# SiSU 8.0 title: "As Yet Unnamed" creator: author: "Annon, Unnamed" :A~ @title @author 1~ Summary To get you started, the first paragraph following a section or chapter heading. Spine / SiSU documents minimum requirements: _* a header containing document metadata that must at least contain the fields Title and Creator Author. _* text body, identified as starting by the A~ marker at the start of a line, followed by at least one level 1~ section heading with the text that follows it.~{ the document provided here would be a valid Spine document, and this text contained within the tilde and curly braces delimiters would be the first footnote/endnote }~ To generate this document to have html and epub output for example you would run: ``` code spine --html --epub --output=/tmp/spine-sample-output data/pod/default_sample_pod ``` 1~ Conclusion This sample pod is provided to get you started. Good luck and good speed.