path: root/sundry/spine_search_cgi/src/ext_depends_cgi/d2sqlite3/source/d2sqlite3/results.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sundry/spine_search_cgi/src/ext_depends_cgi/d2sqlite3/source/d2sqlite3/results.d')
1 files changed, 874 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sundry/spine_search_cgi/src/ext_depends_cgi/d2sqlite3/source/d2sqlite3/results.d b/sundry/spine_search_cgi/src/ext_depends_cgi/d2sqlite3/source/d2sqlite3/results.d
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index 0000000..5b1dadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/spine_search_cgi/src/ext_depends_cgi/d2sqlite3/source/d2sqlite3/results.d
@@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
+Managing query results.
+ Nicolas Sicard (biozic) and other contributors at $(LINK https://github.com/biozic/d2sqlite3)
+ Copyright 2011-18 Nicolas Sicard.
+ $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
+module d2sqlite3.results;
+import d2sqlite3.database;
+import d2sqlite3.statement;
+import d2sqlite3.sqlite3;
+import d2sqlite3.internal.util;
+import std.conv : to;
+import std.exception : enforce;
+import std.string : format;
+import std.typecons : Nullable;
+/// Set _UnlockNotify version if compiled with SqliteEnableUnlockNotify or SqliteFakeUnlockNotify
+version (SqliteEnableUnlockNotify) version = _UnlockNotify;
+else version (SqliteFakeUnlockNotify) version = _UnlockNotify;
+An input range interface to access the rows resulting from an SQL query.
+The elements of the range are `Row` structs. A `Row` is just a view of the current
+row when iterating the results of a `ResultRange`. It becomes invalid as soon as
+`ResultRange.popFront()` is called (it contains undefined data afterwards). Use
+`cached` to store the content of rows past the execution of the statement.
+Instances of this struct are typically returned by `Database.execute()` or
+struct ResultRange
+ Statement statement;
+ int state = SQLITE_DONE;
+ int colCount = 0;
+ Row current;
+ this(Statement statement)
+ {
+ if (!statement.empty)
+ {
+ version (_UnlockNotify) state = sqlite3_blocking_step(statement);
+ else state = sqlite3_step(statement.handle);
+ }
+ else
+ state = SQLITE_DONE;
+ enforce(state == SQLITE_ROW || state == SQLITE_DONE,
+ new SqliteException(errmsg(statement.handle), state));
+ this.statement = statement;
+ colCount = sqlite3_column_count(statement.handle);
+ current = Row(statement, colCount);
+ }
+ version (_UnlockNotify)
+ {
+ auto sqlite3_blocking_step(Statement statement)
+ {
+ int rc;
+ while(SQLITE_LOCKED == (rc = sqlite3_step(statement.handle)))
+ {
+ rc = statement.waitForUnlockNotify();
+ if(rc != SQLITE_OK) break;
+ sqlite3_reset(statement.handle);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ }
+ /++
+ Range interface.
+ +/
+ bool empty() @property
+ {
+ return state == SQLITE_DONE;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ ref Row front() return @property
+ {
+ assert(!empty, "no rows available");
+ return current;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ void popFront()
+ {
+ assert(!empty, "no rows available");
+ version (_UnlockNotify) state = sqlite3_blocking_step(statement);
+ else state = sqlite3_step(statement.handle);
+ current = Row(statement, colCount);
+ enforce(state == SQLITE_DONE || state == SQLITE_ROW,
+ new SqliteException(errmsg(statement.handle), state));
+ }
+ /++
+ Gets only the first value of the first row returned by the execution of the statement.
+ +/
+ auto oneValue(T)()
+ {
+ return front.peek!T(0);
+ }
+ ///
+ unittest
+ {
+ auto db = Database(":memory:");
+ db.execute("CREATE TABLE test (val INTEGER)");
+ auto count = db.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM test").oneValue!long;
+ assert(count == 0);
+ }
+ auto db = Database(":memory:");
+ db.run("CREATE TABLE test (i INTEGER);
+ INSERT INTO test VALUES (2);");
+ auto results = db.execute("SELECT * FROM test");
+ assert(!results.empty);
+ assert(results.front.peek!long(0) == 1);
+ results.popFront();
+ assert(!results.empty);
+ assert(results.front.peek!long(0) == 2);
+ results.popFront();
+ assert(results.empty);
+A row returned when stepping over an SQLite prepared statement.
+The data of each column can be retrieved:
+ $(LI using Row as a random-access range of ColumnData.)
+ $(LI using the more direct peek functions.)
+ The data of the row is invalid when the next row is accessed (after a call to
+ `ResultRange.popFront()`).
+struct Row
+ import std.traits : isBoolean, isIntegral, isSomeChar, isFloatingPoint, isSomeString, isArray;
+ import std.traits : isInstanceOf, TemplateArgsOf;
+ Statement statement;
+ int frontIndex = 0;
+ int backIndex = -1;
+ this(Statement statement, int colCount) nothrow
+ {
+ this.statement = statement;
+ backIndex = colCount - 1;
+ }
+ /// Range interface.
+ bool empty() const @property nothrow
+ {
+ return length == 0;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ ColumnData front() @property
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return opIndex(0);
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ void popFront() nothrow
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ frontIndex++;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ Row save() @property
+ {
+ return this;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ ColumnData back() @property
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return opIndex(backIndex - frontIndex);
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ void popBack() nothrow
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ backIndex--;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ size_t length() const @property nothrow
+ {
+ return backIndex - frontIndex + 1;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ ColumnData opIndex(size_t index)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ auto i = internalIndex(index);
+ auto type = sqlite3_column_type(statement.handle, i);
+ final switch (type)
+ {
+ case SqliteType.INTEGER:
+ return ColumnData(peek!long(index));
+ case SqliteType.FLOAT:
+ return ColumnData(peek!double(index));
+ case SqliteType.TEXT:
+ return ColumnData(peek!string(index));
+ case SqliteType.BLOB:
+ return ColumnData(peek!(Blob, PeekMode.copy)(index));
+ case SqliteType.NULL:
+ return ColumnData(null);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ ColumnData opIndex(string columnName)
+ {
+ return opIndex(indexForName(columnName));
+ }
+ /++
+ Returns the data of a column directly.
+ Contrary to `opIndex`, the `peek` functions return the data directly, automatically cast to T,
+ without the overhead of using a wrapping type (`ColumnData`).
+ When using `peek` to retrieve an array or a string, you can use either:
+ $(UL
+ $(LI `peek!(..., PeekMode.copy)(index)`,
+ in which case the function returns a copy of the data that will outlive the step
+ to the next row,
+ or)
+ $(LI `peek!(..., PeekMode.slice)(index)`,
+ in which case a slice of SQLite's internal buffer is returned (see Warnings).)
+ )
+ Params:
+ T = The type of the returned data. T must be a boolean, a built-in numeric type, a
+ string, an array or a `Nullable`.
+ $(TR
+ $(TH Condition on T)
+ $(TH Requested database type)
+ )
+ $(TR
+ $(TD `isIntegral!T || isBoolean!T`)
+ )
+ $(TR
+ $(TD `isFloatingPoint!T`)
+ )
+ $(TR
+ $(TD `isSomeString!T`)
+ $(TD TEXT)
+ )
+ $(TR
+ $(TD `isArray!T`)
+ $(TD BLOB)
+ )
+ $(TR
+ $(TD `is(T == Nullable!U, U...)`)
+ $(TD NULL or U)
+ )
+ )
+ index = The index of the column in the prepared statement or
+ the name of the column, as specified in the prepared statement
+ with an AS clause. The index of the first column is 0.
+ Returns:
+ A value of type T. The returned value results from SQLite's own conversion rules:
+ see $(LINK http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_blob.html) and
+ $(LINK http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html#castexpr). It's then converted
+ to T using `std.conv.to!T`.
+ Warnings:
+ When using `PeekMode.slice`, the data of the slice will be $(B invalidated)
+ when the next row is accessed. A copy of the data has to be made somehow for it to
+ outlive the next step on the same statement.
+ When using referring to the column by name, the names of all the columns are
+ tested each time this function is called: use
+ numeric indexing for better performance.
+ +/
+ T peek(T)(size_t index)
+ if (isBoolean!T || isIntegral!T || isSomeChar!T)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return sqlite3_column_int64(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)).to!T;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ T peek(T)(size_t index)
+ if (isFloatingPoint!T)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return sqlite3_column_double(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)).to!T;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ T peek(T, PeekMode mode = PeekMode.copy)(size_t index)
+ if (isSomeString!T)
+ {
+ import core.stdc.string : strlen, memcpy;
+ assertInitialized();
+ auto i = internalIndex(index);
+ auto str = cast(const(char)*) sqlite3_column_text(statement.handle, i);
+ if (str is null)
+ return null;
+ auto length = strlen(str);
+ static if (mode == PeekMode.copy)
+ {
+ char[] text;
+ text.length = length;
+ memcpy(text.ptr, str, length);
+ return text.to!T;
+ }
+ else static if (mode == PeekMode.slice)
+ return cast(T) str[0..length];
+ else
+ static assert(false);
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ T peek(T, PeekMode mode = PeekMode.copy)(size_t index)
+ if (isArray!T && !isSomeString!T)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ auto i = internalIndex(index);
+ auto ptr = sqlite3_column_blob(statement.handle, i);
+ auto length = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement.handle, i);
+ static if (mode == PeekMode.copy)
+ {
+ import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
+ ubyte[] blob;
+ blob.length = length;
+ memcpy(blob.ptr, ptr, length);
+ return cast(T) blob;
+ }
+ else static if (mode == PeekMode.slice)
+ return cast(T) ptr[0..length];
+ else
+ static assert(false);
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ T peek(T)(size_t index)
+ if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, T)
+ && !isArray!(TemplateArgsOf!T[0]) && !isSomeString!(TemplateArgsOf!T[0]))
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ alias U = TemplateArgsOf!T[0];
+ if (sqlite3_column_type(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)) == SqliteType.NULL)
+ return T.init;
+ return T(peek!U(index));
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ T peek(T, PeekMode mode = PeekMode.copy)(size_t index)
+ if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, T)
+ && (isArray!(TemplateArgsOf!T[0]) || isSomeString!(TemplateArgsOf!T[0])))
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ alias U = TemplateArgsOf!T[0];
+ if (sqlite3_column_type(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)) == SqliteType.NULL)
+ return T.init;
+ return T(peek!(U, mode)(index));
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ T peek(T)(string columnName)
+ {
+ return peek!T(indexForName(columnName));
+ }
+ /++
+ Determines the type of the data in a particular column.
+ `columnType` returns the type of the actual data in that column, whereas
+ `columnDeclaredTypeName` returns the name of the type as declared in the SELECT statement.
+ See_Also: $(LINK http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_blob.html) and
+ $(LINK http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_decltype.html).
+ +/
+ SqliteType columnType(size_t index)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return cast(SqliteType) sqlite3_column_type(statement.handle, internalIndex(index));
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ SqliteType columnType(string columnName)
+ {
+ return columnType(indexForName(columnName));
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ string columnDeclaredTypeName(size_t index)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return sqlite3_column_decltype(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)).to!string;
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ string columnDeclaredTypeName(string columnName)
+ {
+ return columnDeclaredTypeName(indexForName(columnName));
+ }
+ ///
+ unittest
+ {
+ auto db = Database(":memory:");
+ db.run("CREATE TABLE items (name TEXT, price REAL);
+ INSERT INTO items VALUES ('car', 20000);
+ INSERT INTO items VALUES ('air', 'free');");
+ auto results = db.execute("SELECT name, price FROM items");
+ auto row = results.front;
+ assert(row.columnType(0) == SqliteType.TEXT);
+ assert(row.columnType("price") == SqliteType.FLOAT);
+ assert(row.columnDeclaredTypeName(0) == "TEXT");
+ assert(row.columnDeclaredTypeName("price") == "REAL");
+ results.popFront();
+ row = results.front;
+ assert(row.columnType(0) == SqliteType.TEXT);
+ assert(row.columnType("price") == SqliteType.TEXT);
+ assert(row.columnDeclaredTypeName(0) == "TEXT");
+ assert(row.columnDeclaredTypeName("price") == "REAL");
+ }
+ /++
+ Determines the name of a particular column.
+ See_Also: $(LINK http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_name.html).
+ +/
+ string columnName(size_t index)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return sqlite3_column_name(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)).to!string;
+ }
+ ///
+ unittest
+ {
+ auto db = Database(":memory:");
+ db.run("CREATE TABLE items (name TEXT, price REAL);
+ INSERT INTO items VALUES ('car', 20000);");
+ auto row = db.execute("SELECT name, price FROM items").front;
+ assert(row.columnName(1) == "price");
+ }
+ version (SqliteEnableColumnMetadata)
+ {
+ /++
+ Determines the name of the database, table, or column that is the origin of a
+ particular result column in SELECT statement.
+ Warning:
+ These methods are defined only when this library is compiled with
+ `-version=SqliteEnableColumnMetadata`, and SQLite compiled with the
+ See_Also: $(LINK http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_database_name.html).
+ +/
+ string columnDatabaseName(size_t index)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return sqlite3_column_database_name(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)).to!string;
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ string columnDatabaseName(string columnName)
+ {
+ return columnDatabaseName(indexForName(columnName));
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ string columnTableName(size_t index)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return sqlite3_column_database_name(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)).to!string;
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ string columnTableName(string columnName)
+ {
+ return columnTableName(indexForName(columnName));
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ string columnOriginName(size_t index)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return sqlite3_column_origin_name(statement.handle, internalIndex(index)).to!string;
+ }
+ /// Ditto
+ string columnOriginName(string columnName)
+ {
+ return columnOriginName(indexForName(columnName));
+ }
+ }
+ /++
+ Returns a struct with field members populated from the row's data.
+ Neither the names of the fields nor the names of the columns are checked. The fields
+ are filled with the columns' data in order. Thus, the order of the struct members must be the
+ same as the order of the columns in the prepared statement.
+ SQLite's conversion rules will be used. For instance, if a string field has the same rank
+ as an INTEGER column, the field's data will be the string representation of the integer.
+ +/
+ T as(T)()
+ if (is(T == struct))
+ {
+ import std.traits : FieldTypeTuple, FieldNameTuple;
+ alias FieldTypes = FieldTypeTuple!T;
+ T obj;
+ foreach (i, fieldName; FieldNameTuple!T)
+ __traits(getMember, obj, fieldName) = peek!(FieldTypes[i])(i);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ ///
+ unittest
+ {
+ struct Item
+ {
+ int _id;
+ string name;
+ }
+ auto db = Database(":memory:");
+ db.run("CREATE TABLE items (name TEXT);
+ INSERT INTO items VALUES ('Light bulb')");
+ auto results = db.execute("SELECT rowid AS id, name FROM items");
+ auto row = results.front;
+ auto thing = row.as!Item();
+ assert(thing == Item(1, "Light bulb"));
+ }
+ int internalIndex(size_t index)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ auto i = index + frontIndex;
+ assert(i >= 0 && i <= backIndex, "invalid column index: %d".format(i));
+ assert(i <= int.max, "invalid index value: %d".format(i));
+ return cast(int) i;
+ }
+ int indexForName(string name)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ assert(name.length, "column with no name");
+ foreach (i; frontIndex .. backIndex + 1)
+ {
+ assert(i <= int.max, "invalid index value: %d".format(i));
+ if (sqlite3_column_name(statement.handle, cast(int) i).to!string == name)
+ return i;
+ }
+ assert(false, "invalid column name: '%s'".format(name));
+ }
+ void assertInitialized() nothrow
+ {
+ assert(!empty, "Accessing elements of an empty row");
+ assert(statement.handle !is null, "operation on an empty statement");
+ }
+/// Behavior of the `Row.peek()` method for arrays/strings
+enum PeekMode
+ /++
+ Return a copy of the data into a new array/string.
+ The copy is safe to use after stepping to the next row.
+ +/
+ copy,
+ /++
+ Return a slice of the data.
+ The slice can point to invalid data after stepping to the next row.
+ +/
+ slice
+Some data retrieved from a column.
+struct ColumnData
+ import std.traits : isBoolean, isIntegral, isNumeric, isFloatingPoint,
+ isSomeString, isArray;
+ import std.variant : Algebraic, VariantException;
+ alias SqliteVariant = Algebraic!(long, double, string, Blob, typeof(null));
+ private
+ {
+ SqliteVariant _value;
+ SqliteType _type;
+ }
+ /++
+ Creates a new `ColumnData` from the value.
+ +/
+ this(T)(inout T value) inout
+ if (isBoolean!T || isIntegral!T)
+ {
+ _value = SqliteVariant(value.to!long);
+ _type = SqliteType.INTEGER;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ this(T)(T value)
+ if (isFloatingPoint!T)
+ {
+ _value = SqliteVariant(value.to!double);
+ _type = SqliteType.FLOAT;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ this(T)(T value)
+ if (isSomeString!T)
+ {
+ if (value is null)
+ {
+ _value = SqliteVariant(null);
+ _type = SqliteType.NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _value = SqliteVariant(value.to!string);
+ _type = SqliteType.TEXT;
+ }
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ this(T)(T value)
+ if (isArray!T && !isSomeString!T)
+ {
+ if (value is null)
+ {
+ _value = SqliteVariant(null);
+ _type = SqliteType.NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _value = SqliteVariant(value.to!Blob);
+ _type = SqliteType.BLOB;
+ }
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ this(T)(T value)
+ if (is(T == typeof(null)))
+ {
+ _value = SqliteVariant(null);
+ _type = SqliteType.NULL;
+ }
+ /++
+ Returns the Sqlite type of the column.
+ +/
+ SqliteType type() const nothrow
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ return _type;
+ }
+ /++
+ Returns the data converted to T.
+ If the data is NULL, defaultValue is returned.
+ Throws:
+ VariantException if the value cannot be converted
+ to the desired type.
+ +/
+ auto as(T)(T defaultValue = T.init)
+ if (isBoolean!T || isNumeric!T || isSomeString!T)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ if (_type == SqliteType.NULL)
+ return defaultValue;
+ return _value.coerce!T;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ auto as(T)(T defaultValue = T.init)
+ if (isArray!T && !isSomeString!T)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ if (_type == SqliteType.NULL)
+ return defaultValue;
+ Blob data = _value.get!Blob;
+ return cast(T) data;
+ }
+ /// ditto
+ auto as(T : Nullable!U, U...)(T defaultValue = T.init)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ if (_type == SqliteType.NULL)
+ return defaultValue;
+ return T(as!U());
+ }
+ void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink)
+ {
+ assertInitialized();
+ if (_type == SqliteType.NULL)
+ sink("null");
+ else
+ sink(_value.toString);
+ }
+ void assertInitialized() const nothrow
+ {
+ assert(_value.hasValue, "Accessing uninitialized ColumnData");
+ }
+Caches all the results of a query into memory at once.
+This allows to keep all the rows returned from a query accessible in any order
+and indefinitely.
+ A `CachedResults` struct that allows to iterate on the rows and their
+ columns with an array-like interface.
+ The `CachedResults` struct is equivalent to an array of 'rows', which in
+ turn can be viewed as either an array of `ColumnData` or as an associative
+ array of `ColumnData` indexed by the column names.
+CachedResults cached(ResultRange results)
+ return CachedResults(results);
+ auto db = Database(":memory:");
+ db.run("CREATE TABLE test (msg TEXT, num FLOAT);
+ INSERT INTO test (msg, num) VALUES ('ABC', 123);
+ INSERT INTO test (msg, num) VALUES ('DEF', 456);");
+ auto results = db.execute("SELECT * FROM test").cached;
+ assert(results.length == 2);
+ assert(results[0][0].as!string == "ABC");
+ assert(results[0][1].as!int == 123);
+ assert(results[1]["msg"].as!string == "DEF");
+ assert(results[1]["num"].as!int == 456);
+Stores all the results of a query.
+The `CachedResults` struct is equivalent to an array of 'rows', which in
+turn can be viewed as either an array of `ColumnData` or as an associative
+array of `ColumnData` indexed by the column names.
+Unlike `ResultRange`, `CachedResults` is a random-access range of rows, and its
+data always remain available.
+ `cached` for an example.
+struct CachedResults
+ import std.array : appender;
+ // A row of retrieved data
+ struct CachedRow
+ {
+ ColumnData[] columns;
+ alias columns this;
+ size_t[string] columnIndexes;
+ private this(Row row, size_t[string] columnIndexes)
+ {
+ this.columnIndexes = columnIndexes;
+ auto colapp = appender!(ColumnData[]);
+ foreach (i; 0 .. row.length)
+ colapp.put(row[i]);
+ columns = colapp.data;
+ }
+ // Returns the data at the given index in the row.
+ ColumnData opIndex(size_t index)
+ {
+ return columns[index];
+ }
+ // Returns the data at the given column.
+ ColumnData opIndex(string name)
+ {
+ auto index = name in columnIndexes;
+ assert(index, "unknown column name: %s".format(name));
+ return columns[*index];
+ }
+ }
+ // All the rows returned by the query.
+ CachedRow[] rows;
+ alias rows this;
+ private size_t[string] columnIndexes;
+ this(ResultRange results)
+ {
+ if (!results.empty)
+ {
+ auto first = results.front;
+ foreach (i; 0 .. first.length)
+ {
+ assert(i <= int.max, "invalid column index value: %d".format(i));
+ auto name = sqlite3_column_name(results.statement.handle, cast(int) i).to!string;
+ columnIndexes[name] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ auto rowapp = appender!(CachedRow[]);
+ while (!results.empty)
+ {
+ rowapp.put(CachedRow(results.front, columnIndexes));
+ results.popFront();
+ }
+ rows = rowapp.data;
+ }