path: root/src/sdlang/taggedalgebraic/taggedalgebraic.d
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authorRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2016-10-01 13:54:14 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>2019-04-10 15:14:13 -0400
commit1cc6a04b8bce82fa83b62d919bf8bdf14cad0b92 (patch)
treed8c44fa4acb7f588640b2be4117e26bbb864221c /src/sdlang/taggedalgebraic/taggedalgebraic.d
parentheader, body split a more reliable regex solution (diff)
update sdlang, start looking to using dub remote dependenciesdoc-reform_v0.0.6
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sdlang/taggedalgebraic/taggedalgebraic.d')
1 files changed, 1085 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sdlang/taggedalgebraic/taggedalgebraic.d b/src/sdlang/taggedalgebraic/taggedalgebraic.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffaac49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sdlang/taggedalgebraic/taggedalgebraic.d
@@ -0,0 +1,1085 @@
+ * Algebraic data type implementation based on a tagged union.
+ *
+ * Copyright: Copyright 2015, Sönke Ludwig.
+ * License: $(WEB www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
+ * Authors: Sönke Ludwig
+module taggedalgebraic;
+import std.typetuple;
+// TODO:
+// - distinguish between @property and non@-property methods.
+// - verify that static methods are handled properly
+/** Implements a generic algebraic type using an enum to identify the stored type.
+ This struct takes a `union` or `struct` declaration as an input and builds
+ an algebraic data type from its fields, using an automatically generated
+ `Kind` enumeration to identify which field of the union is currently used.
+ Multiple fields with the same value are supported.
+ All operators and methods are transparently forwarded to the contained
+ value. The caller has to make sure that the contained value supports the
+ requested operation. Failure to do so will result in an assertion failure.
+ The return value of forwarded operations is determined as follows:
+ $(UL
+ $(LI If the type can be uniquely determined, it is used as the return
+ value)
+ $(LI If there are multiple possible return values and all of them match
+ the unique types defined in the `TaggedAlgebraic`, a
+ `TaggedAlgebraic` is returned.)
+ $(LI If there are multiple return values and none of them is a
+ `Variant`, an `Algebraic` of the set of possible return types is
+ returned.)
+ $(LI If any of the possible operations returns a `Variant`, this is used
+ as the return value.)
+ )
+struct TaggedAlgebraic(U) if (is(U == union) || is(U == struct))
+ import std.algorithm : among;
+ import std.string : format;
+ import std.traits : FieldTypeTuple, FieldNameTuple, Largest, hasElaborateCopyConstructor, hasElaborateDestructor;
+ private alias Union = U;
+ private alias FieldTypes = FieldTypeTuple!U;
+ private alias fieldNames = FieldNameTuple!U;
+ static assert(FieldTypes.length > 0, "The TaggedAlgebraic's union type must have at least one field.");
+ static assert(FieldTypes.length == fieldNames.length);
+ private {
+ void[Largest!FieldTypes.sizeof] m_data = void;
+ Kind m_kind;
+ }
+ /// A type enum that identifies the type of value currently stored.
+ alias Kind = TypeEnum!U;
+ /// Compatibility alias
+ deprecated("Use 'Kind' instead.") alias Type = Kind;
+ /// The type ID of the currently stored value.
+ @property Kind kind() const { return m_kind; }
+ // Compatibility alias
+ deprecated("Use 'kind' instead.")
+ alias typeID = kind;
+ // constructors
+ //pragma(msg, generateConstructors!U());
+ mixin(generateConstructors!U);
+ this(TaggedAlgebraic other)
+ {
+ import std.algorithm : swap;
+ swap(this, other);
+ }
+ void opAssign(TaggedAlgebraic other)
+ {
+ import std.algorithm : swap;
+ swap(this, other);
+ }
+ // postblit constructor
+ static if (anySatisfy!(hasElaborateCopyConstructor, FieldTypes))
+ {
+ this(this)
+ {
+ switch (m_kind) {
+ default: break;
+ foreach (i, tname; fieldNames) {
+ alias T = typeof(__traits(getMember, U, tname));
+ static if (hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T)
+ {
+ case __traits(getMember, Kind, tname):
+ typeid(T).postblit(cast(void*)&trustedGet!tname());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // destructor
+ static if (anySatisfy!(hasElaborateDestructor, FieldTypes))
+ {
+ ~this()
+ {
+ final switch (m_kind) {
+ foreach (i, tname; fieldNames) {
+ alias T = typeof(__traits(getMember, U, tname));
+ case __traits(getMember, Kind, tname):
+ static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T) {
+ .destroy(trustedGet!tname);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Enables conversion or extraction of the stored value.
+ T opCast(T)()
+ {
+ import std.conv : to;
+ final switch (m_kind) {
+ foreach (i, FT; FieldTypes) {
+ case __traits(getMember, Kind, fieldNames[i]):
+ static if (is(typeof(to!T(trustedGet!(fieldNames[i]))))) {
+ return to!T(trustedGet!(fieldNames[i]));
+ } else {
+ assert(false, "Cannot cast a "~(cast(Kind)m_kind).to!string~" value ("~FT.stringof~") to "~T.stringof);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(false); // never reached
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ T opCast(T)() const
+ {
+ // this method needs to be duplicated because inout doesn't work with to!()
+ import std.conv : to;
+ final switch (m_kind) {
+ foreach (i, FT; FieldTypes) {
+ case __traits(getMember, Kind, fieldNames[i]):
+ static if (is(typeof(to!T(trustedGet!(fieldNames[i]))))) {
+ return to!T(trustedGet!(fieldNames[i]));
+ } else {
+ assert(false, "Cannot cast a "~(cast(Kind)m_kind).to!string~" value ("~FT.stringof~") to "~T.stringof);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(false); // never reached
+ }
+ /// Uses `cast(string)`/`to!string` to return a string representation of the enclosed value.
+ string toString() const { return cast(string)this; }
+ // NOTE: "this TA" is used here as the functional equivalent of inout,
+ // just that it generates one template instantiation per modifier
+ // combination, so that we can actually decide what to do for each
+ // case.
+ /// Enables the invocation of methods of the stored value.
+ auto opDispatch(string name, this TA, ARGS...)(auto ref ARGS args) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.method, name, ARGS)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.method, name)(this, args); }
+ /// Enables accessing properties/fields of the stored value.
+ @property auto opDispatch(string name, this TA, ARGS...)(auto ref ARGS args) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.field, name, ARGS) && !hasOp!(TA, OpKind.method, name, ARGS)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.field, name)(this, args); }
+ /// Enables equality comparison with the stored value.
+ auto opEquals(T, this TA)(auto ref T other) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "==", T)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.binary, "==")(this, other); }
+ /// Enables relational comparisons with the stored value.
+ auto opCmp(T, this TA)(auto ref T other) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "<", T)) { assert(false, "TODO!"); }
+ /// Enables the use of unary operators with the stored value.
+ auto opUnary(string op, this TA)() if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.unary, op)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.unary, op)(this); }
+ /// Enables the use of binary operators with the stored value.
+ auto opBinary(string op, T, this TA)(auto ref T other) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, op, T)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.binary, op)(this, other); }
+ /// Enables the use of binary operators with the stored value.
+ auto opBinaryRight(string op, T, this TA)(auto ref T other) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binaryRight, op, T)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.binaryRight, op)(this, other); }
+ /// Enables operator assignments on the stored value.
+ auto opOpAssign(string op, T, this TA)(auto ref T other) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, op~"=", T)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.binary, op~"=")(this, other); }
+ /// Enables indexing operations on the stored value.
+ auto opIndex(this TA, ARGS...)(auto ref ARGS args) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.index, null, ARGS)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.index, null)(this, args); }
+ /// Enables index assignments on the stored value.
+ auto opIndexAssign(this TA, ARGS...)(auto ref ARGS args) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.indexAssign, null, ARGS)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.indexAssign, null)(this, args); }
+ /// Enables call syntax operations on the stored value.
+ auto opCall(this TA, ARGS...)(auto ref ARGS args) if (hasOp!(TA, OpKind.call, null, ARGS)) { return implementOp!(OpKind.call, null)(this, args); }
+ private @trusted @property ref inout(typeof(__traits(getMember, U, f))) trustedGet(string f)() inout { return trustedGet!(inout(typeof(__traits(getMember, U, f)))); }
+ private @trusted @property ref inout(T) trustedGet(T)() inout { return *cast(inout(T)*)m_data.ptr; }
+ import taggedalgebraic;
+ struct Foo {
+ string name;
+ void bar() {}
+ }
+ union Base {
+ int i;
+ string str;
+ Foo foo;
+ }
+ alias Tagged = TaggedAlgebraic!Base;
+ // Instantiate
+ Tagged taggedInt = 5;
+ Tagged taggedString = "Hello";
+ Tagged taggedFoo = Foo();
+ Tagged taggedAny = taggedInt;
+ taggedAny = taggedString;
+ taggedAny = taggedFoo;
+ // Check type: Tagged.Kind is an enum
+ assert(taggedInt.kind == Tagged.Kind.i);
+ assert(taggedString.kind == Tagged.Kind.str);
+ assert(taggedFoo.kind == Tagged.Kind.foo);
+ assert(taggedAny.kind == Tagged.Kind.foo);
+ // In most cases, can simply use as-is
+ auto num = 4 + taggedInt;
+ auto msg = taggedString ~ " World!";
+ taggedFoo.bar();
+ if (taggedAny.kind == Tagged.Kind.foo) // Make sure to check type first!
+ taggedAny.bar();
+ //taggedString.bar(); // AssertError: Not a Foo!
+ // Convert back by casting
+ auto i = cast(int) taggedInt;
+ auto str = cast(string) taggedString;
+ auto foo = cast(Foo) taggedFoo;
+ if (taggedAny.kind == Tagged.Kind.foo) // Make sure to check type first!
+ auto foo2 = cast(Foo) taggedAny;
+ //cast(Foo) taggedString; // AssertError!
+ // Kind is an enum, so final switch is supported:
+ final switch (taggedAny.kind) {
+ case Tagged.Kind.i:
+ // It's "int i"
+ break;
+ case Tagged.Kind.str:
+ // It's "string str"
+ break;
+ case Tagged.Kind.foo:
+ // It's "Foo foo"
+ break;
+ }
+/** Operators and methods of the contained type can be used transparently.
+@safe unittest {
+ static struct S {
+ int v;
+ int test() { return v / 2; }
+ }
+ static union Test {
+ typeof(null) null_;
+ int integer;
+ string text;
+ string[string] dictionary;
+ S custom;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!Test;
+ TA ta;
+ assert(ta.kind == TA.Kind.null_);
+ ta = 12;
+ assert(ta.kind == TA.Kind.integer);
+ assert(ta == 12);
+ assert(cast(int)ta == 12);
+ assert(cast(long)ta == 12);
+ assert(cast(short)ta == 12);
+ ta += 12;
+ assert(ta == 24);
+ assert(ta - 10 == 14);
+ ta = ["foo" : "bar"];
+ assert(ta.kind == TA.Kind.dictionary);
+ assert(ta["foo"] == "bar");
+ ta["foo"] = "baz";
+ assert(ta["foo"] == "baz");
+ ta = S(8);
+ assert(ta.test() == 4);
+unittest { // std.conv integration
+ import std.conv : to;
+ static struct S {
+ int v;
+ int test() { return v / 2; }
+ }
+ static union Test {
+ typeof(null) null_;
+ int number;
+ string text;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!Test;
+ TA ta;
+ assert(ta.kind == TA.Kind.null_);
+ ta = "34";
+ assert(ta == "34");
+ assert(to!int(ta) == 34, to!string(to!int(ta)));
+ assert(to!string(ta) == "34", to!string(ta));
+/** Multiple fields are allowed to have the same type, in which case the type
+ ID enum is used to disambiguate.
+@safe unittest {
+ static union Test {
+ typeof(null) null_;
+ int count;
+ int difference;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!Test;
+ TA ta;
+ ta = TA(12, TA.Kind.count);
+ assert(ta.kind == TA.Kind.count);
+ assert(ta == 12);
+ ta = null;
+ assert(ta.kind == TA.Kind.null_);
+unittest {
+ // test proper type modifier support
+ static struct S {
+ void test() {}
+ void testI() immutable {}
+ void testC() const {}
+ void testS() shared {}
+ void testSC() shared const {}
+ }
+ static union U {
+ S s;
+ }
+ auto u = TaggedAlgebraic!U(S.init);
+ const uc = u;
+ immutable ui = cast(immutable)u;
+ //const shared usc = cast(shared)u;
+ //shared us = cast(shared)u;
+ static assert( is(typeof(u.test())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(u.testI())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(u.testC())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(u.testS())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(u.testSC())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(uc.test())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(uc.testI())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(uc.testC())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(uc.testS())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(uc.testSC())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(ui.test())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(ui.testI())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(ui.testC())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(ui.testS())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(ui.testSC())));
+ /*static assert(!is(typeof(us.test())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(us.testI())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(us.testC())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(us.testS())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(us.testSC())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(usc.test())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(usc.testI())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(usc.testC())));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(usc.testS())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(usc.testSC())));*/
+unittest {
+ // test attributes on contained values
+ import std.typecons : Rebindable, rebindable;
+ class C {
+ void test() {}
+ void testC() const {}
+ void testI() immutable {}
+ }
+ union U {
+ Rebindable!(immutable(C)) c;
+ }
+ auto ta = TaggedAlgebraic!U(rebindable(new immutable C));
+ static assert(!is(typeof(ta.test())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(ta.testC())));
+ static assert( is(typeof(ta.testI())));
+version (unittest) {
+ // test recursive definition using a wrapper dummy struct
+ // (needed to avoid "no size yet for forward reference" errors)
+ template ID(What) { alias ID = What; }
+ private struct _test_Wrapper {
+ TaggedAlgebraic!_test_U u;
+ alias u this;
+ this(ARGS...)(ARGS args) { u = TaggedAlgebraic!_test_U(args); }
+ }
+ private union _test_U {
+ _test_Wrapper[] children;
+ int value;
+ }
+ unittest {
+ alias TA = _test_Wrapper;
+ auto ta = TA(null);
+ ta ~= TA(0);
+ ta ~= TA(1);
+ ta ~= TA([TA(2)]);
+ assert(ta[0] == 0);
+ assert(ta[1] == 1);
+ assert(ta[2][0] == 2);
+ }
+unittest { // postblit/destructor test
+ static struct S {
+ static int i = 0;
+ bool initialized = false;
+ this(bool) { initialized = true; i++; }
+ this(this) { if (initialized) i++; }
+ ~this() { if (initialized) i--; }
+ }
+ static struct U {
+ S s;
+ int t;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ {
+ assert(S.i == 0);
+ auto ta = TA(S(true));
+ assert(S.i == 1);
+ {
+ auto tb = ta;
+ assert(S.i == 2);
+ ta = tb;
+ assert(S.i == 2);
+ ta = 1;
+ assert(S.i == 1);
+ ta = S(true);
+ assert(S.i == 2);
+ }
+ assert(S.i == 1);
+ }
+ assert(S.i == 0);
+ static struct U2 {
+ S a;
+ S b;
+ }
+ alias TA2 = TaggedAlgebraic!U2;
+ {
+ auto ta2 = TA2(S(true), TA2.Kind.a);
+ assert(S.i == 1);
+ }
+ assert(S.i == 0);
+unittest {
+ static struct S {
+ union U {
+ int i;
+ string s;
+ U[] a;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ TA p;
+ alias p this;
+ }
+ S s = S(S.TA("hello"));
+ assert(cast(string)s == "hello");
+unittest { // multiple operator choices
+ union U {
+ int i;
+ double d;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ TA ta = 12;
+ static assert(is(typeof(ta + 10) == TA)); // ambiguous, could be int or double
+ assert((ta + 10).kind == TA.Kind.i);
+ assert(ta + 10 == 22);
+ static assert(is(typeof(ta + 10.5) == double));
+ assert(ta + 10.5 == 22.5);
+unittest { // Binary op between two TaggedAlgebraic values
+ union U { int i; }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ TA a = 1, b = 2;
+ static assert(is(typeof(a + b) == int));
+ assert(a + b == 3);
+unittest { // Ambiguous binary op between two TaggedAlgebraic values
+ union U { int i; double d; }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ TA a = 1, b = 2;
+ static assert(is(typeof(a + b) == TA));
+ assert((a + b).kind == TA.Kind.i);
+ assert(a + b == 3);
+unittest {
+ struct S {
+ union U {
+ @disableIndex string str;
+ S[] array;
+ S[string] object;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ TA payload;
+ alias payload this;
+ }
+ S a = S(S.TA("hello"));
+ S b = S(S.TA(["foo": a]));
+ S c = S(S.TA([a]));
+ assert(b["foo"] == a);
+ assert(b["foo"] == "hello");
+ assert(c[0] == a);
+ assert(c[0] == "hello");
+/** Tests if the algebraic type stores a value of a certain data type.
+bool hasType(T, U)(in ref TaggedAlgebraic!U ta)
+ alias Fields = Filter!(fieldMatchesType!(U, T), ta.fieldNames);
+ static assert(Fields.length > 0, "Type "~T.stringof~" cannot be stored in a "~(TaggedAlgebraic!U).stringof~".");
+ switch (ta.kind) {
+ default: return false;
+ foreach (i, fname; Fields)
+ case __traits(getMember, ta.Kind, fname):
+ return true;
+ }
+ assert(false); // never reached
+unittest {
+ union Fields {
+ int number;
+ string text;
+ }
+ TaggedAlgebraic!Fields ta = "test";
+ assert(ta.hasType!string);
+ assert(!ta.hasType!int);
+ ta = 42;
+ assert(ta.hasType!int);
+ assert(!ta.hasType!string);
+unittest { // issue #1
+ union U {
+ int a;
+ int b;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ TA ta = TA(0, TA.Kind.b);
+ static assert(!is(typeof(ta.hasType!double)));
+ assert(ta.hasType!int);
+/** Gets the value stored in an algebraic type based on its data type.
+ref inout(T) get(T, U)(ref inout(TaggedAlgebraic!U) ta)
+ assert(hasType!(T, U)(ta));
+ return ta.trustedGet!T;
+/// Convenience type that can be used for union fields that have no value (`void` is not allowed).
+struct Void {}
+/// User-defined attibute to disable `opIndex` forwarding for a particular tagged union member.
+@property auto disableIndex() { assert(__ctfe, "disableIndex must only be used as an attribute."); return DisableOpAttribute(OpKind.index, null); }
+private struct DisableOpAttribute {
+ OpKind kind;
+ string name;
+private template hasOp(TA, OpKind kind, string name, ARGS...)
+ import std.traits : CopyTypeQualifiers;
+ alias UQ = CopyTypeQualifiers!(TA, TA.Union);
+ enum hasOp = TypeTuple!(OpInfo!(UQ, kind, name, ARGS).fields).length > 0;
+unittest {
+ static struct S {
+ void m(int i) {}
+ bool opEquals(int i) { return true; }
+ bool opEquals(S s) { return true; }
+ }
+ static union U { int i; string s; S st; }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ static assert(hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "+", int));
+ static assert(hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "~", string));
+ static assert(hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "==", int));
+ static assert(hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "==", string));
+ static assert(hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "==", int));
+ static assert(hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "==", S));
+ static assert(hasOp!(TA, OpKind.method, "m", int));
+ static assert(hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "+=", int));
+ static assert(!hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "~", int));
+ static assert(!hasOp!(TA, OpKind.binary, "~", int));
+ static assert(!hasOp!(TA, OpKind.method, "m", string));
+ static assert(!hasOp!(TA, OpKind.method, "m"));
+ static assert(!hasOp!(const(TA), OpKind.binary, "+=", int));
+ static assert(!hasOp!(const(TA), OpKind.method, "m", int));
+unittest {
+ struct S {
+ union U {
+ string s;
+ S[] arr;
+ S[string] obj;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!(S.U);
+ TA payload;
+ alias payload this;
+ }
+ static assert(hasOp!(S.TA, OpKind.index, null, size_t));
+ static assert(hasOp!(S.TA, OpKind.index, null, int));
+ static assert(hasOp!(S.TA, OpKind.index, null, string));
+ static assert(hasOp!(S.TA, OpKind.field, "length"));
+unittest { // "in" operator
+ union U {
+ string[string] dict;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ auto ta = TA(["foo": "bar"]);
+ assert("foo" in ta);
+ assert(*("foo" in ta) == "bar");
+private static auto implementOp(OpKind kind, string name, T, ARGS...)(ref T self, auto ref ARGS args)
+ import std.array : join;
+ import std.traits : CopyTypeQualifiers;
+ import std.variant : Algebraic, Variant;
+ alias UQ = CopyTypeQualifiers!(T, T.Union);
+ alias info = OpInfo!(UQ, kind, name, ARGS);
+ static assert(hasOp!(T, kind, name, ARGS));
+ static assert(info.fields.length > 0, "Implementing operator that has no valid implementation for any supported type.");
+ //pragma(msg, "Fields for "~kind.stringof~" "~name~", "~T.stringof~": "~info.fields.stringof);
+ //pragma(msg, "Return types for "~kind.stringof~" "~name~", "~T.stringof~": "~info.ReturnTypes.stringof);
+ //pragma(msg, typeof(T.Union.tupleof));
+ //import std.meta : staticMap; pragma(msg, staticMap!(isMatchingUniqueType!(T.Union), info.ReturnTypes));
+ switch (self.m_kind) {
+ default: assert(false, "Operator "~name~" ("~kind.stringof~") can only be used on values of the following types: "~[info.fields].join(", "));
+ foreach (i, f; info.fields) {
+ alias FT = typeof(__traits(getMember, T.Union, f));
+ case __traits(getMember, T.Kind, f):
+ static if (NoDuplicates!(info.ReturnTypes).length == 1)
+ return info.perform(self.trustedGet!FT, args);
+ else static if (allSatisfy!(isMatchingUniqueType!(T.Union), info.ReturnTypes))
+ return TaggedAlgebraic!(T.Union)(info.perform(self.trustedGet!FT, args));
+ else static if (allSatisfy!(isNoVariant, info.ReturnTypes)) {
+ alias Alg = Algebraic!(NoDuplicates!(info.ReturnTypes));
+ info.ReturnTypes[i] ret = info.perform(self.trustedGet!FT, args);
+ import std.traits : isInstanceOf;
+ static if (isInstanceOf!(TaggedAlgebraic, typeof(ret))) return Alg(ret.payload);
+ else return Alg(ret);
+ }
+ else static if (is(FT == Variant))
+ return info.perform(self.trustedGet!FT, args);
+ else
+ return Variant(info.perform(self.trustedGet!FT, args));
+ }
+ }
+ assert(false); // never reached
+unittest { // opIndex on recursive TA with closed return value set
+ static struct S {
+ union U {
+ char ch;
+ string str;
+ S[] arr;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ TA payload;
+ alias payload this;
+ this(T)(T t) { this.payload = t; }
+ }
+ S a = S("foo");
+ S s = S([a]);
+ assert(implementOp!(OpKind.field, "length")(s.payload) == 1);
+ static assert(is(typeof(implementOp!(OpKind.index, null)(s.payload, 0)) == S.TA));
+ assert(implementOp!(OpKind.index, null)(s.payload, 0) == "foo");
+unittest { // opIndex on recursive TA with closed return value set using @disableIndex
+ static struct S {
+ union U {
+ @disableIndex string str;
+ S[] arr;
+ }
+ alias TA = TaggedAlgebraic!U;
+ TA payload;
+ alias payload this;
+ this(T)(T t) { this.payload = t; }
+ }
+ S a = S("foo");
+ S s = S([a]);
+ assert(implementOp!(OpKind.field, "length")(s.payload) == 1);
+ static assert(is(typeof(implementOp!(OpKind.index, null)(s.payload, 0)) == S));
+ assert(implementOp!(OpKind.index, null)(s.payload, 0) == "foo");
+private auto performOpRaw(U, OpKind kind, string name, T, ARGS...)(ref T value, /*auto ref*/ ARGS args)
+ static if (kind == OpKind.binary) return mixin("value "~name~" args[0]");
+ else static if (kind == OpKind.binaryRight) return mixin("args[0] "~name~" value");
+ else static if (kind == OpKind.unary) return mixin("name "~value);
+ else static if (kind == OpKind.method) return __traits(getMember, value, name)(args);
+ else static if (kind == OpKind.field) return __traits(getMember, value, name);
+ else static if (kind == OpKind.index) return value[args];
+ else static if (kind == OpKind.indexAssign) return value[args[1 .. $]] = args[0];
+ else static if (kind == OpKind.call) return value(args);
+ else static assert(false, "Unsupported kind of operator: "~kind.stringof);
+unittest {
+ union U { int i; string s; }
+ { int v = 1; assert(performOpRaw!(U, OpKind.binary, "+")(v, 3) == 4); }
+ { string v = "foo"; assert(performOpRaw!(U, OpKind.binary, "~")(v, "bar") == "foobar"); }
+private auto performOp(U, OpKind kind, string name, T, ARGS...)(ref T value, /*auto ref*/ ARGS args)
+ import std.traits : isInstanceOf;
+ static if (ARGS.length > 0 && isInstanceOf!(TaggedAlgebraic, ARGS[0])) {
+ static if (is(typeof(performOpRaw!(U, kind, name, T, ARGS)(value, args)))) {
+ return performOpRaw!(U, kind, name, T, ARGS)(value, args);
+ } else {
+ alias TA = ARGS[0];
+ template MTypesImpl(size_t i) {
+ static if (i < TA.FieldTypes.length) {
+ alias FT = TA.FieldTypes[i];
+ static if (is(typeof(&performOpRaw!(U, kind, name, T, FT, ARGS[1 .. $]))))
+ alias MTypesImpl = TypeTuple!(FT, MTypesImpl!(i+1));
+ else alias MTypesImpl = TypeTuple!(MTypesImpl!(i+1));
+ } else alias MTypesImpl = TypeTuple!();
+ }
+ alias MTypes = NoDuplicates!(MTypesImpl!0);
+ static assert(MTypes.length > 0, "No type of the TaggedAlgebraic parameter matches any function declaration.");
+ static if (MTypes.length == 1) {
+ if (args[0].hasType!(MTypes[0]))
+ return performOpRaw!(U, kind, name)(value, args[0].get!(MTypes[0]), args[1 .. $]);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: allow all return types (fall back to Algebraic or Variant)
+ foreach (FT; MTypes) {
+ if (args[0].hasType!FT)
+ return ARGS[0](performOpRaw!(U, kind, name)(value, args[0].get!FT, args[1 .. $]));
+ }
+ }
+ throw new /*InvalidAgument*/Exception("Algebraic parameter type mismatch");
+ }
+ } else return performOpRaw!(U, kind, name, T, ARGS)(value, args);
+unittest {
+ union U { int i; double d; string s; }
+ { int v = 1; assert(performOp!(U, OpKind.binary, "+")(v, 3) == 4); }
+ { string v = "foo"; assert(performOp!(U, OpKind.binary, "~")(v, "bar") == "foobar"); }
+ { string v = "foo"; assert(performOp!(U, OpKind.binary, "~")(v, TaggedAlgebraic!U("bar")) == "foobar"); }
+ { int v = 1; assert(performOp!(U, OpKind.binary, "+")(v, TaggedAlgebraic!U(3)) == 4); }
+private template OpInfo(U, OpKind kind, string name, ARGS...)
+ import std.traits : CopyTypeQualifiers, FieldTypeTuple, FieldNameTuple, ReturnType;
+ private alias FieldTypes = FieldTypeTuple!U;
+ private alias fieldNames = FieldNameTuple!U;
+ private template isOpEnabled(string field)
+ {
+ alias attribs = TypeTuple!(__traits(getAttributes, __traits(getMember, U, field)));
+ template impl(size_t i) {
+ static if (i < attribs.length) {
+ static if (is(typeof(attribs[i]) == DisableOpAttribute)) {
+ static if (kind == attribs[i].kind && name == attribs[i].name)
+ enum impl = false;
+ else enum impl = impl!(i+1);
+ } else enum impl = impl!(i+1);
+ } else enum impl = true;
+ }
+ enum isOpEnabled = impl!0;
+ }
+ template fieldsImpl(size_t i)
+ {
+ static if (i < FieldTypes.length) {
+ static if (isOpEnabled!(fieldNames[i]) && is(typeof(&performOp!(U, kind, name, FieldTypes[i], ARGS)))) {
+ alias fieldsImpl = TypeTuple!(fieldNames[i], fieldsImpl!(i+1));
+ } else alias fieldsImpl = fieldsImpl!(i+1);
+ } else alias fieldsImpl = TypeTuple!();
+ }
+ alias fields = fieldsImpl!0;
+ template ReturnTypesImpl(size_t i) {
+ static if (i < fields.length) {
+ alias FT = CopyTypeQualifiers!(U, typeof(__traits(getMember, U, fields[i])));
+ alias ReturnTypesImpl = TypeTuple!(ReturnType!(performOp!(U, kind, name, FT, ARGS)), ReturnTypesImpl!(i+1));
+ } else alias ReturnTypesImpl = TypeTuple!();
+ }
+ alias ReturnTypes = ReturnTypesImpl!0;
+ static auto perform(T)(ref T value, auto ref ARGS args) { return performOp!(U, kind, name)(value, args); }
+private template ImplicitUnqual(T) {
+ import std.traits : Unqual, hasAliasing;
+ static if (is(T == void)) alias ImplicitUnqual = void;
+ else {
+ private static struct S { T t; }
+ static if (hasAliasing!S) alias ImplicitUnqual = T;
+ else alias ImplicitUnqual = Unqual!T;
+ }
+private enum OpKind {
+ binary,
+ binaryRight,
+ unary,
+ method,
+ field,
+ index,
+ indexAssign,
+ call
+private template TypeEnum(U)
+ import std.array : join;
+ import std.traits : FieldNameTuple;
+ mixin("enum TypeEnum { " ~ [FieldNameTuple!U].join(", ") ~ " }");
+private string generateConstructors(U)()
+ import std.algorithm : map;
+ import std.array : join;
+ import std.string : format;
+ import std.traits : FieldTypeTuple;
+ string ret;
+ // disable default construction if first type is not a null/Void type
+ static if (!is(FieldTypeTuple!U[0] == typeof(null)) && !is(FieldTypeTuple!U[0] == Void))
+ {
+ ret ~= q{
+ @disable this();
+ };
+ }
+ // normal type constructors
+ foreach (tname; UniqueTypeFields!U)
+ ret ~= q{
+ this(typeof(U.%s) value)
+ {
+ m_data.rawEmplace(value);
+ m_kind = Kind.%s;
+ }
+ void opAssign(typeof(U.%s) value)
+ {
+ if (m_kind != Kind.%s) {
+ // NOTE: destroy(this) doesn't work for some opDispatch-related reason
+ static if (is(typeof(&this.__xdtor)))
+ this.__xdtor();
+ m_data.rawEmplace(value);
+ } else {
+ trustedGet!"%s" = value;
+ }
+ m_kind = Kind.%s;
+ }
+ }.format(tname, tname, tname, tname, tname, tname);
+ // type constructors with explicit type tag
+ foreach (tname; AmbiguousTypeFields!U)
+ ret ~= q{
+ this(typeof(U.%s) value, Kind type)
+ {
+ assert(type.among!(%s), format("Invalid type ID for type %%s: %%s", typeof(U.%s).stringof, type));
+ m_data.rawEmplace(value);
+ m_kind = type;
+ }
+ }.format(tname, [SameTypeFields!(U, tname)].map!(f => "Kind."~f).join(", "), tname);
+ return ret;
+private template UniqueTypeFields(U) {
+ import std.traits : FieldTypeTuple, FieldNameTuple;
+ alias Types = FieldTypeTuple!U;
+ template impl(size_t i) {
+ static if (i < Types.length) {
+ enum name = FieldNameTuple!U[i];
+ alias T = Types[i];
+ static if (staticIndexOf!(T, Types) == i && staticIndexOf!(T, Types[i+1 .. $]) < 0)
+ alias impl = TypeTuple!(name, impl!(i+1));
+ else alias impl = TypeTuple!(impl!(i+1));
+ } else alias impl = TypeTuple!();
+ }
+ alias UniqueTypeFields = impl!0;
+private template AmbiguousTypeFields(U) {
+ import std.traits : FieldTypeTuple, FieldNameTuple;
+ alias Types = FieldTypeTuple!U;
+ template impl(size_t i) {
+ static if (i < Types.length) {
+ enum name = FieldNameTuple!U[i];
+ alias T = Types[i];
+ static if (staticIndexOf!(T, Types) == i && staticIndexOf!(T, Types[i+1 .. $]) >= 0)
+ alias impl = TypeTuple!(name, impl!(i+1));
+ else alias impl = impl!(i+1);
+ } else alias impl = TypeTuple!();
+ }
+ alias AmbiguousTypeFields = impl!0;
+unittest {
+ union U {
+ int a;
+ string b;
+ int c;
+ double d;
+ }
+ static assert([UniqueTypeFields!U] == ["b", "d"]);
+ static assert([AmbiguousTypeFields!U] == ["a"]);
+private template SameTypeFields(U, string field) {
+ import std.traits : FieldTypeTuple, FieldNameTuple;
+ alias Types = FieldTypeTuple!U;
+ alias T = typeof(__traits(getMember, U, field));
+ template impl(size_t i) {
+ static if (i < Types.length) {
+ enum name = FieldNameTuple!U[i];
+ static if (is(Types[i] == T))
+ alias impl = TypeTuple!(name, impl!(i+1));
+ else alias impl = TypeTuple!(impl!(i+1));
+ } else alias impl = TypeTuple!();
+ }
+ alias SameTypeFields = impl!0;
+private template MemberType(U) {
+ template MemberType(string name) {
+ alias MemberType = typeof(__traits(getMember, U, name));
+ }
+private template isMatchingType(U) {
+ import std.traits : FieldTypeTuple;
+ enum isMatchingType(T) = staticIndexOf!(T, FieldTypeTuple!U) >= 0;
+private template isMatchingUniqueType(U) {
+ import std.traits : staticMap;
+ alias UniqueTypes = staticMap!(FieldTypeOf!U, UniqueTypeFields!U);
+ template isMatchingUniqueType(T) {
+ static if (is(T : TaggedAlgebraic!U)) enum isMatchingUniqueType = true;
+ else enum isMatchingUniqueType = staticIndexOfImplicit!(T, UniqueTypes) >= 0;
+ }
+private template fieldMatchesType(U, T)
+ enum fieldMatchesType(string field) = is(typeof(__traits(getMember, U, field)) == T);
+private template FieldTypeOf(U) {
+ template FieldTypeOf(string name) {
+ alias FieldTypeOf = typeof(__traits(getMember, U, name));
+ }
+private template staticIndexOfImplicit(T, Types...) {
+ template impl(size_t i) {
+ static if (i < Types.length) {
+ static if (is(T : Types[i])) enum impl = i;
+ else enum impl = impl!(i+1);
+ } else enum impl = -1;
+ }
+ enum staticIndexOfImplicit = impl!0;
+unittest {
+ static assert(staticIndexOfImplicit!(immutable(char), char) == 0);
+ static assert(staticIndexOfImplicit!(int, long) == 0);
+ static assert(staticIndexOfImplicit!(long, int) < 0);
+ static assert(staticIndexOfImplicit!(int, int, double) == 0);
+ static assert(staticIndexOfImplicit!(double, int, double) == 1);
+private template isNoVariant(T) {
+ import std.variant : Variant;
+ enum isNoVariant = !is(T == Variant);
+private void rawEmplace(T)(void[] dst, ref T src)
+ T* tdst = () @trusted { return cast(T*)dst.ptr; } ();
+ static if (is(T == class)) {
+ *tdst = src;
+ } else {
+ import std.conv : emplace;
+ emplace(tdst);
+ *tdst = src;
+ }