path: root/src/sdp/output_epub.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sdp/output_epub.d')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 449 deletions
diff --git a/src/sdp/output_epub.d b/src/sdp/output_epub.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cc3a31..0000000
--- a/src/sdp/output_epub.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-template outputEPub() {
- private import
- std.algorithm,
- std.array,
- std.container,
- std.exception,
- std.file,
- std.getopt,
- std.json,
- std.process,
- std.stdio,
- std.path,
- std.range,
- std.regex,
- std.string,
- std.traits,
- std.typecons,
- std.uni,
- std.utf,
- std.conv : to;
- import
- defaults,
- output_rgx,
- output_xhtmls;
- mixin InternalMarkup;
- mixin outputXHTMLs;
- string epub_mimetypes() {
- string o;
- o = format(q"¶application/epub+zip¶");
- return o;
- }
- string epub_container_xml() {
- string o;
- o = format(q"¶<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- <container version="1.0"
- xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
- <rootfiles>
- <rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf"
- media-type="application/oebps-package+xml" />
- </rootfiles>
- </container>¶");
- return o;
- }
- string epub_oebps_content(D,I)(D doc_abstraction, I doc_matters) {
- string uuid = "18275d951861c77f78acd05672c9906924c59f18a2e0ba06dad95959693e9bd8"; // TODO shared elsewhere
- string content = format(q"¶<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- <package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" version="2.0" unique-identifier="EPB-UUID">
- <opf:metadata
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf"
- xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
- xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
- unique-identifier="urn:uuid:%s" version="2.0">
- <dc:title>%s</dc:title>
- <dc:creator opf:file-as="%s" opf:role="aut">%s</dc:creator>
- <dc:language>en</dc:language>
- <dc:date opf:event="published">%s</dc:date>
- <dc:rights>Copyright: %s</dc:rights>
- <dc:identifier opf:scheme="URI">ox/current/en/epub/sisu_markup.epub</dc:identifier>
- <dc:identifier id="bookid">urn:uuid:%s</dc:identifier>
- <!-- <dc:identifier id="EPB-UUID">urn:uuid:%s</dc:identifier> -->
- </opf:metadata>
- <manifest>
- <!-- NCX -->
- <item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" />
- <!-- CSS Style Sheets -->
- <item id="main-css" href="css/xhtml.css" media-type="text/css" />¶",
- uuid,
- doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], // title
- (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author
- (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author
- (doc_matters.dochead_meta["date"]["published"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["date"]["published"], // date
- (doc_matters.dochead_meta["rights"]["copyright"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["rights"]["copyright"], // rights
- uuid,
- uuid,
- );
- foreach (sect; doc_matters.keys_seq_seg) {
- foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[sect]) {
- }
- }
- return content;
- }
- string epub_oebps_toc(D,I)(D doc_abstraction, I doc_matters) {
- int counter = 0;
- string uuid = "18275d951861c77f78acd05672c9906924c59f18a2e0ba06dad95959693e9bd8"; // TODO shared elsewhere
- auto markup = InlineMarkup();
- enum DomTags { none, open, close, close_and_open, open_still, }
- string toc = format(q"¶<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- <ncx xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/" version="2005-1">
- <head>
- <!-- four required metadata items (for all NCX documents,
- (including the relaxed constraints of OPS 2.0) -->
- <title>%s%s</title>
- <link href="css/xhtml.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="main-css" />
- <meta name="dtb:uid" content="urn:uuid:%s" />
- <!-- <meta name="epub-creator" content="SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu (this copy)" /> -->
- <meta name="dtb:depth" content="%s" />
- <meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0" />
- <meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0" />
- </head>
- <docTitle>
- <text>%s</text>
- </docTitle>
- <docAuthor>
- <text>%s</text>
- </docAuthor>
- <navMap>¶",
- doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], // title
- (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author
- uuid, // uuid
- "3", // content depth
- doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], // title
- (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author
- );
- foreach (sect; doc_matters.keys_seq_seg) {
- foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[sect]) {
- if (obj.is_a == "heading") {
- foreach_reverse (k; 0 .. 7) {
- switch (obj.dom_markedup[k]) {
- case DomTags.close :
- toc ~= "</navPoint>";
- break;
- case DomTags.close_and_open :
- ++counter;
- toc ~= "</navPoint>";
- toc ~= format(q"¶<navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint" playOrder="%s">
- <navLabel>
- <text>%s</text>
- </navLabel>
- <content src="%s" />¶",
- counter,
- obj.text,
- obj.segment_anchor_tag, // lev < 4 [no link]; lev == 4 [filename] markup.xhtml; lev > 4 [filename#ocn] (links done in segment_anchor_tag)
- );
- break;
- case DomTags.open :
- ++counter;
- toc ~= format(q"¶<navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint" playOrder="%s">
- <navLabel>
- <text>%s</text>
- </navLabel>
- <content src="%s" />¶",
- counter,
- obj.text,
- obj.segment_anchor_tag, // lev < 4 [no link]; lev == 4 [filename] markup.xhtml; lev > 4 [filename#ocn] (fix links in segment_anchor_tag)
- );
- break;
- default :
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- toc ~= format(q"¶ </navMap>
- </ncx>¶");
- return toc;
- }
- void outputEPub(D,I)(
- auto return ref const D doc_abstraction,
- auto return ref I doc_matters,
- ) {
- mixin SiSUoutputRgxInit;
- auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs();
- auto rgx = Rgx();
- string[][string] doc_epub;
- string[][string] doc_epub_endnotes;
- string[] doc;
- string segment_filename;
- string[] top_level_headings = ["","","",""];
- auto mimetypes = epub_mimetypes;
- auto meta_inf_container_xml = epub_container_xml;
- auto oebps_toc_ncx = epub_oebps_toc(doc_abstraction, doc_matters);
- auto oebps_content_opf = epub_oebps_content(doc_abstraction, doc_matters);
- string suffix = ".xhtml";
- foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq_seg) {
- foreach (obj; doc_abstraction[part]) {
- if (obj.is_a == "heading") {
- switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) {
- case 0: .. case 3:
- /+ fill buffer, and replace with new levels from 1 to 3 +/
- switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) {
- case 0:
- top_level_headings[0] = "";
- top_level_headings[1] = "";
- top_level_headings[2] = "";
- top_level_headings[3] = "";
- goto default;
- case 1:
- top_level_headings[1] = "";
- top_level_headings[2] = "";
- top_level_headings[3] = "";
- goto default;
- case 2:
- top_level_headings[2] = "";
- top_level_headings[3] = "";
- goto default;
- case 3:
- top_level_headings[3] = "";
- goto default;
- default:
- auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, suffix);
- top_level_headings[obj.heading_lev_markup] = t[0];
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- segment_filename = obj.segment_anchor_tag;
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.seg_head(doc_matters.dochead_meta);
- foreach (top_level_heading; top_level_headings) {
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= top_level_heading;
- }
- auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case 5: .. case 7:
- auto t = xhtml_format.heading_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case 8: .. case 9: // unused numbers, if remain check
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.heading_lev_markup);
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.text); // check
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a, ": ", obj.heading_lev_markup);
- }
- break;
- }
- } else {
- switch (obj.use) {
- case "frontmatter":
- switch (obj.is_of) {
- case "para":
- switch (obj.is_a) {
- case "toc":
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.toc(obj);
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "body":
- switch (obj.is_of) {
- case "para":
- switch (obj.is_a) {
- case "para":
- auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "block":
- switch (obj.is_a) {
- case "quote":
- auto t = xhtml_format.quote_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]);
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case "group":
- auto t = xhtml_format.group_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]);
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case "block":
- auto t = xhtml_format.block_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]);
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case "poem":
- break;
- case "verse":
- auto t = xhtml_format.verse_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= to!string(t[0]);
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case "code":
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.code(obj);
- break;
- case "table":
- auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "backmatter":
- switch (obj.is_of) {
- case "para":
- switch (obj.is_a) {
- case "endnote":
- auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- break;
- case "glossary":
- auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case "bibliography":
- auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case "bookindex":
- auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- case "blurb":
- auto t = xhtml_format.para_seg(obj, suffix);
- doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= t[0];
- doc_epub_endnotes[segment_filename] ~= t[1];
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "comment":
- break;
- default:
- if ((doc_matters.opt_action_bool["debug"])) {
- writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.use);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- epub_write_output_files(
- doc_matters,
- doc_epub,
- doc_epub_endnotes,
- mimetypes,
- meta_inf_container_xml,
- oebps_toc_ncx,
- oebps_content_opf,
- );
- }
- void epub_write_output_files(M,D,E,Mt,Mic,Ot,Oc)(
- M doc_matters,
- D doc_epub,
- E doc_epub_endnotes,
- Mt mimetypes,
- Mic meta_inf_container_xml,
- Ot oebps_toc_ncx,
- Oc oebps_content_opf,
- ) {
- debug(asserts){
- static assert(is(typeof(doc_epub) == string[][string]));
- static assert(is(typeof(mimetypes) == string));
- static assert(is(typeof(meta_inf_container_xml) == string));
- static assert(is(typeof(oebps_toc_ncx) == string));
- static assert(is(typeof(oebps_content_opf) == string));
- }
- mixin SiSUpaths;
- auto pth_epub = EpubPaths();
- auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs();
- try {
- if (!exists(pth_epub.doc_meta_inf(doc_matters.source_filename))) {
- pth_epub.doc_meta_inf(doc_matters.source_filename).mkdirRecurse;
- }
- if (!exists(pth_epub.doc_oebps_css(doc_matters.source_filename))) {
- pth_epub.doc_oebps_css(doc_matters.source_filename).mkdirRecurse;
- }
- if (!exists(pth_epub.doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename))) {
- pth_epub.doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename).mkdirRecurse;
- }
- /+ OEBPS/[segments].xhtml +/
- foreach (seg_filename; doc_matters.segnames) {
- auto f = File(pth_epub.fn_oebps_content_xhtml(doc_matters.source_filename, seg_filename), "w");
- /+ // f.writeln(seg_head); // not needed built and inserted earlier +/
- foreach (docseg; doc_epub[seg_filename]) {
- f.writeln(docseg);
- }
- foreach (docseg; doc_epub_endnotes[seg_filename]) {
- f.writeln(docseg);
- }
- f.writeln(xhtml_format.tail); // needed for each lev4
- }
- /+ mimetypes +/
- auto f = File(pth_epub.fn_mimetypes(doc_matters.source_filename), "w");
- f.writeln(mimetypes);
- /+ META-INF/container.xml +/
- f = File(pth_epub.fn_dmi_container_xml(doc_matters.source_filename), "w");
- f.writeln(meta_inf_container_xml);
- /+ OEBPS/toc.ncx +/
- f = File(pth_epub.fn_oebps_toc_ncx(doc_matters.source_filename), "w");
- f.writeln(oebps_toc_ncx);
- /+ OEBPS/content.opf +/
- f = File(pth_epub.fn_oebps_content_opf(doc_matters.source_filename), "w");
- f.writeln(oebps_content_opf);
- foreach (image; doc_matters.image_list) {
- if (exists("_sisu/image/"~ image)) {
- ("_sisu/image/"~ image)
- .copy((pth_epub.doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename)) ~ "/" ~ image);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (ErrnoException ex) {
- // Handle error
- }
- }