path: root/org
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>2022-06-03 13:17:14 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>2022-06-14 19:58:02 -0400
commit14a07cb1ebeef0062355245d7af4193d8537a3fd (patch)
treea2d91ebaaa777a59feecc94abdb1ae4ff7b61719 /org
parentbuild related, mostly nix flakes (diff)
makefile, too much, prune!
Diffstat (limited to 'org')
3 files changed, 1438 insertions, 354 deletions
diff --git a/org/config_d_cfte.org b/org/config_d_cfte.org
index 0a8aaae..0a4bdb5 100644
--- a/org/config_d_cfte.org
+++ b/org/config_d_cfte.org
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes
-- [[./doc-reform.org][doc-reform.org]] [[./][org/]]
+- [[./doc-reform.org][doc-reform.org]] [[../org/][org/]]
* cfte views version.txt configuration.txt (set version & configuration) SET
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ version (Posix) {
SEE NOTES on configuration hierarchy in spine.org
*** spine: configuration.txt SET
+**** example
#+HEADER: :tangle "../views/configuration_example.txt"
@@ -97,6 +98,71 @@ struct Cfg {
enum _cfg = Cfg();
+**** configure
+#+HEADER: :tangle ../views/configuration.txt_
+**** configure remote host (sisudoc.org)
+#+NAME: config_remotehost
+#+HEADER: :tangle ../views/configuration.txt_remotehost_
+struct Cfg {
+ string http_request_type = "https";
+ string http_host = "sisudoc.org";
+ string www_url_doc_root = "https://sisudoc.org";
+ string www_url_doc_subroot = "/spine";
+ string processing_path_doc_root = "/srv/www/spine";
+ string cgi_bin_root = "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin";
+ string cgi_bin_subpath = "";
+ string cgi_filename = "spine_search";
+ string cgi_url_root = "https://sisudoc.org";
+ string cgi_port = "";
+ string cgi_user = "";
+ string cgi_url_action = "https://sisudoc.org/spine_search";
+ string cgi_search_form_title = "≅ SiSU Spine search";
+ string db_sqlite_path = "/var/www/sqlite";
+ string db_sqlite_filename = "spine.search.db";
+ string default_language = "en";
+ string default_papersize = "a4";
+ string default_text_wrap = "80";
+ string default_hash_digest = "sha256";
+enum _cfg = Cfg();
+**** configure localhost
+#+NAME: config_localhost
+#+HEADER: :tangle ../views/configuration.txt_localhost_
+struct Cfg {
+ string http_request_type = "http";
+ string http_host = "localhost";
+ string www_url_doc_root = "http://localhost";
+ string www_url_doc_subroot = "/spine";
+ string processing_path_doc_root = "/srv/www/spine";
+ string cgi_bin_root = "/var/www/cgi/cgi-bin";
+ string cgi_bin_subpath = "/cgi-bin";
+ string cgi_filename = "spine_search";
+ string cgi_url_root = "http://localhost/cgi-bin";
+ string cgi_port = "";
+ string cgi_user = "";
+ string cgi_url_action = "http://localhost/cgi-bin/spine_search";
+ string cgi_search_form_title = "≅ SiSU Spine search";
+ string db_sqlite_path = "/var/www/sqlite";
+ string db_sqlite_filename = "spine.search.db";
+ string default_language = "en";
+ string default_papersize = "a4,letter.portrait";
+ string default_text_wrap = "80";
+ string default_hash_digest = "sha256";
+enum _cfg = Cfg();
*** spine_search: configuration.txt SET
#+HEADER: :tangle "../sundry/spine_search_cgi/views/configuration_example.txt"
@@ -114,6 +180,19 @@ struct Cfg {
enum _cfg = Cfg();
+struct Cfg {
+ string http_request_type = "https";
+ string http_host = "sisudoc.org";
+ string www_url_doc_subroot = "/spine";
+ string cgi_filename = "spine_search";
+ string cgi_search_form_title = "≅ SiSU Spine search";
+ string db_sqlite_path = "/var/www/sqlite";
+ string db_sqlite_filename = "spine.search.db";
+enum _cfg = Cfg();
*** shared settings SET defaults
#+NAME: http_request_type
diff --git a/org/config_make.org b/org/config_make.org
index 813a2a6..9932330 100644
--- a/org/config_make.org
+++ b/org/config_make.org
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :eval no
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no
-#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline yes
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes
- [[./doc-reform.org][doc-reform.org]] [[../org/][org/]]
-* spine
+* project
** version info SET VERSION :version:set:project:
*** project SET VERSION
@@ -43,48 +43,48 @@
-** makefile :makefile:
+* spine
+** spine makefile :makefile:
*** tangle
-#+HEADER: :tangle ../makefile_
+#+HEADER: :tangle ../makefile
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# <<make_set_var_markup_samples_search_dirs>>
+# <<make_find_markup_samples_0_pod_and_dir>>
+# <<make_find_markup_samples_1_pod>>
+# <<make_find_markup_samples_2_dir>>
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
*** settings [+2] :settings:
**** git version stamp :git:version:
-#+NAME: make_set_var_0_git_version
+#+NAME: make_set_var_git_version
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
PROG_VER_GIT :=$(shell echo `git describe --long --tags | sed -e "s/^[ a-z_-]\+\([0-9.]\+\)/\1/;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g"`)
PROG_VER_DECLARED :=$(shell echo `cat ./views/version.txt | grep --color=never "enum" | sed 's/.\+(\([0-9]\+\),[ \t]\+\([0-9]\+\),[ \t]\+\([0-9]\+\)[ \t]*).\+/\1.\2.\3/g'`)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ PROG_VER_DECLARED :=$(shell echo `cat ./views/version.txt | grep --color=never "
**** dub (build tool) :dub:
-#+NAME: make_set_var_1_dub
+#+NAME: make_set_var_dub
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
DUB_FLAGS=-v --force --compiler=
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ DUB_FLAGS=-v --force --compiler=
**** Project Details :project:spine:
-#+NAME: make_set_var_2_project_details
+#+NAME: make_set_var_project_details
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ PRG_DOCDIR=./docs
**** Emacs Org settings :settings:emacs:org:tangle:
-#+NAME: make_set_var_3_emacs_org
+#+NAME: make_set_var_emacs_org
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
ORG_VER_AVAILABLE=$(shell echo `ls -d ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-???????? | cut -d '-' -f2`)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ ORGDIR :=$(shell echo `pwd`)
**** Markup Samples
***** pods
-#+NAME: make_set_var_4_markup_samples_pods
+#+NAME: make_set_var_markup_samples_pods
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
find data/pod -maxdepth 2 -name pod.manifest | cut -f 1-3 -d / | sort
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ data/pod/viral_spiral.david_bollier
***** dir
-#+NAME: make_set_var_5_markup_samples_search_dirs
+#+NAME: make_set_var_markup_samples_search_dirs
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
find data/sisudir/media/text -name *.ss[tm] | sort | xargs
@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ data/sisudir/media/text/through_the_looking_glass.lewis_carroll.sst \
data/sisudir/media/text/two_bits.christopher_kelty.sst \
data/sisudir/media/text/un_contracts_international_sale_of_goods_convention_1980.sst \
****** sample markup file list
@@ -229,19 +230,443 @@ data/sisudir/media/text/viral_spiral.david_bollier.sst
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
find data/pod -name pod.manifest | cut -f 1-3 -d / | sort; \
-find data/sisudir/media/text -name *.ss[tm] | sort
+ find data/sisudir/media/text -name *.ss[tm] | sort
#+NAME: make_find_markup_samples_1_pod
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
find data/pod -name pod.manifest | cut -f 1-3 -d / | sort
#+NAME: make_find_markup_samples_2_dir
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
find data/sisudir/media/text -name *.ss[tm] | sort
+**** nix
+#+NAME: make_set_nix
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+ HOME=$${PWD}; \
+ for DC_ in dmd ldmd2 gdmd; do \
+ echo "- check for D compiler $${DC_}"; \
+ DC=$$(type -P $${DC_} || echo ""); \
+ if [ ! "$${DC}" == "" ]; then \
+ break; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ echo "D compiler = $${DC}"; \
+ if [ "$${DC}" == "" ]; then \
+ echo "Error: could not find D compiler"; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ echo "$${DC_} used as D compiler to build $${pname}"; \
+ export DFLAGS="-O2 -inline"; \
+ dub build --compiler=$${DC} --build=release --combined --skip-registry=all;
+ runHook preCheck; \
+ HOME=$${PWD}; \
+ dub test --combined --skip-registry=all; \
+ runHook postCheck
+ runHook preInstall; \
+ mkdir -p $${out}/bin; \
+ install -m755 ./bin/spine $${out}/bin/spine; \
+ runHook postInstall
+#cp -r bin/spine $out/bin/.
+ echo "$${out}/share/cgi-bin"; \
+ echo `ls -la $${out}/bin/spine`
+*** initialize
+#+NAME: make_initialize
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+Date := `date "+%Y%m%d"`
+SpineBIN := "${SpineBIN}" # './result/bin'
+SpineOUT := "${SpineOUT}" # '/srv/www/spine'
+SpinePOD := "${SpinePOD}" # '/grotto-ra/repo/git.repo/projects/project-spine/doc-reform-markup/spine-markup-samples/markup/pod'
+SpineSearchActionLocal := 'http://localhost/spine_search'
+SpineSearchActionRemote := 'https://sisudoc.org/spine_search'
+SpineCGIform := 'spine_search'
+SpineSQLdb := 'spine.search.db'
+PROG_VER_GIT := '''`git describe --long --tags | sed -e "s/^[ a-z_-]\+\([0-9.]\+\)/\1/;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g"`'''
+PROG_VER_DECLARED := '''`cat ./views/version.txt | grep --color=never "enum" | sed 's/.\+(\([0-9]\+\),[ \t]\+\([0-9]\+\),[ \t]\+\([0-9]\+\)[ \t]*).\+/\1.\2.\3/g'`'''
+hwd := `pwd`
+gwd := `pwd` + "/src/ext_depends"
+deps := "`ls -gx './src/ext_depends'`"
+dirs_loc := "`ls -gx '.'`"
+#dirs := "`ls -gx {{gwd}}`"
+*** commands
+#+NAME: make_cmd_list
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+ rg --color=always -B1 "^[a-z]\w+:" makefile | less
+ rg --color=always -B1 "^[a-z]\w+:" makefile | bat
+**** org tangle
+#+NAME: make_cmd_org
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# tangle org files
+ cd ./org; \
+ org-tangle *.org; \
+ cd -
+**** project
+#+NAME: make_cmd_project
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# project vim
+ nvim ./org/doc-reform.org
+# project emacs, cli (single instance open)
+ emacsclient -F -c -a -f ./org/doc-reform.org
+# project emacs, cli (multiple instance, no copy & paste)
+ emacsclient -nw -a -f ./org/doc-reform.org
+# project emacs, gui
+ emacs ./org/doc-reform.org &
+**** generate output
+#+NAME: make_cmd_output_doc
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# epub output
+ {{SpineBIN}}/spine -v \
+ --epub --output={{SpineOUT}} {{SpinePOD}}/*
+# html output with local search links
+ {{SpineBIN}}/spine -v --generated-by \
+ --curate \
+ --html --html-link-search --html-link-curate --cgi-url-action="{{SpineSearchActionLocal}}" \
+ --output={{SpineOUT}} {{SpinePOD}}/*
+# latex output
+ {{SpineBIN}}/spine -v \
+ --latex \
+ --output={{SpineOUT}} {{SpinePOD}}/*
+# odf output
+ {{SpineBIN}}/spine -v \
+ --odf \
+ --output={{SpineOUT}} {{SpinePOD}}/*
+# sqlite output
+ {{SpineBIN}}/spine -v \
+ --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="{{SpineSQLdb}}" \
+ --output={{SpineOUT}} {{SpinePOD}}/*
+# generate markup sample output with local search links
+ {{SpineBIN}}/spine -v \
+ --latex --latex-init \
+ --epub \
+ --html --html-link-search --html-link-pdf --html-link-curate --html-link-markup \
+ --cgi-sqlite-search-filename="{{SpineCGIform}}" --cgi-url-action="{{SpineSearchActionLocal}}" \
+ --curate \
+ --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="{{SpineSQLdb}}" \
+ --output={{SpineOUT}} {{SpinePOD}}/*
+# generate markup sample output with remote search links
+ {{SpineBIN}}/spine -v \
+ --generated-by \
+ --latex --latex-init \
+ --epub \
+ --html --html-link-search --html-link-pdf --html-link-curate \
+ --cgi-sqlite-search-filename="{{SpineCGIform}}" --cgi-url-action="{{SpineSearchActionRemote}}" \
+ --curate \
+ --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="{{SpineSQLdb}}" \
+ --output={{SpineOUT}} {{SpinePOD}}/*
+# generate markup sample output with local search links
+output-samples: output-samples-local
+# nix build (remote) run
+generate-output-remote: nix-build output-samples-remote
+# nix build (local) run
+generate-output-local: nix-build output-samples-local
+**** search project
+#+NAME: make_cmd_search_project
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# preview org files vim
+ fd --max-depth 6 --type file -g "*" | sort \
+ | fzf \
+ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \
+ --preview-window=right:66% \
+ --bind="enter:execute(nvim {})"; \
+# preview org files emacs
+ fd --max-depth 6 --type file -g "*" | sort \
+ | fzf \
+ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \
+ --preview-window=right:66% \
+ --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -nw -a -f {})"; \
+# preview org files vim
+ cd ./org; \
+ fd --max-depth 5 --type file -g "*.org" | sort \
+ | fzf \
+ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \
+ --preview-window=right:66% \
+ --bind="enter:execute(nvim {})"; \
+ cd -
+# preview org files emacs
+ cd ./org; \
+ fd --max-depth 5 --type file -g "*.org" | sort \
+ | fzf \
+ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \
+ --preview-window=right:66% \
+ --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -nw -a -f {})"; \
+ cd -
+## search org files (view in vim)
+#org-v find:
+# cd ./org; \
+# rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "{{find}}" | \
+# fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \
+# --preview-window=right:66% \
+# --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"{{find}}\" {}" \
+# --bind="enter:execute(nvim -c \"silent! /{{find}}\" {1})"; \
+# cd -
+## search org files (view in emacsclient)
+#org-e find:
+# cd ./org; \
+# rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "{{find}}" | \
+# fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \
+# --preview-window=right:66% \
+# --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"{{find}}\" {}" \
+# --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -nw -a -f {})"; \
+# cd -
+## search tips.org files (view in emacs)
+#org-E find:
+# cd ./org; \
+# rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "{{find}}" | \
+# fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \
+# --preview-window=right:66% \
+# --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"{{find}}\" {}" \
+# --bind="enter:execute(emacs {} &)"; \
+# cd -
+## search for in directory specified (view in vim, uses rg & fzf) ["find" for emacs]
+#sDir-v find dir:
+# cd {{dir}}; \
+# rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "{{find}}" | \
+# fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \
+# --preview-window=right:66% \
+# --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"{{find}}\" {}" \
+# --bind="enter:execute(nvim -c \"silent! /{{find}}\" {1})"; \
+# cd -
+## search for in directory specified (view in emacs, uses rg & fzf) ["search" for emacs]
+#sDir-e find dir:
+# cd {{dir}}; \
+# rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "{{find}}" | \
+# fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \
+# --preview-window=right:66% \
+# --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"{{find}}\" {}" \
+# --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -nw -a -f {})"; \
+# cd -
+## search for in directory specified (view in emacs, uses rg & fzf) ["search" for emacs]
+#sDir-E find dir:
+# cd {{dir}}; \
+# rg --files-with-matches --no-messages "{{find}}" | \
+# fzf --multi --ansi --print0 \
+# --preview-window=right:66% \
+# --preview="rg --pretty --after-context 3 --before-context 2 -- \"{{find}}\" {}" \
+# --bind="enter:execute(emacs {} &)"; \
+# cd -
+**** search markup samples
+#+NAME: make_cmd_search_markup_samples
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# show markup pod source selections
+ ls -1 --color=always {{SpinePOD}}
+ ls -1 -d --color=always {{SpinePOD}}/*/
+# show markup pod source tree
+ exa -alT --git -I'.git|.dub|*_' --color=always -L5 ${SpinePOD} | less -R
+# show markup pod source tree
+ exa -alT --git -I'*_' --color=always -L5 ${SpineSRC}/doc_reform ${SpinePROJ}/views | less -R
+## show markup pod source tree
+# exa -alT --git -I'.git|.dub|*_' --color=always -L5 ${SpineSRC} ${SpinePROJ}/views | less -R
+# show markup pod source tree
+ exa -alT --git -I'*_' --color=always -L5 ${SpineSearchCGI}/src ${SpineSearchCGI}/views | less -R
+# show markup files
+ cd {{SpinePOD}}; \
+ find . -type f -iname "*sst"; \
+ cd -; \
+ echo {{SpinePOD}}
+# find {{SpinePOD}}/. -type f -iname "*sst"
+# preview markup files vim
+ cd {{SpinePOD}}; \
+ fd --max-depth 5 --type file -g "*.ss?" | sort \
+ | fzf \
+ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \
+ --preview-window=right:66% \
+ --bind="enter:execute(nvim {})"; \
+ cd -
+# preview markup files emacs
+ cd {{SpinePOD}}; \
+ fd --max-depth 5 --type file -g "*.ss?" | sort \
+ | fzf \
+ --preview='bat --color "always" {}' \
+ --preview-window=right:66% \
+ --bind="enter:execute(emacsclient -nw -a -f {})"; \
+ cd -
+# markup samples list
+markup-sample: markup-pod-sample
+# markup samples list
+ find data/pod -name pod.manifest | cut -f 1-3 -d / | sort
+# markup samples pod manifests and sst files
+markup-samples: markup-pod-samples markup-file-samples
+# markup samples pod manifests
+ echo "{{SpinePOD}}"; \
+ find {{SpinePOD}} -name pod.manifest | sort
+#find {{SpinePOD}} -name pod.manifest | sed -E 's:.+?(([/][^/]+){2})$:\1:'
+# markup samples sst files
+ echo "{{SpinePOD}}"; \
+ find {{SpinePOD}} -name *.ss[tm] | sort
+# markup_dir_samples:
+# find data/sisudir/media/text -name *.ss[tm] | sort
+**** dev: git, depends
+#+NAME: make_cmd_dev_misc
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# version_tag:
+# echo "DRV=0.11.3; git tag -f doc-reform_v$$\{DRV} -m\"doc-reform $$\{DRV}\" HEAD" && \
+# echo "git tag -f doc-reform_v0.11.3 -m\"doc-reform spine-0.11.3\" HEAD"
+# archive spine output (www)
+ cd /srv/www ; \
+ rm spine_output.{{Date}}.tar.bz2 ; \
+ sudo tar --exclude='./spine/latex' --exclude='./spine/pod' --exclude='./spine/*_' -cjf spine_output.{{Date}}.tar.bz2 ./spine ; \
+ cd -
+# rsync archived spine output to Linode
+ rsync -v /srv/www/spine_output.{{Date}}.tar.bz2 linode:./stage/. ; \
+ rsync -v /var/www/sqlite/spine.search.db linode:./stage/. ; \
+ echo "tar -xf ../spine_output.{{Date}}.tar.bz2"
+# get project external dependencies
+ dub upgrade; \
+ cd {{gwd}} && \
+ echo "{{dirs_loc}}" && \
+ for dir in {{dirs_loc}}; do \
+ if [[ -d ${dir} ]]; then \
+ echo {{gwd}}/${dir} && \
+ if [[ "imageformats" == ${dir} ]]; then \
+ echo {{gwd}}/${dir} && \
+ rm -rvf {{gwd}}/${dir} && \
+ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tjhann/${dir} && \
+ cd ${dir} && \
+ echo $$PWD && \
+ echo "${dir} `git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8`" > ../${dir}.meta && \
+ echo "https://github.com/tjhann/${dir}" >> ../${dir}.meta && \
+ echo "Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)" >> ../${dir}.meta && \
+ cd {{gwd}} && \
+ rm -rf {{gwd}}/${dir}/.git; \
+ elif [[ "d2sqlite3" == ${dir} || "D-YAML" == ${dir} || "tinyendian" == ${dir} ]]; then \
+ echo {{gwd}}/${dir} && \
+ rm -rvf {{gwd}}/${dir} && \
+ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/dlang-community/${dir} && \
+ cd {{gwd}}/${dir} && \
+ echo "${dir} `git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8`" > ../${dir}.meta && \
+ echo "https://github.com/dlang-community/${dir}" >> ../${dir}.meta && \
+ echo "Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)" >> ../${dir}.meta && \
+ cd {{gwd}} && \
+ rm -rf {{gwd}}/${dir}/.git; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ cd {{hwd}}
+# get and set project external dependencies
+depends_set: depends_get
+ dub describe | sed 's~$(shell echo `pwd | sed 's_/_\\/_g'`)~.~g' > dub_describe.json
*** make archive
@@ -251,9 +676,17 @@ markup_dir_samples:
git archive -v --format=tar --prefix=`echo spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)`/ HEAD | gzip > ../spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT).tar.gz && \
echo "to unzip: tar -xzf spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT).tar.gz"
+# git archive project, produce current state .tar.gz
git archive -v --format=tar --prefix=spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)/ HEAD | gzip > ../spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT).tar.gz && \
echo "to unzip: tar -xzf spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT).tar.gz"
+# git archive project, produce current state .tar.gz
+# gitArchive:
+# git archive -v --format=tar --prefix="spine-{{PROG_VER_DECLARED}}-tag-{{PROG_VER_GIT}}/" HEAD | gzip > ../spine-{{PROG_VER_DECLARED}}-tag-{{PROG_VER_GIT}}.tar.gz && \
+# echo "to unzip: tar -xzf spine-{{PROG_VER_DECLARED}}-tag-{{PROG_VER_GIT}}.tar.gz"
*** _make_ commands [+2] :make:commands:
@@ -280,14 +713,20 @@ gitArchive:
echo "DRV=<<spine_version_set>>; git tag -f doc-reform_v$$\{DRV} -m\"doc-reform $$\{DRV}\" HEAD" && \
echo "git tag -f doc-reform_v<<spine_version_set>> -m\"doc-reform spine-<<spine_version_set>>\" HEAD"
**** changelog
#+NAME: make_changelog
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
git log --pretty=format:'---%+s %+as %ae%+h%d%+b' --no-merges | sed "/^\\s*$$/d" | sed "s/^---$$//" | sed "s/^\(\*\)\+/-/" | sed "s/ \+$$//" > CHANGELOG_
+# git changelog for project
+ git log --pretty=format:'---%+s %+as %ae%+h%d%+b' --no-merges | sed "/^\\s*$$/d" | sed "s/^---$$//" | sed "s/^\(\*\)\+/-/" | sed "s/ \+$$//" | sed "s/ \+$//" > CHANGELOG_
**** build commands [+1] :build:compile:
@@ -300,280 +739,167 @@ changelog:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
$(DUB) upgrade
-#+NAME: make_compile_0_compiler_default
+#+NAME: make_compile_compiler_default
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
default: ldc
******** quick :quick:
********* default :default:
-#+NAME: make_compile_1_compiler_all
+#+NAME: make_compile_compiler_all
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
all: dmd ldc gdc
-********* version :version:
-#+NAME: make_compile_2_compiler_all_versioned
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
all_ver: dmd_ver ldc_ver gdc_ver
-********* get project dependencies
-#+NAME: make_get_project_dependencies_github
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
- hwd=$$(echo `pwd`) && \
- gwd="$${hwd}/src/ext_depends" && \
- dirs=$$(echo `ls -gx $${gwd}`) && \
- license_bsl="Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)" && \
- echo $${hwd} && \
- echo $${gwd} && \
- echo $${dirs} && \
- dub upgrade; \
- cd $${gwd} && \
- for dir in $${dirs}; do \
- if [ -d $${dir} ]; then \
- echo $${dir} && \
- if [ "imageformats" == $${dir} ]; then \
- echo $${dir} && \
- rm -rf $${dir} && \
- git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tjhann/$${dir} && \
- cd $${dir} && \
- echo $$PWD && \
- echo "$${dir} `git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8`" > ../$${dir}.meta && \
- echo "https://github.com/tjhann/$${dir}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \
- echo "$${license_bsl}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \
- cd $${gwd} && \
- rm -rf $${dir}/.git; \
- elif [[ "d2sqlite3" == $${dir} || "D-YAML" == $${dir} || "tinyendian" == $${dir} ]]; then \
- echo $${dir} && \
- rm -rf $${dir} && \
- git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/dlang-community/$${dir} && \
- cd $${dir} && \
- echo "$${dir} `git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8`" > ../$${dir}.meta && \
- echo "https://github.com/dlang-community/$${dir}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \
- echo "$${license_bsl}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \
- cd $${gwd} && \
- rm -rf $${dir}/.git; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- done; \
- cd $${hwd}
-set_depends: get_depends
- dub describe | sed 's~$(shell echo `pwd | sed 's_/_\\/_g'`)~.~g' > dub_describe.json
- git reset HEAD flake.lock && \
- touch flake.lock \
- git rm -f flake.lock
- git add .; \
- nix flake update && \
- git reset HEAD flake.lock; \
- cp flake.lock flake.lock_
-flake_update_move_lock: flake_update
- touch flake.lock \
- git rm -f flake.lock
-set_latest: set_depends flake_update rm_flakelock
-gitDir=dub2nix; git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/lionello/${gitDir} | rm -rf ${gitDir}/.git
-********* debug :debug:
-#+NAME: make_compile_3_compiler_all_debug
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
all_debug: dmd_debug gdc_debug ldc_debug
-********* _meson_ build :meson:
-meson using dub
-- works & looks pretty clean
-- but subprojects built externally & not suitable for debian packaging
-#+NAME: make_meson_build
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
- rm -r build; mkdir build
-meson_build: meson_clean_build_dir
- meson --buildtype=debugoptimized build
- ninja -C build
- notify-send -t 0 'D meson build ldc compiled test release executable ready' 'spine'
-meson_redo: meson_clean_build_dir meson_build
-meson_project_build_clean: clean skel tangle dub_upgrade meson_build
-meson: meson_clean_build_dir dub_upgrade meson_build
******** clean & tangle :clean:tangle:
********* default :default:
-#+NAME: make_clean_tangle_compile_0_all_clean
+#+NAME: make_clean_tangle_compile_all_clean
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
all_clean: clean tangle dmd ldc gdc
-********* version :version:
-#+NAME: make_clean_tangle_compile_1_all_clean_versioned
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
all_ver_clean: clean tangle dmd_ver ldc_ver gdc_ver
-********* debug :debug:
-#+NAME: make_clean_tangle_compile_2_all_clean_debug
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
all_debug_ver: dmd_debug_ver gdc_debug_ver ldc_debug_ver
all_debug_clean_ver: clean tangle dmd_debug_ver gdc_debug_ver ldc_debug_ver
****** individual compiler builds :each:
******* dmd :dmd:
-******** quick :quick:
-********* default :default:
+******** quick builds :quick:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_dmd_0_default
+#+NAME: make_dub_compile_dmd_default
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
dmd: dub_upgrade
$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=dmd --build=release-nobounds
notify-send -t 0 'D dmd compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-dmd'
-********* debug :debug:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_dmd_1_debug
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=dmd --build=debug
-********* version :version:
-- assumes git tags with program version
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_dmd_2_versioned
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# assumes git tags with program version
dmd_ver: dub_upgrade
$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=dmd-version
mv bin/spine-dmd-ver bin-archive/spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-dmd
notify-send -t 0 'D dmd compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-dmd'
-dmd_clean_ver: clean tangle dmd_ver
******** clean & tangle :clean:tangle:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_dmd_3_release
+#+NAME: make_dub_compile_dmd_release
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+dmd_clean_ver: clean tangle dmd_ver
dmd_rel: expunge skel tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=spine-release
dmd_rel_tangle: tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=spine-dmd
dmd_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle dmd_rel_tangle
dmd_debug_tangle: tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=dmd --config=spine-dmd-debug
******* gdc :gdc:
-******** quick :quick:
-********* default :default:
+******** quick builds :quick:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_gdc_0_default
+#+NAME: make_dub_compile_gdc_default
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
gdc: dub_upgrade
$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=gdc
notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-gdc'
-********* debug :debug:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_gdc_1_debug
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=gdc --build=debug
-********* version :version:
-- assumes git tags with program version
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_gdc_2_versioned
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# assumes git tags with program version
gdc_ver: dub_upgrade
$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=gdc-version
mv bin/spine-gdc-ver bin-archive/spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-gdc
notify-send -t 0 'D gdc compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-gdc'
-gdc_clean_ver: clean tangle gdc_ver
******** clean & tangle :clean:tangle:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_gdc_3_release
+#+NAME: make_dub_compile_gdc_release
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+gdc_clean_ver: clean tangle gdc_ver
gdc_rel: expunge skel tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=spine-release
gdc_rel_tangle: tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=spine-gdc
gdc_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle gdc_rel_tangle
gdc_debug_tangle: tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=gdc --config=spine-gdc-debug
******* ldc :ldc:
-******** quick :quick:
-********* default :default:
+******** quick builds :quick:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_ldc_0_default
+#+NAME: make_dub_compile_ldc_default
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
ldc: dub_upgrade
$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=ldc --build=release
notify-send -t 0 'D ldc compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-ldc'
-********* debug :debug:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_ldc_1_debug
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=ldc --build=debug
-********* version :version:
-- assumes git tags with program version
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_ldc_2_versioned
-#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# assumes git tags with program version
ldc_ver: dub_upgrade
$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=ldc-version
mv bin/spine-ldc-ver bin-archive/spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-ldc
notify-send -t 0 'D ldc2 compiled test release executable ready' 'spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)-ldc'
ldc_clean_ver: clean tangle ldc_ver
******** clean & tangle :clean:tangle:
-#+NAME: make_dub_compile_ldc_3_release
+#+NAME: make_dub_compile_ldc_release
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
ldc_rel: expunge skel tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=spine-release
ldc_rel_tangle: tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=spine-ldc
ldc_rel_expunge_tangle: expunge skel tangle ldc_rel_tangle
ldc_debug_tangle: tangle
$(DUB) --compiler=ldc2 --config=spine-ldc-debug
****** generic
******* init clean distclean etc. :clean:
-#+NAME: make_initialization_operations_0_parts
+#+NAME: make_initialization_operations_parts
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
reinit: clean skel tangle
mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR); \
mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR)-archive; \
@@ -595,24 +921,32 @@ skel:
mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR)/share; \
mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR); \
mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR);
init: skel
rm -rf build; \
rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR); \
rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR);
rm $(PRG_BINDIR)/*
rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR);
rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR)
rm -f dub.selections.json; \
rm -rf build; \
rm -rf $(PRG_SRCDIR); \
rm -rf $(PRG_BINDIR); \
rm -rf $(PRG_DOCDIR);
distclean: expunge
distclean_and_init: expunge
mkdir -p views; \
mkdir -p sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/cgi-bin/src; \
@@ -625,30 +959,129 @@ distclean_and_init: expunge
mkdir -p sundry/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/templates; \
mkdir -p $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_NAME_DIR); \
mkdir -p $(PRG_BINDIR);
******* version :version:
-#+NAME: make_initialization_operations_1_git_version
+#+NAME: make_initialization_operations_git_version
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
echo spine-$(PROG_VER_DECLARED)-tag-$(PROG_VER_GIT)
******* tangle build rebuild :clean:tangle:build:
-#+NAME: make_initialization_operations_2_assemble
+#+NAME: make_initialization_operations_assemble
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
clean_tangle_build: clean tangle build
tangle_build: tangle build
build: $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_SRC)
$(DC) $(DC_FLAGS) \
rebuild: $(PRG_SRCDIR)/$(PRG_SRC) $(PRG_BINDIR)/$(PRG_BIN).o clean build
make -k tangle_maker
restart: clean tangle
+**** get project dependencies
+#+NAME: make_get_project_dependencies_github
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+ hwd=$$(echo `pwd`) && \
+ gwd="$${hwd}/src/ext_depends" && \
+ dirs=$$(echo `ls -gx $${gwd}`) && \
+ license_bsl="Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)" && \
+ echo $${hwd} && \
+ echo $${gwd} && \
+ echo $${deps} && \
+ dub upgrade; \
+ cd $${gwd} && \
+ for dir in $${deps}; do \
+ if [ -d $${dir} ]; then \
+ echo $${dir} && \
+ if [ "imageformats" == $${dir} ]; then \
+ echo $${dir} && \
+ rm -rf $${dir} && \
+ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tjhann/$${dir} && \
+ cd $${dir} && \
+ echo $$PWD && \
+ echo "$${dir} `git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8`" > ../$${dir}.meta && \
+ echo "https://github.com/tjhann/$${dir}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \
+ echo "$${license_bsl}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \
+ cd $${gwd} && \
+ rm -rf $${dir}/.git; \
+ elif [[ "d2sqlite3" == $${dir} || "D-YAML" == $${dir} || "tinyendian" == $${dir} ]]; then \
+ echo $${dir} && \
+ rm -rf $${dir} && \
+ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/dlang-community/$${dir} && \
+ cd $${dir} && \
+ echo "$${dir} `git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c 1-8`" > ../$${dir}.meta && \
+ echo "https://github.com/dlang-community/$${dir}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \
+ echo "$${license_bsl}" >> ../$${dir}.meta && \
+ cd $${gwd} && \
+ rm -rf $${dir}/.git; \
+ fi; \
+ fi; \
+ done; \
+ cd $${hwd}
+set_depends: get_depends
+ dub describe | sed 's~$(shell echo `pwd | sed 's_/_\\/_g'`)~.~g' > dub_describe.json
+ git reset HEAD flake.lock && \
+ touch flake.lock \
+ git rm -f flake.lock
+ git add .; \
+ nix flake update && \
+ git reset HEAD flake.lock; \
+ cp flake.lock flake.lock_
+flake_update_move_lock: flake_update
+ touch flake.lock \
+ git rm -f flake.lock
+set_latest: set_depends flake_update rm_flakelock
+gitDir=dub2nix; git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/lionello/${gitDir} | rm -rf ${gitDir}/.git
+**** _meson_ build :meson:
+meson using dub
+- works & looks pretty clean
+- but subprojects built externally & not suitable for debian packaging
+#+NAME: make_meson_build
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+ rm -r build; mkdir build
+meson_build: meson_clean_build_dir
+ meson --buildtype=debugoptimized build
+ ninja -C build
+ notify-send -t 0 'D meson build ldc compiled test release executable ready' 'spine'
+meson_redo: meson_clean_build_dir meson_build
+meson_project_build_clean: clean skel tangle dub_upgrade meson_build
+meson: meson_clean_build_dir dub_upgrade meson_build
**** testrun (program against document markup) :markup:sample:
@@ -659,6 +1092,7 @@ restart: clean tangle
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
****** dmd
@@ -671,27 +1105,33 @@ dmd_testrun_find:
--sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
--output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
-./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub \
+ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
******* path list
@@ -700,25 +1140,30 @@ dmd_testrun_find_pod_all:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-dmd -v --source \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
****** gdc
@@ -728,30 +1173,36 @@ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD)
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ data/pod/sisu-manual
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
******* path list
@@ -760,30 +1211,36 @@ gdc_testrun_find_pod_all:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ data/pod/sisu-manual
./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
****** ldc
@@ -793,30 +1250,36 @@ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD)
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ data/pod/sisu-manual
./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod
******* path list
@@ -825,30 +1288,36 @@ ldc_testrun_find_pod_all:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ data/pod/sisu-manual
./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_pod \
***** dir :dir:
@@ -859,25 +1328,30 @@ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_POD)
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --source \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ ./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
******* file list
@@ -886,25 +1360,30 @@ dmd_testrun_find_dir_all:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-dmd -v --source \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-dmd -v --pod \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-dmd -v --html \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-dmd -v --epub \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-dmd -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
****** gdc
@@ -914,25 +1393,30 @@ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR)
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ ./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
******* file list
@@ -941,25 +1425,30 @@ gdc_testrun_find_dir_all:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-gdc -v --source \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-gdc -v --pod \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-gdc -v --html \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-gdc -v --epub \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-gdc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
****** ldc
@@ -969,25 +1458,30 @@ $(SiSU_MARKUP_SAMPLES_DIR)
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \
+ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \
+ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \
+ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \
+ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
-./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ ./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir
******* file list
@@ -996,25 +1490,30 @@ ldc_testrun_find_dir_all:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
./bin/spine-ldc -v --source \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-ldc -v --pod \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-ldc -v --html \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-ldc -v --epub \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
./bin/spine-ldc -v --source --html --epub --sqlite-discrete \
---sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
---output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
+ --sqlite-create --sqlite-update \
+ --output-dir=tmp/program_output_dir \
**** org babel tangle batch process command :tangle:
@@ -1040,6 +1539,7 @@ tangle: skel
(setq-local org-src-preserve-indentation t) \
(org-babel-tangle) \
(kill-buffer)) '($$ORGFILES)))" 2>&1
***** tangle maker: org babel tangle makefile new
@@ -1064,6 +1564,7 @@ tangle_maker:
(setq-local org-src-preserve-indentation t) \
(org-babel-tangle) \
(kill-buffer)) '($$ORGFILES)))" 2>&1
***** tangle nix project
@@ -1072,16 +1573,94 @@ tangle_maker:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
lorri shell
- nix-shell
- nix build -f default.nix && ./result/bin/spine -v
- nix build -f project.nix && ./result/bin/spine -v
- nix build -f spine.nix && ./result/bin/spine -v
- nix-build default.nix
+# nix-shell
+ nix-shell -I .envrc
+ nix-shell -I .envrc --pure
+# nix-shell (with local tools, presumably latest dlang compiler & build tools (ldc & dub))
+ nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs --pure
+# shell.nix (with shebang)
+ shell.nix
+# nix-build spine
+ nix-build default.nix && ./result/bin/spine -v
+# nix-build spine (with local tools, presumably latest dlang compiler & build tools (ldc & dub))
+ nix-build -I .envrc
+# tangle-build
+tangle-build: org-tangle nix-build
+# build-run
+build-run: nix-build output-samples
+# tangle-build-run
+tangle-build-run: org-tangle nix-build output-samples
+# nix-build spine search
+ cd ./sundry/spine_search_cgi; \
+ nix-build \
+ cd -
+ git reset HEAD flake.lock
+ nix search --json 2>/dev/null |jq;
+ nix flake show;
+ nix show-derivation |jq;
+ nix develop -f default.nix -I nixpkgs=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs
+# nix flake show
+flake-show: _flake-show-package _flake-show-name _flake-show-derivation
+# nix-build flake spine
+flake-build: _flake-show-name
+ nix build --print-build-logs
+# nix-build flake spine
+flake-reset-build: _flake-lock-reset _flake-show-name
+ nix build --print-build-logs
+# nix-build flake spine debug
+ nix build --debug
+# nix-build spine (with local tools, presumably latest dlang compiler & build tools (ldc & dub))
+ nix build --print-build-logs -I nixpkgs=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs
+# tangle-build-flake
+flake-tangle-build: org-tangle flake-build
+# build-flake-run
+flake-build-run: flake-build output-samples
+# tangle-build-run
+flake-tangle-build-run: org-tangle flake-build output-samples
+# nix-build spine search
+ cd ./sundry/spine_search_cgi; \
+ nix build --print-build-logs \
+ cd -
**** git snapshot
@@ -1090,6 +1669,7 @@ nix-build_default:
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
gitsnapshot: distclean tangle
git commit -a
*** phony :phony:
@@ -1099,17 +1679,70 @@ gitsnapshot: distclean tangle
.PHONY : all build rebuild debug release \
distclean init \
tangle gitsnapshot
+** .env/local
+#+HEADER: :NO-tangle ../.env/local
+export NIX_PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos
+#export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs
+#export NIX_PATH=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs
+# reload when these files change
+# watch_file flake.nix
+# watch_file flake.lock
+## load the flake devShell
+# eval "$(nix print-dev-env)"
+# echo $NIX_BUILD_TOP
+export SpineVER=$(git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^[ a-z_-]\+\([0-9.]\+\)/\1/;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g')
+export SpinePROJ=/grotto-ra/repo/git.repo/projects/project-spine/doc-reform
+export SpineSRC=/grotto-ra/repo/git.repo/projects/project-spine/doc-reform/src
+export SpineBIN=/grotto-ra/repo/git.repo/projects/project-spine/doc-reform/result/bin
+export SpineDOC=/grotto-ra/repo/git.repo/projects/project-spine/doc-reform-markup/spine-markup-samples
+export SpinePOD=$SpineDOC/markup/pod
+export SpineOUTversioned=/srv/www/spine/$SpineVER
+export SpineOUT=/srv/www/spine
+export SpineDBpath=/var/www/sqlite
+#use nix
+if [ -e .env/echo-nixNote ]; then
+ source .env/echo-nixNote
-** makefile :makefile:
+* dr spine_search
+** spine_search makefile :makefile
*** tangle
-#+HEADER: :tangle ../sundry/spine_search_cgi/makefile_
+#+HEADER: :tangle ../sundry/spine_search_cgi/makefile
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
-********* get project dependencies
+*** make
+#+NAME: make_cgi_search_makefile
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+SpineBIN := "${SpineBIN}" # 'result/bin'
+SpineOUT := "${SpineOUT}" # '/srv/www/spine'
+SpinePOD := "${SpinePOD}" # '/grotto-ra/repo/git.repo/projects/project-spine/doc-reform-markup/spine-markup-samples/markup/pod'
+SpineSearchAction := 'https://sisudoc.org/spine_search'
+SpineCGIform := 'spine_search'
+SpineSQLdb := 'spine.search.db'
+# nix build
+ nix-build
+# cp cgi search form
+ sudo cp -vi /var/www/cgi/cgi-bin/spine_search /var/www/cgi/cgi-bin/spine_search_old && \
+ sudo cp -vi result/share/cgi-bin/spine_search /var/www/cgi/cgi-bin/spine_search
+*** get project dependencies
#+NAME: make_get_project_cgi_search_dependencies_github
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
@@ -1120,10 +1753,10 @@ get_depends:
license_bsl="Boost Software License 1.0 (BSL-1.0)" && \
echo $${hwd} && \
echo $${gwd} && \
- echo $${dirs} && \
+ echo $${deps} && \
dub upgrade; \
cd $${gwd} && \
- for dir in $${dirs}; do \
+ for dir in $${deps}; do \
if [ -d $${dir} ]; then \
echo $${dir} && \
if [[ "arsd" == $${dir} ]]; then \
@@ -1146,6 +1779,377 @@ get_depends:
fi; \
done; \
cd $${hwd}
set_depends: get_depends
dub describe | sed 's~$(shell echo `pwd | sed 's_/_\\/_g'`)~.~g' > dub_describe.json
+** .env/local
+#+HEADER: :NO-tangle ../sundry/spine_search_cgi/.env/local
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+export NIX_PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos
+* www dr spine latex
+- /srv/www/spine/latex
+** make
+#+HEADER: :tangle /srv/www/spine/latex/makefile
+#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
+# nix build
+# nix-build
+# clean, deletes latex processing workfiles
+ for ext in "aux" "log" "toc"; do \
+ rm *.$ext; \
+ done;
+# rm *.aux;
+# rm *.log;
+# rm *.toc;
+# clean, deletes latex processing workfiles for landscape documents
+ for ext in "aux" "log" "toc"; do \
+ rm *.landscape.$ext; \
+ done;
+# clean, deletes latex processing workfiles for portrait documents
+ for ext in "aux" "log" "toc"; do \
+ rm *.portrait.$ext; \
+ done;
+# clean, deletes latex processing workfiles for a4 documents
+clean-size papersize:
+ for ext in "aux" "log" "toc"; do \
+ rm *.{{papersize}}.portrait.$ext; \
+ done; \
+ echo "removed latex {{papersize}} workfiles";
+# wipe clean, deletes latex processing workfiles & pdfs
+wipe: clean
+ rm *.pdf;
+# wipe clean, deletes latex processing workfiles & pdfs for landscape documents
+wipe-landscape: clean-landscape
+ rm *.landscape.pdf;
+# wipe clean, deletes latex processing workfiles & pdfs for portrait documents
+wipe-portrait: clean-portrait
+ rm *.portrait.pdf;
+# wipe clean, deletes latex processing workfiles & pdfs for a4 documents
+wipe-size papersize: (clean-size papersize)
+ rm *.{{papersize}}.*.pdf; \
+ echo "removed {{papersize}} pdfs";
+# xelatex pdf output
+latex: wipe portrait landscape
+# xelatex pdf portrait output
+ for file in `ls *.portrait.tex`; do \
+ for n in 1 2 3; do \
+ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode $file; \
+ done; \
+ done; \
+ echo "portrait pdfs complete";
+# xelatex pdf landscape output
+ for file in `ls *.landscape.tex`; do \
+ for n in 1 2 3; do \
+ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode $file; \
+ done; \
+ done; \
+ echo "landscape pdfs complete";
+# xelatex pdf output
+pdf: wipe
+ for file in `ls *.tex`; do \
+ for n in 1 2 3; do \
+ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode $file; \
+ done; \
+ done; \
+ echo "pdfs complete";
+# xelatex pdf a4 output of papersize given, provide papersize
+pdf-size papersize: (pdf-portrait papersize) (pdf-landscape papersize)
+ echo "{{papersize}} pdfs complete";
+# xelatex pdf portrait output of papersize given, provide papersize
+pdf-portrait papersize:
+ echo "{{papersize}} portrait ->"; \
+ for file in `ls *.{{papersize}}.portrait.tex`; do \
+ echo $file; \
+ for n in 1 2 3; do \
+ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode $file; \
+ done; \
+ done; \
+ echo "{{papersize}} portrait pdfs complete";
+# xelatex pdf landscape output of papersize given, provide papersize
+pdf-landscape papersize:
+ echo "{{papersize}}landscape ->"; \
+ for file in `ls *.{{papersize}}.landscape.tex`; do \
+ echo $file; \
+ for n in 1 2 3; do \
+ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode $file; \
+ done; \
+ done; \
+ echo "{{papersize}} landscape pdfs complete";
+#+HEADER: :tangle /srv/www/spine/latex/README
+-*- mode: org -*-
+things nix to be placed in $SpineOUT/latex
+cp -vi nix.org $SpineOUT/latex/.
+$SpineBIN/spine --verbose --latex --output="$SpineOUT" $SpinePOD/*
+$SpineBIN/spine --verbose --latex --set-papersize="a4,letter.portrait,b4.portrait" --output="$SpineOUT" $SpinePOD/*
+** shell.nix
+*** shell hook
+**** shell hook
+#+NAME: shell_hook_
+if [[ -e ".envrc" ]]; then
+ source .envrc
+eval "$(starship init bash)"
+for texfile in <<tex_files>>; do
+ for run in {1..<<repeat_run>>}; do
+ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode $texfile
+ done
+rm *.{aux,log,out,toc}
+ls *.tex; ls *.pdf;
+#+NAME: shell_hook
+if [[ -e ".envrc" ]]; then
+ source .envrc
+eval "$(starship init bash)"
+for size in <<paper_sizes>>; do
+ for orient in <<paper_orientations>>; do
+ for texfile in *.$size.$orient.tex; do
+ for run in {1..<<repeat_run>>}; do
+ xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode $texfile
+ done
+ done
+ done
+rm *.{aux,log,out,toc}
+ls *.tex; ls *.pdf;
+**** shell hook variables
+***** tex files
+#+NAME: tex_files
+***** paper sizes
+#+NAME: paper_sizes
+"a4" "b4" "letter"
+***** paper orientations
+#+NAME: paper_orientations
+***** repeat xeletex run
+#+NAME: repeat_run
+***** env paths init
+#+NAME: spine_proj
+#+NAME: spine_src
+#+NAME: spine_bin
+#+NAME: spine_doc
+#+NAME: spine_pod
+#+NAME: spine_out
+*** shell.nix
+#+HEADER: :tangle /srv/www/spine/latex/shell.nix
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+#!/usr/bin/env -S nix-shell --pure
+{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
+with pkgs;
+mkShell {
+ buildInputs = [
+ <<package_list_latex>>
+ ];
+ shellHook = ''
+ # <<shell_hook>>
+ '';
+*** packages.nix
+#+NAME: package_list_latex
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+### nix_related
+### d_build_related
+## package manager
+## compiler
+# ### pdf_latex_related
+# texlive.combined.scheme-tetex
+### candy
+*** packages.nix
+#+NAME: package_list_inherit_latex
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+(import ./packages.nix { inherit pkgs; })
+#+HEADER: :tangle /srv/www/spine/latex/packages.nix
+#+BEGIN_SRC nix
+### nix_related
+{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
+with pkgs; [
+ <<package_list_latex>>
+** env
+*** .envrc
+#+HEADER: :tangle /srv/www/spine/latex/.envrc
+if ! has nix_direnv_version || ! nix_direnv_version 1.4.0; then
+# https://github.com/nix-community/nix-direnv
+ source_url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nix-community/nix-direnv/1.4.0/direnvrc" "sha256-4XfVDjv75eHMWN4G725VW7BoOV4Vl3vAabK4YXIfPyE="
+if [ -e .env/local ]; then
+ source_env_if_exists .env/local || source .env/local
+*** .env/local
+#+HEADER: :tangle /srv/www/spine/latex/.env/local
+export NIX_PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos
+#export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs
+#export NIX_PATH=/nixpkgs-ra/nixpkgs
+# reload when these files change
+# watch_file flake.nix
+# watch_file flake.lock
+## load the flake devShell
+# eval "$(nix print-dev-env)"
+# echo $NIX_BUILD_TOP
+export PROJ="/grotto-ra/repo/git.repo/projects/project-spine"
+export SpinePROJ=<<spine_proj>>
+export SpineSRC=<<spine_src>>
+export SpineBIN=<<spine_bin>>
+export SpineDOC=<<spine_doc>>
+export SpinePOD=<<spine_pod>>
+export SpineOUT=<<spine_out>>
+#use nix
+if [ -e .env/echo-nixNote ]; then
+ source .env/echo-nixNote
+** git
+*** .gitignore
+#+HEADER: :tangle /srv/www/spine/latex/.gitignore
+# git ls-files --others --exclude-from=.git/info/exclude
+** notes
+- vim {the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler,two_bits.christopher_kelty,viral_spiral.david_bollier}.en.a4.portrait.tex
+- emacs {the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler,two_bits.christopher_kelty,viral_spiral.david_bollier}.en.a4.portrait.tex
+- evince the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler.en.a4.portrait.pdf
+- evince two_bits.christopher_kelty.en.a4.portrait.pdf
+- evince viral_spiral.david_bollier.en.a4.portrait.pdf
diff --git a/org/doc-reform.org b/org/doc-reform.org
index d0b73eb..1b1edaa 100644
--- a/org/doc-reform.org
+++ b/org/doc-reform.org
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ config_meson.org
*** utils
#+NAME: listdir_util