# Getting started Welcome to D:YAML\! D:YAML is a [YAML](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML) parser library for the [D programming language](http://dlang.org). This tutorial will explain how to set D:YAML up and use it in your projects. This is meant to be the **simplest possible** introduction to D:YAML. Some of this information might already be known to you. Only basic usage is covered. ## Setting up ### Install the DMD compiler Digital Mars D compiler, or DMD, is the most commonly used D compiler. You can find its newest version [here](http://dlang.org/download.html). Download the version of DMD for your operating system and install it. Note: Other D compilers exist, such as [GDC](http://gdcproject.org/) and [LDC](https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc). ## Your first D:YAML project First, create a directory for your project and navigate to that directory using your preferred command line. Then simply execute these two commands: dub init dub add dyaml In that directory, create a new file named `input.yaml` and paste this data into the file: ```YAML Hello World : [Hello, World] Answer: 42 ``` This will serve as input for our example. Now we need to parse it. Open the file named `source/app.d` and paste the following code into the file: ```D import std.stdio; import dyaml; void main() { //Read the input. Node root = Loader.fromFile("input.yaml").load(); //Display the data read. foreach(string word; root["Hello World"]) { writeln(word); } writeln("The answer is ", root["Answer"].as!int); //Dump the loaded document to output.yaml. dumper.dump(File("output.yaml", "w").lockingTextWriter, root); } ``` ### Explanation of the code First, we import the *dyaml* module. This is the only D:YAML module you need to import - it automatically imports all needed modules. Next we load the file using the *Loader.fromFile().load()* method. *Loader* is a struct used for parsing YAML documents. The *fromFile()* method loads the document from a file. The *load()* method loads the file as **one** YAML document, or throws *YAMLException*, D:YAML exception type, if the file could not be parsed or contains more than one document. Note that we don't do any error checking here in order to keep the example as simple as possible. *Node* represents a node in a YAML document. It can be a sequence (array), mapping (associative array) or a scalar (value). Here the root node is a mapping, and we use the index operator to get subnodes with keys "Hello World" and "Answer". We iterate over the former, as it is a sequence, and use the *Node.as()* method on the latter to read its value as an integer. You can iterate over a mapping or sequence as if it was an associative or normal array, respectively. If you try to iterate over a scalar, it will throw a *YAMLException*. You can iterate using *Node* as the iterated type, or specify the type iterated nodes are expected to have. D:YAML will automatically convert to that type if possible. Here we specify the *string* type, so we iterate over the "Hello World" sequence as an array of strings. If it is not possible to convert to iterated type, a *YAMLException* is thrown. For instance, if we specified *int* here, we would get an error, as "Hello" cannot be converted to an integer. The *Node.as()* method is used to read value of a scalar node as specified type. If the scalar does not have the specified type, D:YAML will try to convert it, throwing *YAMLException* if not possible. Finally we dump the document we just read to `output.yaml` with the *Dumper.dump()* method. *Dumper* is a struct used to dump YAML documents. *dumper()* returns a *Dumper* with the default setting. The *dump()* method writes one or more documents to a range, throwing *YAMLException* if it could not be written to. D:YAML tries to preserve style information in documents so e.g. `[Hello, World]` is not turned into: ```YAML - Hello - World ``` However, comments are not preserved and neither are any extra formatting whitespace that doesn't affect the meaning of YAML contents. ### Compiling Run the following command in your project's directory: dub build DUB will automatically download D:YAML and compile it, and then it will compile our program. This will generate an executable called `getting-started` or `getting-started.exe` in your directory. When you run it, it should produce the following output: Hello World The answer is 42 You may also run ```dub run``` to combine the compile+run steps. ### Conclusion You should now have a basic idea about how to use D:YAML. To learn more, look at the [API documentation](https://dyaml.dpldocs.info/dyaml.html) and other tutorials. You can find code for this example in the `example/getting_started` directory in the package.