path: root/src/doc_reform/meta
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>2019-10-05 20:45:42 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>2019-10-17 19:07:20 -0400
commit1083951efc4f8ddbf8de65907cc5aee2ac6be2ed (patch)
tree0b3f2dd576301a0d15d23c8a0ccc1afff1e86717 /src/doc_reform/meta
parent--show-{config,make,metadata,summary} (diff)
0.8.1 conf, make, meta: yaml only (toml removed)doc-reform_v0.8.1
- yaml only: config, make & headers (yaml is converted directly to struct) - toml removed: preemptively remove confusion of having multiple config formats (toml was converted to json & json to struct) - json removed (intermediate representation): takes out intermediate conversion to json which could be attractive to have if there are multiple formats
Diffstat (limited to 'src/doc_reform/meta')
4 files changed, 2 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_toml.d b/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_toml.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 0df63d3..0000000
--- a/src/doc_reform/meta/conf_make_meta_toml.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- extract native/orig header return associative array<BR>
- the header is passed as text (lopped off top of a sisu markup file until the
- required first heading ^A~), determine whether is a yaml header or toml one
- with a regex check if whether it contains the "yaml header" required tag/field
- title: then process accordingly as a "yaml header" or "toml header"
- converting the metadata and make instructions to a common json format used by
- program internally. Moved to associative array.
-module doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_toml;
-static template configParseTOMLreturnJSON() {
- import
- toml,
- toml.json;
- auto configParseTOMLreturnJSON(T)(
- T _text
- ){
- TOMLDocument _doc;
- _doc = parseTOML(cast(string)(_text.content));
- auto _doc_json = _doc.toJSON;
- return _doc_json;
- }
-static template configParseTOMLreturnDocReformStruct() {
- import
- toml,
- toml.json;
- import
- doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_structs,
- doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_json;
- mixin contentJSONtoDocReformStruct;
- auto configParseTOMLreturnDocReformStruct(T,CCm,M)(
- T _document_struct,
- CCm _make_and_meta_struct,
- M _manifest
- ){
- TOMLDocument _doc = parseTOML(cast(string)(_document_struct.content));
- auto _doc_json = _doc.toJSON;
- _make_and_meta_struct
- = contentJSONtoDocReformStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _doc_json, _manifest, _document_struct.filename); // struct from json
- return _make_and_meta_struct;
- }
-static template docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupTomlExtractAndConvertToStruct() {
- import
- std.exception,
- std.regex,
- std.stdio,
- std.traits,
- std.typecons,
- std.utf,
- std.conv : to;
- import
- toml,
- toml.json;
- import
- doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_structs,
- doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_json,
- doc_reform.meta.rgx;
- mixin DocReformRgxInit;
- mixin contentJSONtoDocReformStruct;
- static auto rgx = Rgx();
- auto docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupTomlExtractAndConvertToStruct(CCm,Src,M)(
- Src header_src,
- CCm _make_and_meta_struct,
- M _manifest,
- ) {
- TOMLDocument _doc_toml;
- if (header_src.match(rgx.toml_header_meta_title)) {
- debug (json) {
- writeln(">>> document header is toml, convert to JSON");
- }
- _doc_toml = parseTOML(cast(string)(header_src));
- }
- auto _doc_json = _doc_toml.toJSON;
- auto _header_and_make_and_meta_struct
- = contentJSONtoDocReformStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _doc_json, _manifest, "header");
- return _header_and_make_and_meta_struct;
- }
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d b/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d
index a4ff476..115ab9f 100644
--- a/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d
+++ b/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc.d
@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@ template DocReformAbstraction() {
if (_config_document_struct.filetype == "yaml") {
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
_make_and_meta_struct = _config_document_struct.configParseYAMLreturnDocReformStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest);
- } else if (_config_document_struct.filetype == "toml") {
- import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_toml;
- _make_and_meta_struct = _config_document_struct.configParseTOMLreturnDocReformStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest);
{ /+ local site config +/
@@ -52,9 +49,6 @@ template DocReformAbstraction() {
if (_config_local_site_struct.filetype == "yaml") {
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
_make_and_meta_struct = _config_local_site_struct.configParseYAMLreturnDocReformStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest);
- } else if (_config_local_site_struct.filetype == "toml") {
- import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_toml;
- _make_and_meta_struct = _config_local_site_struct.configParseTOMLreturnDocReformStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest);
/+ ↓ read file (filename with path) +/
@@ -83,17 +77,9 @@ template DocReformAbstraction() {
if ((_opt_action.debug_do)
|| (_opt_action.very_verbose)
) {
- writeln("step2 commence → (read document header - yaml or toml, return struct)");
+ writeln("step2 commence → (read document header (yaml) return struct)");
- if (_header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist[headBody.header_type] == "toml") {
- import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_toml;
- _make_and_meta_struct =
- docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupTomlExtractAndConvertToStruct!()(
- _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist[headBody.header],
- _make_and_meta_struct,
- _manifest,
- );
- } else if (_header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist[headBody.header_type] == "yaml") {
+ if (_header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist[headBody.header_type] == "yaml") {
import doc_reform.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml;
_make_and_meta_struct =
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc_summary.d b/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc_summary.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 7395e81..0000000
--- a/src/doc_reform/meta/metadoc_summary.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-module doc_reform.meta.metadoc_summary;
-template DocReformMetaDocSummary() {
- void DocReformMetaDocSummary(S,T)(
- const S doc_abstraction,
- T doc_matters,
- ) {
- import
- doc_reform.meta.defaults,
- doc_reform.meta.rgx;
- import
- std.array,
- std.exception,
- std.regex,
- std.stdio,
- std.string,
- std.traits,
- std.typecons,
- std.uni,
- std.utf,
- std.conv : to;
- mixin InternalMarkup;
- auto markup = InlineMarkup();
- if (doc_matters.opt.action.verbose
- || doc_matters.opt.action.show_summary
- ) {
- string[string] check = [
- "last_object_number" : "NA [debug \"checkdoc\" not run]",
- "last_object_number_body" : "0",
- "last_object_number_book_index" : "0",
- ];
- foreach (k; doc_matters.has.keys_seq.seg) {
- foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[k]) {
- if (obj.metainfo.is_of_part != "empty") {
- if (!empty(obj.metainfo.object_number)) {
- if (k == "body") {
- check["last_object_number_body"] = obj.metainfo.object_number;
- }
- if (!(obj.metainfo.object_number.empty)) {
- check["last_object_number"] = obj.metainfo.object_number;
- }
- }
- if (k == "bookindex") {
- if (obj.metainfo.object_number_type == 2) {
- check["last_object_number_book_index"] = obj.metainfo.object_number_book_index;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- auto min_repeat_number = 66;
- auto char_repeat_number = (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_full.length
- + doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author.length + 4);
- char_repeat_number = (char_repeat_number > min_repeat_number)
- ? char_repeat_number
- : min_repeat_number;
- writefln(
- "%s\n\"%s\", %s\n%s\n%s\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%30-s%10-d\n%s",
- markup.repeat_character_by_number_provided("-", char_repeat_number),
- doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_full,
- doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author,
- doc_matters.src.filename,
- markup.repeat_character_by_number_provided("-", char_repeat_number),
- "- toc arr length:",
- to!int(doc_abstraction["toc"].length),
- "- doc_abstraction arr length:",
- to!int(doc_abstraction["body"].length),
- " doc body last obj on.#:",
- to!int(check["last_object_number_body"]),
- " - number of tables:",
- doc_matters.has.tables,
- " - number of codeblocks:",
- doc_matters.has.codeblocks,
- " - number of poems:",
- doc_matters.has.poems,
- " - number of blocks:",
- doc_matters.has.blocks,
- " - number of groups:",
- doc_matters.has.groups,
- " - number of images:",
- doc_matters.has.images,
- "- endnotes length:", // subtract headings
- (doc_abstraction["endnotes"].length > 2)
- ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["endnotes"].length - 2))
- : 0,
- "- glossary length:",
- (doc_abstraction["glossary"].length > 1)
- ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["glossary"].length))
- : 0,
- "- biblio length:",
- (doc_abstraction["bibliography"].length > 1)
- ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["bibliography"].length))
- : 0,
- "- bookindex length:",
- (doc_abstraction["bookindex"].length > 1)
- ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["bookindex"].length))
- : 0,
- " book idx last obj on.#:",
- to!int(check["last_object_number_book_index"]),
- "- blurb length:",
- (doc_abstraction["blurb"].length > 1)
- ? (to!int(doc_abstraction["blurb"].length))
- : 0,
- "* last obj on.#:",
- to!int(check["last_object_number"]),
- "number of segments:",
- (doc_matters.has.segnames_lv4.length > 1)
- ? (to!int(doc_matters.has.segnames_lv4.length))
- : 0,
- markup.repeat_character_by_number_provided("-", min_repeat_number),
- );
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/doc_reform/meta/rgx.d b/src/doc_reform/meta/rgx.d
index 0168a08..11f4aa5 100644
--- a/src/doc_reform/meta/rgx.d
+++ b/src/doc_reform/meta/rgx.d
@@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ static template DocReformRgxInit() {
static variable_doc_title = ctRegex!(`@title`);
static variable_doc_author = ctRegex!(`@author|@creator`);
static raw_author_munge = ctRegex!(`(?P<last>\S.+?),\s+(?P<first>.+)`,"i");
- static toml_header_meta_title = ctRegex!(`^\s*(?:title\s*=\s*"|\[title\])`, "m");
static yaml_header_meta_title = ctRegex!(`^\s*(?:title\s*:\s*(?:"?\w|$))`, "m");
- static toml_config = ctRegex!(`^\s*(?:[a-z]+\s*=\s*"|\[\w+?\])`, "m");
static yaml_config = ctRegex!(`^[a-z]+\s*:\s*(?:"?\w|$)`, "m");
/+ heading & paragraph operators +/
static heading_a = ctRegex!(`^:?[A][~] `, "m");