path: root/org/out_latex.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'org/out_latex.org')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 634 deletions
diff --git a/org/out_latex.org b/org/out_latex.org
index a03c588..9b52a26 100644
--- a/org/out_latex.org
+++ b/org/out_latex.org
@@ -21,17 +21,45 @@
* latex
** _module template_ :latex:pdf:module:
+*** latex.d module & templates
-#+HEADER: :tangle "../src/doc_reform/io_out/latex.d" :noweb yes
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../src/doc_reform/io_out/latex.d"
+#+HEADER: :noweb yes
module doc_reform.io_out.latex;
+*** template paperLaTeX
+#+NAME: Template_paper_latex
+template paperLaTeX() {
+ import
+ std.format,
+ std.conv : to;
+ auto paperLaTeX() {
+ <<Struct_shared_geometry_paper_dimensions>>
+ return PaperType();
+ }
+*** template outputLaTeX
+#+NAME: Template_output_latex
template outputLaTeX() {
- <<Function_shared_geometry_paper_dimensions>>
+ <<Function_shared_marked_linebreaks_newline_to_latex>>
@@ -55,9 +83,6 @@ template outputLaTeX() {
- <<FmtTxtOpen_head_tex_columns_multi_portrait>>
@@ -69,9 +94,11 @@ template outputLaTeX() {
@@ -80,19 +107,6 @@ template outputLaTeX() {
-%% <<FmtTxtSet_head_tex_bug_remove_blank_first_page>>
@@ -112,6 +126,45 @@ template outputLaTeX() {
+*** template outputLaTeXstyInit
+#+NAME: Template_latex_init
+template outputLaTeXstyInit() {
+ import doc_reform.io_out;
+ mixin spineRgxOut;
+ auto paper = paperLaTeX;
+ <<Function_output_style_write>>
+ <<Function_output_stylesheets_get_each_written>>
+*** template outputLaTeXstyStatic
+#+NAME: Template_latex_sty_static
+template outputLaTeXstyStatic() {
+ <<Initialize_output_style>>
+ string outputLaTeXstyStatic() {
+ return latex_sty;
+ }
+*** template outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation
+#+NAME: Template_latex_sty_paper_dimensions
+template outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation() {
+ <<Initialize_output_style>>
+ auto outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation(P)(P doc_sty_info) {
+ return latex_sty;
+ }
** write latex output :latex:out:
*** write latex output :latex:out:
@@ -178,6 +231,366 @@ void outputLaTeX(D,M)(
+*** styles :latex:out:
+**** initialize
+#+NAME: Initialize_output_style
+ std.format,
+ std.conv : to;
+**** write latex styles output :latex:out:
+***** write
+#+NAME: Function_output_style_write
+void writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(
+ string latex_sty,
+ string output_dir,
+ string filename,
+) {
+ if ((output_dir.length > 0)
+ && isValidPath(output_dir)
+ ) {
+ auto pth_latex = spinePathsLaTeXsty(output_dir);
+ try {
+ import std.file;
+ if (!exists(pth_latex.base_sty)) {
+ (pth_latex.base_sty).mkdirRecurse;
+ }
+ auto f = File(pth_latex.latex_document_header_sty(filename), "w");
+ f.writeln(latex_sty);
+ } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+ // handle error
+ }
+ }
+***** request write (send to be written)
+#+NAME: Function_output_stylesheets_get_each_written
+void outputLaTeXstyInit()(string output_dir,) {
+ string latex_sty = outputLaTeXstyStatic!();
+ latex_sty.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, "spineShared.sty");
+ auto sty_a4p = paper.a4.portrait;
+ auto latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_a4p);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_a4p.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_a4l = paper.a4.landscape;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_a4l);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_a4l.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_b4p = paper.b4.portrait;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_b4p);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_b4p.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_b4l = paper.b4.landscape;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_b4l);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_b4l.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_a5p = paper.a5.portrait;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_a5p);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_a5p.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_a5l = paper.a5.landscape;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_a5l);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_a5l.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_letter_p = paper.letter.portrait;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_letter_p);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_letter_p.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_letter_l = paper.letter.landscape;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_letter_l);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_letter_l.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_legal_p = paper.legal.portrait;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_legal_p);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_legal_p.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+ auto sty_legal_l = paper.legal.landscape;
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation = outputLaTeXstyPaperSizeAndOrientation!()(sty_legal_l);
+ latex_papersize_and_orientation.writeOutputLaTeXstyStatic(output_dir, sty_legal_l.stylesheet ~ ".sty");
+**** sty: paper dimensions sty (calls static sty)
+#+NAME: FmtTxt_output_style_paper_dimensions_set
+ string latex_sty = format(q"┃%% - called by .tex document to set paper dimensions (size and orientation)
+%% - calls spineShared.sty used/shared by all spine documents
+ %s,
+ %s,
+ left=%s,
+ right=%s,
+ top=%s,
+ bottom=%s,
+ doc_sty_info.stylesheet,
+ doc_sty_info.papersize,
+ doc_sty_info.orient,
+ doc_sty_info.margin_left,
+ doc_sty_info.margin_right,
+ doc_sty_info.margin_top,
+ doc_sty_info.margin_bottom,
+**** sty: in common
+fonts to try:
+#+BEGIN_SRC latex
+#+BEGIN_SRC latex
+#+NAME: FmtTxt_output_style_static_set
+#+BEGIN_SRC latex
+ string latex_sty = format(q"┃%% - called by the .sty containing the paper dimensions (size and orientation) to be used
+%% - spineShared.sty used by all spine documents (called indirectly)
+%% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+ unicode=true,
+ pdfusetitle,
+ pdfsubject={},
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+ pdfstartview={FitH}, %% fits the width of the page to the window
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+%% \usepackage{atbegshi} %% http://ctan.org/pkg/atbegshi %% (BUG tmp FIX deal with problem, remove first page which is blank)
+%% \AtBeginDocument{\AtBeginShipoutNext{\AtBeginShipoutDiscard}} %% (BUG tmp FIX deal with problem, remove first page which is blank)
* stuff
** output imports
@@ -195,271 +608,286 @@ mixin spineRgxOut;
static auto rgx = RgxO();
mixin spineLanguageCodes;
auto lang = Lang();
+auto paper = paperLaTeX;
** shared
*** paper dimensions (struct) geometry
-#+NAME: Function_shared_geometry_paper_dimensions
+#+NAME: Struct_shared_geometry_paper_dimensions
-auto paper() {
- string mm(uint mmi) {
- string _mm = format(q"┃%smm┃", mmi.to!string);
- return _mm;
- }
- struct PaperType {
- @safe auto a4() {
- struct A4 {
- auto portrait() {
- struct V {
- string papersize = "a4paper";
- string orient = "portrait";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 170;
- const uint h = 257;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 450;
- bool is_portrait = true;
- }
- return V();
+string mm(uint mmi) {
+ string _mm = format(q"┃%smm┃", mmi.to!string);
+ return _mm;
+struct PaperType {
+ @safe auto a4() {
+ struct A4 {
+ auto portrait() {
+ struct V {
+ string stylesheet = "spineA4portrait";
+ string papersize = "a4paper";
+ string orient = "portrait";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 170;
+ const uint h = 257;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 450;
+ bool is_portrait = true;
- auto landscape() {
- struct H {
- string papersize = "a4paper";
- string orient = "landscape";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 238;
- const uint h = 160;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 300;
- bool is_portrait = false;
- }
- return H();
+ return V();
+ }
+ auto landscape() {
+ struct H {
+ string stylesheet = "spineA4landscape";
+ string papersize = "a4paper";
+ string orient = "landscape";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 238;
+ const uint h = 160;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 300;
+ bool is_portrait = false;
+ return H();
- return A4();
- @safe auto a5() {
- struct A5 {
- auto portrait() {
- struct V {
- string papersize = "a5paper";
- string orient = "portrait";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 112;
- const uint h = 162;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 280;
- bool is_portrait = true;
- }
- return V();
+ return A4();
+ }
+ @safe auto a5() {
+ struct A5 {
+ auto portrait() {
+ struct V {
+ string stylesheet = "spineA5portrait";
+ string papersize = "a5paper";
+ string orient = "portrait";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 112;
+ const uint h = 162;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 280;
+ bool is_portrait = true;
- auto landscape() {
- struct H {
- string papersize = "a5paper";
- string orient = "landscape";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 152;
- const uint h = 100;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 190;
- bool is_portrait = false;
- }
- return H();
+ return V();
+ }
+ auto landscape() {
+ struct H {
+ string stylesheet = "spineA5landscape";
+ string papersize = "a5paper";
+ string orient = "landscape";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 152;
+ const uint h = 100;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 190;
+ bool is_portrait = false;
+ return H();
- return A5();
- @safe auto b4() {
- struct B4 {
- auto portrait() {
- struct V {
- string papersize = "b4paper";
- string orient = "portrait";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 140;
- const uint h = 204;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 356;
- bool is_portrait = true;
- }
- return V();
+ return A5();
+ }
+ @safe auto b4() {
+ struct B4 {
+ auto portrait() {
+ struct V {
+ string stylesheet = "spineB4portrait";
+ string papersize = "b4paper";
+ string orient = "portrait";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 140;
+ const uint h = 204;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 356;
+ bool is_portrait = true;
- auto landscape() {
- struct H {
- string papersize = "b4paper";
- string orient = "landscape";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 200;
- const uint h = 130;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 260;
- bool is_portrait = false;
- }
- return H();
+ return V();
+ }
+ auto landscape() {
+ struct H {
+ string stylesheet = "spineB4landsape";
+ string papersize = "b4paper";
+ string orient = "landscape";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 200;
+ const uint h = 130;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 260;
+ bool is_portrait = false;
+ return H();
- return B4();
- @safe auto letter() {
- struct Letter {
- auto portrait() {
- struct V {
- string papersize = "letterpaper";
- string orient = "portrait";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 166;
- const uint h = 212;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 468;
- bool is_portrait = true;
- }
- return V();
+ return B4();
+ }
+ @safe auto letter() {
+ struct Letter {
+ auto portrait() {
+ struct V {
+ string stylesheet = "spineLetterPortrait";
+ string papersize = "letterpaper";
+ string orient = "portrait";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 166;
+ const uint h = 212;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 468;
+ bool is_portrait = true;
- auto landscape() {
- struct H {
- string papersize = "letterpaper";
- string orient = "landscape";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 226;
- const uint h = 166;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 290;
- bool is_portrait = false;
- }
- return H();
+ return V();
+ }
+ auto landscape() {
+ struct H {
+ string stylesheet = "spineLetterLandscape";
+ string papersize = "letterpaper";
+ string orient = "landscape";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 226;
+ const uint h = 166;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 290;
+ bool is_portrait = false;
+ return H();
- return Letter();
- @safe auto legal() {
- struct Legal {
- auto portrait() {
- struct V {
- string papersize = "legalpaper";
- string orient = "portrait";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 168;
- const uint h = 286;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 474;
- bool is_portrait = true;
- }
- return V();
+ return Letter();
+ }
+ @safe auto legal() {
+ struct Legal {
+ auto portrait() {
+ struct V {
+ string stylesheet = "spineLegalPortrait";
+ string papersize = "legalpaper";
+ string orient = "portrait";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 168;
+ const uint h = 286;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 474;
+ bool is_portrait = true;
- auto landscape() {
- struct H {
- string papersize = "legalpaper";
- string orient = "landscape";
- string fontsize = "11pt";
- const uint w = 296;
- const uint h = 166;
- const uint l = 30;
- const uint r = 20;
- const uint t = 30;
- const uint b = 30;
- string width = mm(w);
- string height = mm(h);
- string margin_left = mm(l);
- string margin_right = mm(r);
- string margin_top = mm(t);
- string margin_bottom = mm(b);
- uint img_px = 420;
- bool is_portrait = false;
- }
- return H();
+ return V();
+ }
+ auto landscape() {
+ struct H {
+ string stylesheet = "spineLegalLandscape";
+ string papersize = "legalpaper";
+ string orient = "landscape";
+ string fontsize = "11pt";
+ const uint w = 296;
+ const uint h = 166;
+ const uint l = 30;
+ const uint r = 20;
+ const uint t = 30;
+ const uint b = 30;
+ string width = mm(w);
+ string height = mm(h);
+ string margin_left = mm(l);
+ string margin_right = mm(r);
+ string margin_top = mm(t);
+ string margin_bottom = mm(b);
+ uint img_px = 420;
+ bool is_portrait = false;
+ return H();
- return Legal();
+ return Legal();
- return PaperType();
*** latex \escape special characters
-**** general
+**** object (string text within)
+- “” characters not directly available for use in font
+- run into problems using " for quotes and modified latex header
+ - (m => "\"")
+ - \usepackage[autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}
+ \MakeOuterQuote{"}
+- (m => "''") works alone better
#+NAME: Function_shared_special_characters_to_escape_operations
@@ -514,10 +942,23 @@ auto paper() {
-*** not used latex \escape special characters
+***** line breaks
+#+NAME: Function_shared_marked_linebreaks_newline_to_latex
+@safe string marked_linebreaks_newlines()(
+ string _txt,
+) {
+ _txt = _txt.split(rgx.br_linebreaks_newlines).join("\\br\n").strip;
+ // _txt = replaceAll!(m => "\\br " ~ m[1])(_txt, rgx.br_linebreaks_newlines);
+ return _txt;
+*** not used latex \escape special characters UNUSED
-@safe string sp_char_esc()(
+@safe string sp_char_esc_()(
string _txt,
) {
_txt = replaceAll!(m => "\\" ~ m[1])(_txt, rgx.latex_special_char);
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***** nbsp character UNUSED
-#+NAME: shared_character_nbsp_to_hardspace_
+#+NAME: output_latex_shared_character_nbsp_to_hardspace_
@safe string nbsp_char_replace()(string _txt) {
if (_txt.match(rgx.nbsp_char)) {
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- (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright).sp_char_esc_txt,
- (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_license).sp_char_esc_txt,
+ (doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.rights_copyright).sp_char_esc_txt.marked_linebreaks_newlines,
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-**** latex head starts
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+ pdfsubject={%s},
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+ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_subject.strip,
+ _footer(doc_matters),
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- paper_set.papersize,
- paper_set.orient,
- paper_set.margin_left,
- paper_set.margin_right,
- paper_set.margin_top,
- paper_set.margin_bottom,
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+ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author.strip,
+ doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_subject.strip,
+ _footer(doc_matters),
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***** latex head
-***** latex head
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-**** latex head format inclusions
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@@ -1939,15 +2074,6 @@ string _latex_head = format(q"┃%%%% spine LaTeX output%s%s%s
- multicol.portrait.strip,
- lang.codes[doc_matters.src.language]["xlp"],
- "english",
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- doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.creator_author.strip,
- doc_matters.conf_make_meta.meta.classify_subject.strip,
- links_mono_or_color_set,
- lang.codes[doc_matters.src.language]["xlp"],
- _footer(doc_matters),