/+ - Name: Spine, Doc Reform [a part of] - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search - static content generator - Author: Ralph Amissah [ralph.amissah@gmail.com] - Copyright: (C) 2015 - 2023 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. - License: AGPL 3 or later: Spine (SiSU), a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFERO General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the AGPL should be available at these locations: [https://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl.html] [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html] - Spine (by Doc Reform, related to SiSU) uses standard: - docReform markup syntax - standard SiSU markup syntax with modified headers and minor modifications - docReform object numbering - standard SiSU object citation numbering & system - Homepages: [https://www.doc_reform.org] [https://www.sisudoc.org] - Git [https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/?p=software/spine.git;a=summary] +/ module doc_reform.io_out.html; template outputHTML() { import std.file, std.outbuffer, std.uri, std.conv : to; import doc_reform.io_out, doc_reform.io_out.rgx, doc_reform.meta.rgx_files, doc_reform.io_out.rgx_xhtml, doc_reform.io_out.create_zip_file, doc_reform.io_out.xmls, doc_reform.io_out.xmls_css; mixin outputXHTMLs; @safe void scroll(D,M)( const D doc_abstraction, M doc_matters, ) { mixin spineRgxOut; mixin spineRgxXHTML; auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); static auto rgx = RgxO(); static auto rgx_xhtml = RgxXHTML(); string[] doc_html; string[] doc; string suffix = ".html"; string previous_section = ""; string delimit = ""; foreach (section; doc_matters.has.keys_seq.scroll) { foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[section]) { delimit = xhtml_format.div_delimit(section, previous_section); string _txt = xhtml_format.special_characters_breaks_indents_bullets(obj); switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_part) { case "frontmatter": assert(section == "head" || "toc"); switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) { case "para": switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= delimit ~ xhtml_format.heading_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "toc": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_type); } } break; } break; case "body": assert(section == "body" || "head"); switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) { case "para": switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= delimit ~ xhtml_format.heading_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "para": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; case "block": switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) { case "quote": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.quote_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters); break; case "group": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.group_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters); break; case "block": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.block_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters); break; case "poem": break; case "verse": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.verse_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "code": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.code(_txt, obj, doc_matters); break; case "table": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.table(_txt, obj, doc_matters); break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_type); } } break; } break; case "backmatter": assert(section == "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) { case "para": switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= delimit ~ xhtml_format.heading_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "endnote": assert(section == "endnotes"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "glossary": assert(section == "glossary"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "bibliography": assert(section == "bibliography"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "bookindex": assert(section == "bookindex"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "blurb": assert(section == "blurb"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; case "tail": assert(section == "tail"); doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix); break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_type); } } break; } break; case "comment": break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_part); writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.text); } } break; } } } doc = xhtml_format.html_head(doc_matters, "scroll") ~ doc_html ~ xhtml_format.dom_close ~ xhtml_format.tail(doc_matters); scroll_write_output(doc, doc_matters); } @trusted void scroll_write_output(D,M)( D doc, M doc_matters, ) { debug(asserts) { static assert(is(typeof(doc) == string[])); } auto pth_html = spinePathsHTML!()(doc_matters.output_path, doc_matters.src.language); try { if (!exists(pth_html.base)) { pth_html.base.mkdirRecurse; } { auto f = File(pth_html.fn_scroll(doc_matters.src.filename), "w"); foreach (o; doc) { f.writeln(o); } } if (!exists(pth_html.base ~ "/index.html")) { import doc_reform.io_out.html_snippet; mixin htmlSnippet; auto f = File(pth_html.base ~"/index.html", "w"); f.writeln(format_html_blank_page_guide_home( "../../css/html_scroll.css", "https://sisudoc.org", "../../index.html", )); } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt0) { writeln(" ", pth_html.fn_scroll(doc_matters.src.filename)); } } @safe void seg(D,M)( const D doc_abstraction, M doc_matters, ) { mixin spineRgxOut; mixin spineRgxXHTML; static auto rgx = RgxO(); static auto rgx_xhtml = RgxXHTML(); auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); string[][string] doc_html; string[][string] doc_html_endnotes; string[] doc; string segment_filename; string[] top_level_headings = ["","","",""]; string previous_seg_filename = ""; string suffix = ".html"; string previous_section = ""; string delimit = ""; foreach (section; doc_matters.has.keys_seq.seg) { foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[section]) { delimit = xhtml_format.div_delimit(section, previous_section); string _txt = xhtml_format.special_characters_breaks_indents_bullets(obj); if (obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading") { assert(section == "head" || "toc" || "body" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: .. case 3: /+ fill buffer, and replace with new levels from 1 to 3 +/ switch (obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: top_level_headings[0] = ""; top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 1: top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 2: top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 3: top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; default: Tuple!(string, string[]) t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); top_level_headings[obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup] = t[0]; break; } break; case 4: segment_filename = obj.tags.segment_anchor_tag_epub; doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.html_head(doc_matters, "seg"); auto navigation_bar = xhtml_format.nav_pre_next_svg(obj, doc_matters); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= navigation_bar.toc_pre_next; previous_seg_filename = segment_filename; foreach (top_level_heading; top_level_headings) { doc_html[segment_filename] ~= top_level_heading; } Tuple!(string, string[]) t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0].to!string; doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.lev4_heading_subtoc(obj, doc_matters); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case 5: .. case 7: Tuple!(string, string[]) t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0].to!string; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case 8: .. case 9: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup); writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.text); } } break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup); } } break; } } else { assert(section == "head" || "toc" || "body" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb" || "tail"); Tuple!(string, string[]) t; switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_part) { case "frontmatter": assert(section == "head" || "toc"); switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) { case "para": switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) { case "toc": t = xhtml_format.para_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0].to!string; break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; case "body": assert(section == "body"); switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) { case "para": switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) { case "para": t = xhtml_format.para_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0].to!string; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; case "block": switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) { case "quote": t = xhtml_format.quote_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); goto default; case "group": t = xhtml_format.group_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); goto default; case "block": t = xhtml_format.block_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); goto default; case "poem": break; case "verse": t = xhtml_format.verse_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); goto default; case "code": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.code(_txt, obj, doc_matters); break; case "table": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.table(_txt, obj, doc_matters); doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= ""; break; default: if ((obj.metainfo.is_a == "quote" || obj.metainfo.is_a == "group" || obj.metainfo.is_a == "block" || obj.metainfo.is_a == "verse" )) { doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0].to!string; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; } else { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_type); } } break; } break; case "backmatter": assert(section == "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb" || "tail"); switch (obj.metainfo.is_of_type) { case "para": switch (obj.metainfo.is_a) { case "endnote": assert(section == "endnotes"); t = xhtml_format.para_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; break; case "glossary": assert(section == "glossary"); t = xhtml_format.para_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "bibliography": assert(section == "bibliography"); t = xhtml_format.para_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "bookindex": assert(section == "bookindex"); t = xhtml_format.para_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "blurb": assert(section == "blurb"); t = xhtml_format.para_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; case "tail": assert(section == "tail"); t = xhtml_format.para_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, suffix, "seg"); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= t[0]; doc_html_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1]; break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_a); } } break; } break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_type); } } break; } break; case "comment": break; default: { /+ debug +/ if (doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do_html) { writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.metainfo.is_of_part); } } break; } } } } seg_write_output(doc_html, doc_html_endnotes, doc_matters); } @trusted void seg_write_output(D,E,M)( // @system? D doc_html, E doc_html_endnotes, M doc_matters, ) { debug(asserts) { static assert(is(typeof(doc_html) == string[][string])); } mixin spineRgxFiles; static auto rgx_files = RgxFiles(); auto pth_html = spinePathsHTML!()(doc_matters.output_path, doc_matters.src.language); auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto m = doc_matters.src.filename.matchFirst(rgx_files.src_fn); try { if (!exists(pth_html.seg(doc_matters.src.filename))) { pth_html.seg(doc_matters.src.filename).mkdirRecurse; } foreach (seg_filename; doc_matters.has.segnames_lv4) { auto f = File(pth_html.fn_seg(doc_matters.src.filename, seg_filename), "w"); foreach (docseg; doc_html[seg_filename]) { f.writeln(docseg); } foreach (docseg; doc_html_endnotes[seg_filename]) { f.writeln(docseg); } f.writeln(xhtml_format.tail(doc_matters)); } if (!exists(pth_html.fn_seg(doc_matters.src.filename, "index"))) { symlink("./toc.html", (pth_html.fn_seg(doc_matters.src.filename, "index"))); } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // handle error } if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt0) { writeln(" ", pth_html.fn_seg(doc_matters.src.filename, "toc")); } } @safe void css(M)(M doc_matters) { auto css = spineCss(doc_matters); auto pth_html = spinePathsHTML!()(doc_matters.output_path, doc_matters.src.language); try { if (!exists(pth_html.css)) { (pth_html.css).mkdirRecurse; } { auto f = File(pth_html.fn_seg_css, "w"); f.writeln(css.html_seg); f = File(pth_html.fn_scroll_css, "w"); f.writeln(css.html_scroll); } if (!exists(pth_html.css ~ "/index.html")) { import doc_reform.io_out.html_snippet; mixin htmlSnippet; auto f = File(pth_html.css ~"/index.html", "w"); f.writeln(format_html_blank_page_guide_home( "./css/html_scroll.css", "https://sisudoc.org", "../index.html", )); } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } } @trusted void images_cp(M)( // @system M doc_matters, ) { { /+ (copy html images) +/ auto pth_html = spinePathsHTML!()(doc_matters.output_path, doc_matters.src.language); if (!exists(pth_html.image)) { pth_html.image.mkdirRecurse; } foreach (image; doc_matters.srcs.image_list) { auto fn_src_in = doc_matters.src.image_dir_path ~ "/" ~ image; auto fn_src_out = pth_html.image ~ "/" ~ image; debug(images_html) { writeln(fn_src_in, " -> ", fn_src_out); } if (exists(fn_src_in)) { fn_src_in.copy(fn_src_out); } else { if (doc_matters.opt.action.vox_gt0) { writeln("WARNING image not found: ", fn_src_in); } } } if (!exists(pth_html.image ~ "/index.html")) { import doc_reform.io_out.html_snippet; mixin htmlSnippet; auto f = File(pth_html.image ~"/index.html", "w"); f.writeln(format_html_blank_page_guide_home( "../css/html_scroll.css", "https://sisudoc.org", "../index.html", )); } } } }