// Copyright Ferdinand Majerech 2011. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /** * YAML serializer. * Code based on PyYAML: http://www.pyyaml.org */ module dyaml.serializer; import std.array; import std.format; import std.typecons; import dyaml.emitter; import dyaml.event; import dyaml.exception; import dyaml.node; import dyaml.resolver; import dyaml.tagdirective; import dyaml.token; package: ///Serializes represented YAML nodes, generating events which are then emitted by Emitter. struct Serializer { private: ///Resolver used to determine which tags are automaticaly resolvable. Resolver resolver_; ///Do all document starts have to be specified explicitly? Flag!"explicitStart" explicitStart_; ///Do all document ends have to be specified explicitly? Flag!"explicitEnd" explicitEnd_; ///YAML version string. string YAMLVersion_; ///Tag directives to emit. TagDirective[] tagDirectives_; //TODO Use something with more deterministic memory usage. ///Nodes with assigned anchors. string[Node] anchors_; ///Nodes with assigned anchors that are already serialized. bool[Node] serializedNodes_; ///ID of the last anchor generated. uint lastAnchorID_ = 0; public: /** * Construct a Serializer. * * Params: * resolver = Resolver used to determine which tags are automaticaly resolvable. * explicitStart = Do all document starts have to be specified explicitly? * explicitEnd = Do all document ends have to be specified explicitly? * YAMLVersion = YAML version string. * tagDirectives = Tag directives to emit. */ this(Resolver resolver, const Flag!"explicitStart" explicitStart, const Flag!"explicitEnd" explicitEnd, string YAMLVersion, TagDirective[] tagDirectives) @safe { resolver_ = resolver; explicitStart_ = explicitStart; explicitEnd_ = explicitEnd; YAMLVersion_ = YAMLVersion; tagDirectives_ = tagDirectives; } ///Begin the stream. void startStream(EmitterT)(ref EmitterT emitter) @safe { emitter.emit(streamStartEvent(Mark(), Mark())); } ///End the stream. void endStream(EmitterT)(ref EmitterT emitter) @safe { emitter.emit(streamEndEvent(Mark(), Mark())); } ///Serialize a node, emitting it in the process. void serialize(EmitterT)(ref EmitterT emitter, ref Node node) @safe { emitter.emit(documentStartEvent(Mark(), Mark(), explicitStart_, YAMLVersion_, tagDirectives_)); anchorNode(node); serializeNode(emitter, node); emitter.emit(documentEndEvent(Mark(), Mark(), explicitEnd_)); serializedNodes_.destroy(); anchors_.destroy(); string[Node] emptyAnchors; anchors_ = emptyAnchors; lastAnchorID_ = 0; } private: /** * Determine if it's a good idea to add an anchor to a node. * * Used to prevent associating every single repeating scalar with an * anchor/alias - only nodes long enough can use anchors. * * Params: node = Node to check for anchorability. * * Returns: True if the node is anchorable, false otherwise. */ static bool anchorable(ref Node node) @safe { if(node.nodeID == NodeID.scalar) { return (node.type == NodeType.string) ? node.as!string.length > 64 : (node.type == NodeType.binary) ? node.as!(ubyte[]).length > 64 : false; } return node.length > 2; } @safe unittest { import std.string : representation; auto shortString = "not much"; auto longString = "A fairly long string that would be a good idea to add an anchor to"; auto node1 = Node(shortString); auto node2 = Node(shortString.representation.dup); auto node3 = Node(longString); auto node4 = Node(longString.representation.dup); auto node5 = Node([node1]); auto node6 = Node([node1, node2, node3, node4]); assert(!anchorable(node1)); assert(!anchorable(node2)); assert(anchorable(node3)); assert(anchorable(node4)); assert(!anchorable(node5)); assert(anchorable(node6)); } ///Add an anchor to the node if it's anchorable and not anchored yet. void anchorNode(ref Node node) @safe { if(!anchorable(node)){return;} if((node in anchors_) !is null) { if(anchors_[node] is null) { anchors_[node] = generateAnchor(); } return; } anchors_.remove(node); final switch (node.nodeID) { case NodeID.mapping: foreach(ref Node key, ref Node value; node) { anchorNode(key); anchorNode(value); } break; case NodeID.sequence: foreach(ref Node item; node) { anchorNode(item); } break; case NodeID.invalid: assert(0); case NodeID.scalar: } } ///Generate and return a new anchor. string generateAnchor() @safe { ++lastAnchorID_; auto appender = appender!string(); formattedWrite(appender, "id%03d", lastAnchorID_); return appender.data; } ///Serialize a node and all its subnodes. void serializeNode(EmitterT)(ref EmitterT emitter, ref Node node) @safe { //If the node has an anchor, emit an anchor (as aliasEvent) on the //first occurrence, save it in serializedNodes_, and emit an alias //if it reappears. string aliased; if(anchorable(node) && (node in anchors_) !is null) { aliased = anchors_[node]; if((node in serializedNodes_) !is null) { emitter.emit(aliasEvent(Mark(), Mark(), aliased)); return; } serializedNodes_[node] = true; } final switch (node.nodeID) { case NodeID.mapping: const defaultTag = resolver_.defaultMappingTag; const implicit = node.tag_ == defaultTag; emitter.emit(mappingStartEvent(Mark(), Mark(), aliased, node.tag_, implicit, node.collectionStyle)); foreach(ref Node key, ref Node value; node) { serializeNode(emitter, key); serializeNode(emitter, value); } emitter.emit(mappingEndEvent(Mark(), Mark())); return; case NodeID.sequence: const defaultTag = resolver_.defaultSequenceTag; const implicit = node.tag_ == defaultTag; emitter.emit(sequenceStartEvent(Mark(), Mark(), aliased, node.tag_, implicit, node.collectionStyle)); foreach(ref Node item; node) { serializeNode(emitter, item); } emitter.emit(sequenceEndEvent(Mark(), Mark())); return; case NodeID.scalar: assert(node.type == NodeType.string, "Scalar node type must be string before serialized"); auto value = node.as!string; const detectedTag = resolver_.resolve(NodeID.scalar, null, value, true); const bool isDetected = node.tag_ == detectedTag; emitter.emit(scalarEvent(Mark(), Mark(), aliased, node.tag_, isDetected, value.idup, node.scalarStyle)); return; case NodeID.invalid: assert(0); } } } // Issue #244 @safe unittest { import dyaml.dumper : dumper; auto node = Node([ Node.Pair( Node(""), Node([ Node([ Node.Pair( Node("d"), Node([ Node([ Node.Pair( Node("c"), Node("") ), Node.Pair( Node("b"), Node("") ), Node.Pair( Node(""), Node("") ) ]) ]) ), ]), Node([ Node.Pair( Node("d"), Node([ Node(""), Node(""), Node([ Node.Pair( Node("c"), Node("") ), Node.Pair( Node("b"), Node("") ), Node.Pair( Node(""), Node("") ) ]) ]) ), Node.Pair( Node("z"), Node("") ), Node.Pair( Node(""), Node("") ) ]), Node("") ]) ), Node.Pair( Node("g"), Node("") ), Node.Pair( Node("h"), Node("") ), ]); auto stream = appender!string(); dumper().dump(stream, node); }