path: root/src/sdlang/util.d
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2016-10-01 14:12:13 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2019-04-10 15:14:13 -0400
commitba1712e77b31704fd9ba16d14e15518e7a7dd104 (patch)
tree1a0d3233fb611b68dbf43e098a41a0d9378e9ace /src/sdlang/util.d
parentupdate sdlang, start looking to using dub remote dependencies (diff)
0.7.0 using dub remote dependencies (local src related to sdlang removed)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sdlang/util.d')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/src/sdlang/util.d b/src/sdlang/util.d
deleted file mode 100644
index d192ea2..0000000
--- a/src/sdlang/util.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-// SDLang-D
-// Written in the D programming language.
-module sdlang.util;
-import std.algorithm;
-import std.array;
-import std.conv;
-import std.datetime;
-import std.range;
-import std.stdio;
-import std.string;
-import sdlang.exception;
-import sdlang.token;
-enum sdlangVersion = "0.9.1";
-alias immutable(ubyte)[] ByteString;
-auto startsWith(T)(string haystack, T needle)
- if( is(T:ByteString) || is(T:string) )
- return std.algorithm.startsWith( cast(ByteString)haystack, cast(ByteString)needle );
-struct Location
- string file; /// Filename (including path)
- int line; /// Zero-indexed
- int col; /// Zero-indexed, Tab counts as 1
- size_t index; /// Index into the source
- this(int line, int col, int index)
- {
- this.line = line;
- this.col = col;
- this.index = index;
- }
- this(string file, int line, int col, int index)
- {
- this.file = file;
- this.line = line;
- this.col = col;
- this.index = index;
- }
- /// Convert to string. Optionally takes output range as a sink.
- string toString()
- {
- Appender!string sink;
- this.toString(sink);
- return sink.data;
- }
- ///ditto
- void toString(Sink)(ref Sink sink) if(isOutputRange!(Sink,char))
- {
- sink.put(file);
- sink.put("(");
- sink.put(to!string(line+1));
- sink.put(":");
- sink.put(to!string(col+1));
- sink.put(")");
- }
-struct FullName
- string namespace;
- string name;
- /// Convert to string. Optionally takes output range as a sink.
- string toString()
- {
- if(namespace == "")
- return name;
- Appender!string sink;
- this.toString(sink);
- return sink.data;
- }
- ///ditto
- void toString(Sink)(ref Sink sink) if(isOutputRange!(Sink,char))
- {
- if(namespace != "")
- {
- sink.put(namespace);
- sink.put(":");
- }
- sink.put(name);
- }
- ///
- static string combine(string namespace, string name)
- {
- return FullName(namespace, name).toString();
- }
- ///
- @("FullName.combine example")
- unittest
- {
- assert(FullName.combine("", "name") == "name");
- assert(FullName.combine("*", "name") == "*:name");
- assert(FullName.combine("namespace", "name") == "namespace:name");
- }
- ///
- static FullName parse(string fullName)
- {
- FullName result;
- auto parts = fullName.findSplit(":");
- if(parts[1] == "") // No colon
- {
- result.namespace = "";
- result.name = parts[0];
- }
- else
- {
- result.namespace = parts[0];
- result.name = parts[2];
- }
- return result;
- }
- ///
- @("FullName.parse example")
- unittest
- {
- assert(FullName.parse("name") == FullName("", "name"));
- assert(FullName.parse("*:name") == FullName("*", "name"));
- assert(FullName.parse("namespace:name") == FullName("namespace", "name"));
- }
- /// Throws with appropriate message if this.name is "*".
- /// Wildcards are only supported for namespaces, not names.
- void ensureNoWildcardName(string extaMsg = null)
- {
- if(name == "*")
- throw new ArgumentException(`Wildcards ("*") only allowed for namespaces, not names. `~extaMsg);
- }
-struct Foo { string foo; }
-void removeIndex(E)(ref E[] arr, ptrdiff_t index)
- arr = arr[0..index] ~ arr[index+1..$];
-void trace(string file=__FILE__, size_t line=__LINE__, TArgs...)(TArgs args)
- version(sdlangTrace)
- {
- writeln(file, "(", line, "): ", args);
- stdout.flush();
- }
-string toString(TypeInfo ti)
- if (ti == typeid( bool )) return "bool";
- else if(ti == typeid( string )) return "string";
- else if(ti == typeid( dchar )) return "dchar";
- else if(ti == typeid( int )) return "int";
- else if(ti == typeid( long )) return "long";
- else if(ti == typeid( float )) return "float";
- else if(ti == typeid( double )) return "double";
- else if(ti == typeid( real )) return "real";
- else if(ti == typeid( Date )) return "Date";
- else if(ti == typeid( DateTimeFrac )) return "DateTimeFrac";
- else if(ti == typeid( DateTimeFracUnknownZone )) return "DateTimeFracUnknownZone";
- else if(ti == typeid( SysTime )) return "SysTime";
- else if(ti == typeid( Duration )) return "Duration";
- else if(ti == typeid( ubyte[] )) return "ubyte[]";
- else if(ti == typeid( typeof(null) )) return "null";
- return "{unknown}";
-enum BOM {
- UTF8, /// UTF-8
- UTF16LE, /// UTF-16 (little-endian)
- UTF16BE, /// UTF-16 (big-endian)
- UTF32LE, /// UTF-32 (little-endian)
- UTF32BE, /// UTF-32 (big-endian)
-enum NBOM = __traits(allMembers, BOM).length;
-immutable ubyte[][NBOM] ByteOrderMarks =
- [0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF], //UTF8
- [0xFF, 0xFE], //UTF16LE
- [0xFE, 0xFF], //UTF16BE
- [0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00], //UTF32LE
- [0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF] //UTF32BE