path: root/src/sdlang/parser.d
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sdlang/parser.d')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 628 deletions
diff --git a/src/sdlang/parser.d b/src/sdlang/parser.d
deleted file mode 100644
index c9b8d4f..0000000
--- a/src/sdlang/parser.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-// SDLang-D
-// Written in the D programming language.
-module sdlang.parser;
-import std.file;
-import libInputVisitor;
-import taggedalgebraic;
-import sdlang.ast;
-import sdlang.exception;
-import sdlang.lexer;
-import sdlang.symbol;
-import sdlang.token;
-import sdlang.util;
-/// Returns root tag.
-Tag parseFile(string filename)
- auto source = cast(string)read(filename);
- return parseSource(source, filename);
-/// Returns root tag. The optional `filename` parameter can be included
-/// so that the SDLang document's filename (if any) can be displayed with
-/// any syntax error messages.
-Tag parseSource(string source, string filename=null)
- auto lexer = new Lexer(source, filename);
- auto parser = DOMParser(lexer);
- return parser.parseRoot();
-Parses an SDL document using StAX/Pull-style. Returns an InputRange with
-element type ParserEvent.
-The pullParseFile version reads a file and parses it, while pullParseSource
-parses a string passed in. The optional `filename` parameter in pullParseSource
-can be included so that the SDLang document's filename (if any) can be displayed
-with any syntax error messages.
-Note: The old FileStartEvent and FileEndEvent events
-$(LINK2 https://github.com/Abscissa/SDLang-D/issues/17, were deemed unnessecary)
-and removed as of SDLang-D v0.10.0.
-Note: Previously, in SDLang-D v0.9.x, ParserEvent was a
-$(LINK2 http://dlang.org/phobos/std_variant.html#.Algebraic, std.variant.Algebraic).
-As of SDLang-D v0.10.0, it is now a
-$(LINK2 https://github.com/s-ludwig/taggedalgebraic, TaggedAlgebraic),
-so usage has changed somewhat.
-parent 12 attr="q" {
- childA 34
- childB 56
-The ParserEvent sequence emitted for that SDL document would be as
-follows (indented for readability):
-TagStartEvent (parent)
- ValueEvent (12)
- AttributeEvent (attr, "q")
- TagStartEvent (childA)
- ValueEvent (34)
- TagEndEvent
- TagStartEvent (childB)
- ValueEvent (56)
- TagEndEvent
-TagStartEvent (lastTag)
-auto pullParseFile(string filename)
- auto source = cast(string)read(filename);
- return parseSource(source, filename);
-auto pullParseSource(string source, string filename=null)
- auto lexer = new Lexer(source, filename);
- auto parser = PullParser(lexer);
- return inputVisitor!ParserEvent( parser );
-@("pullParseFile/pullParseSource example")
- // stuff.sdl
- immutable stuffSdl = `
- name "sdlang-d"
- description "An SDL (Simple Declarative Language) library for D."
- homepage "http://github.com/Abscissa/SDLang-D"
- configuration "library" {
- targetType "library"
- }
- `;
- import std.stdio;
- foreach(event; pullParseSource(stuffSdl))
- final switch(event.kind)
- {
- case ParserEvent.Kind.tagStart:
- auto e = cast(TagStartEvent) event;
- writeln("TagStartEvent: ", e.namespace, ":", e.name, " @ ", e.location);
- break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.tagEnd:
- auto e = cast(TagEndEvent) event;
- writeln("TagEndEvent");
- break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.value:
- auto e = cast(ValueEvent) event;
- writeln("ValueEvent: ", e.value);
- break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.attribute:
- auto e = cast(AttributeEvent) event;
- writeln("AttributeEvent: ", e.namespace, ":", e.name, "=", e.value);
- break;
- }
-private union ParserEventUnion
- TagStartEvent tagStart;
- TagEndEvent tagEnd;
- ValueEvent value;
- AttributeEvent attribute;
-The element of the InputRange returned by pullParseFile and pullParseSource.
-This is a tagged union, built from the following:
-alias ParserEvent = TaggedAlgebraic!ParserEventUnion;
-private union ParserEventUnion
- TagStartEvent tagStart;
- TagEndEvent tagEnd;
- ValueEvent value;
- AttributeEvent attribute;
-Note: The old FileStartEvent and FileEndEvent events
-$(LINK2 https://github.com/Abscissa/SDLang-D/issues/17, were deemed unnessecary)
-and removed as of SDLang-D v0.10.0.
-Note: Previously, in SDLang-D v0.9.x, ParserEvent was a
-$(LINK2 http://dlang.org/phobos/std_variant.html#.Algebraic, std.variant.Algebraic).
-As of SDLang-D v0.10.0, it is now a
-$(LINK2 https://github.com/s-ludwig/taggedalgebraic, TaggedAlgebraic),
-so usage has changed somewhat.
-alias ParserEvent = TaggedAlgebraic!ParserEventUnion;
-@("ParserEvent example")
- // Create
- ParserEvent event1 = TagStartEvent();
- ParserEvent event2 = TagEndEvent();
- ParserEvent event3 = ValueEvent();
- ParserEvent event4 = AttributeEvent();
- // Check type
- assert(event1.kind == ParserEvent.Kind.tagStart);
- assert(event2.kind == ParserEvent.Kind.tagEnd);
- assert(event3.kind == ParserEvent.Kind.value);
- assert(event4.kind == ParserEvent.Kind.attribute);
- // Cast to base type
- auto e1 = cast(TagStartEvent) event1;
- auto e2 = cast(TagEndEvent) event2;
- auto e3 = cast(ValueEvent) event3;
- auto e4 = cast(AttributeEvent) event4;
- //auto noGood = cast(AttributeEvent) event1; // AssertError: event1 is a TagStartEvent, not AttributeEvent.
- // Use as base type.
- // In many cases, no casting is even needed.
- event1.name = "foo";
- //auto noGood = event3.name; // AssertError: ValueEvent doesn't have a member 'name'.
- // Final switch is supported:
- final switch(event1.kind)
- {
- case ParserEvent.Kind.tagStart: break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.tagEnd: break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.value: break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.attribute: break;
- }
-/// Event: Start of tag
-struct TagStartEvent
- Location location;
- string namespace;
- string name;
-/// Event: End of tag
-struct TagEndEvent
- //Location location;
-/// Event: Found a Value in the current tag
-struct ValueEvent
- Location location;
- Value value;
-/// Event: Found an Attribute in the current tag
-struct AttributeEvent
- Location location;
- string namespace;
- string name;
- Value value;
-// The actual pull parser
-private struct PullParser
- private Lexer lexer;
- private struct IDFull
- {
- string namespace;
- string name;
- }
- private void error(string msg)
- {
- error(lexer.front.location, msg);
- }
- private void error(Location loc, string msg)
- {
- throw new ParseException(loc, "Error: "~msg);
- }
- private InputVisitor!(PullParser, ParserEvent) v;
- void visit(InputVisitor!(PullParser, ParserEvent) v)
- {
- this.v = v;
- parseRoot();
- }
- private void emit(Event)(Event event)
- {
- v.yield( ParserEvent(event) );
- }
- /// <Root> ::= <Tags> EOF (Lookaheads: Anything)
- private void parseRoot()
- {
- //trace("Starting parse of file: ", lexer.filename);
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Root> ::= <Tags> EOF (Lookaheads: Anything)");
- auto startLocation = Location(lexer.filename, 0, 0, 0);
- parseTags();
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!":"())
- {
- lexer.popFront();
- token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"Ident"())
- {
- error("Missing namespace. If you don't wish to use a namespace, then say '"~token.data~"', not ':"~token.data~"'");
- assert(0);
- }
- else
- {
- error("Missing namespace. If you don't wish to use a namespace, then omit the ':'");
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- else if(!token.matches!"EOF"())
- error("Expected a tag or end-of-file, not " ~ token.symbol.name);
- }
- /// <Tags> ::= <Tag> <Tags> (Lookaheads: Ident Value)
- /// | EOL <Tags> (Lookaheads: EOL)
- /// | {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else, except '{')
- void parseTags()
- {
- //trace("Enter ", __FUNCTION__);
- while(true)
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"Ident"() || token.matches!"Value"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Tags> ::= <Tag> <Tags> (Lookaheads: Ident Value)");
- parseTag();
- continue;
- }
- else if(token.matches!"EOL"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Tags> ::= EOL <Tags> (Lookaheads: EOL)");
- lexer.popFront();
- continue;
- }
- else if(token.matches!"{"())
- {
- error("Found start of child block, but no tag name. If you intended an anonymous "~
- "tag, you must have at least one value before any attributes or child tags.");
- }
- else
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Tags> ::= {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else, except '{')");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /// <Tag>
- /// ::= <IDFull> <Values> <Attributes> <OptChild> <TagTerminator> (Lookaheads: Ident)
- /// | <Value> <Values> <Attributes> <OptChild> <TagTerminator> (Lookaheads: Value)
- void parseTag()
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"Ident"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Tag> ::= <IDFull> <Values> <Attributes> <OptChild> <TagTerminator> (Lookaheads: Ident)");
- //trace("Found tag named: ", tag.fullName);
- auto id = parseIDFull();
- emit( TagStartEvent(token.location, id.namespace, id.name) );
- }
- else if(token.matches!"Value"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Tag> ::= <Value> <Values> <Attributes> <OptChild> <TagTerminator> (Lookaheads: Value)");
- //trace("Found anonymous tag.");
- emit( TagStartEvent(token.location, null, null) );
- }
- else
- error("Expected tag name or value, not " ~ token.symbol.name);
- if(lexer.front.matches!"="())
- error("Found attribute, but no tag name. If you intended an anonymous "~
- "tag, you must have at least one value before any attributes.");
- parseValues();
- parseAttributes();
- parseOptChild();
- parseTagTerminator();
- emit( TagEndEvent() );
- }
- /// <IDFull> ::= Ident <IDSuffix> (Lookaheads: Ident)
- IDFull parseIDFull()
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"Ident"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <IDFull> ::= Ident <IDSuffix> (Lookaheads: Ident)");
- lexer.popFront();
- return parseIDSuffix(token.data);
- }
- else
- {
- error("Expected namespace or identifier, not " ~ token.symbol.name);
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- /// <IDSuffix>
- /// ::= ':' Ident (Lookaheads: ':')
- /// ::= {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
- IDFull parseIDSuffix(string firstIdent)
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!":"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <IDSuffix> ::= ':' Ident (Lookaheads: ':')");
- lexer.popFront();
- token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"Ident"())
- {
- lexer.popFront();
- return IDFull(firstIdent, token.data);
- }
- else
- {
- error("Expected name, not " ~ token.symbol.name);
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <IDSuffix> ::= {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)");
- return IDFull("", firstIdent);
- }
- }
- /// <Values>
- /// ::= Value <Values> (Lookaheads: Value)
- /// | {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
- void parseValues()
- {
- while(true)
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"Value"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Values> ::= Value <Values> (Lookaheads: Value)");
- parseValue();
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Values> ::= {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /// Handle Value terminals that aren't part of an attribute
- void parseValue()
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"Value"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": (Handle Value terminals that aren't part of an attribute)");
- auto value = token.value;
- //trace("In tag '", parent.fullName, "', found value: ", value);
- emit( ValueEvent(token.location, value) );
- lexer.popFront();
- }
- else
- error("Expected value, not "~token.symbol.name);
- }
- /// <Attributes>
- /// ::= <Attribute> <Attributes> (Lookaheads: Ident)
- /// | {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
- void parseAttributes()
- {
- while(true)
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"Ident"())
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Attributes> ::= <Attribute> <Attributes> (Lookaheads: Ident)");
- parseAttribute();
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Attributes> ::= {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /// <Attribute> ::= <IDFull> '=' Value (Lookaheads: Ident)
- void parseAttribute()
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <Attribute> ::= <IDFull> '=' Value (Lookaheads: Ident)");
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(!token.matches!"Ident"())
- error("Expected attribute name, not "~token.symbol.name);
- auto id = parseIDFull();
- token = lexer.front;
- if(!token.matches!"="())
- error("Expected '=' after attribute name, not "~token.symbol.name);
- lexer.popFront();
- token = lexer.front;
- if(!token.matches!"Value"())
- error("Expected attribute value, not "~token.symbol.name);
- //trace("In tag '", parent.fullName, "', found attribute '", attr.fullName, "'");
- emit( AttributeEvent(token.location, id.namespace, id.name, token.value) );
- lexer.popFront();
- }
- /// <OptChild>
- /// ::= '{' EOL <Tags> '}' (Lookaheads: '{')
- /// | {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)
- void parseOptChild()
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"{")
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <OptChild> ::= '{' EOL <Tags> '}' (Lookaheads: '{')");
- lexer.popFront();
- token = lexer.front;
- if(!token.matches!"EOL"())
- error("Expected newline or semicolon after '{', not "~token.symbol.name);
- lexer.popFront();
- parseTags();
- token = lexer.front;
- if(!token.matches!"}"())
- error("Expected '}' after child tags, not "~token.symbol.name);
- lexer.popFront();
- }
- else
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <OptChild> ::= {empty} (Lookaheads: Anything else)");
- // Do nothing, no error.
- }
- }
- /// <TagTerminator>
- /// ::= EOL (Lookahead: EOL)
- /// | {empty} (Lookahead: EOF)
- void parseTagTerminator()
- {
- auto token = lexer.front;
- if(token.matches!"EOL")
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <TagTerminator> ::= EOL (Lookahead: EOL)");
- lexer.popFront();
- }
- else if(token.matches!"EOF")
- {
- //trace(__FUNCTION__, ": <TagTerminator> ::= {empty} (Lookahead: EOF)");
- // Do nothing
- }
- else
- error("Expected end of tag (newline, semicolon or end-of-file), not " ~ token.symbol.name);
- }
-private struct DOMParser
- Lexer lexer;
- Tag parseRoot()
- {
- auto currTag = new Tag(null, null, "root");
- currTag.location = Location(lexer.filename, 0, 0, 0);
- auto parser = PullParser(lexer);
- auto eventRange = inputVisitor!ParserEvent( parser );
- foreach(event; eventRange)
- final switch(event.kind)
- {
- case ParserEvent.Kind.tagStart:
- auto newTag = new Tag(currTag, event.namespace, event.name);
- newTag.location = event.location;
- currTag = newTag;
- break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.tagEnd:
- currTag = currTag.parent;
- if(!currTag)
- parser.error("Internal Error: Received an extra TagEndEvent");
- break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.value:
- currTag.add((cast(ValueEvent)event).value);
- break;
- case ParserEvent.Kind.attribute:
- auto e = cast(AttributeEvent) event;
- auto attr = new Attribute(e.namespace, e.name, e.value, e.location);
- currTag.add(attr);
- break;
- }
- return currTag;
- }
-// Other parser tests are part of the AST's tests over in the ast module.
-// Regression test, issue #13: https://github.com/Abscissa/SDLang-D/issues/13
-// "Incorrectly accepts ":tagname" (blank namespace, tagname prefixed with colon)"
-@("parser: Regression test issue #13")
- import std.exception;
- assertThrown!ParseException(parseSource(`:test`));
- assertThrown!ParseException(parseSource(`:4`));
-// Regression test, issue #16: https://github.com/Abscissa/SDLang-D/issues/16
-@("parser: Regression test issue #16")
- // Shouldn't crash
- foreach(event; pullParseSource(`tag "data"`))
- {
- if(event.kind == ParserEvent.Kind.tagStart)
- auto e = cast(TagStartEvent) event;
- }
-// Regression test, issue #31: https://github.com/Abscissa/SDLang-D/issues/31
-// "Escape sequence results in range violation error"
-@("parser: Regression test issue #31")
- // Shouldn't get a Range violation
- parseSource(`test "\"foo\""`);