path: root/org/ao_object_setter.org
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2016-04-24 22:35:39 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2016-04-24 22:35:39 -0400
commit9c14b019a6f695b54a035605e3bb3fc76bf20aa6 (patch)
tree517169ec313d81aca54da3ddcb1f329b7caba695 /org/ao_object_setter.org
parentstep1 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'org/ao_object_setter.org')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/org/ao_object_setter.org b/org/ao_object_setter.org
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ee9423..0000000
--- a/org/ao_object_setter.org
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-#+TITLE: sdp object setter
-#+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah
-#+EMAIL: ralph.amissah@gmail.com
-#+STARTUP: indent
-#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t
-#+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
-#+OPTIONS: author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil
-#+PROPERTY: header-args :padline no :exports code :noweb yes
-#+FILETAGS: :sdp:rel:ao:
-#+TAGS: assert(a) class(c) debug(d) mixin(m) sdp(s) tangle(T) template(t) WEB(W) noexport(n)
-* object setter :object:set:
-[[./sdp.org][sdp]] [[./][org/]]
-** struct :struct:
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-mixin Structs;
-** comment :comment:
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-ObjComposite contents_comment_new(in string object) {
- ObjComposite object_set;
- object_set.use = "comment";
- object_set.of = "comment";
- object_set.is_a = "comment";
- object_set.object = object;
- // does not have .attrib;
- // does not have .ocn
- return object_set;
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-string[string] contents_comment(in string object) {
- string[string] object_set;
- object_set["use"] = "comment";
- object_set["of"] = "comment";
- object_set["is"] = "comment";
- object_set["obj"] = object;
- return object_set;
-** heading :heading:
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-ObjComposite contents_heading_new(
- in int type,
- in string object,
- in string attrib,
- in int ocn,
- in string lev,
- in string lvn,
- in string lcn,
-) {
- ObjComposite object_set;
- object_set.use = "content";
- object_set.of = "para";
- object_set.is_a = "heading";
- object_set.object = object;
- object_set.ocn = (ocn==0) ? "" : to!string(ocn);
- object_set.attrib = attrib;
- object_set.heading.type = to!string(type);
- object_set.heading.lev = to!string(lev);
- object_set.heading.lvn = to!string(lvn);
- object_set.heading.lcn = to!string(lcn);
- return object_set;
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-string[string] contents_heading(
- in int type,
- in string object,
- in string attrib,
- in int ocn,
- in string lev,
- in string lvn,
- in string lcn,
-) {
- string[string] object_set;
- object_set["use"] = "content";
- object_set["of"] = "para";
- object_set["is"] = "heading";
- object_set["type"] = to!string(type);
- object_set["obj"] = object;
- object_set["ocn"] = (ocn==0) ? "" : to!string(ocn);
- object_set["lev"] = to!string(lev);
- object_set["lvn"] = to!string(lvn);
- object_set["lcn"] = to!string(lcn);
- object_set["attrib"] = attrib;
- return object_set;
-** para :para:
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-ObjComposite contents_para_new(
- in string is_a,
- in string object,
- in string attrib,
- in int ocn,
- in string indent_first,
- in string indent_second,
- in bool bullet
-) {
- ObjComposite object_set;
- object_set.use = "content";
- object_set.of = "para";
- object_set.is_a = "heading";
- object_set.object = object;
- object_set.ocn = (ocn==0) ? "" : to!string(ocn);
- object_set.attrib = attrib;
- object_set.para.indent_first = indent_first;
- object_set.para.indent_second = indent_second;
- object_set.para.bullet = to!string(bullet);
- return object_set;
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-string[string] contents_para(
- in string is_a,
- in string object,
- in string attrib,
- in int ocn,
- in string indent_first,
- in string indent_second,
- in bool bullet
-) {
- string[string] object_set;
- object_set["use"] = "content";
- object_set["of"] = "para";
- object_set["is"] = is_a;
- object_set["obj"] = object;
- object_set["ocn"] = (ocn==0) ? "" : to!string(ocn);
- object_set["indent_first"] = indent_first;
- object_set["indent_second"] = indent_second;
- object_set["bullet"] = to!string(bullet);
- object_set["attrib"] = attrib;
- return object_set;
-** block :block:
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-ObjComposite contents_block_new(
- in string type,
- in string object,
- in string attrib,
- in int ocn
-) {
- ObjComposite object_set;
- // does not have .attrib;
- object_set.use = "content";
- object_set.of = "block";
- object_set.is_a = type;
- object_set.object = object;
- object_set.ocn = (ocn==0) ? "" : to!string(ocn);
- object_set.attrib = attrib;
- return object_set;
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-string[string] contents_block(
- in string type,
- in string object,
- in string attrib,
- in int ocn
-) {
- string[string] object_set;
- object_set["use"] = "content";
- object_set["of"] = "block";
- object_set["is"] = type;
- object_set["obj"] = object;
- object_set["ocn"] = (ocn==0) ? "" : to!string(ocn);
- object_set["attrib"] = attrib;
- return object_set;
-** block ocn string :block:
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-ObjComposite contents_block_ocn_string_new(
- in string type,
- in string object,
- in string ocn,
- in string node
-) {
- ObjComposite object_set;
- object_set.use = "content";
- object_set.of = "block";
- object_set.is_a = type;
- object_set.object = object;
- object_set.ocn = ocn;
- object_set.block_ocn_string.node = node;
- // object_set.attrib = attrib;
- return object_set;
-#+name: ao_object_setter
-string[string] contents_block_ocn_string(
- in string type,
- in string object,
- in string ocn,
- in string node
-) {
- string[string] object_set;
- object_set["use"] = "content";
- object_set["of"] = "block";
- object_set["is"] = type;
- object_set["obj"] = object;
- object_set["ocn"] = ocn;
- object_set["node"] = node;
- return object_set;
-* tangles :tangle:
-** code structure: :ao_object_setter.d:
-#+name: tangle_ao_object_setter
-#+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../lib/sdp/ao_object_setter.d
- object setter
- ao_object_setter.d
-mixin template ObjectSetters() {
- struct ObjectAbstractSet {
- import std.conv : to;
- <<ao_object_setter>>
- }