/++ object setter: setting of sisu objects for downstream processing ao_object_setter.d +/ template ObjectSetter() { /+ structs +/ struct HeadingAttrib { string lev = "9"; int lev_int_markup = 9; int lev_int_collapsed = 9; int[] closes_lev_collapsed = []; // TODO track int[] closes_lev_markup = []; // TODO track int array_ptr = 0; // heading segments, 1~ lev4: int heading_array_ptr_segments = 0; // TODO } struct ParaAttrib { int indent_start = 0; int indent_rest = 0; bool bullet = false; } struct BlockAttrib { string syntax = ""; } struct Comment { // no .attrib and no .obj_cite_number } struct Node { int ocn = 0; string seg_anchor_tag = ""; // parent int parent_lev_int_markup = 0; int parent_ocn = 0; int[] ancestors = []; // TODO track // heading: int heading_lev_int_markup = 0; int heading_lev_int_collapsed = 0; int[] heading_closes_lev_collapsed = []; // TODO track int[] heading_closes_lev_markup = []; // TODO track int heading_array_ptr = 0; // heading segments, 1~ lev4: int heading_array_ptr_segments = 0; // TODO // node info json string: string node = ""; } struct ObjComposite { string use = ""; string of = ""; string is_a = ""; string object = ""; string obj_cite_number = ""; // not used for calculations? output only? else int string[] anchor_tags = []; HeadingAttrib heading_attrib; ParaAttrib para_attrib; BlockAttrib block_attrib; Node node_structure; } struct ObjCompositeArr { ObjComposite[] oca; } /+ structs setter +/ struct ObjectAbstractSet { import std.conv : to; auto contents_comment(in string object) { ObjComposite object_set; object_set.use = "comment"; object_set.of = "comment"; object_set.is_a = "comment"; object_set.object = object; return object_set; } auto contents_heading( in string object, in string attrib, in int obj_cite_number, in string[] tags, in string lev, in int lev_int_markup, in int lev_int_collapsed, ) { ObjComposite object_set; object_set.use = "content"; object_set.of = "para"; object_set.is_a = "heading"; object_set.object = object; object_set.obj_cite_number = (obj_cite_number==0) ? "" : to!string(obj_cite_number); object_set.anchor_tags ~= tags; object_set.heading_attrib.lev = lev; object_set.heading_attrib.lev_int_markup = lev_int_markup; object_set.heading_attrib.lev_int_collapsed = lev_int_collapsed; return object_set; } auto contents_para( in string is_a, in string object, in string attrib, in int obj_cite_number, in int[string] indent, in bool bullet, ) { ObjComposite object_set; object_set.use = "content"; object_set.of = "para"; object_set.is_a = "para"; object_set.object = object.strip; object_set.obj_cite_number = (obj_cite_number==0) ? "" : to!string(obj_cite_number); object_set.para_attrib.indent_start = to!int(indent["hang_position"]); object_set.para_attrib.indent_rest = to!int(indent["base_position"]); object_set.para_attrib.bullet = false; // bullet; // object_set.node_structure.node = _node; return object_set; } auto contents_toc( in string is_a, in string object, in string attrib, in int obj_cite_number, in int[string] indent, in bool bullet, ) { ObjComposite object_set; object_set.use = "content"; object_set.of = "para"; object_set.is_a = "toc"; object_set.object = object.strip; object_set.obj_cite_number = (obj_cite_number==0) ? "" : to!string(obj_cite_number); object_set.para_attrib.indent_start = to!int(indent["hang_position"]); object_set.para_attrib.indent_rest = to!int(indent["base_position"]); object_set.para_attrib.bullet = false; // bullet; return object_set; } auto contents_endnote( in string object, in string tag, ) { auto m = (matchFirst(object, rgx.note_ref)); string notenumber = to!string(m.captures[1]); string anchor_tag = "note_" ~ notenumber; ObjComposite object_set; object_set.use = "content"; object_set.of = "para"; object_set.is_a = "endnote"; object_set.object = object.strip; object_set.obj_cite_number = ""; object_set.anchor_tags ~= [ tag ]; object_set.para_attrib.indent_start = 0; object_set.para_attrib.indent_rest = 0; object_set.para_attrib.bullet = false; return object_set; } auto contents_block( in string type, in string object, in string attrib, in int obj_cite_number, ) { ObjComposite object_set; object_set.use = "content"; object_set.of = "block"; object_set.is_a = type; object_set.object = object; object_set.obj_cite_number = (obj_cite_number==0) ? "" : to!string(obj_cite_number); // object_set.node_structure.node = _node; return object_set; } auto contents_block_code( in string type, in string object, in string attrib_language_syntax, in int obj_cite_number, ) { ObjComposite object_set; object_set.use = "content"; object_set.of = "block"; object_set.is_a = type; object_set.block_attrib.syntax = attrib_language_syntax; object_set.object = object; object_set.obj_cite_number = (obj_cite_number==0) ? "" : to!string(obj_cite_number); // object_set.node_structure.node = _node; return object_set; } auto contents_block_obj_cite_number_string( in string type, in string object, in string obj_cite_number, in string _node ) { ObjComposite object_set; object_set.use = "content"; object_set.of = "block"; object_set.is_a = type; object_set.object = object; object_set.obj_cite_number = obj_cite_number; object_set.node_structure.node = _node; return object_set; } } }