// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /** * YAML dumper. * * Code based on $(LINK2 http://www.pyyaml.org, PyYAML). */ module dyaml.dumper; import std.array; import std.range.primitives; import std.typecons; import dyaml.emitter; import dyaml.event; import dyaml.exception; import dyaml.linebreak; import dyaml.node; import dyaml.representer; import dyaml.resolver; import dyaml.serializer; import dyaml.style; import dyaml.tagdirective; /** * Dumps YAML documents to files or streams. * * User specified Representer and/or Resolver can be used to support new * tags / data types. * * Setters are provided to affect output details (style, etc.). */ auto dumper() { auto dumper = Dumper(); dumper.resolver = Resolver.withDefaultResolvers; return dumper; } struct Dumper { private: //Indentation width. int indent_ = 2; //Tag directives to use. TagDirective[] tags_; public: //Resolver to resolve tags. Resolver resolver; //Write scalars in canonical form? bool canonical; //Preferred text width. uint textWidth = 80; //Line break to use. Unix by default. LineBreak lineBreak = LineBreak.unix; //YAML version string. Default is 1.1. string YAMLVersion = "1.1"; //Always explicitly write document start? Default is no explicit start. bool explicitStart = false; //Always explicitly write document end? Default is no explicit end. bool explicitEnd = false; //Name of the output file or stream, used in error messages. string name = ""; // Default style for scalar nodes. If style is $(D ScalarStyle.invalid), the _style is chosen automatically. ScalarStyle defaultScalarStyle = ScalarStyle.invalid; // Default style for collection nodes. If style is $(D CollectionStyle.invalid), the _style is chosen automatically. CollectionStyle defaultCollectionStyle = CollectionStyle.invalid; @disable bool opEquals(ref Dumper); @disable int opCmp(ref Dumper); ///Set indentation width. 2 by default. Must not be zero. @property void indent(uint indent) pure @safe nothrow in { assert(indent != 0, "Can't use zero YAML indent width"); } do { indent_ = indent; } /** * Specify tag directives. * * A tag directive specifies a shorthand notation for specifying _tags. * Each tag directive associates a handle with a prefix. This allows for * compact tag notation. * * Each handle specified MUST start and end with a '!' character * (a single character "!" handle is allowed as well). * * Only alphanumeric characters, '-', and '__' may be used in handles. * * Each prefix MUST not be empty. * * The "!!" handle is used for default YAML _tags with prefix * "tag:yaml.org,2002:". This can be overridden. * * Params: tags = Tag directives (keys are handles, values are prefixes). */ @property void tagDirectives(string[string] tags) pure @safe { TagDirective[] t; foreach(handle, prefix; tags) { assert(handle.length >= 1 && handle[0] == '!' && handle[$ - 1] == '!', "A tag handle is empty or does not start and end with a " ~ "'!' character : " ~ handle); assert(prefix.length >= 1, "A tag prefix is empty"); t ~= TagDirective(handle, prefix); } tags_ = t; } /// @safe unittest { auto dumper = dumper(); string[string] directives; directives["!short!"] = "tag:long.org,2011:"; //This will emit tags starting with "tag:long.org,2011" //with a "!short!" prefix instead. dumper.tagDirectives(directives); dumper.dump(new Appender!string(), Node("foo")); } /** * Dump one or more YAML _documents to the file/stream. * * Note that while you can call dump() multiple times on the same * dumper, you will end up writing multiple YAML "files" to the same * file/stream. * * Params: documents = Documents to _dump (root nodes of the _documents). * * Throws: YAMLException on error (e.g. invalid nodes, * unable to write to file/stream). */ void dump(CharacterType = char, Range)(Range range, Node[] documents ...) if (isOutputRange!(Range, CharacterType) && isOutputRange!(Range, char) || isOutputRange!(Range, wchar) || isOutputRange!(Range, dchar)) { try { auto emitter = new Emitter!(Range, CharacterType)(range, canonical, indent_, textWidth, lineBreak); auto serializer = Serializer(resolver, explicitStart ? Yes.explicitStart : No.explicitStart, explicitEnd ? Yes.explicitEnd : No.explicitEnd, YAMLVersion, tags_); serializer.startStream(emitter); foreach(ref document; documents) { auto data = representData(document, defaultScalarStyle, defaultCollectionStyle); serializer.serialize(emitter, data); } serializer.endStream(emitter); } catch(YAMLException e) { throw new YAMLException("Unable to dump YAML to stream " ~ name ~ " : " ~ e.msg, e.file, e.line); } } } ///Write to a file @safe unittest { auto node = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); dumper().dump(new Appender!string(), node); } ///Write multiple YAML documents to a file @safe unittest { auto node1 = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); auto node2 = Node("This document contains only one string"); dumper().dump(new Appender!string(), node1, node2); //Or with an array: dumper().dump(new Appender!string(), [node1, node2]); } ///Write to memory @safe unittest { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto node = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); dumper().dump(stream, node); } ///Use a custom resolver to support custom data types and/or implicit tags @safe unittest { import std.regex : regex; auto node = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.resolver.addImplicitResolver("!tag", regex("A.*"), "A"); dumper.dump(new Appender!string(), node); } /// Set default scalar style @safe unittest { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto node = Node("Hello world!"); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.defaultScalarStyle = ScalarStyle.singleQuoted; dumper.dump(stream, node); } /// Set default collection style @safe unittest { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto node = Node(["Hello", "world!"]); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.defaultCollectionStyle = CollectionStyle.flow; dumper.dump(stream, node); } // Make sure the styles are actually used @safe unittest { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto node = Node([Node("Hello world!"), Node(["Hello", "world!"])]); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.defaultScalarStyle = ScalarStyle.singleQuoted; dumper.defaultCollectionStyle = CollectionStyle.flow; dumper.explicitEnd = false; dumper.explicitStart = false; dumper.YAMLVersion = null; dumper.dump(stream, node); assert(stream.data == "['Hello world!', ['Hello', 'world!']]\n"); } // Explicit document start/end markers @safe unittest { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto node = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.explicitEnd = true; dumper.explicitStart = true; dumper.YAMLVersion = null; dumper.dump(stream, node); //Skip version string assert(stream.data[0..3] == "---"); //account for newline at end assert(stream.data[$-4..$-1] == "..."); } @safe unittest { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto node = Node([Node("Te, st2")]); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.explicitStart = true; dumper.explicitEnd = false; dumper.YAMLVersion = null; dumper.dump(stream, node); assert(stream.data == "--- ['Te, st2']\n"); } // No explicit document start/end markers @safe unittest { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto node = Node([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.explicitEnd = false; dumper.explicitStart = false; dumper.YAMLVersion = null; dumper.dump(stream, node); //Skip version string assert(stream.data[0..3] != "---"); //account for newline at end assert(stream.data[$-4..$-1] != "..."); } // Windows, macOS line breaks @safe unittest { auto node = Node(0); { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.explicitEnd = true; dumper.explicitStart = true; dumper.YAMLVersion = null; dumper.lineBreak = LineBreak.windows; dumper.dump(stream, node); assert(stream.data == "--- 0\r\n...\r\n"); } { auto stream = new Appender!string(); auto dumper = dumper(); dumper.explicitEnd = true; dumper.explicitStart = true; dumper.YAMLVersion = null; dumper.lineBreak = LineBreak.macintosh; dumper.dump(stream, node); assert(stream.data == "--- 0\r...\r"); } }