#!/usr/bin/env rund void main( string[] args ) { import std; if (args.length > 1) { string base_fn_path = args[1].expandTilde; string base_fn = base_fn_path.baseName; string sst_fn = base_fn ~ ".sst"; string txt_for_pod_manifest = format(q"┃doc: filename: %s language: en ┃", sst_fn ); string txt_for_sisu_document_make = format(q"┃ ┃", ); string txt_for_document_scaffold = format(q"┃# SiSU 8.0 title: "As Yet Unnamed" creator: author: "Annon, Unnamed" :A~ @title @author 1~ Summary To get you started, the first paragraph following a section or chapter heading. Spine / SiSU documents minimum requirements: _* a header containing document metadata that must at least contain the fields Title and Creator Author. _* text body, identified as starting by the A~ marker at the start of a line, followed by at least one level 1~ section heading with the text that follows it.~{ the document provided here would be a valid Spine document, and this text contained within the tilde and curly braces delimiters would be the first footnote/endnote }~ To generate this document to have html and epub output for example you would run: ``` code spine --html --epub --output=/tmp/spine-sample-output %s ``` 1~ Conclusion This sample pod is provided to get you started. Good luck and good speed. ┃", base_fn_path ); if (!exists(base_fn_path)) { try { base_fn_path.mkdirRecurse; } catch (ErrnoException ex) { writeln(ex); } if (exists(args[1].expandTilde)) { try { base_fn_path.buildPath("conf").mkdirRecurse; } catch (ErrnoException ex) { writeln(ex); } try { base_fn_path.buildPath("media/text/en").mkdirRecurse; } catch (ErrnoException ex) { writeln(ex); } { // 1 // create/write pod.manifest string fn = base_fn_path.buildPath("pod.manifest"); File(fn, "w").writeln(txt_for_pod_manifest); string tell = format(q"┃OK - pod.manifest (yaml file containing filename and languages) %s %s ┃", fn, txt_for_pod_manifest.strip ); writeln(tell); } if (exists(base_fn_path.buildPath("conf"))) { // 2 // create/write conf/sisu_document_make string fn = base_fn_path.buildPath("conf/sisu_document_make"); File(fn, "w").writeln(txt_for_sisu_document_make); // auto f = File(fn, "w"); // foreach (line; content_array) { // f.writeln(line); // } string tell = format(q"┃OK - sisu_document_make %s ┃", fn ); writeln(tell); } if (exists(base_fn_path.buildPath("media/text/en"))) { // 3 // create/write media/text/[lang code]/[filename].sst string fn = base_fn_path.buildPath("media/text/en/" ~ sst_fn); File(fn, "w").writeln(txt_for_document_scaffold); // auto f = File(fn, "w"); // foreach (line; content_array) { // f.writeln(line); // } string tell = format(q"┃OK - .sst [document text content] %s - To start editing document (spine pod content): ${EDITOR} %s - To generate this document to have html and epub output for example you would run: spine --html --epub --output=/tmp/spine-sample-output %s ┃", fn, fn, base_fn_path ); writeln(tell); } } /+ pod/[filename] │ ├── conf │ └── sisu_document_make ├── media │ └── text │ └── en │ └── [filename].charles_stross.sst └── pod.manifest +/ } else { writeln("requested output pod name with path already exists:\n ", args[1].expandTilde); } } else { writeln( "please provide directory path to operate on, e.g.\n spine_scaffold.d ./pod/filetest" ); } }