// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /** * Class that processes YAML mappings, sequences and scalars into nodes. * This can be used to add custom data types. A tutorial can be found * $(LINK2 https://dlang-community.github.io/D-YAML/, here). */ module dyaml.constructor; import std.array; import std.algorithm; import std.base64; import std.container; import std.conv; import std.datetime; import std.exception; import std.regex; import std.string; import std.typecons; import std.utf; import dyaml.node; import dyaml.exception; import dyaml.style; package: // Exception thrown at constructor errors. class ConstructorException : YAMLException { /// Construct a ConstructorException. /// /// Params: msg = Error message. /// start = Start position of the error context. /// end = End position of the error context. this(string msg, Mark start, Mark end, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) @safe pure nothrow { super(msg ~ "\nstart: " ~ start.toString() ~ "\nend: " ~ end.toString(), file, line); } } /** Constructs YAML values. * * Each YAML scalar, sequence or mapping has a tag specifying its data type. * Constructor uses user-specifyable functions to create a node of desired * data type from a scalar, sequence or mapping. * * * Each of these functions is associated with a tag, and can process either * a scalar, a sequence, or a mapping. The constructor passes each value to * the function with corresponding tag, which then returns the resulting value * that can be stored in a node. * * If a tag is detected with no known constructor function, it is considered an error. */ /* * Construct a node. * * Params: start = Start position of the node. * end = End position of the node. * tag = Tag (data type) of the node. * value = Value to construct node from (string, nodes or pairs). * style = Style of the node (scalar or collection style). * * Returns: Constructed node. */ Node constructNode(T)(const Mark start, const Mark end, const string tag, T value) @safe if((is(T : string) || is(T == Node[]) || is(T == Node.Pair[]))) { Node newNode; try { switch(tag) { case "tag:yaml.org,2002:null": newNode = Node(YAMLNull(), tag); break; case "tag:yaml.org,2002:bool": static if(is(T == string)) { newNode = Node(constructBool(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only scalars can be bools"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:int": static if(is(T == string)) { newNode = Node(constructLong(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only scalars can be ints"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:float": static if(is(T == string)) { newNode = Node(constructReal(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only scalars can be floats"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:binary": static if(is(T == string)) { newNode = Node(constructBinary(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only scalars can be binary data"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp": static if(is(T == string)) { newNode = Node(constructTimestamp(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only scalars can be timestamps"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:str": static if(is(T == string)) { newNode = Node(constructString(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only scalars can be strings"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:value": static if(is(T == string)) { newNode = Node(constructString(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only scalars can be values"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:omap": static if(is(T == Node[])) { newNode = Node(constructOrderedMap(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only sequences can be ordered maps"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs": static if(is(T == Node[])) { newNode = Node(constructPairs(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only sequences can be pairs"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:set": static if(is(T == Node.Pair[])) { newNode = Node(constructSet(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only mappings can be sets"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:seq": static if(is(T == Node[])) { newNode = Node(constructSequence(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only sequences can be sequences"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:map": static if(is(T == Node.Pair[])) { newNode = Node(constructMap(value), tag); break; } else throw new Exception("Only mappings can be maps"); case "tag:yaml.org,2002:merge": newNode = Node(YAMLMerge(), tag); break; default: newNode = Node(value, tag); break; } } catch(Exception e) { throw new ConstructorException("Error constructing " ~ typeid(T).toString() ~ ":\n" ~ e.msg, start, end); } newNode.startMark_ = start; return newNode; } private: // Construct a boolean _node. bool constructBool(const string str) @safe { string value = str.toLower(); if(value.among!("yes", "true", "on")){return true;} if(value.among!("no", "false", "off")){return false;} throw new Exception("Unable to parse boolean value: " ~ value); } // Construct an integer (long) _node. long constructLong(const string str) @safe { string value = str.replace("_", ""); const char c = value[0]; const long sign = c != '-' ? 1 : -1; if(c == '-' || c == '+') { value = value[1 .. $]; } enforce(value != "", new Exception("Unable to parse float value: " ~ value)); long result; try { //Zero. if(value == "0") {result = cast(long)0;} //Binary. else if(value.startsWith("0b")){result = sign * to!int(value[2 .. $], 2);} //Hexadecimal. else if(value.startsWith("0x")){result = sign * to!int(value[2 .. $], 16);} //Octal. else if(value[0] == '0') {result = sign * to!int(value, 8);} //Sexagesimal. else if(value.canFind(":")) { long val; long base = 1; foreach_reverse(digit; value.split(":")) { val += to!long(digit) * base; base *= 60; } result = sign * val; } //Decimal. else{result = sign * to!long(value);} } catch(ConvException e) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse integer value: " ~ value); } return result; } @safe unittest { string canonical = "685230"; string decimal = "+685_230"; string octal = "02472256"; string hexadecimal = "0x_0A_74_AE"; string binary = "0b1010_0111_0100_1010_1110"; string sexagesimal = "190:20:30"; assert(685230 == constructLong(canonical)); assert(685230 == constructLong(decimal)); assert(685230 == constructLong(octal)); assert(685230 == constructLong(hexadecimal)); assert(685230 == constructLong(binary)); assert(685230 == constructLong(sexagesimal)); } // Construct a floating point (real) _node. real constructReal(const string str) @safe { string value = str.replace("_", "").toLower(); const char c = value[0]; const real sign = c != '-' ? 1.0 : -1.0; if(c == '-' || c == '+') { value = value[1 .. $]; } enforce(value != "" && value != "nan" && value != "inf" && value != "-inf", new Exception("Unable to parse float value: " ~ value)); real result; try { //Infinity. if (value == ".inf"){result = sign * real.infinity;} //Not a Number. else if(value == ".nan"){result = real.nan;} //Sexagesimal. else if(value.canFind(":")) { real val = 0.0; real base = 1.0; foreach_reverse(digit; value.split(":")) { val += to!real(digit) * base; base *= 60.0; } result = sign * val; } //Plain floating point. else{result = sign * to!real(value);} } catch(ConvException e) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse float value: \"" ~ value ~ "\""); } return result; } @safe unittest { bool eq(real a, real b, real epsilon = 0.2) @safe { return a >= (b - epsilon) && a <= (b + epsilon); } string canonical = "6.8523015e+5"; string exponential = "685.230_15e+03"; string fixed = "685_230.15"; string sexagesimal = "190:20:30.15"; string negativeInf = "-.inf"; string NaN = ".NaN"; assert(eq(685230.15, constructReal(canonical))); assert(eq(685230.15, constructReal(exponential))); assert(eq(685230.15, constructReal(fixed))); assert(eq(685230.15, constructReal(sexagesimal))); assert(eq(-real.infinity, constructReal(negativeInf))); assert(to!string(constructReal(NaN)) == "nan"); } // Construct a binary (base64) _node. ubyte[] constructBinary(const string value) @safe { import std.ascii : newline; import std.array : array; // For an unknown reason, this must be nested to work (compiler bug?). try { return Base64.decode(value.representation.filter!(c => !newline.canFind(c)).array); } catch(Base64Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to decode base64 value: " ~ e.msg); } } @safe unittest { auto test = "The Answer: 42".representation; char[] buffer; buffer.length = 256; string input = Base64.encode(test, buffer).idup; const value = constructBinary(input); assert(value == test); assert(value == [84, 104, 101, 32, 65, 110, 115, 119, 101, 114, 58, 32, 52, 50]); } // Construct a timestamp (SysTime) _node. SysTime constructTimestamp(const string str) @safe { string value = str; auto YMDRegexp = regex("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)"); auto HMSRegexp = regex("^[Tt \t]+([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(\\.[0-9]*)?"); auto TZRegexp = regex("^[ \t]*Z|([-+][0-9][0-9]?)(:[0-9][0-9])?"); try { // First, get year, month and day. auto matches = match(value, YMDRegexp); enforce(!matches.empty, new Exception("Unable to parse timestamp value: " ~ value)); auto captures = matches.front.captures; const year = to!int(captures[1]); const month = to!int(captures[2]); const day = to!int(captures[3]); // If available, get hour, minute, second and fraction, if present. value = matches.front.post; matches = match(value, HMSRegexp); if(matches.empty) { return SysTime(DateTime(year, month, day), UTC()); } captures = matches.front.captures; const hour = to!int(captures[1]); const minute = to!int(captures[2]); const second = to!int(captures[3]); const hectonanosecond = cast(int)(to!real("0" ~ captures[4]) * 10_000_000); // If available, get timezone. value = matches.front.post; matches = match(value, TZRegexp); if(matches.empty || matches.front.captures[0] == "Z") { // No timezone. return SysTime(DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second), hectonanosecond.dur!"hnsecs", UTC()); } // We have a timezone, so parse it. captures = matches.front.captures; int sign = 1; int tzHours; if(!captures[1].empty) { if(captures[1][0] == '-') {sign = -1;} tzHours = to!int(captures[1][1 .. $]); } const tzMinutes = (!captures[2].empty) ? to!int(captures[2][1 .. $]) : 0; const tzOffset = dur!"minutes"(sign * (60 * tzHours + tzMinutes)); return SysTime(DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second), hectonanosecond.dur!"hnsecs", new immutable SimpleTimeZone(tzOffset)); } catch(ConvException e) { throw new Exception("Unable to parse timestamp value " ~ value ~ " : " ~ e.msg); } catch(DateTimeException e) { throw new Exception("Invalid timestamp value " ~ value ~ " : " ~ e.msg); } assert(false, "This code should never be reached"); } @safe unittest { string timestamp(string value) { return constructTimestamp(value).toISOString(); } string canonical = "2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z"; string iso8601 = "2001-12-14t21:59:43.10-05:00"; string spaceSeparated = "2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5"; string noTZ = "2001-12-15 2:59:43.10"; string noFraction = "2001-12-15 2:59:43"; string ymd = "2002-12-14"; assert(timestamp(canonical) == "20011215T025943.1Z"); //avoiding float conversion errors assert(timestamp(iso8601) == "20011214T215943.0999999-05:00" || timestamp(iso8601) == "20011214T215943.1-05:00"); assert(timestamp(spaceSeparated) == "20011214T215943.0999999-05:00" || timestamp(spaceSeparated) == "20011214T215943.1-05:00"); assert(timestamp(noTZ) == "20011215T025943.0999999Z" || timestamp(noTZ) == "20011215T025943.1Z"); assert(timestamp(noFraction) == "20011215T025943Z"); assert(timestamp(ymd) == "20021214T000000Z"); } // Construct a string _node. string constructString(const string str) @safe { return str; } // Convert a sequence of single-element mappings into a sequence of pairs. Node.Pair[] getPairs(string type, const Node[] nodes) @safe { Node.Pair[] pairs; pairs.reserve(nodes.length); foreach(node; nodes) { enforce(node.nodeID == NodeID.mapping && node.length == 1, new Exception("While constructing " ~ type ~ ", expected a mapping with single element")); pairs ~= node.as!(Node.Pair[]); } return pairs; } // Construct an ordered map (ordered sequence of key:value pairs without duplicates) _node. Node.Pair[] constructOrderedMap(const Node[] nodes) @safe { auto pairs = getPairs("ordered map", nodes); //Detect duplicates. //TODO this should be replaced by something with deterministic memory allocation. auto keys = new RedBlackTree!Node(); foreach(ref pair; pairs) { enforce(!(pair.key in keys), new Exception("Duplicate entry in an ordered map: " ~ pair.key.debugString())); keys.insert(pair.key); } return pairs; } @safe unittest { Node[] alternateTypes(uint length) @safe { Node[] pairs; foreach(long i; 0 .. length) { auto pair = (i % 2) ? Node.Pair(i.to!string, i) : Node.Pair(i, i.to!string); pairs ~= Node([pair]); } return pairs; } Node[] sameType(uint length) @safe { Node[] pairs; foreach(long i; 0 .. length) { auto pair = Node.Pair(i.to!string, i); pairs ~= Node([pair]); } return pairs; } assertThrown(constructOrderedMap(alternateTypes(8) ~ alternateTypes(2))); assertNotThrown(constructOrderedMap(alternateTypes(8))); assertThrown(constructOrderedMap(sameType(64) ~ sameType(16))); assertThrown(constructOrderedMap(alternateTypes(64) ~ alternateTypes(16))); assertNotThrown(constructOrderedMap(sameType(64))); assertNotThrown(constructOrderedMap(alternateTypes(64))); } // Construct a pairs (ordered sequence of key: value pairs allowing duplicates) _node. Node.Pair[] constructPairs(const Node[] nodes) @safe { return getPairs("pairs", nodes); } // Construct a set _node. Node[] constructSet(const Node.Pair[] pairs) @safe { // In future, the map here should be replaced with something with deterministic // memory allocation if possible. // Detect duplicates. ubyte[Node] map; Node[] nodes; nodes.reserve(pairs.length); foreach(pair; pairs) { enforce((pair.key in map) is null, new Exception("Duplicate entry in a set")); map[pair.key] = 0; nodes ~= pair.key; } return nodes; } @safe unittest { Node.Pair[] set(uint length) @safe { Node.Pair[] pairs; foreach(long i; 0 .. length) { pairs ~= Node.Pair(i.to!string, YAMLNull()); } return pairs; } auto DuplicatesShort = set(8) ~ set(2); auto noDuplicatesShort = set(8); auto DuplicatesLong = set(64) ~ set(4); auto noDuplicatesLong = set(64); bool eq(Node.Pair[] a, Node[] b) { if(a.length != b.length){return false;} foreach(i; 0 .. a.length) { if(a[i].key != b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } auto nodeDuplicatesShort = DuplicatesShort.dup; auto nodeNoDuplicatesShort = noDuplicatesShort.dup; auto nodeDuplicatesLong = DuplicatesLong.dup; auto nodeNoDuplicatesLong = noDuplicatesLong.dup; assertThrown(constructSet(nodeDuplicatesShort)); assertNotThrown(constructSet(nodeNoDuplicatesShort)); assertThrown(constructSet(nodeDuplicatesLong)); assertNotThrown(constructSet(nodeNoDuplicatesLong)); } // Construct a sequence (array) _node. Node[] constructSequence(Node[] nodes) @safe { return nodes; } // Construct an unordered map (unordered set of key:value _pairs without duplicates) _node. Node.Pair[] constructMap(Node.Pair[] pairs) @safe { //Detect duplicates. //TODO this should be replaced by something with deterministic memory allocation. auto keys = new RedBlackTree!Node(); foreach(ref pair; pairs) { enforce(!(pair.key in keys), new Exception("Duplicate entry in a map: " ~ pair.key.debugString())); keys.insert(pair.key); } return pairs; }