//          Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
//    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
//          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

/// Class used to load YAML documents.
module dyaml.loader;

import std.exception;
import std.file;
import std.stdio : File;
import std.string;

import dyaml.composer;
import dyaml.constructor;
import dyaml.event;
import dyaml.exception;
import dyaml.node;
import dyaml.parser;
import dyaml.reader;
import dyaml.resolver;
import dyaml.scanner;
import dyaml.token;

/** Loads YAML documents from files or char[].
 * User specified Constructor and/or Resolver can be used to support new
 * tags / data types.
struct Loader
        // Processes character data to YAML tokens.
        Scanner scanner_;
        // Processes tokens to YAML events.
        Parser parser_;
        // Resolves tags (data types).
        Resolver resolver_;
        // Name of the input file or stream, used in error messages.
        string name_ = "<unknown>";
        // Are we done loading?
        bool done_;
        // Last node read from stream
        Node currentNode;
        // Has the range interface been initialized yet?
        bool rangeInitialized;

        @disable this();
        @disable int opCmp(ref Loader);
        @disable bool opEquals(ref Loader);

        /** Construct a Loader to load YAML from a file.
         * Params:  filename = Name of the file to load from.
         *          file = Already-opened file to load from.
         * Throws:  YAMLException if the file could not be opened or read.
         static Loader fromFile(string filename) @trusted
                auto loader = Loader(std.file.read(filename), filename);
                return loader;
            catch(FileException e)
                throw new YAMLException("Unable to open file %s for YAML loading: %s"
                                        .format(filename, e.msg), e.file, e.line);
         /// ditto
         static Loader fromFile(File file) @system
            auto loader = Loader(file.byChunk(4096).join, file.name);
            return loader;

        /** Construct a Loader to load YAML from a string.
         * Params:
         *   data = String to load YAML from. The char[] version $(B will)
         *          overwrite its input during parsing as D:YAML reuses memory.
         *   filename = The filename to give to the Loader, defaults to `"<unknown>"`
         * Returns: Loader loading YAML from given string.
         * Throws:
         * YAMLException if data could not be read (e.g. a decoding error)
        static Loader fromString(char[] data, string filename = "<unknown>") @safe
            return Loader(cast(ubyte[])data, filename);
        /// Ditto
        static Loader fromString(string data, string filename = "<unknown>") @safe
            return fromString(data.dup, filename);
        /// Load  a char[].
        @safe unittest
            assert(Loader.fromString("42".dup).load().as!int == 42);
        /// Load a string.
        @safe unittest
            assert(Loader.fromString("42").load().as!int == 42);

        /** Construct a Loader to load YAML from a buffer.
         * Params: yamlData = Buffer with YAML data to load. This may be e.g. a file
         *                    loaded to memory or a string with YAML data. Note that
         *                    buffer $(B will) be overwritten, as D:YAML minimizes
         *                    memory allocations by reusing the input _buffer.
         *                    $(B Must not be deleted or modified by the user  as long
         *                    as nodes loaded by this Loader are in use!) - Nodes may
         *                    refer to data in this buffer.
         * Note that D:YAML looks for byte-order-marks YAML files encoded in
         * UTF-16/UTF-32 (and sometimes UTF-8) use to specify the encoding and
         * endianness, so it should be enough to load an entire file to a buffer and
         * pass it to D:YAML, regardless of Unicode encoding.
         * Throws:  YAMLException if yamlData contains data illegal in YAML.
        static Loader fromBuffer(ubyte[] yamlData) @safe
            return Loader(yamlData);
        /// Ditto
        static Loader fromBuffer(void[] yamlData) @system
            return Loader(yamlData);
        /// Ditto
        private this(void[] yamlData, string name = "<unknown>") @system
            this(cast(ubyte[])yamlData, name);
        /// Ditto
        private this(ubyte[] yamlData, string name = "<unknown>") @safe
            resolver_ = Resolver.withDefaultResolvers;
            name_ = name;
                auto reader_ = new Reader(yamlData, name);
                scanner_ = Scanner(reader_);
                parser_ = new Parser(scanner_);
            catch(YAMLException e)
                throw new YAMLException("Unable to open %s for YAML loading: %s"
                                        .format(name_, e.msg), e.file, e.line);

        /// Set stream _name. Used in debugging messages.
        void name(string name) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
            name_ = name;
            scanner_.name = name;

        /// Specify custom Resolver to use.
        auto ref resolver() pure @safe nothrow @nogc
            return resolver_;

        /** Load single YAML document.
         * If none or more than one YAML document is found, this throws a YAMLException.
         * This can only be called once; this is enforced by contract.
         * Returns: Root node of the document.
         * Throws:  YAMLException if there wasn't exactly one document
         *          or on a YAML parsing error.
        Node load() @safe
            enforce!YAMLException(!empty, "Zero documents in stream");
            auto output = front;
            enforce!YAMLException(empty, "More than one document in stream");
            return output;

        /** Implements the empty range primitive.
        * If there's no more documents left in the stream, this will be true.
        * Returns: `true` if no more documents left, `false` otherwise.
        bool empty() @safe
            // currentNode and done_ are both invalid until popFront is called once
            if (!rangeInitialized)
            return done_;
        /** Implements the popFront range primitive.
        * Reads the next document from the stream, if possible.
        void popFront() @safe
            // Composer initialization is done here in case the constructor is
            // modified, which is a pretty common case.
            static Composer composer;
            if (!rangeInitialized)
                composer = Composer(parser_, resolver_);
                rangeInitialized = true;
            assert(!done_, "Loader.popFront called on empty range");
            if (composer.checkNode())
                currentNode = composer.getNode();
                done_ = true;
        /** Implements the front range primitive.
        * Returns: the current document as a Node.
        Node front() @safe
            // currentNode and done_ are both invalid until popFront is called once
            if (!rangeInitialized)
            return currentNode;

        // Scan all tokens, throwing them away. Used for benchmarking.
        void scanBench() @safe
            catch(YAMLException e)
                throw new YAMLException("Unable to scan YAML from stream " ~
                                        name_ ~ " : " ~ e.msg, e.file, e.line);

        // Parse and return all events. Used for debugging.
        auto parse() @safe
            return parser_;
/// Load single YAML document from a file:
@safe unittest
    write("example.yaml", "Hello world!");
    auto rootNode = Loader.fromFile("example.yaml").load();
    assert(rootNode == "Hello world!");
/// Load single YAML document from an already-opened file:
@system unittest
    // Open a temporary file
    auto file = File.tmpfile;
    // Write valid YAML
    file.write("Hello world!");
    // Return to the beginning
    // Load document
    auto rootNode = Loader.fromFile(file).load();
    assert(rootNode == "Hello world!");
/// Load all YAML documents from a file:
@safe unittest
    import std.array : array;
    import std.file : write;
        "Hello world!\n"~
        "Hello world 2!\n"~
    auto nodes = Loader.fromFile("example.yaml").array;
    assert(nodes.length == 2);
/// Iterate over YAML documents in a file, lazily loading them:
@safe unittest
    import std.file : write;
        "Hello world!\n"~
        "Hello world 2!\n"~
    auto loader = Loader.fromFile("example.yaml");

    foreach(ref node; loader)
        //Do something
/// Load YAML from a string:
@safe unittest
    string yaml_input = ("red:   '#ff0000'\n" ~
                        "green: '#00ff00'\n" ~
                        "blue:  '#0000ff'");

    auto colors = Loader.fromString(yaml_input).load();

    foreach(string color, string value; colors)
        // Do something with the color and its value...

/// Load a file into a buffer in memory and then load YAML from that buffer:
@safe unittest
    import std.file : read, write;
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    // Create a yaml document
        "Hello world!\n"~
        "Hello world 2!\n"~
        string buffer = readText("example.yaml");
        auto yamlNode = Loader.fromString(buffer);

        // Read data from yamlNode here...
    catch(FileException e)
        writeln("Failed to read file 'example.yaml'");
/// Use a custom resolver to support custom data types and/or implicit tags:
@safe unittest
    import std.file : write;
    // Create a yaml document
        "Hello world!\n"~

    auto loader = Loader.fromFile("example.yaml");

    // Add resolver expressions here...
    // loader.resolver.addImplicitResolver(...);

    auto rootNode = loader.load();

//Issue #258 - https://github.com/dlang-community/D-YAML/issues/258
@safe unittest
    auto yaml = "{\n\"root\": {\n\t\"key\": \"value\"\n    }\n}";
    auto doc = Loader.fromString(yaml).load();

@safe unittest
    import std.exception : collectException;

    auto yaml = q"EOS
    value: invalid: string
    auto filename = "invalid.yml";
    auto loader = Loader.fromString(yaml);
    loader.name = filename;

    Node unused;
    auto e = loader.load().collectException!ScannerException(unused);
    assert(e.mark.name == filename);