = _mk.bold_rgxmatch(_conf_composite.make_str.bold);
+ _conf_composite.make.breaks = _mk.breaks(_conf_composite.make_str.breaks);
+ _conf_composite.make.cover_image = _mk.cover_image(_conf_composite.make_str.cover_image);
+ _conf_composite.make.css = _mk.css(_conf_composite.make_str.css);
+ _conf_composite.make.emphasis_rgxmatch = _mk.emphasis_rgxmatch(_conf_composite.make_str.emphasis);
+ _conf_composite.make.footer = _mk.footer(_conf_composite.make_str.footer);
+ _conf_composite.make.headings = _mk.headings(_conf_composite.make_str.headings);
+ _conf_composite.make.home_button_image = _mk.home_button_image(_conf_composite.make_str.home_button_image);
+ _conf_composite.make.home_button_text = _mk.home_button_text(_conf_composite.make_str.home_button_text);
+ _conf_composite.make.italics_rgxmatch = _mk.italics_rgxmatch(_conf_composite.make_str.italics);
+ _conf_composite.make.num_top = _mk.num_top(_conf_composite.make_str.num_top);
+ _conf_composite.make.num_depth = _mk.num_depth(_conf_composite.make_str.num_depth);
+ _conf_composite.make.substitute = _mk.substitute(_conf_composite.make_str.substitute);
+ _conf_composite.make.texpdf_font = _mk.texpdf_font(_conf_composite.make_str.texpdf_font);
+**** conf
+#+name: meta_conf_make_meta_sdl
+/+ conf ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+if ("webserv" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_url_root = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "url_root");
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_path = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "path");
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_images = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "images");
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi");
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_host = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_host");
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_host_path = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_host_path");
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_port = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_port");
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_user = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_user");
+ _conf_composite.conf.webserv_cgi_file_links = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "cgi_file_links");
+if ("processing" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.conf.processing_path = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "processing_path");
+ _conf_composite.conf.processing_dir = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "processing_dir");
+ _conf_composite.conf.processing_concord_max = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "webserv", "processing_concord_max");
+if ("flag" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act0 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act0");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act1 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act1");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act2 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act2");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act3 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act3");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act4 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act4");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act5 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act5");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act6 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act6");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act7 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act7");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act8 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act8");
+ _conf_composite.conf.flag_act9 = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "flag", "act9");
+if ("default" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.conf.default_papersize = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "papersize");
+ _conf_composite.conf.default_text_wrap = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "text_wrap");
+ _conf_composite.conf.default_emphasis = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "emphasis");
+ _conf_composite.conf.default_language = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "language");
+ _conf_composite.conf.default_digest = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "default", "digest");
+if ("search" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.conf.search_flag = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "search", "flag");
+ _conf_composite.conf.search_action = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "search", "action");
+ _conf_composite.conf.search_db = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "search", "db");
+ _conf_composite.conf.search_title = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "search", "title");
+**** meta
+#+name: meta_conf_make_meta_sdl
+/+ meta ------------------------------------------------------------------- +/
+if ("classify" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.classify_dewey = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "dewey");
+ _conf_composite.meta.classify_keywords = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "keywords");
+ _conf_composite.meta.classify_loc = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "loc");
+ _conf_composite.meta.classify_subject = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "subject");
+ _conf_composite.meta.classify_topic_register = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "classify", "topic_register");
+if ("date" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.date_added_to_site = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "added_to_site");
+ _conf_composite.meta.date_available = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "available");
+ _conf_composite.meta.date_created = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "created");
+ _conf_composite.meta.date_issued = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "issued");
+ _conf_composite.meta.date_modified = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "modified");
+ _conf_composite.meta.date_published = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "published");
+ _conf_composite.meta.date_valid = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "date", "valid");
+if ("identifier" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.identifier_isbn = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "identifier", "isbn");
+ _conf_composite.meta.identifier_oclc = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "identifier", "oclc");
+ _conf_composite.meta.identifier_pg = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "identifier", "pg");
+if ("links" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ // _conf_composite.meta.links = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "links", "");
+if ("notes" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.notes_abstract = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "notes", "abstract");
+ _conf_composite.meta.notes_description = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "notes", "description");
+if ("original" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.original_language = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "original", "language");
+ _conf_composite.meta.original_language_char = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "original", "language_char");
+ _conf_composite.meta.original_source = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "original", "source");
+ _conf_composite.meta.original_title = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "original", "title");
+if ("publisher" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ // _conf_composite.meta.publisher = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "publisher", "");
+if ("rights" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright");
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_text = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_text");
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_audio = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_audio");
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_cover = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_cover");
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_illustrations = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_illustrations");
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_photographs = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_photographs");
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_translation = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_translation");
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_copyright_video = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "copyright_video");
+ _conf_composite.meta.rights_license = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "rights", "license");
+if (_conf_composite.meta.creator_author.empty) {
+ if ("creator" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.creator_author = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "creator", "author");
+ _conf_composite.meta.creator_author_email = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "creator", "author_email");
+ _conf_composite.meta.creator_illustrator = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "creator", "illustrator");
+ _conf_composite.meta.creator_translator = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "creator", "translator");
+ }
+ // dochead_meta["creator"]["author_raw"] = dochead_meta["creator"]["author"];
+ string[] authors_arr;
+ auto authors_raw_arr = _conf_composite.meta.creator_author.split(rgx.arr_delimiter);
+ foreach (author_raw; authors_raw_arr) {
+ authors_arr ~= author_raw.replace(rgx.raw_author_munge, "$2 $1");
+ }
+ _conf_composite.meta.creator_author = join(authors_arr, ", ").chomp.chomp;
+if (_conf_composite.meta.title_main.empty) {
+ if ("title" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_edition = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "edition");
+ // _conf_composite.meta.title_full = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "full");
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_language = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "language");
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_main = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "main");
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_note = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "note");
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_sub = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "sub");
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_subtitle = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "subtitle");
if (_conf_composite.meta.title_main.empty) {
- if ("title" in header_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.title_edition = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "edition");
- _conf_composite.meta.title_language = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "language");
- _conf_composite.meta.title_main = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "main");
- _conf_composite.meta.title_note = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "note");
- _conf_composite.meta.title_sub = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "sub");
- _conf_composite.meta.title_subtitle = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(header_sdlang, "title", "subtitle");
- }
- if (_conf_composite.meta.title_main.empty) {
- Tag _maintag = header_sdlang.getTag("title");
- if (_maintag !is null) {
- if ("main" in _maintag.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.meta.title_main
- = to!string(_maintag.getTagValues("main"));
- } else if ("main" !in _maintag.maybe.attributes) {
- writeln(_maintag.values[0]); // document title
- _conf_composite.meta.title_main
- = (_maintag.values[0]).to!string; // test that this exists
- }
+ Tag _maintag = header_sdlang.getTag("title");
+ if (_maintag !is null) {
+ if ("main" in _maintag.maybe.tags) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_main
+ = to!string(_maintag.getTagValues("main"));
+ } else if ("main" !in _maintag.maybe.attributes) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_main
+ = (_maintag.values[0]).to!string; // test that this exists
- if ((!(_conf_composite.meta.title_subtitle.empty))
- && (_conf_composite.meta.title_sub.empty)) {
- _conf_composite.meta.title_sub = _conf_composite.meta.title_subtitle;
- }
- if (_conf_composite.meta.title_sub.empty) {
- _conf_composite.meta.title_full = _conf_composite.meta.title_main;
- } else {
- _conf_composite.meta.title_full = format(
- "%s - %s",
- _conf_composite.meta.title_main,
- _conf_composite.meta.title_sub,
- );
- }
- return _conf_composite;
+ if ((!(_conf_composite.meta.title_subtitle.empty))
+ && (_conf_composite.meta.title_sub.empty)) {
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_sub = _conf_composite.meta.title_subtitle;
+ }
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_full = (_conf_composite.meta.title_sub.empty)
+ ? _conf_composite.meta.title_main
+ : format(
+ "%s - %s",
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_main,
+ _conf_composite.meta.title_sub,
+ );
-* C. module conf files make composite
-** TODO 0. module template
+** 3. module conf files make composite
+*** TODO 0. module template
-#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_composite.d
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_sdlang.d
return composite make from config files
-module sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_composite;
template confFilesSDLtoStruct() {
@@ -334,48 +1259,255 @@ template confFilesSDLtoStruct() {
std.conv : to;
- sdp.meta.defaults,
+ sdp.meta.conf_make_meta_structs,
- <<meta_conf_make_meta_composite>>
+ <<meta_conf_make_meta_sdl_to_composite>>
-** module template
+*** _sdlang to parse_ composite make
-#+name: meta_conf_make_meta_composite
+#+name: meta_conf_make_meta_sdl_to_composite
+auto configParseSDL(T)(
+ T _text
+ Tag sdl_root;
+ try {
+ sdl_root = parseSource(_text.to!string);
+ }
+ catch(ParseException e) {
+ stderr.writeln("SDLang problem with this document header:");
+ stderr.writeln(_src_header);
+ // Error messages of the form:
+ // myFile.sdl(5:28): Error: Invalid integer suffix.
+ stderr.writeln(e.msg);
+ }
+ debug(sdlang) {
+ writeln("header SDL:");
+ writeln(__LINE__, ": ", sdl_root.toSDLDocument());
+ writeln(__LINE__, ": ", sdl_root.maybe.namespaces);
+ writeln("header make sdlang: ", sdl_root.toSDLDocument());
+ writeln(__LINE__, ": ", sdl_root.getTagValues("title"));
+ writeln(__LINE__, ": ", sdl_root.getTagValues("creator"));
+ Tag creator = sdl_root.getTag("creator");
+ if (creator !is null) {
+ if ("author" in creator.maybe.tags) {
+ writeln(__LINE__, ": ", creator.getTagValues("author"));
+ } else if ("author" in creator.maybe.attributes) {
+ writeln(__LINE__, ": ", creator.maybe.attributes["author"][0].value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sdl_root; // sdlang.ast.Tag
+*** _sdlang to struct_ composite make
+#+name: meta_conf_make_meta_sdl_to_composite
auto confFilesSDLtoStruct(S,L)(
S sdl_root_config_share,
L sdl_root_config_local,
- mixin SiSUregisters;
+ mixin SiSUmakeMetaStructsSDLang;
ConfCompositePlus _conf_composite;
foreach (conf_sdlang; [sdl_root_config_share, sdl_root_config_local]) {
if ("make" in conf_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
- _conf_composite.make_str.bold = _conf_composite.make.bold = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "bold");
- _conf_composite.make_str.breaks = _conf_composite.make.breaks = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "breaks");
- _conf_composite.make_str.cover_image = _conf_composite.make.cover_image = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "cover_image");
- _conf_composite.make_str.css = _conf_composite.make.css = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "css");
- _conf_composite.make_str.emphasis = _conf_composite.make.emphasis = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "emphasis");
- _conf_composite.make_str.footer = _conf_composite.make.footer = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "footer");
- _conf_composite.make_str.headings = _conf_composite.make.headings = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "headings");
- _conf_composite.make_str.home_button_image = _conf_composite.make.home_button_image = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "home_button_image");
- _conf_composite.make_str.home_button_text = _conf_composite.make.home_button_text = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "home_button_text");
- _conf_composite.make_str.italics = _conf_composite.make.italics = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "italics");
- _conf_composite.make_str.num_top = _conf_composite.make.num_top = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "num_top");
- _conf_composite.make_str.num_depth = _conf_composite.make.num_depth = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "num_depth");
- _conf_composite.make_str.substitute = _conf_composite.make.substitute = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "substitute");
- _conf_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = _conf_composite.make.texpdf_font = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "texpdf_font");
+ confCompositeMakeBuild _mk;
+ _conf_composite.make_str.bold = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "bold"); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make_str.breaks = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "breaks");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.cover_image = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "cover_image");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.css = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "css");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.emphasis = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "emphasis"); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make_str.footer = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "footer");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.headings = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "headings");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.home_button_image = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "home_button_image");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.home_button_text = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "home_button_text");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.italics = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "italics"); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make_str.num_top = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "num_top");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.num_depth = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "num_depth");
+ _conf_composite.make_str.substitute = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "substitute"); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make_str.texpdf_font = extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(conf_sdlang, "make", "texpdf_font");
+ _conf_composite.make.bold_rgxmatch = _mk.bold_rgxmatch(_conf_composite.make_str.bold); //
+ _conf_composite.make.breaks = _mk.breaks(_conf_composite.make_str.breaks);
+ _conf_composite.make.cover_image = _mk.cover_image(_conf_composite.make_str.cover_image);
+ _conf_composite.make.css = _mk.css(_conf_composite.make_str.css);
+ _conf_composite.make.emphasis_rgxmatch = _mk.emphasis_rgxmatch(_conf_composite.make_str.emphasis);
+ _conf_composite.make.footer = _mk.footer(_conf_composite.make_str.footer);
+ _conf_composite.make.headings = _mk.headings(_conf_composite.make_str.headings);
+ _conf_composite.make.home_button_image = _mk.home_button_image(_conf_composite.make_str.home_button_image);
+ _conf_composite.make.home_button_text = _mk.home_button_text(_conf_composite.make_str.home_button_text);
+ _conf_composite.make.italics_rgxmatch = _mk.italics_rgxmatch(_conf_composite.make_str.italics);
+ _conf_composite.make.num_top = _mk.num_top(_conf_composite.make_str.num_top);
+ _conf_composite.make.num_depth = _mk.num_depth(_conf_composite.make_str.num_depth);
+ _conf_composite.make.substitute = _mk.substitute(_conf_composite.make_str.substitute); // TODO
+ _conf_composite.make.texpdf_font = _mk.texpdf_font(_conf_composite.make_str.texpdf_font);
return _conf_composite;
-** initialize / imports
+** 4. SDLang default make meta structs :module:sdp:meta_defaults:
+#+name: tangle_defaults
+#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/meta/conf_make_meta_sdlang.d
+ default settings
+template SiSUmakeMetaStructsSDLang() {
+ <<meta_defaults_imports>>
+ string extractSDLangTabOrAttrib(S)(
+ S conf_sdlang,
+ string maintab,
+ string atab
+ ) {
+ string _conf_composite_string = "";
+ if (maintab in conf_sdlang.maybe.tags) {
+ auto _maintag = conf_sdlang.getTag(maintab);
+ if (
+ (atab in _maintag.maybe.tags)
+ && (_maintag.getTagValues(atab).length > 0)
+ ) {
+ debug(configsdlang) {
+ writeln(
+ " ", __LINE__,
+ ": sdl tag, ",
+ maintab, ":", atab, ": ",
+ _maintag.getTagValues(atab)[0]
+ );
+ }
+ if (_maintag.getTagValues(atab).length == 1) {
+ writeln((_maintag.getTagValues(atab)[0]).to!string);
+ _conf_composite_string
+ = (_maintag.getTagValues(atab)[0]).to!string;
+ } else if (_maintag.getTagValues(atab).length > 1) {
+ string _tmp = "";
+ foreach (st; _maintag.getTagValues(atab)) {
+ writeln(st.to!string, ";");
+ _tmp ~= st.to!string ~ ";";
+ }
+ _conf_composite_string = _tmp;
+ }
+ } else if (
+ (atab in _maintag.maybe.attributes)
+ && (_maintag.attributes[atab][0].value.length > 0)
+ ) {
+ debug(configsdlang) {
+ writeln(
+ " ", __LINE__,
+ ": sdl attrib, ",
+ maintab, ":", atab, ": ",
+ _maintag.attributes[atab][0].value
+ );
+ }
+ _conf_composite_string
+ = (_maintag.attributes[atab][0].value).to!string;
+ }
+ }
+ return _conf_composite_string;
+ }
+* __END__
+** notes headers
-#+name: imports
-import sdp.meta;
-import std.array;
+ /+
+ unify internal representation of header info for native & sdlang document headers
+ represent either using struct, hashes or possibly json
+ sdp internal representation should be identical for native & sdlang variants
+ +/
+ ├── make // make instructions
+ │   ├── bold
+ │   ├── breaks
+ │   ├── cover_image
+ │   ├── css
+ │   ├── emphasis
+ │   ├── footer
+ │   ├── headings
+ │   ├── home_button_image
+ │   ├── home_button_text
+ │   ├── italics
+ │   ├── num_top
+ │   ├── substitute
+ │   └── texpdf_font
+ └── meta // metadata
+    ├── author // move author to creator:author
+    ├── classify
+    │   ├── dewey
+    │   ├── keyword
+    │   ├── loc
+    │   ├── subject
+    │   └── topic_register
+    ├── creator
+    │   ├── author
+ │ │ ├── [ [first_name: x0, last_name: y0], [first_name: x1, last_name: y1] ]
+ │ │ └── [ full_name0, full_name1 ]
+    │   ├── author_email
+    │   ├── illustrator
+    │   └── translator
+    ├── date
+    │   ├── added_to_site
+    │   ├── available
+    │   ├── created
+    │   ├── issued
+    │   ├── modified
+    │   ├── published
+    │   └── valid
+    ├── identifier
+    │   ├── isbn
+    │   ├── oclc
+    │   └── pg
+    ├── links
+    ├── notes
+    │   ├── abstract
+    │   └── description
+    ├── original
+    │   ├── language
+    │   ├── source
+    │   └── title
+    ├── publisher
+    │   └── name
+    ├── rights
+    │   ├── copyright
+    │   ├── cover
+    │   ├── illustrations
+    │   └── license
+    └── title // move title: to title:main
+    ├── edition
+    ├── [ full (main + sub) ]
+    ├── language
+    ├── main
+    ├── note
+    ├── sub
+    └── subtitle // move title:subtitle to title:sub
+61 leaves
+** dlang rgx example
+import std.conv, std.regex, std.range, std.file, std.stdio;
+import std.string : format;
+void main(string[] argv) {
+ immutable ratio = 1.5824; // UK pounds to US dollar as of this writing
+ auto toDollars(Captures!string price) {
+ real value = to!real(price["integer"]);
+ if (!price["fraction"].empty)
+ value += 0.01*to!real(price["fraction"]);
+ return format("$%.2f",value * ratio);
+ }
+ string text = std.file.readText(argv[1]);
+ auto converted = replaceAll!toDollars(text,
+ regex(r"£\s*(?P<integer>[0-9]+)(\.(?P<fraction>[0-9]{2}))?","g"));
+ write(converted);