module doc_reform.output.xmls; template outputXHTMLs() { import doc_reform.output; import std.digest.sha, std.file, std.outbuffer, std.uri,, std.conv : to; import doc_reform.output.create_zip_file, doc_reform.output.xmls, doc_reform.output.xmls_css; mixin DocReformOutputRgxInit; struct outputXHTMLs { static auto rgx = Rgx(); string div_delimit( string part, return ref string previous_part ){ string delimit = ""; string delimit_ = ""; if (part != previous_part) { switch (part) { case "head": delimit_ ~= "\n
\n" ; break; case "toc": delimit_ ~= "\n
\n" ; break; case "bookindex": delimit_ ~= "\n
\n" ; break; default: delimit_ ~= "\n
\n" ; break; } if (previous_part.length > 0) { delimit ~= "\n
"; } previous_part = part; delimit ~= delimit_; } // you also need to close the last div, introduce a footer? return delimit; } string special_characters_text(string _txt){ _txt = _txt .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_ampersand, "&") .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_quotation, """) .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_less_than, "<") .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_greater_than, ">") .replaceAll(rgx.nbsp_char, " "); return _txt; } string special_characters(O)( const O obj, ){ string _txt = special_characters_text(obj.text); if (!(obj.metainfo.is_a == "code")) { _txt = (_txt) .replaceAll(rgx.xhtml_line_break, "
"); } return _txt; } string font_face(string _txt){ _txt = _txt .replaceAll(rgx.inline_emphasis, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_bold, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_underscore, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_italics, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_superscript, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_subscript, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_strike, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_insert, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_mono, ("$1")) .replaceAll(rgx.inline_cite, ("$1")); return _txt; } string _xhtml_anchor_tags(O)(O obj) { const(string[]) anchor_tags = obj.tags.anchor_tags; string tags=""; if (anchor_tags.length > 0) { foreach (tag; anchor_tags) { if (!(tag.empty)) { tags ~= ""; } } } return tags; } auto header_metadata(M)( M doc_matters, ) { string _publisher="Publisher"; // TODO string o; o = format(q"┃ ┃", doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_full, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author, _publisher, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_published, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_created, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_issued, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_available, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_valid, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_modified, doc_matters.src.language, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright, doc_matters.opt.action.debug_do ? "" : doc_matters.generator_program.name_and_version, doc_matters.generator_program.url_home, ); return o; } auto site_info_button(M)( M doc_matters, ) { string _locations; if (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.make.home_button_text.length > 0) { _locations = (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.make.home_button_text) .replaceAll( rgx.inline_link, ("


")) .replaceAll( rgx.br_line, "") .replaceAll( rgx.br_nl, ""); } else { _locations = "



sources / git


"; } string o; o = format(q"┃
┃", _locations, ); return o; } auto inline_search_form(M)( M doc_matters, ) { string _action=""; string _db="DocReform.7a.manual"; string o; string _form; if (doc_matters.opt.action.workon) { _form = format(q"┃

┃", _action, _db, ); } else { _form = format(q"┃%s┃", "", ); } o = format(q"┃
┃", _form, ); return o; } auto html_head(M)( M doc_matters, string type, ) { string _manifest = ""; if (doc_matters.opt.action.workon) { _manifest = format(q"┃ [ document manifest ] ┃", ); } string o; o = format(q"┃ %s%s %s
%s%s┃", doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_full, (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author.empty) ? "" : ", " ~ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author, header_metadata(doc_matters), ((type == "seg") ? "../../../" : "../../") ~ "image/rb7.ico", ((type == "seg") ? "../../../css/html_seg.css" : "../../css/html_scroll.css"), doc_matters.src.language, site_info_button(doc_matters), _manifest, inline_search_form(doc_matters), ((type == "seg") ? "" : "\n
"), ); return o; } auto epub3_seg_head(M)( M doc_matters, ) { string html_base = format(q"┃ ┃", ); string html_simple = format(q"┃ ┃", doc_matters.src.language, doc_matters.src.language, ); string html_strict = format(q"┃ ┃", doc_matters.src.language, doc_matters.src.language, ); string o; o = format(q"┃%s %s%s ┃", html_simple, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_full, (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author.empty) ? "" : ", " ~ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.title_full, (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author.empty) ? "" : ", " ~ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_published, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_created, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_issued, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_available, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_valid, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.date_modified, doc_matters.src.language, doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright, doc_matters.generator_program.name_and_version, doc_matters.generator_program.url_home, doc_matters.src.language, ); return o; } auto tail() { string o; o = format(q"┃ ┃"); return o; } auto inline_images(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "seg", ) { string _img_pth; if (_xml_type == "epub") { _img_pth = "image/"; } else if (_xml_type == "scroll") { _img_pth = "../../image/"; } else if (_xml_type == "seg") { _img_pth = "../../../image/"; } if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_image)) { _txt = _txt .replaceAll(rgx.inline_image, ("$1 $6")) .replaceAll( rgx.inline_link_empty, ("$1")); } return _txt; } auto inline_links(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "seg", ) { string seg_lvs; if (obj.has.inline_links) { if (obj.metainfo.is_a != "code") { _txt = replaceAll!(m => m[1] ~ "┤" ~ to!string(([m[2].to!ulong])).encode ~ "├" )(_txt, rgx.inline_link_number_only); } if ((_txt.match(rgx.mark_internal_site_lnk)) && (_xml_type == "scroll")) { // conditions reversed to avoid: gdc compiled program run segfault _txt = _txt.replaceAll( rgx.inline_seg_link, "$1"); } if (_xml_type == "seg" || _xml_type == "epub") { seg_lvs = (_xml_type == "epub") ? "seg_lv1_to_4" : "seg_lv4"; foreach (m; _txt.match(rgx.inline_link_hash)) { if (m.captures[3] in doc_matters.xml.tag_associations) { if ( m.captures[3] == doc_matters.xml.tag_associations[(m.captures[3])][seg_lvs] ) { _txt = _txt.replaceFirst( rgx.inline_link_hash, "┥$1┝┤$3" ~ _suffix ~ "├" ); } else { _txt = _txt.replaceFirst( rgx.inline_link_hash, "┥$1┝┤" ~ doc_matters.xml.tag_associations[(m.captures[3])][seg_lvs] ~ _suffix ~ "#" ~ "$3" ~ "├" ); } } else { if (!(doc_matters.opt.action.quiet)) { writeln( "WARNING on internal document links, anchor to link <<" ~ m.captures[3] ~ ">> not found in document, " ~ "anchor: " ~ m.captures[3] ~ " document: " ~ doc_matters.src.filename ); } } } } _txt = _txt .replaceAll( rgx.inline_link_fn_suffix, ("$1" ~ _suffix)) .replaceAll( rgx.inline_link, ("$1")) .replaceAll( rgx.mark_internal_site_lnk, ""); } debug(markup_links) { if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_link)) { writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup link identified (", obj.has.inline_links, "): ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.text ); } } debug(markup) { if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_link)) { writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup link identified (", obj.has.inline_links, "): ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.text ); } } return _txt; } auto inline_notes_scroll(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, ) { if (obj.has.inline_notes_reg) { _txt = font_face(_txt); _txt = _txt.replaceAll( rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note, (" $1 ") ); } debug(markup_endnotes) { if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note)) { writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup endnote: ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.text); } } debug(markup) { if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note)) { writeln(__LINE__, " (missed) markup endnote: ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.text); } } return _txt; } auto inline_notes_seg(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, ) { string[] _endnotes; if (obj.has.inline_notes_reg) { _txt = font_face(_txt); /+ need markup for text, and separated footnote +/ foreach(m; _txt.matchAll(rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note)) { _endnotes ~= format( "%s%s%s%s\n %s%s%s%s%s\n %s\n%s", "

", "", " ", m.captures[1], ".", m.captures[2], "

" ); } _txt = _txt.replaceAll( rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note, (" $1 ") ); } else if (_txt.match(rgx.inline_notes_al_regular_number_note)) { debug(markup) { writeln(__LINE__, " endnote: ", obj.metainfo.is_a, ": ", obj.text); } } auto t = tuple( _txt, _endnotes, ); return t; } auto inline_markup_scroll(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", ) { if (obj.metainfo.dummy_heading && (obj.metainfo.is_a == "toc" || obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading")) { _txt = ""; } else { _txt = inline_images(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, "scroll"); _txt = inline_links(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, "scroll"); _txt = inline_notes_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters); } return _txt; } auto inline_markup_seg(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "seg", ) { if (obj.metainfo.dummy_heading && ((_xml_type == "epub" && (obj.metainfo.is_a == "toc" || obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading")) || obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading") ) { _txt = ""; } else { _txt = inline_images(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, _xml_type); // TODO _txt = inline_links(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, _xml_type); // TODO } auto t = inline_notes_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters); return t; } string lev4_heading_subtoc(O,M)( const O obj, M doc_matters, ) { char[] lev4_subtoc; lev4_subtoc ~= "
\n"; foreach (subtoc; obj.tags.lev4_subtoc) { if (auto m = subtoc.match(rgx.inline_link_subtoc)) { auto indent = (m.captures[1].to!int - 3).to!string; // css assumptions based on use of em for left margin & indent auto text = m.captures[2].to!string; text = font_face(text); auto link = m.captures[3].to!string; lev4_subtoc ~= subtoc.replaceFirst(rgx.inline_link_subtoc, format(q"┃

۰ %s

┃", indent, indent, link, text, )); } } lev4_subtoc ~= "
\n"; return!string; } auto nav_pre_next_svg(O,M)( const O obj, M doc_matters, ) { string prev, next, toc; if (obj.tags.segment_anchor_tag_epub == "toc") { toc = ""; prev = ""; } else { toc = format(q"┃ ┃", ); } if (obj.tags.segname_prev == "") { prev = ""; } else { prev = format(q"┃ ┃", obj.tags.segname_prev, ); } if (obj.tags.segname_next == "") { next = ""; } else { next = format(q"┃ ┃", obj.tags.segname_next, ); } string _toc_pre_next = format(q"┃
┃", toc, prev, next, ); string _pre_next = format(q"┃
┃", prev, next, ); struct bar { string toc_pre_next() { return _toc_pre_next; } string pre_next() { return _pre_next; } } return bar(); } auto heading(O)( string _txt, const O obj, string _xml_type = "html", ) { assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body" || "frontmatter" || "backmatter"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "para"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "heading"); auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); string heading_lev_anchor_tag; string _horizontal_rule = "
"; if ((_xml_type != "html") || (obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup == 0 || obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup > 4)) { _horizontal_rule = ""; } _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; heading_lev_anchor_tag = (obj.tags.heading_lev_anchor_tag.empty) ? "" : ""; if (_txt.empty) { o = format(q"┃%s ┃", _horizontal_rule, ); } else if (!(obj.metainfo.identifier.empty)) { o = format(q"┃%s
%s%s %s
┃", _horizontal_rule, obj.metainfo.identifier, (obj.metainfo.object_number.empty) ? "" : obj.metainfo.identifier, obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup, obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.metainfo.identifier, obj.metainfo.identifier, tags, heading_lev_anchor_tag, _txt, obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup, ); } else { o = format(q"┃%s
%s%s %s
┃", _horizontal_rule, obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup, obj.metainfo.is_a, tags, heading_lev_anchor_tag, _txt, obj.metainfo.heading_lev_markup, ); } return o; } auto heading_scroll(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix); string o = heading(_txt, obj); return o; } auto heading_seg(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, _xml_type); _txt = t[0]; string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = heading(_txt, obj, _xml_type); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } auto para(O)( string _txt, const O obj, ) { assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body" || "frontmatter" || "backmatter"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "para"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "para" || "toc" || "endnotes" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; _txt = (obj.attrib.bullet) ? ("●  " ~ _txt) : _txt; _txt = _txt.replaceFirst(rgx.inline_link_anchor, ""); if (!(obj.metainfo.identifier.empty)) { o = format(q"┃

%s %s

┃", obj.metainfo.identifier, (obj.metainfo.object_number.empty) ? "" : obj.metainfo.identifier, obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.attrib.indent_hang, obj.attrib.indent_base, obj.metainfo.identifier, tags, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"┃

%s %s

┃", obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.attrib.indent_hang, obj.attrib.indent_base, tags, _txt ); } return o; } auto para_scroll(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix); string o = para(_txt, obj); return o; } auto para_seg(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, _xml_type); _txt = t[0].to!string; string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = para(_txt, obj); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } auto quote(O)( string _txt, const O obj, ) { assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "quote"); _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (!(obj.metainfo.identifier.empty)) { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.identifier, (obj.metainfo.object_number.empty) ? "" : obj.metainfo.identifier, obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.metainfo.identifier, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.is_a, _txt ); } return o; } auto quote_scroll(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix); string o = quote(_txt, obj); return o; } auto quote_seg(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, _xml_type); _txt = t[0].to!string; string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = quote(_txt, obj); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } auto group(O)( string _txt, const O obj, ) { assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "group"); _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (!(obj.metainfo.identifier.empty)) { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.identifier, (obj.metainfo.object_number.empty) ? "" : obj.metainfo.identifier, obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.metainfo.identifier, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.is_a, _txt ); } return o; } auto group_scroll(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix); string o = group(_txt, obj); return o; } auto group_seg(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, _xml_type); _txt = t[0].to!string; string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = group(_txt, obj); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } auto block(O)( string _txt, const O obj, ) { assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "block"); _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (!(obj.metainfo.identifier.empty)) { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.identifier, (obj.metainfo.object_number.empty) ? "" : obj.metainfo.identifier, obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.metainfo.identifier, _txt.stripRight ); } else { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.is_a, _txt.stripRight ); } return o; } auto block_scroll(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix); string o = block(_txt, obj); return o; } auto block_seg(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, _xml_type); _txt = t[0].to!string; string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = block(_txt, obj); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } auto verse(O)( string _txt, const O obj, ) { assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body" || "glossary" || "bibliography" || "bookindex" || "blurb"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "verse"); _txt = font_face(_txt); string o; if (!(obj.metainfo.identifier.empty)) { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.identifier, (obj.metainfo.object_number.empty) ? "" : obj.metainfo.identifier, obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.metainfo.identifier, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.is_a, _txt ); } return o; } auto verse_scroll(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); _txt = inline_markup_scroll(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix); string o = verse(_txt, obj); return o; } auto verse_seg(O,M)( string _txt, const O obj, M doc_matters, string _suffix = ".html", string _xml_type = "html", ) { auto t = inline_markup_seg(_txt, obj, doc_matters, _suffix, _xml_type); _txt = t[0].to!string; string[] _endnotes = t[1]; string o = verse(_txt, obj); auto u = tuple( o, _endnotes, ); return u; } auto tablarize(O)( string _txt, const O obj, ) { string[] _table_rows = (_txt).split(rgx.table_delimiter_row); string[] _table_cols; string _table; string _tablenote; foreach(row_idx, row; _table_rows) { _table_cols = row.split(rgx.table_delimiter_col); _table ~= ""; foreach(col_idx, cell; _table_cols) { if ((_table_cols.length == 1) && (_table_rows.length <= row_idx+2)) { _tablenote ~= cell; } else { string _col_is = (row_idx == 0 && obj.table.heading) ? "th" : "td"; string _align = ("style=\"text-align:" ~ ((obj.table.column_aligns[col_idx] == "l") ? "left\"" : "right\"")); _table ~= "<" ~ _col_is ~ " width=\"" ~ obj.table.column_widths[col_idx].to!string ~ "%\" " ~ _align ~ ">"; _table ~= cell; _table ~= ""; } } _table ~= ""; } auto t = tuple( _table, _tablenote, ); return t; } auto table(O)( string _txt, const O obj, ) { assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "table"); auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj); _txt = font_face(_txt); auto t = tablarize(_txt, obj); _txt = t[0]; string _note = t[1]; string o; o = format(q"┃

%s %s

┃", obj.metainfo.object_number, obj.metainfo.object_number, obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.metainfo.object_number, tags, _txt, _note ); return o; } auto code(O)( string _txt, const O obj, ) { assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_part == "body"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_section == "body"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_of_type == "block"); assert(obj.metainfo.is_a == "code"); string o; if (!(obj.metainfo.identifier.empty)) { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.identifier, (obj.metainfo.object_number.empty) ? "" : obj.metainfo.identifier, obj.metainfo.is_a, obj.metainfo.identifier, _txt ); } else { o = format(q"┃


┃", obj.metainfo.is_a, _txt ); } return o; } } }