/++ default settings +/ module doc_reform.output.paths_output; import std.array, std.path, std.regex, std.stdio; import doc_reform.meta.rgx; template DocReformOutPaths() { auto DocReformOutPaths(Po,Lng)( Po output_pth_root, Lng lng = "", ) { struct _PathsStruct { string output_root() { return (output_pth_root.length > 0) ? output_pth_root : ""; } string output_base() { return asNormalizedPath(output_root.chainPath(lng)).array; } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformOutPathSQLite() { auto DocReformOutPathSQLite(Po)( Po output_pth_root, ) { struct _PathsStruct { string output_root() { return (output_pth_root.length > 0) ? output_pth_root : ""; } string output_base() { return asNormalizedPath(output_root).array; } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformOutPathsFnPd() { /+ TODO stuff to work out here +/ auto DocReformOutPathsFnPd(Fn,Pn)( Fn fn_src_pth, Pn pod_name_with_path ) { struct _PathsStruct { string base_filename() { return fn_src_pth.baseName.stripExtension; } string base_pod_and_filename() { // TODO /+ - if pod, - pod_name - file_name - if pod_name == file_name - file_name - else if pod_name != file_name - pod_name.file_name +/ string _fn_src = fn_src_pth.baseName.stripExtension; string _output_base_name; if (!(pod_name_with_path.empty)) { if (pod_name_with_path == _fn_src) { _output_base_name = _fn_src; } else { _output_base_name = pod_name_with_path ~ "." ~ _fn_src; } } else { _output_base_name = _fn_src; } return _output_base_name; } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformPathsUrl() { import std.format; mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformPathsUrl(M)(M doc_matters) { struct _UrlPathsStruct { string doc_root() { string _doc_root = (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.webserv_url_doc_path.length > 0) ? doc_matters.conf_make_meta.conf.webserv_url_doc_root : "file://" ~ doc_matters.output_path; return _doc_root; } string html_seg(string html_segname, string obj_id) { // TODO bespoke for sqlite string _url = format(q"ā”ƒ%s/%s/html/%s/%s.html#%sā”ƒ", doc_root, doc_matters.src.language, doc_matters.src.filename_base, html_segname, obj_id ); if (html_segname.empty || obj_id.empty) { if ( doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do && doc_matters.opt.action.verbose ) { writeln("sqlite object missing segname or object id: ", _url); } _url = ""; } return _url; } } return _UrlPathsStruct(); } } template DocReformDocRootTreeHTML() { mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformDocRootTreeHTML(Lng)(Lng lng) { auto lng_pth = DocReformOutPaths!()("", lng); string base_dir = "html"; string suffix = ".html"; struct _PathsStruct { string base_filename(string fn_src) { return fn_src.baseName.stripExtension; } string base_filename_scroll(string fn_src) { return base_filename(fn_src) ~ "." ~ lng; } string base_filename_seg(string fn_src) { return base_filename(fn_src) ~ "." ~ lng; } string docroot() { return asNormalizedPath(lng_pth.output_root).array; } string base() { return asNormalizedPath((lng).chainPath(base_dir)).array; } string image() { return asNormalizedPath("image").array; } string css() { return asNormalizedPath("css").array; } string fn_seg_css() { return asNormalizedPath(css.chainPath("html_seg.css")).array; } string fn_scroll_css() { return asNormalizedPath(css.chainPath("html_scroll.css")).array; } string seg(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(base.chainPath(base_filename_seg(fn_src))).array; } string fn_scroll(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(base.chainPath(base_filename_scroll(fn_src) ~ suffix)).array; } string fn_seg(string fn_src, string seg_filename) { return asNormalizedPath(seg(fn_src).chainPath(seg_filename ~ suffix)).array; } string tail_seg(string fn_src) { return lng ~ "/html/" ~ base_filename_seg(fn_src); } string tail_fn_scroll(string fn_src) { return lng ~ "/html/" ~ base_filename_scroll(fn_src) ~ suffix; } string tail_fn_seg(string fn_src, string seg_filename) { return lng ~ "/html/" ~ seg(fn_src) ~ "/" ~ seg_filename ~ suffix; } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformPathsHTML() { mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformPathsHTML(Po,Lng)( Po root_pth, Lng lng, ) { auto doc_tree = DocReformDocRootTreeHTML!()(lng); string base_dir = "html"; string suffix = ".html"; struct _PathsStruct { string docroot() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.docroot)).array; } string harvest(string fn_harvest) { return docroot ~ "/" ~ fn_harvest; } string base() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.base)).array; } string image() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.image)).array; } string css() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.css)).array; } string fn_seg_css() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.fn_seg_css)).array; } string fn_scroll_css() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.fn_scroll_css)).array; } string seg(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.seg(fn_src))).array; } string fn_scroll(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.fn_scroll(fn_src))).array; } string fn_seg(string fn_src, string seg_filename) { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.fn_seg(fn_src, seg_filename))).array; } string tail_seg(string fn_src) { return doc_tree.tail_seg(fn_src); } string tail_fn_scroll(string fn_src) { return doc_tree.tail_fn_scroll(fn_src); } string tail_fn_seg(string fn_src, string seg_filename) { return doc_tree.tail_fn_seg(fn_src, seg_filename); } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformUrlPathsHTML() { mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformUrlPathsHTML(Po,Lng)( Po root_pth, Lng lng, ) { auto doc_tree = DocReformDocRootTreeHTML!()(lng); string base_dir = "html"; string suffix = ".html"; struct _PathsStruct { string docroot() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.docroot)).array; } string harvest(string fn_harvest) { return docroot ~ "/" ~ fn_harvest; } string base() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.base)).array; } string image() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.image)).array; } string css() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.css)).array; } string fn_seg_css() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.fn_seg_css)).array; } string fn_scroll_css() { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.fn_scroll_css)).array; } string seg(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.seg(fn_src))).array; } string fn_scroll(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.fn_scroll(fn_src))).array; } string fn_seg(string fn_src, string seg_filename) { return asNormalizedPath(root_pth.chainPath(doc_tree.fn_seg(fn_src, seg_filename))).array; } string tail_seg(string fn_src) { return doc_tree.tail_seg(fn_src); } string tail_fn_scroll(string fn_src) { return doc_tree.tail_fn_scroll(fn_src); } string tail_fn_seg(string fn_src, string seg_filename) { return doc_tree.tail_fn_seg(fn_src, seg_filename); } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformPathsEPUB() { mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformPathsEPUB(Po,Lng)( Po output_pth_root, Lng lng, ) { auto out_pth = DocReformOutPaths!()(output_pth_root, lng); string base_dir = "epub"; struct _PathsStruct { string base() { return asNormalizedPath((out_pth.output_base).chainPath(base_dir)).array; } string base_filename(string fn_src) { return fn_src.baseName.stripExtension ~ "." ~ lng; } string epub_file(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(base.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src) ~ ".epub")).array; } string dirtop() { return "".chainPath("").array; } string doc_meta_inf(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(dirtop.chainPath("META-INF")).array; } string doc_oebps(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(dirtop.chainPath("OEBPS")).array; } string doc_oebps_css(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("css")).array; } string doc_oebps_image(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("image")).array; } string fn_mimetypes(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(dirtop.chainPath("mimetypes")).array; } string fn_dmi_container_xml(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(doc_meta_inf(fn_src).chainPath("container.xml")).array; } string fn_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("toc_nav.xhtml")).array; } string fn_oebps_toc_ncx(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("toc.ncx")).array; } string fn_oebps_content_opf(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("content.opf")).array; } string fn_oebps_content_xhtml(string fn_src, string seg_filename) { return asNormalizedPath(doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath(seg_filename ~ ".xhtml")).array; } string fn_oebps_css(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(doc_oebps_css(fn_src).chainPath("epub.css")).array; } /+ debug +/ string dbg_docdir(string fn_src) { return base.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src)).array; } string dbg_docdir_oebps(string fn_src) { return dbg_docdir(fn_src).chainPath("OEBPS").array; } string dbg_doc_meta_inf(string fn_src) { return dbg_docdir(fn_src).chainPath("META-INF").array; } string dbg_doc_oebps(string fn_src) { return dbg_docdir(fn_src).chainPath("OEBPS").array; } string dbg_doc_oebps_css(string fn_src) { return dbg_doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("css").array; } string dbg_doc_oebps_image(string fn_src) { return dbg_doc_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("image").array; } string dbg_fn_mimetypes(string fn_src) { return dbg_docdir(fn_src).chainPath("mimetypes").array; } string dbg_fn_dmi_container_xml(string fn_src) { return dbg_doc_meta_inf(fn_src).chainPath("container.xml").array; } string dbg_fn_oebps_toc_nav_xhtml(string fn_src) { return dbg_docdir_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("toc_nav.xhtml").array; } string dbg_fn_oebps_toc_ncx(string fn_src) { return dbg_docdir_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("toc.ncx").array; } string dbg_fn_oebps_content_opf(string fn_src) { return dbg_docdir_oebps(fn_src).chainPath("content.opf").array; } string dbg_fn_oebps_content_xhtml(string fn_src, string seg_filename) { return dbg_docdir_oebps(fn_src).chainPath(seg_filename ~ ".xhtml").array; } string dbg_fn_oebps_css(string fn_src) { return dbg_doc_oebps_css(fn_src).chainPath("epub.css").array; } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformPathsODT() { mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformPathsODT(M)( M doc_matters, ) { auto out_pth = DocReformOutPaths!()( doc_matters.output_path, doc_matters.src.language); string base_dir = "odf"; struct _PathsStruct { string base_pth() { // dir will contain odt document file (also debug file tree) return asNormalizedPath((out_pth.output_base).chainPath(base_dir)).array; } string odt_file() { return asNormalizedPath(base_pth.chainPath(doc_matters.src.doc_uid_out ~ ".odt")).array; } string dirtop(string type) { return (type == "zip") ? "".chainPath("").array : asNormalizedPath(base_pth.chainPath(doc_matters.src.doc_uid_out)).array; } string mimetype(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(dirtop(type).chainPath("mimetype")).array; } string manifest_rdf(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(dirtop(type).chainPath("manifest.rdf")).array; } string settings_xml(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(dirtop(type).chainPath("settings.xml")).array; } string styles_xml(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(dirtop(type).chainPath("styles.xml")).array; } string image_dir(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(dirtop(type).chainPath("Pictures")).array; } string image(string image_fn_src, string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(image_dir(type).chainPath(image_fn_src)).array; } string content_xml(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(dirtop(type).chainPath("content.xml")).array; } string meta_inf_dir(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(dirtop(type).chainPath("META-INF")).array; } string manifest_xml(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(meta_inf_dir(type).chainPath("manifest.xml")).array; } string meta_xml(string type="fs") { assert(type == "zip" || "fs"); return asNormalizedPath(dirtop(type).chainPath("meta.xml")).array; } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformPathsLaTeX() { mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformPathsLaTeX(M)( M doc_matters, ) { struct _PathsStruct { string base_filename(string fn_src) { return fn_src.baseName.stripExtension; } string base() { auto out_pth = DocReformOutPaths!()(doc_matters.output_path, doc_matters.src.language); string base_dir = "latex"; return asNormalizedPath((out_pth.output_root).chainPath(base_dir)).array; } string latex_path_stuff() { return asNormalizedPath(base.chainPath(base_filename(doc_matters.src.filename))).array; } string latex_file_with_path() { return asNormalizedPath(base.chainPath(base_filename(doc_matters.src.filename) ~ "." ~ doc_matters.src.language ~ ".tex")).array; } string images() { string image_dir = "image"; return asNormalizedPath((base).chainPath(image_dir)).array; } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformPathsSQLiteDiscrete() { mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformPathsSQLiteDiscrete(Po,Lng)( Po output_pth_root, Lng lng, ) { struct _PathsStruct { string base_filename(string fn_src) { return fn_src.baseName.stripExtension; } string base() { auto out_pth = DocReformOutPaths!()(output_pth_root, lng); string base_dir = "sqlite"; return asNormalizedPath((out_pth.output_base).chainPath(base_dir)).array; } string seg(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(base.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src))).array; } string sqlite_file(string fn_src) { return asNormalizedPath(base.chainPath(base_filename(fn_src) ~ ".sql.db")).array; } } return _PathsStruct(); } } template DocReformPathsSQLite() { mixin DocReformRgxInit; static auto rgx = Rgx(); auto DocReformPathsSQLite(DbN, Po)( DbN db_name, Po output_pth_root, ) { struct _PathsStruct { string base_filename(string fn_src) { return fn_src.baseName.stripExtension; } string base() { auto out_pth = DocReformOutPathSQLite!()(output_pth_root); // decide whether to have separate files for each language string base_dir = "sqlite"; return asNormalizedPath((out_pth.output_root).chainPath(base_dir)).array; } string sqlite_file() { return asNormalizedPath(base.chainPath(base_filename(db_name) ~ ".sql.db")).array; } } return _PathsStruct(); } }